SQL Server给一批用户分别单独发送销售数据清单








1. 首先获取销售清单的YTD(本年)数据,并只拿出一些他们可以看的列,销售员编号作为参数。

 1 CREATE PROC [dbo].[uf_GetYTDInvoicesSp]     
 2 @slpcode int    --销售人员的编号作为参数
 3 as    
 4 SELECT     
 6 [Invoice Date]    
 7       ,[DocNum]    
 8       ,[LineNum]    
 9       ,[Piece No]    
10       ,[Product Type]    
11       ,[Customer No]    
12       ,replace([Customer Name],',','')    --因为csv是逗号分隔的,所以把字符串里的逗号去掉  
13       ,[Country]    
14       ,[SalesArea]    
15       ,[Sales Order No]    
16       ,[Delivery Note NO.]    
17       ,[Delivery Date]    
18       ,[Material No]    
19       ,[Machine Number]    
20       ,[Position Number]    
21       ,[Internal Ordered Desgin]    
22       ,[Order Length]    
23       ,[Order Width]    
24       ,[Order GSM/SQM]    
25       ,[Order Unit]    
26       ,[Sales Order Quantity]    
27       ,[Sales Invoiced Amount(Incl.Vat)]    
28       ,[Sales Invoiced Amount in USD without vat]    
29       ,[DocCurrency]    
30       ,[LineCurrency]    
31       ,[invoiceno]    
32       ,[Customer ref No]    
33       ,[Source]    
34       ,[ItmsGrpCod]    
35       ,[ItmsGrpNam]    
36       ,[slpcode]    
37       ,[slpname]    
38       --,[email]    
39       ,[cardcode]    
40       ,[PymntGroup]    
41       ,[PaperGrade L1]    
42       ,[PaperGrade L2]    
43       ,[PaperGrade L3]    
44       ,[Order Release Date]    
45       ,[ID Piece No.]    
46   FROM [xxxxdb].[dbo].[uf_SalesInvoiceReport]     
47   where [invoice date] >= DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)     
48   and email is not null    
49   and [slpcode] = @slpcode    
51 GO

2. 将销售员的数据导出到CSV文件中,并写好邮件模板。

  1 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uf_GetInvoicesBySales]  
  2  @slpcode   int null  
  4 AS  
  5 BEGIN  
  7  DECLARE @body   NVARCHAR(MAX)   
  8  DECLARE @myname   VARCHAR(1000)  
  9  DECLARE @mycmd   VARCHAR(1000)  
 10  DECLARE @myattachment VARCHAR(1000)  
 11  DECLARE @slpemail  VARCHAR(100) = NULL  
 12  DECLARE @CopyMail  VARCHAR(200) = NULL  
 13  DECLARE @slpname  VARCHAR(100)  
 14  DECLARE @mysubject  VARCHAR(100)  
 15  --DECLARE @slpcode   int  
 16  --set @slpcode = 69
 17 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xeriumnewlive..MyTempTable_sub
 18 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xeriumnewlive..MyTempTable
 20  CREATE TABLE MyTempTable_sub (  
 21  [Invoice Date] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 22  [DocNum] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 23  [LineNum] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 24  [Piece No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 25  [Product Type] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 26  [Customer No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 27  [Customer Name] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 28  --[Customer Foreign Name] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 29  [Country] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 30  [SalesArea] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 31  [Sales Order No] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 32  [Delivery Note NO.] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 33  [Delivery Date] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 34  [Material No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 35  [Machine Number] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 36  [Position Number] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 37  [Internal Ordered Desgin] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 38  [Order Length] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 39  [Order Width] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 40  [Order GSM/SQM] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 41  [Order Unit] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 42  [Sales Order Quantity] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 43  [Sales Invoiced Amount(Incl.Vat)] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 44  [Sales Invoiced Amount in USD without vat] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 45  [DocCurrency] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 46  [LineCurrency] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 47  [invoiceno] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 48  [Customer ref No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 49  [Source] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 50  [ItmsGrpCod] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 51  [ItmsGrpNam] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 52  [slpcode] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 53  [slpname] [nvarchar](155) NULL,  
 54  --[email] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 55  [cardcode] [nvarchar](15) NULL,  
 56  [PymntGroup] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 57  [PaperGrade L1] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 58  [PaperGrade L2] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 59  [PaperGrade L3] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 60  [Order Release Date] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 61  [ID Piece No.] [nvarchar](100) NULL  
 62  ) 
 64  CREATE TABLE MyTempTable(  
 65  [Invoice Date] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 66  [DocNum] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 67  [LineNum] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 68  [Piece No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 69  [Product Type] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 70  [Customer No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 71  [Customer Name] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 72  --[Customer Foreign Name] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 73  [Country] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 74  [SalesArea] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 75  [Sales Order No] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 76  [Delivery Note NO.] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 77  [Delivery Date] [varchar](100) NULL,  
 78  [Material No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 79  [Machine Number] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 80  [Position Number] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 81  [Internal Ordered Desgin] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 82  [Order Length] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 83  [Order Width] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 84  [Order GSM/SQM] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 85  [Order Unit] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 86  [Sales Order Quantity] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 87  [Sales Invoiced Amount(Incl.Vat)] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 88  [Sales Invoiced Amount in USD without vat] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 89  [DocCurrency] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 90  [LineCurrency] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 91  [invoiceno] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 92  [Customer ref No] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 93  [Source] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 94  [ItmsGrpCod] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 95  [ItmsGrpNam] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 96  [slpcode] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 97  [slpname] [nvarchar](155) NULL,  
 98  --[email] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
 99  [cardcode] [nvarchar](15) NULL,  
100  [PymntGroup] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
101  [PaperGrade L1] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
102  [PaperGrade L2] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
103  [PaperGrade L3] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
104  [Order Release Date] [nvarchar](100) NULL,  
105  [ID Piece No.] [nvarchar](100) NULL  
106  )   
109  --根据销售人员的代码,向MyTempTable_sub表中添加数据集  
110  INSERT INTO MyTempTable_sub  
111  EXEC dbo.uf_GetYTDInvoicesSp @slpcode  
113  INSERT INTO MyTempTable  
114  --这里做一个虚拟的表头,放在CSV文件中
115  SELECT 'Invoice Date'  
116       ,'DocNum'  
117       ,'LineNum'  
118       ,'Piece No'  
119       ,'Product Type'  
120       ,'Customer No'  
121       ,'Customer Name'  
122       --,'Customer Foreign Name'  
123       ,'Country'  
124       ,'SalesArea'  
125       ,'Sales Order No'  
126       ,'Delivery Note NO.'  
127       ,'Delivery Date'  
128       ,'Material No'  
129       ,'Machine Number'  
130       ,'Position Number'  
131       ,'Internal Ordered Desgin'  
132       ,'Order Length'  
133       ,'Order Width'  
134       ,'Order GSM/SQM'  
135       ,'Order Unit'  
136       ,'Sales Order Quantity'  
137       ,'Sales Invoiced Amount(Incl.Vat)'  
138       ,'Sales Invoiced Amount in USD without vat'  
139       ,'DocCurrency'  
140       ,'LineCurrency'  
141       ,'invoiceno'  
142       ,'Customer ref No'  
143       ,'Source'  
144       ,'ItmsGrpCod'  
145       ,'ItmsGrpNam'  
146       ,'slpcode'  
147       ,'slpname'  
148       --,'email'  
149       ,'cardcode'  
150       ,'PymntGroup'  
151       ,'PaperGrade L1'  
152       ,'PaperGrade L2'  
153       ,'PaperGrade L3'  
154       ,'Order Release Date'  
155       ,'ID Piece No.'  
156  union all  
157  ---销售数据明细
158  SELECT ISNULL([Invoice Date], '')
159       ,ISNULL([DocNum], '')  
160       ,ISNULL([LineNum], '')  
161       ,ISNULL([Piece No], '')  
162       ,ISNULL([Product Type], '')  
163       ,ISNULL([Customer No], '')  
164       ,ISNULL([Customer Name], '')  
165       --,ISNULL([Customer Foreign Name], '')  
166       ,ISNULL([Country], '')  
167       ,ISNULL([SalesArea], '')  
168       ,ISNULL([Sales Order No], '')  
169       ,ISNULL([Delivery Note NO.], '')  
170       ,ISNULL([Delivery Date], '')  
171       ,ISNULL([Material No], '')  
172       ,ISNULL([Machine Number], '')  
173       ,ISNULL([Position Number], '')  
174       ,ISNULL([Internal Ordered Desgin], '')  
175       ,ISNULL([Order Length], '')  
176       ,ISNULL([Order Width], '')  
177       ,ISNULL([Order GSM/SQM], '')  
178       ,ISNULL([Order Unit], '')  
179       ,ISNULL([Sales Order Quantity], '')  
180       ,ISNULL([Sales Invoiced Amount(Incl.Vat)], '')  
181       ,ISNULL([Sales Invoiced Amount in USD without vat], '')  
182       ,ISNULL([DocCurrency], '')  
183       ,ISNULL([LineCurrency], '')  
184       ,ISNULL([invoiceno], '')  
185       ,ISNULL([Customer ref No], '')  
186       ,ISNULL([Source], '')  
187       ,ISNULL([ItmsGrpCod], '')  
188       ,ISNULL([ItmsGrpNam], '')  
189       ,ISNULL([slpcode], '')  
190       ,ISNULL([slpname], '')  
191       --,ISNULL([email], '')  
192       ,ISNULL([cardcode], '')  
193       ,ISNULL([PymntGroup], '')  
194       ,ISNULL([PaperGrade L1], '')  
195       ,ISNULL([PaperGrade L2], '')  
196       ,ISNULL([PaperGrade L3], '')  
197       ,ISNULL([Order Release Date], '')  
198       ,ISNULL([ID Piece No.], '')  
199  FROM MyTempTable_sub     
201  select @slpemail = email from oslp where slpcode = @slpcode  
202  select @slpname = slpname from oslp where slpcode = @slpcode  
205  SET @body ='<html>  
206     <body style= "font-size:10pt;font-family:arial;line-height:15pt;">  
207     <p>
208         Dear ' + @slpname + ', ' +
209     '</p>
210     <p>
211         Please check the attachment to review your invoiced orders for this year.<br>
212         The system automatically sends this report to you every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m
213     </p>
214     <p>
215         * Please don''t reply to this email directly!<br>
216         * At the beginning of each year, the records in this table may be small or empty because it''s YTD data!
217     </p>  
218     <p>
219         Best Regards,<br> 
220         <strong><font color="#0075be">
221             公司名
222         </font></strong>
223     </p>
224     </body>
225     </html>
226     '  
228  SET @myname = 'Invoice_List'+ ' YTD_' + convert(varchar(10),year(GetDate()))+' '+replace(@slpname,' ','_')+' ' +CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 23)+'.csv'  
229  --导出附件
230  SET @mycmd = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM xxxxdb..MyTempTable order by [invoice date] desc" queryout "D:\temp\' + @myname + '" -T -c -t","'  
231  SET @myattachment = 'D:\temp\' + @myname  
232  SET @mysubject = 'Invoice_List'+ ' YTD_' + convert(varchar(10),year(GetDate()))+' '+replace(@slpname,' ','_')   
234 ----打开高级设置  
235 --EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1  
237 ----打开xp_cmdshell扩展存储过程  
238 --EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1  
242  EXEC xp_cmdshell @mycmd  
244  EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail  
245   @profile_name     = 'xxx.noreply'
246   ,@recipients     =    @slpemail
248   ,@body    = @body  
249   ,@body_format    = 'HTML'  
250   ,@subject      = @mysubject  
251   ,@file_attachments    = @myattachment  --添加附件
252   ;  
255 ----关闭xp_cmdshell扩展存储过程、高级设置  
256 --EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 0  
258 --EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0  
261 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MyTempTable_sub
264 END  
265 GO

3. 利用游标,逐个抓取销售人员的编号,并将此编号作为参数传递给上一步的存储过程。

 1 CREATE PROC [dbo].[uf_Split_SendInvoices2Sales]  
 3 AS  
 5 declare @slpcode int  
 6 declare cusinfo cursor scroll --定义游标 --scroll为滚动游标  
 7     for  
 8     --select slpcode from oslp where email is not null  
 9     select slpcode FROM [xxxxdb].[dbo].[uf_SalesInvoiceReport]  where email is not null and slpcode not in (65) and [invoice date] >= DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)    group by slpcode --确保没有销售记录的人员以及某些特人员不需要收到邮件
10 open cusinfo -- 打开游标  
11 fetch next from cusinfo INTO  @slpcode  --抓取下一行游标数据  
12 while @@fetch_status=0 --0 FETCH 语句成功; -1 FETCH 语句失败或此行不在结果集中; -2 被提取的行不存在  
13     begin  
14         exec uf_GetInvoicesBySales @slpcode    
15         fetch next from cusinfo into @slpcode --抓取下一行游标数据  
16     end  
17 close cusinfo --关闭游标  
18 deallocate cusinfo --释放游标
19 GO

4. 创建Job,定时发送。我用的是图形化界面创建的。








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