内建于JVM中的根类加载器会加载java.lang.ClassLoader以及其他的Java平台类。 当JVM启动时,一块特殊的机器码会运行,它会加载扩展类加载器与应用类加载器,这块特殊的机器码叫做根类加载器(Bootstrap)。
package com.leolin.jvm; import sun.misc.Launcher; public class MyTest23 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path")); System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs")); System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); System.out.println(ClassLoader.class.getClassLoader()); System.out.println(Launcher.class.getClassLoader()); System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.system.class.loader")); System.out.println(MyTest23.class.getClassLoader()); System.out.println(MyTest16.class.getClassLoader()); System.out.println(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); } }
D:\F\work\java_space\jvm-lecture\target\classes>java -Djava.system.class.loader=com.leolin.jvm.MyTest16 com.le olin.jvm.MyTest23 Error occurred during initialization of VM java.lang.Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.leolin.jvm.MyTest16.<init>(java.lang.ClassLoader) at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.leolin.jvm.MyTest16.<init>(java.lang.ClassLoader) at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SystemClassLoaderAction.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SystemClassLoaderAction.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source)
public MyTest16(ClassLoader parent) { super(parent); }
D:\F\work\java_space\jvm-lecture\target\classes>java -Djava.system.class.loader=com.leolin.jvm.MyTest16 com.le olin.jvm.MyTest23 D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\resources.jar;D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\rt.jar;D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\sunrsasign.jar ;D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\jsse.jar;D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\jce.jar;D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\charsets.jar;D:\F \work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\jfr.jar;D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\classes D:\F\work\JDK\JRE1.8\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext .;D:\F\work\JDK\JDK1.7\lib;D:\F\work\JDK\JDK1.7\lib\tools.jar null null com.leolin.jvm.MyTest16 sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@18b4aac2 com.leolin.jvm.MyTest16@6d06d69c
/** * Returns the system class loader for delegation. This is the default * delegation parent for new <tt>ClassLoader</tt> instances, and is * typically the class loader used to start the application. * * <p> This method is first invoked early in the runtime's startup * sequence, at which point it creates the system class loader and sets it * as the context class loader of the invoking <tt>Thread</tt>. * * <p> The default system class loader is an implementation-dependent * instance of this class. * * <p> If the system property "<tt>java.system.class.loader</tt>" is defined * when this method is first invoked then the value of that property is * taken to be the name of a class that will be returned as the system * class loader. The class is loaded using the default system class loader * and must define a public constructor that takes a single parameter of * type <tt>ClassLoader</tt> which is used as the delegation parent. An * instance is then created using this constructor with the default system * class loader as the parameter. The resulting class loader is defined * to be the system class loader. * * <p> If a security manager is present, and the invoker's class loader is * not <tt>null</tt> and the invoker's class loader is not the same as or * an ancestor of the system class loader, then this method invokes the * security manager's {@link * SecurityManager#checkPermission(java.security.Permission) * <tt>checkPermission</tt>} method with a {@link * RuntimePermission#RuntimePermission(String) * <tt>RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")</tt>} permission to verify * access to the system class loader. If not, a * <tt>SecurityException</tt> will be thrown. </p> * * @return The system <tt>ClassLoader</tt> for delegation, or * <tt>null</tt> if none * * @throws SecurityException * If a security manager exists and its <tt>checkPermission</tt> * method doesn't allow access to the system class loader. * * @throws IllegalStateException * If invoked recursively during the construction of the class * loader specified by the "<tt>java.system.class.loader</tt>" * property. * * @throws Error * If the system property "<tt>java.system.class.loader</tt>" * is defined but the named class could not be loaded, the * provider class does not define the required constructor, or an * exception is thrown by that constructor when it is invoked. The * underlying cause of the error can be retrieved via the * {@link Throwable#getCause()} method. * * @revised 1.4 */ @CallerSensitive public static ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader() { initSystemClassLoader(); if (scl == null) { return null; } SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { checkClassLoaderPermission(scl, Reflection.getCallerClass()); } return scl; }
private static synchronized void initSystemClassLoader() { if (!sclSet) { if (scl != null) throw new IllegalStateException("recursive invocation"); sun.misc.Launcher l = sun.misc.Launcher.getLauncher(); if (l != null) { Throwable oops = null; scl = l.getClassLoader(); try { scl = AccessController.doPrivileged( new SystemClassLoaderAction(scl)); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { oops = pae.getCause(); if (oops instanceof InvocationTargetException) { oops = oops.getCause(); } } if (oops != null) { if (oops instanceof Error) { throw (Error) oops; } else { // wrap the exception throw new Error(oops); } } } sclSet = true; } }
public Launcher() { Launcher.ExtClassLoader var1; try { var1 = Launcher.ExtClassLoader.getExtClassLoader(); } catch (IOException var10) { throw new InternalError("Could not create extension class loader", var10); } try { this.loader = Launcher.AppClassLoader.getAppClassLoader(var1); } catch (IOException var9) { throw new InternalError("Could not create application class loader", var9); } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(this.loader); }
static class ExtClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { public static Launcher.ExtClassLoader getExtClassLoader() throws IOException { final File[] var0 = getExtDirs(); try { return (Launcher.ExtClassLoader)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Launcher.ExtClassLoader>() { public Launcher.ExtClassLoader run() throws IOException { int var1 = var0.length; for(int var2 = 0; var2 < var1; ++var2) { MetaIndex.registerDirectory(var0[var2]); } return new Launcher.ExtClassLoader(var0); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException var2) { throw (IOException)var2.getException(); } } …… public ExtClassLoader(File[] var1) throws IOException { super(getExtURLs(var1), (ClassLoader)null, Launcher.factory); SharedSecrets.getJavaNetAccess().getURLClassPath(this).initLookupCache(this); } private static File[] getExtDirs() { String var0 = System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs"); File[] var1; if (var0 != null) { StringTokenizer var2 = new StringTokenizer(var0, File.pathSeparator); int var3 = var2.countTokens(); var1 = new File[var3]; for(int var4 = 0; var4 < var3; ++var4) { var1[var4] = new File(var2.nextToken()); } } else { var1 = new File[0]; } return var1; } …… }
@CallerSensitive public static native <T> T doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction<T> action) throws PrivilegedActionException;
public interface PrivilegedExceptionAction<T> { T run() throws Exception; }
static class AppClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { final URLClassPath ucp = SharedSecrets.getJavaNetAccess().getURLClassPath(this); public static ClassLoader getAppClassLoader(final ClassLoader var0) throws IOException { final String var1 = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); final File[] var2 = var1 == null ? new File[0] : Launcher.getClassPath(var1); return (ClassLoader)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Launcher.AppClassLoader>() { public Launcher.AppClassLoader run() { URL[] var1x = var1 == null ? new URL[0] : Launcher.pathToURLs(var2); return new Launcher.AppClassLoader(var1x, var0); } }); } AppClassLoader(URL[] var1, ClassLoader var2) { super(var1, var2, Launcher.factory); this.ucp.initLookupCache(this); } …… }
private static synchronized void initSystemClassLoader() { if (!sclSet) { if (scl != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("recursive invocation"); } Launcher var0 = Launcher.getLauncher(); if (var0 != null) { …… scl = var0.getClassLoader(); try { scl = (ClassLoader)AccessController.doPrivileged(new SystemClassLoaderAction(scl)); } catch (PrivilegedActionException var3) { …… } …… } sclSet = true; } }
class SystemClassLoaderAction implements PrivilegedExceptionAction<ClassLoader> { private ClassLoader parent; SystemClassLoaderAction(ClassLoader parent) { this.parent = parent; } public ClassLoader run() throws Exception { String cls = System.getProperty("java.system.class.loader"); if (cls == null) { return parent; } Constructor<?> ctor = Class.forName(cls, true, parent) .getDeclaredConstructor(new Class<?>[] { ClassLoader.class }); ClassLoader sys = (ClassLoader) ctor.newInstance( new Object[] { parent }); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(sys); return sys; } }