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科技英语翻译480句 (六) 方法、比较、比例

Posted on 2010-09-24 09:52  白途思  阅读(636)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


241. The change in pressure can be recorded by means of a pen arm on a rotating drum.




242. Heat may be measured in terms of any unit that can be used to measure energy, such as the joule or the kilowatt-hour.




243. Only in terms of the scheme have these results been obtained.




244. In some countries air temperature is given in degrees of Fahrenheit.




245. Relative humidity is expressed as percentage.




246. Tides can be resolved mathematically into several components and each treated separately.




247. Attempt is made to solve the problem (in) another way.




248. The features are only marginally significant at 95% level on a statistical basis.




249. Water enters air via evaporation.




250. Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf.




251. On the technical side, telegraph lines are hard to maintain.




252. In a sense the atmosphere bears resemblance to an ocean.




253. Thereby higher latitude are prevented from becoming increasingly colder and low latitudes from becoming increasingly hotter.




254. Not only must the absolute value of the parameter in question be considered, but also the method of test whereby this value is to be established.


不但必须考虑所讨论的参数的绝对值,而且还要考虑检验方法,通过它以确定此值是否成立。255. In the subsequent experiments precision instruments were employed whereby good results were acquired.




256. So far, there is no evidence that the experiment could be conducted any otherwise than is described here.




257. A single satellite can view a large part of the earth's surface at least once daily, and hence observations can be made of areas that are otherwise inaccessible.




258. Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist areas.




259. The hard rain lasted roughly half an hour without break.




260. The data are employed in combination with cloud maps.




261. In a high, the usually gentle winds circulate clockwise around the center of the Northern Hemisphere.




262. Such waves occur most frequently at stormy latitudes, where the storms tend to come in groups traveling in the same direction, with only short periods separating them.




263. The tube is placed open end in a cistern partially filled with mercury.




264. The results of the six cases will be presented in chronological order.




265. Data are collected on a continuous and long-term basis.




266. These facilities can have weather maps analyzed in place of a forecaster.




267. These new facilities will take the place of the old ones.




268. The scheme was designed after the manner of Smith (1976)。




269. Materials are classified as magnetic or nonmagnetic on the basis of whether or not a force on the substance owing to the presence of a magnetic field.




270. Next, we shall introduce the parameter B, following Kuo (1974), such that R and M may be expressed by the relations.




271.By international agreement pressure is now expressed in hPa's.




272. In other words, the frequencies of those waves should be constant in time and space a priori.




273. Materials are partitioned into magnetic and nonmagnetic substance accordingly as they are likely to be affected by a force present in a magnetic field.


274. The vertical velocity changes as a function of time and height above ground for the deep warm cloud.




275. The measurements were collected the way you did.




276. We shall follow the procedure for experiments as the book instructs.




277. But if the disturbance affects a large area, as a great earthquake can, the resulting seismic sea waves nay behave as if they had been generated along a line rather than at a point.




278. If the disturbance, such as an explosion, affects only a small area,the waves will move away from that point, much as the waves move away from our pebble.




279. Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.




280. Just as water will run downhill, so heat, if left to itself, flows down the temperature 'hill' (gradients)。




281. For efficiency the shape of the roof should be designed in such a way that it provides as large an evaporation area as possible.




282. The moon revolves around the earth in such a manner that it always faces the latter with the same side.




283. If a torque is applied to the disk in such a fashion that the axis of the torque is the same as that of rotation of the disk, the direction of the former will be parallel to AB.




284. In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.




285. Each marginal sea, or bay, is affected by the tide in much the same way as the Atlantic is affected by the wave from the Antarctic.




286. Radar sets generally employ large antennas to produce narrow beams in much the same way as a search-light reflector.




287. Light behave as if it were made of particles.




288. Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.




289. Using geometry, we shall be able to find out the resultant force.




290. Since Newton's time, mathematicians and physicist have investigated the tides by considering the response of the oceans to the tide-generating forces.




291 With the temperature unchanged, the air is made to reach condensation by adding water.




292. Above the critical temperature and under high pressure the vapor may become as dens and as incompressible as the liquid at lower temperature.




293. Winds are just as likely to be gusty at sea as on land, and just as likely to change direction as not.




294. At the summit of high mountains it is not so warm as one height think though it is nearer to the sun.




295. With the advance of science and technology, some scientific problems become less complicated than they were thought.




296. A body of low temperature radiates energy less rapidly than the one at higher temperature.




297. These results are as accurate as could be obtained by the scheme developed by Yanai (1979)。




298. All of these scores are higher than could be obtained by predicting temperatures of the previous to persist unchanged.




299. Indoor relative humidity has a low value in cold weather and is than a better measure of the drying effect on skin than is outdoor relative humidity.




300. (Much of this is visible light, so that we are well aware of it.)


Less obvious but just as real, is the infrared radiation emitted by the surface, and by the air.




301. The body travels in an ellipse, the fixed point being at on focus. The speed is greatest when body is near the focus, less when it is farther away.




302. The higher the temperature is, the more water could be held in the air.




303. The more mixing that occurs in the estuary, the greater is the landward flow in the subsurface layer.




304. The nearer the air above the water approaches saturation, the less rapid will be the net loss from water.




305. Other things being equal, evaporation is the faster, the greater is the wind.




306. The horizontal width of the condensate falling from the convective cells was much less than the width of the observed mesoscale downdraft (60 km compared to 150 km)。




307. Furthermore, the scattering is negligible with respect to absorption,eliminating 'multiple-scattering' problem.




308. Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature,29.0 m/s in B versus 26.1 in C.




309. For adds and subtracts, the average number of cycles required is two,versus about 12 to 15 for the previous type. This is almost a 75% reduction in execution time: 120 ns versus 400 ns.




310. Remarkable yield difference was found between the two experimental plots with row spacing of 30 versus 60 cm, the former giving 30% higher crop.




311. It was found that a slightly colder threshold for seeding effect to occur for silver iodide than for dry ice (-5 to -10℃ for silver iodide versus -3 to -4℃ for dry ice)。




312 Accordingly, the end for multiple regression as against linear regression appeared quite reasonable.




313. As regards fidelity the result bears comparison to that of Wood(1982)。




314. In comparison, the scheme seems superior to the one reported in this paper.




315. Among these forces is the neglect of vertical forces, which is not too serious because they are quite small compared with the earth's gravitational attraction.




316. The sun's position relative to the earth's equator also changes, from 23.5o north to 23.5o south of the equator (but it requires a full year to make a complete cycle),in contrast to the monthly changes of the moon's position from 28.5o north to 28.5o south.




317. (It takes about 365 days for the earth to make a complete revolution around the sun.) In contrast, the moon takes 29 days or so to make a complete cycle around the earth.




318. The atmosphere pressure gradient is an inverse measure of the spacing of the isobars on a weather map.




319. When a wave travels uniformly in all directions from a small source,the intensity varies inversely as the square of the distance.




320. At a given location, however, the strength of the tidal current is generally proportional to the relative tidal range for that day.



