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Matlab/Scipy/Numpy NURBS ToolBox

Posted on 2012-02-19 23:00  白途思  阅读(1384)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报





The functions currently available in the toolbox are:

Main functions

  • nrbmak - Construct a NURBS from control points and knots.
  • nrbtform - Applying scaling, translation or rotation operators.
  • nrbkntins - Knot insertion/refinement.
  • nrbdegelev - Degree elevation.
  • nrbderiv - NURBS representation of the derivative.
  • nrbdeval - Evaluation of the NURBS derivative.
  • nrbkntmult - Find the multiplicity of a knot vector.
  • nrbreverse - Reverse evaluation direction of the NURBS.
  • nrbtransp - Swap U and V for NURBS surface.
  • nrbline - Construct a straight line.
  • nrbcirc - Construct a circular arc.
  • nrbrect - Construct a rectangle.
  • nrb4surf - Surface defined by 4 corner points.
  • nrbeval - Evaluation of NURBS curve or surface.
  • nrbextrude - Extrude a NURBS curve along a vector.
  • nrbrevolve - Construct surface by revolving a profile.
  • nrbruled - Ruled surface between two NURBS curves.
  • nrbcoons - Construct Coons bilinearly blended surface patch.
  • nrbplot - Plot NURBS curve or surface.

Low level functions - c routines

  • bspeval - Evaluate a univariate B-Spline.
  • bspderiv - B-Spline representation of the derivative
  • bspkntins - Insert a knot or knots into a univariate B-Spline.
  • bspdegelev - Degree elevation of a univariate B-Spline.

Vector and Transformation Utilities

  • vecnorm - Normalisation of Vectors.
  • vecmag - Magnitude of Vectors.
  • vecmag2 - Squared Magnitude of the vectors.
  • vecangle - Alternative to atan2 (0 <= angle <= 2*pi).
  • vecdot - Dot product of two vectors.
  • veccross - Cross product of two vectors.
  • vecrotx - Rotation matrix around the x-axis.
  • vecroty - Rotation matrix around the y-axis.
  • vecrotz - Rotation matrix around the z-axis.
  • vecscale - Scaling matrix.
  • vectrans - Translation matrix.

Misc Utilities

  • deg2rad - Convert degrees to radians.
  • rad2deg - Convert radians to degrees.