
0x00 shortcut

compilation : F4

run program : /rr

toggle Tcomment : gc

toggle netred : Ctrl+n

0x01 set your own highlight

view all highlight setting with sytanx.vim with this command  :highlight

chang what you want with this command

:hi tag term=x ctermfg=x ctermbg=x guifg=x guibg=x 

[Quickfix List] belong to Search iterm

add this command to your .vimrc file

:hi Search  term=blok ctermfg=1 ctermbg=0 guifg=bule guibg=fg 


在源文件目录顶层命令 ctags -R

在.vimrc 或打开源文件中键入 set /../../../tags

放回 ctrl +t

条件断点 break 53 if i==9

清除断点 info break delete breakpoint


修改/c.vim/c-support/templates目录下的c.commnts.templete 文件

没有修改之前它是这样的,也就是默认新建一个c源文件的头几行,显然在$% .......$%之间的东西是可以改变的

== comment.file-description == start ==
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: |FILENAME|
* Description: <CURSOR>
* Version: 1.0
* Created: |DATE| |TIME|
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Organization: |ORGANIZATION|
* =====================================================================================



== comment.file-description == start ==
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


int main()

return 0;


posted @ 2014-08-21 13:26  been  阅读(311)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报