


,所以大负荷的运算不宜用它们。在异步调用的时候,使用Dispatcher.Invoke(addItem, image);

BackgroundWorker会到线程池去抓一个线程作为工作线程,完成工作后切换回 UI 线程调用你定义的处理完成工作的委






窗体”使用单线程单元 (STA) 模型(WPF窗体也一样),STA模型意味着可以在任何线程上创建窗口,但窗口一旦创建后



[c-sharp] view plaincopy

  1. public class MyDelegateTest 
  2. // 步骤1,声明delegate对象
  3. public delegate bool MyDelegate(string name); 
  4. // 这是我们欲传递的方法,它与MyDelegate具有相同的参数和返回值类型
  5. public static bool MyDelegateFunc(string name) 
  6.     { 
  7.         Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}", name); 
  8. return ture; 
  9.     } 
  10. public static voidMain () 
  11.     { 
  12. // 步骤2,创建delegate对象
  13.         MyDelegate md = new MyDelegate(MyDelegateTest.MyDelegateFunc); 
  14. // 步骤3,调用delegate
  15.         Console.WriteLine("Result is {0}", md("sam1111")); 
  16.     } 


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  1. class Program  
  2. {  
  3. private static int newTask(int ms)  
  4.     {  
  5.         Console.WriteLine("任务开始");  
  6.         Thread.Sleep(ms);  
  7.         Random random = new Random();  
  8. int n = random.Next(10000);  
  9.         Console.WriteLine("任务完成");  
  10. return n;  
  11.     }  
  12. private delegate int NewTaskDelegate(int ms);  
  13. static void Main(string[] args)  
  14.     {  
  15.         NewTaskDelegate task = newTask;  
  16.         IAsyncResult asyncResult = task.BeginInvoke(2000, null, null); // EndInvoke方法将被阻塞2
  17. 秒  
  18. //Do Something else
  19. int result = task.EndInvoke(asyncResult);  
  20.         Console.WriteLine(result); 
  21.     } 


Sleep 2秒中,如果Do Something else的时间没有2秒的话,EndInvoke还是会引起当前线程的阻塞,因为它要等待






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  1. class IsNetworkAvailableDelegate 
  2.     { 
  3. private IsNetworkAvailableWrapper _available; 
  4. private delegate void MyDelegate(); 
  5. private MyDelegate _dele; 
  6. private IAsyncResult _result; 
  7. private bool _running = true; 
  8. private void TryConnect() 
  9.         { 
  10. while (this._running) 
  11.             { 
  12. try
  13.                 { 
  14.                     Ping _ping = new Ping(); 
  15. if (_ping.Send("www.baidu.com").Status == IPStatus.Success) 
  16. this._available.IsNetworkAvailable = true; 
  17. else
  18. this._available.IsNetworkAvailable = false; 
  19.                 } 
  20. catch
  21.                 { 
  22. this._available.IsNetworkAvailable = false; 
  23.                 } 
  24.                 Thread.Sleep(500); 
  25.             } 
  26.         } 
  27. public IsNetworkAvailableDelegate(IsNetworkAvailableWrapper available) 
  28.         { 
  29. this._available = available; 
  30. this._dele = new MyDelegate(this.TryConnect); 
  31. this._result = this._dele.BeginInvoke(null, null); 
  32.         } 
  33. public void EndInvoke() 
  34.         { 
  35. this._running = false; 
  36. this._dele.EndInvoke(this._result); 
  37.         } 
  38.     } 


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  1. private delegate int MyDelegate(int a); 
  2. private int method(int a) 
  3.     Thread.Sleep(10000); 
  4.     Console.WriteLine(a); 
  5. return 100; 
  6. private void MethodCompleted(IAsyncResult asyncResult) 
  7. if (asyncResult == null) return; 
  8.     textBox1.Text = (asyncResult.AsyncState as MyDelegate).EndInvoke(asyncResult).ToString(); 
  9. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
  10.     MyDelegate my = method; 
  11.     IAsyncResult asyncResult = my.BeginInvoke(MethodCompleted, my); 



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  1. class Program 
  2. public delegate int BinaryOpDelegate(int x, int y); 
  3. static void Main(string[] args) 
  4.   { 
  5.     Console.WriteLine("***** Async Delegate Invocation *****"); 
  6. // Print out the ID of the executing thread.
  7.     Console.WriteLine("Main() invoked on thread {0}.", 
  8.       Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);  
  9. // Invoke Add() on a secondary thread.
  10.     BinaryOpDelegate b = new BinaryOpDelegate(Add); 
  11.     IAsyncResult iftAR = b.BeginInvoke(10, 10, null, null); 
  12. // This message will keep printing until
  13. // the Add() method is finished.
  14. //用WaitOne 等待异步委托执行完成
  15. while (!iftAR.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000, true)) 
  16.     { 
  17.       Console.WriteLine("Doing more work in Main()!"); 
  18.     } 
  19. // Obtain the result of the Add()
  20. // method when ready.
  21. int answer = b.EndInvoke(iftAR); 
  22.     Console.WriteLine("10 + 10 is {0}.", answer); 
  23.     Console.ReadLine(); 
  24.   } 
  25.   #region Very slow addition...
  26. static int Add(int x, int y) 
  27.   { 
  28. // Print out the ID of the executing thread.
  29.     Console.WriteLine("Add() invoked on thread {0}.", 
  30.       Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);  
  31. 模拟一个花费时间较长的行为 
  32. // Pause to simulate a lengthy operation.
  33.     Thread.Sleep(5000); 
  34. return x + y; 
  35.   }   
  36.   #endregion


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  1. Action<object> action=(obj)=>method(obj); 
  2. action.BeginInvoke(obj,ar=>action.EndInvoke(ar),null); 


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  1. new Action<object>((obj) => method(obj)).BeginInvoke(ar=>action.EndInvoke(ar), null); 




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  1. public class ProcClass 
  2. private string procParameter = ""; 
  3. private string result = ""; 
  4. public ProcClass(string parameter) 
  5.      { 
  6.          procParameter = parameter; 
  7.      } 
  8. public void ThreadProc() 
  9.      { 
  10.      } 
  11. ProcClass threadProc = new ProcClass("use thread class"); 
  12. Thread thread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( threadProc.ThreadProc ) ); 
  13. thread.IsBackground = true; 
  14. thread.Start(); 



[c-sharp] view plaincopy

  1. public class ProcClass 
  2. private string procParameter = ""; 
  3. private Form1.OutDelegate delg = null; 
  4. public ProcClass(string parameter, Form1.OutDelegate delg) 
  5.      { 
  6.          procParameter = parameter; 
  7. this.delg = delg; 
  8.      } 
  9. public void ThreadProc() 
  10.      { 
  11.          delg.BeginInvoke("use ProcClass.ThreadProc()", null, null); 
  12.      } 
  13. ProcClass threadProc = new ProcClass("use thread class", new OutDelegate(OutText)); 
  14. Thread thread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( threadProc.ThreadProc ) ); 
  15. thread.IsBackground = true; 
  16. thread.Start(); 
posted @ 2015-02-28 18:35  潋滟碧水醉落花  阅读(217)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报