
1 #ifndef BCL_REGEDIT_H 2 #define BCL_REGEDIT_H 3 4 #if defined(BCL_EXPORT) 5 #define BCL_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) 6 #else 7 #define BCL_API extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) 8 #endif 9 #ifndef CALLBACK 10 #define CALLBACK __stdcall 11 #endif 12 #include <string> 13 #include <list> 14 #include <windows.h> 15 #define BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN 256 16 using namespace std; 17 18 struct ProgramInfo 19 { 20 string PiName;//名称 21 string PiPath;//路径 22 string PiPublisher;//发布者 23 string PiVersion;//版本 24 string PiUninstall;//卸载 25 string PiInstallTime;//安装时间 26 int PiSize;//大小 27 ProgramInfo() 28 { 29 PiName=""; 30 PiPath=""; 31 PiPublisher=""; 32 PiVersion=""; 33 PiUninstall=""; 34 PiInstallTime=""; 35 PiSize=0; 36 } 37 38 }; 39 40 /**************** 41 功能:向注册表的某个键中添加一个键值项 42 参数: 43 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 44 string strKeyItermPath, in 键值项路径或名称 45 string strKeyItermNane, in 键值项名称 46 DWORD nItermType in 键值的类型 47 void* cItermValue , in 键值的值 48 DWORD nItermValueLen in 键值长度 49 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 50 *****************/ 51 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD nItermType,void* cItermValue ,DWORD nItermValueLen); 52 /**************** 53 功能:删除注册表的某个键的键值项 54 参数: 55 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 56 string strKeyItermPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 57 string strKeyItermNane, in 键值项名称 58 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 59 *****************/ 60 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegDeleteKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane); 61 /**************** 62 功能:设置注册表的某个键的键值项 63 参数: 64 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 65 string strKeyItermPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 66 string strKeyItermNane, in 键值项名称 67 DWORD nItermType in 键值的类型 68 void* cItermValue , in 键值的值 69 DWORD nItermValueLen in 键值长度 70 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 71 *****************/ 72 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegSetKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD nItermType,void* cItermValue ,DWORD nItermValueLen); 73 /**************** 74 功能:获取注册表的某个键的键值项 75 参数: 76 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 77 string strKeyItermPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 78 string strKeyItermNane, in 键值项名称 79 DWORD nItermType out 键值的类型 80 void* cItermValue , out 键值的值 81 DWORD* nItermValueLen out 传入键值缓冲区的长度,传出键值的长度 82 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 83 *****************/ 84 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD* nItermType,void* cItermValue ,DWORD* nItermValueLen); 85 86 /**************** 87 功能:获取字符串类型REG_SZ的键值项 88 参数: 89 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 90 string strKeyItermPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空表示当前路径 91 string strKeyItermNane, in 键值项名称 92 ,string& strItermValue out string类型的值 93 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 94 *****************/ 95 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetKeyItermSZ(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,string& strItermValue); 96 97 /**************** 98 功能:获取字符串类型REG_SZ的键值项 99 参数: 100 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 101 string strKeyItermPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空表示当前路径 102 string strKeyItermNane, in 键值项名称 103 ,DWORD* pdwItermValue out DWORD类型的值 104 返回值:0成功,!=0失败 105 *****************/ 106 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetKeyItermDWORD(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD* pdwItermValue); 107 108 /**************** 109 功能:向注册表添加一个键,已有键打开 110 参数: 111 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 112 string strKeyPath, in 键路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 113 HKEY& hKey out 添加的键句柄 114 DWORD* lpNewOrOpen out 1新建 2打开已有键 115 返回值:0成功,-1失败 116 *****************/ 117 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,HKEY* hKey,DWORD* lpNewOrOpen); 118 /**************** 119 功能:删除某个键下的子健和键值项,递归删除 120 参数: 121 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 122 string strKeyPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 123 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 124 *****************/ 125 126 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegDeleteKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath); 127 /**************** 128 功能:打开某个键,返回句柄 129 参数: 130 HKEY hRootKey in 根键或者 131 string strKeyPath, in 键值项路径或名称,,为空时,表示当前目录 132 HKEY* hOpenKey out 返回的键句柄 133 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 134 *****************/ 135 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegOpenKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,HKEY* hOpenKey); 136 137 /**************** 138 功能:关闭某个键,返回句柄 139 参数: 140 HKEY hRootKey in 根键名称 141 string strKeyPath, in 键值项路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 142 HKEY& hKey out 返回的键句柄 143 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 144 *****************/ 145 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegCloseKey(HKEY& hKey); 146 /**************** 147 功能:轮询一个键的子健 148 参数: 149 HKEY hRootKey, in 主键或者键 150 string strKeyPath in 子健路径或名称,如果为空,则hRootKey为当前子健 151 DWORD dwIndex in 查询的键的索引,从0开始,没有的则返回ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 152 DWORD* dwKeyNameLen 153 返回值:0成功,>0错误码 154 *****************/ 155 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegEnumKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,DWORD dwIndex,string& strKeyName,DWORD* dwKeyNameLen); 156 /**************** 157 功能:轮询一个键的键值 158 参数: 159 HKEY hRootKey, in 主键或者键 160 string strKeyPath in 子健路径或名称,如果为空,则hRootKey为当前子健 161 DWORD dwIndex in 查询的键的索引,从0开始,没有的则返回ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 162 DWORD* dwKeyNameLen 163 返回值:0成功,>0错误码 164 *****************/ 165 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegEnumKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,DWORD dwIndex,string& strItermName,DWORD* dwItermType,LPBYTE bItermValue,DWORD* dwItermValueLen); 166 167 /**************** 168 功能:保存一个键下的子健和键值信息到文件 169 参数: 170 HKEY hRootKey, in 主键或者键 171 string strKeyPath in 子健路径或名称,如果为空,则hRootKey为当前子健 172 string strFilePath in 保存文件的名称包含路径 173 返回值:0成功,>0错误码 174 *****************/ 175 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegSaveKeyInfoToFile(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,string strFilePath); 176 /**************** 177 功能:将一个文件的信息导入到一个键下 178 参数: 179 HKEY hRootKey, in 主键或者键 180 string strKeyPath in 子健路径或名称,如果为空,则hRootKey为当前子健 181 string strFilePath in 保存文件的名称包含路径 182 返回值:0成功,>0错误码 183 *****************/ 184 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegLoadKeyInfoFromFile(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,string strFilePath); 185 186 /**************** 187 功能:查询一个键的子健个数和子健名称最大长度,键值个数 188 参数: 189 HKEY hRootKey, in 主键或者键 190 string strKeyPath in 子健路径或名称,如果为空,则hRootKey为当前子健 191 DWORD* dwsubKeyNum, out 子健数量 192 DWORD* dwMaxKeyNameLen, out 子健名称最大长度 193 DWORD* dwItermNum, out 键值数量 194 DWORD* dwMaxItermNameLen out 键值名称最大长度 195 DWORD* dwMaxItermValueLen out 键值最大长度 196 返回值:0成功,>0错误码 197 *****************/ 198 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegQueryKeyInfo(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,DWORD* dwsubKeyNum,DWORD* dwMaxKeyNameLen,DWORD* dwItermNum,DWORD* dwMaxItermNameLen,DWORD* dwMaxItermValueLen); 199 /**************** 200 功能:添加一个程序到开机自启动菜单 201 参数: 202 string strProgramName ,程序名称 203 string strKeyPath 程序路径或名称,为空时,表示当前目录 204 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 205 *****************/ 206 207 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddProgramToAutoStartManu(string strProgramName ,string strProgramPath); 208 /**************** 209 功能:删除一个程序到开机自启动菜单 210 参数: 211 string strProgramName ,程序名称 212 返回值:0成功,-1失败 213 *****************/ 214 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegDeleteProgramFromAutoStartManu(string strProgramName); 215 /**************** 216 功能:从注册表中获取安装程序的信息 217 参数: 218 list<ProgramInfo>& listProgramInfo,程序名称 219 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 220 *****************/ 221 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetProgramsInfo(list<ProgramInfo>& listProgramInfo); 222 223 /**************** 224 功能:添加开机启动时显示的提示信息 225 参数: 226 string strTitle, in 标题 227 string strContent in 内容 228 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 229 *****************/ 230 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddTipTitleAndContent(string strTitle,string strContent); 231 /**************** 232 功能:删除开机启动时显示的提示信息 233 参数: 234 235 返回值:0成功,>0 失败 236 *****************/ 237 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegRemoveTipTitleAndContent(); 238 239 240 #endif

1 // BCL_Regedit.cpp : 定义 DLL 应用程序的导出函数。 2 // 3 4 #include "stdafx.h" 5 #define BCL_EXPORT 6 #include "BCL_Regedit.h" 7 8 9 #include "stdafx.h" 10 #include <iostream> 11 #include <windows.h> 12 #include <string> 13 14 //// wchar_t to string 15 //std::string WCharToString(LPCWSTR pwszSrc) 16 //{ 17 // int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszSrc, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); 18 // if (nLen<= 0) return std::string(""); 19 // char* pszDst = new char[nLen]; 20 // if (NULL == pszDst) return std::string(""); 21 // WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszSrc, -1, pszDst, nLen, NULL, NULL); 22 // pszDst[nLen -1] = 0; 23 // std::string strTemp(pszDst); 24 // delete [] pszDst; 25 // return strTemp; 26 //} 27 //// string to wstring 28 //int StringToWstring(wchar_t* szDst, int bufflen ,std::string str) 29 //{ 30 // std::string temp = str; 31 // int len=MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)temp.c_str(), -1, NULL,0); 32 // if (len>bufflen) 33 // { 34 // return 0; 35 // } 36 // MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)temp.c_str(), -1,szDst, len); 37 // return len; 38 //} 39 40 41 42 43 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD nItermType,void* cItermValue ,DWORD nItermValueLen) 44 { 45 46 if (cItermValue==NULL||nItermValueLen<=0||nItermType<0||nItermType>11) 47 { 48 return -1; 49 } 50 HKEY hSubKey; 51 int nReval=-1; 52 if (strKeyItermPath=="") 53 { 54 hSubKey=hRootKey; 55 } 56 else 57 { 58 nReval=RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey,LPCTSTR(strKeyItermPath.c_str()),0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hSubKey); 59 if (nReval!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 60 { 61 return nReval; 62 } 63 } 64 if (nItermType==REG_SZ||nItermType==REG_EXPAND_SZ||nItermType==REG_MULTI_SZ) 65 { 66 nItermValueLen=nItermValueLen+1;//字符串类型的必须加上结束符 67 } 68 nReval=RegSetValueEx(hSubKey,LPCTSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),0,nItermType,(BYTE *)cItermValue,nItermValueLen); 69 //RegCloseKey(hSubKey); 70 return nReval; 71 } 72 73 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegDeleteKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane) 74 { 75 int nReval=-1; 76 if (strKeyItermPath=="") 77 { 78 return RegDeleteValue(hRootKey,LPCTSTR (strKeyItermNane.c_str())); 79 } 80 else 81 { 82 return RegDeleteKeyValue(hRootKey,LPCTSTR(strKeyItermPath.c_str()),LPCTSTR (strKeyItermNane.c_str())); 83 } 84 } 85 86 87 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegSetKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD nItermType,void* cItermValue ,DWORD nItermValueLen) 88 { 89 int nReval; 90 if (cItermValue==NULL||nItermValueLen<=0||nItermType<0||nItermType>11) 91 { 92 return -1; 93 } 94 if (strKeyItermPath=="") 95 { 96 nReval=RegSetValueEx(hRootKey,LPCTSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),0,nItermType,(BYTE *)cItermValue,nItermValueLen); 97 } 98 else 99 { 100 nReval=RegSetKeyValue(hRootKey,LPCTSTR(strKeyItermPath.c_str()),LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),nItermType,LPCVOID(cItermValue),nItermValueLen); 101 } 102 return nReval; 103 } 104 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD* nItermType,void* cItermValue ,DWORD* nItermValueLen) 105 { 106 long nReval=-1; 107 if (cItermValue==NULL) 108 { 109 return nReval; 110 } 111 DWORD far dwRelen=0;// 112 if (strKeyItermPath=="") 113 { 114 nReval=RegQueryValueEx(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),NULL,nItermType,(LPBYTE)cItermValue,&dwRelen); 115 } 116 else 117 { 118 nReval=RegGetValue(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyItermPath.c_str()),LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),RRF_RT_ANY,nItermType,cItermValue,&dwRelen); 119 if (nReval==ERROR_SUCCESS||dwRelen<=*nItermValueLen) 120 { 121 *nItermValueLen=dwRelen; 122 return 0; 123 } 124 } 125 return nReval; 126 } 127 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetKeyItermSZ(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,string& strItermValue) 128 { 129 long nReval=-1; 130 DWORD nItermType=REG_SZ; 131 DWORD nItermValueLen=512; 132 if (strKeyItermPath=="") 133 { 134 nReval=RegQueryValueEx(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),NULL,&nItermType,(LPBYTE)(strItermValue.c_str()),&nItermValueLen); 135 } 136 else 137 { 138 nReval=RegGetValue(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyItermPath.c_str()),LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),RRF_RT_ANY,&nItermType,PVOID(strItermValue.c_str()),&nItermValueLen); 139 } 140 return nReval; 141 } 142 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetKeyItermDWORD(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyItermPath,string strKeyItermNane,DWORD* pdwItermValue) 143 { 144 if (pdwItermValue==NULL) 145 { 146 return -1; 147 } 148 long nReval=-1; 149 DWORD nItermType=REG_DWORD; 150 DWORD nItermValueLen=sizeof(DWORD); 151 if (strKeyItermPath=="") 152 { 153 nReval=RegQueryValueEx(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),NULL,&nItermType,(LPBYTE)(pdwItermValue),&nItermValueLen); 154 } 155 else 156 { 157 nReval=RegGetValue(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyItermPath.c_str()),LPCSTR(strKeyItermNane.c_str()),RRF_RT_ANY,&nItermType,PVOID(pdwItermValue),&nItermValueLen); 158 } 159 return nReval; 160 } 161 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,HKEY* hKey ,DWORD* lpNewOrOpen) 162 { 163 return RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyPath.c_str()),0,NULL,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,NULL,hKey,lpNewOrOpen); 164 } 165 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegDeleteKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath) 166 { 167 if(strKeyPath=="") 168 { 169 return RegDeleteTree(hRootKey,NULL); 170 } 171 return RegDeleteTree(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyPath.c_str())); 172 } 173 174 175 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegOpenKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,HKEY* hOpenKey) 176 { 177 return RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey,LPCSTR(strKeyPath.c_str()),0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,hOpenKey); 178 } 179 180 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegCloseKey(HKEY& hKey) 181 { 182 return RegCloseKey(hKey); 183 } 184 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegEnumKey(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,DWORD dwIndex,string& strKeyName,DWORD* dwKeyNameLen) 185 { 186 long lResult=-1; 187 HKEY hSubKey; 188 if (strKeyPath!="") 189 { 190 lResult=BCL_RegOpenKey(hRootKey,strKeyPath,&hSubKey); 191 if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 192 { 193 return lResult; 194 } 195 } 196 else 197 { 198 hSubKey=hRootKey; 199 } 200 lResult=RegEnumKeyEx(hSubKey,dwIndex,LPSTR(strKeyName.c_str()),dwKeyNameLen,0,NULL,NULL,NULL); 201 if (strKeyPath!="") 202 { 203 BCL_RegCloseKey(hSubKey); 204 } 205 return lResult; 206 } 207 208 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegEnumKeyIterm(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,DWORD dwIndex,string& strItermName,DWORD* dwItermType,LPBYTE bItermValue,DWORD* dwItermValueLen) 209 { 210 long lResult=-1; 211 HKEY hSubKey; 212 if (strKeyPath!="") 213 { 214 lResult=BCL_RegOpenKey(hRootKey,strKeyPath,&hSubKey); 215 if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 216 { 217 return lResult; 218 } 219 } 220 else 221 { 222 hSubKey=hRootKey; 223 } 224 lResult=RegEnumValue(hSubKey,dwIndex,LPSTR(strItermName.c_str()),NULL,NULL,dwItermType,bItermValue,dwItermValueLen); 225 if (strKeyPath!="") 226 { 227 BCL_RegCloseKey(hSubKey); 228 } 229 return lResult; 230 } 231 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegQueryKeyInfo(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,DWORD* dwsubKeyNum,DWORD* dwMaxKeyNameLen,DWORD* dwItermNum,DWORD* dwMaxItermNameLen,DWORD* dwMaxItermValueLen) 232 { 233 long lResult=-1; 234 HKEY hSubKey; 235 if (strKeyPath!="") 236 { 237 lResult=BCL_RegOpenKey(hRootKey,strKeyPath,&hSubKey); 238 if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 239 { 240 return lResult; 241 } 242 } 243 else 244 { 245 hSubKey=hRootKey; 246 } 247 lResult=RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey,NULL,NULL,NULL,dwsubKeyNum,dwMaxKeyNameLen,NULL,dwItermNum,dwMaxItermNameLen, dwMaxItermValueLen,NULL,NULL); 248 if (strKeyPath!="") 249 { 250 BCL_RegCloseKey(hSubKey); 251 } 252 return lResult; 253 254 } 255 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegSaveKeyInfoToFile(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,string strFilePath) 256 { 257 if (strKeyPath=="") 258 { 259 return RegSaveKeyEx(hRootKey,strFilePath.c_str(),NULL,REG_LATEST_FORMAT); 260 } 261 else 262 { 263 HKEY subkey; 264 int lResult=BCL_RegOpenKey(hRootKey,strKeyPath,&subkey); 265 if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 266 { 267 return lResult; 268 } 269 lResult=RegSaveKeyEx(subkey,strFilePath.c_str(),NULL,REG_LATEST_FORMAT); 270 RegCloseKey(subkey); 271 return lResult; 272 } 273 } 274 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegLoadKeyInfoFromFile(HKEY hRootKey,string strKeyPath,string strFilePath) 275 { 276 if (strKeyPath=="") 277 { 278 return RegLoadKey(hRootKey,strFilePath.c_str(),NULL,REG_LATEST_FORMAT); 279 } 280 else 281 { 282 HKEY subkey; 283 int lResult=BCL_RegOpenKey(hRootKey,strKeyPath,&subkey); 284 if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 285 { 286 return lResult; 287 } 288 lResult=RegSaveKeyEx(subkey,strFilePath.c_str(),NULL,REG_LATEST_FORMAT); 289 RegCloseKey(subkey); 290 return lResult; 291 } 292 } 293 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddProgramToAutoStartManu(string strProgramName ,string strProgramPath) 294 { 295 int lResult =-1; 296 DWORD nPathLen = sizeof(strProgramPath)*2; 297 lResult=BCL_RegAddKeyIterm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",strProgramName,REG_SZ,(void *)strProgramPath.c_str(),nPathLen); 298 return lResult; 299 } 300 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegDeleteProgramFromAutoStartManu(string strProgramName) 301 { 302 return BCL_RegDeleteKeyIterm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",strProgramName); 303 } 304 305 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegGetProgramsInfo(list<ProgramInfo>& listProgramInfo) 306 { 307 HKEY hSubKey; 308 DWORD dwIndex = 0; 309 long lResult; 310 string location; 311 //SYSTEM_INFO si; 312 //GetNativeSystemInfo(&si); 313 //if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 || 314 // si.wProcessorArchitecture != PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 ) 315 //{ 316 // //64 位操作系统 317 // location="SoftWare\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"; 318 //} 319 //else 320 //{ 321 // // 32 位操作系统 322 // location="SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"; 323 //} 324 lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hSubKey); // 打开注册表Uninstall键 325 if(ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) 326 { 327 DWORD typeSZ = REG_SZ; // SZ 注册表类型 328 DWORD typeDWORD = REG_DWORD; // DWORD 注册表类型 329 330 char s_keyName[BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN] = {0}; 331 DWORD cbkeyNamelen =BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 332 char s_itermName[BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN]={0}; 333 DWORD cbItermNameLen=BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 334 DWORD s_EstimatedSize; // 大小 335 DWORD cbDWsize =BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 336 337 lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hSubKey, dwIndex, s_keyName, &cbkeyNamelen, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); // 获取字段 338 while (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && lResult != ERROR_MORE_DATA) 339 { 340 ProgramInfo infos; 341 HKEY hItem; // 下一级注册表句柄 342 if(::RegOpenKeyEx(hSubKey, s_keyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hItem) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 343 { // 提取下一级注册表程序的属性信息 344 int irrel=-1; 345 cbItermNameLen =BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 346 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem, TEXT("DisplayName"), 0, &typeSZ, (LPBYTE)s_itermName, &cbItermNameLen);//显示名称 347 if ( irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 348 { 349 infos.PiName=(s_itermName); 350 } 351 memset(s_itermName,0,BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN); 352 cbItermNameLen =BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 353 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem, TEXT("DisplayIcon"), 0, &typeSZ, (LPBYTE)s_itermName, &cbItermNameLen) ;//可执行文件路径 354 if (irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 355 { 356 infos.PiPath= (s_itermName); 357 358 } 359 memset(s_itermName,0,BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN); 360 cbItermNameLen =BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 361 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem, TEXT("UninstallString"), 0, &typeSZ, (LPBYTE)s_itermName, &cbItermNameLen) ;//卸载程序路径 362 if (irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 363 { 364 infos.PiUninstall= (s_itermName); 365 } 366 memset(s_itermName,0,BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN); 367 cbItermNameLen = BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 368 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem,TEXT("Publisher"), 0, &typeSZ, (LPBYTE)s_itermName, &cbItermNameLen) ;//发布者 369 if (irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 370 { 371 infos.PiPublisher= (s_itermName); 372 373 } 374 memset(s_itermName,0,BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN); 375 cbItermNameLen = BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 376 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem, TEXT("InstallDate"), 0, &typeSZ, (LPBYTE)s_itermName, &cbItermNameLen) ;//安装时间 377 if (irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 378 { 379 infos.PiInstallTime= (s_itermName); 380 381 } 382 memset(s_itermName,0,BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN); 383 cbItermNameLen =BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 384 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem, TEXT("EstimatedSize"), 0, &typeDWORD, (LPBYTE)&s_EstimatedSize, &cbDWsize) ;//大小 385 if (irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 386 { 387 infos.PiSize= s_EstimatedSize/1024; // 388 s_EstimatedSize=0; 389 } 390 cbItermNameLen = BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 391 irrel=::RegQueryValueEx(hItem, TEXT("DisplayVersion"), NULL, &typeSZ, (LPBYTE)s_itermName, &cbItermNameLen);//版本 392 if ( irrel== ERROR_SUCCESS) 393 { 394 infos.PiVersion=(s_itermName); 395 } 396 cbItermNameLen = BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 397 memset(s_itermName,0,BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN); 398 if (infos.PiName!="") 399 { 400 listProgramInfo.push_back(infos); 401 } 402 ::RegCloseKey(hItem); // 关闭二级注册表(程序属性信息) 403 } 404 dwIndex = dwIndex + 1; // 改变dwIndex,循环获取下移字段 405 cbkeyNamelen = BCL_SMALL_BUFFER_LEN; 406 memset(s_keyName,0,cbkeyNamelen); 407 lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hSubKey, dwIndex, s_keyName, &cbkeyNamelen, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); 408 } 409 RegCloseKey(hSubKey); // 关闭一级注册表(读取程序信息) 410 return ERROR_SUCCESS; 411 } 412 RegCloseKey(hSubKey); 413 return lResult; 414 } 415 416 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegAddTipTitleAndContent(string strTitle,string strContent) 417 { 418 long lRval=0; 419 lRval=BCL_RegSetKeyIterm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System","legalnoticecaption",REG_SZ,(void*)(strTitle.c_str()),strTitle.size()); 420 if (lRval!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 421 { 422 return lRval; 423 } 424 lRval=BCL_RegSetKeyIterm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System","legalnoticetext",REG_SZ,(void*)(strContent.c_str()),strContent.size()); 425 return lRval; 426 } 427 BCL_API int CALLBACK BCL_RegRemoveTipTitleAndContent() 428 { 429 long lRval=0; 430 lRval=BCL_RegDeleteKeyIterm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System","legalnoticecaption"); 431 if (lRval!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 432 { 433 return lRval; 434 } 435 lRval=BCL_RegDeleteKeyIterm(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System","legalnoticetext"); 436 return lRval; 437 }
REG_DWORD 32位双字节数据
REG_SZ 以0结尾的字符串
REG_EXPAND_SZ 扩展字符串,可以加入变量如%PATH%
下面对键和键值的操作做了封装,将注册表的操作统一成一种风格,主要包括根键hRootKey、子键路径strKeyPath包括子键名称,如果strKeyPath为空,则hRootKey表示打开的子键函数是对改键的子键或键值进行操作。可以很方便的实现键和键值的增删改查。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
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