
  1. Create a new branch based on master in gitlab :



The branch name is from your task number in jira . when you need to develop a new feature , the branch name prefix will start with feature/NIT-xxxx , But when you need to fix a bug for an old feature , the branch name prefix will start with fix/NIT-xxxx


  1. Pull the branch to your local , do developing in it , and commit your codes.
  2. if you finish your developing ,please create a merge_request in gitlab .


Please @ some body to review your codes here . and you need @ your Dev Lead here , too . then submit your merge request (MR).



  1. After the merge_request has been merged , please test your code in dev environment . and then hand over you task to QA .

If any question , please let me know .

posted @ 2019-09-04 16:16  叶落无蝉鸣  阅读(39)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报