【Kata Daily 190904】Calculating with Functions(函数计算)
This time we want to write calculations using functions and get the results. Let's have a look at some examples:
seven(times(five())) # must return 35
four(plus(nine())) # must return 13
eight(minus(three())) # must return 5
six(divided_by(two())) # must return 3
- There must be a function for each number from 0 ("zero") to 9 ("nine")
- There must be a function for each of the following mathematical operations: plus, minus, times, dividedBy (
in Ruby and Python) - Each calculation consist of exactly one operation and two numbers
- The most outer function represents the left operand, the most inner function represents the right operand
- Divison should be integer division. For example, this should return
, not2.666666...
题目的要求就是利用函数的方式进行加减乘除,如:seven(times(five())) ------->相当于:7*5=35
这道理不会做 o(╥﹏╥)o。
def zero(a='0'): if a != '0': if a[0]=='+': return 0+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 0-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 0*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(0/int(a[1])) else: return '0' def one(a='1'): if a != '1': if a[0]=='+': return 1+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 1-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 1*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(1/int(a[1])) else: return '1' def two(a='2'): if a != '2': if a[0]=='+': return 2+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 2-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 2*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(2/int(a[1])) else: return '2' def three(a='3'): if a != '3': if a[0]=='+': return 3+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 3-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 3*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(3/int(a[1])) else: return '3' def four(a='4'): if a != '4': if a[0]=='+': return 4+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 4-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 4*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(4/int(a[1])) else: return '4' def five(a='5'): if a != '5': if a[0]=='+': return 5+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 5-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 5*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(5/int(a[1])) else: return '5' def six(a='6'): if a != '6': if a[0]=='+': return 6+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 6-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 6*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(6/int(a[1])) else: return '6' def seven(a='7'): if a != '7': if a[0]=='+': return 7+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 7-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 7*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(7/int(a[1])) else: return '7' def eight(a='8'): if a != '8': if a[0]=='+': return 8+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 8-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 8*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(8/int(a[1])) else: return '8' def nine(a='9'): if a != '9': if a[0]=='+': return 9+int(a[1]) if a[0]=='-': return 9-int(a[1]) if a[0]=='*': return 9*int(a[1]) if a[0]=='/': return int(9/int(a[1])) else: return '9' def plus(a): return '+'+a def minus(a): return '-'+a def times(a): return '*'+a def divided_by(a): return '/'+a
数字函数的传值默认为本身,且默认传回自身的值。如果参数值为其他,则根据参数值判断算法类型符合哪种算法,最后进行相加减。 算法函数只要是将算法的符号和值进行字符串合并,用于在数字函数中进行判断。如:seven(times(five()))
def zero(f = None): return 0 if not f else f(0) def one(f = None): return 1 if not f else f(1) def two(f = None): return 2 if not f else f(2) def three(f = None): return 3 if not f else f(3) def four(f = None): return 4 if not f else f(4) def five(f = None): return 5 if not f else f(5) def six(f = None): return 6 if not f else f(6) def seven(f = None): return 7 if not f else f(7) def eight(f = None): return 8 if not f else f(8) def nine(f = None): return 9 if not f else f(9) def plus(y): return lambda x: x+y def minus(y): return lambda x: x-y def times(y): return lambda x: x*y def divided_by(y): return lambda x: int(x/y)
第三步:处理f函数,函数f为算术函数处理结果,即返回的匿名函数。f(7)相当于执行匿名函数:lambda 7:7*5处理结果为35。
def one(a=1): 即默认参数a默认传值为1,可自行定义a的参数值。
lambda 的格式为:lambda x, y: x + y。x和y是需要传入的形参。x+y是函数的处理结果。