


This paper describes the concept of sensor networks which has been madeviable by the convergence of microelectro-mechanical systemstechnology, wireless communications and digital electronics. First, thesensing tasks and the potential sensor networks applications areexplored, and a review of factors influencing the design of sensornetworks is provided. Then, the communication architecture for sensornetworks is outlined, and the algorithms and protocols developed foreach layer in the literature are explored. Open research issues for therealization of sensor networks are also discussed.


二是注意行文中Transition words的使用。Transitionwords就是在行文过程中,连接意义相关句子的词,如Therefore,thus,inparticular等等。使用这些词,会使得文章连贯性好,逻辑性强,读起来一气呵成,自然会给审稿人好印象。下面是一个关于Transitionwords的一个总结,供各位虫友参考:

Transitions Study Sheet

Transitions for time:
before, afterward, after, next, then, as soon as, later, until, when,finally, last, meanwhile, during, at times, sometimes, oftentimes

Example: WWII broke out in Europe in 1939.  During this time the UnitedStates remained neutral.  It wasn’t until 1941, after Japan bombedPearl Harbor, that the United States entered the war.  After its entry,it was only a matter of time before the Allies defeated Germany and theAxis powers.

Transitions for place:
in the background, in the distance, beyond, behind, above, below, infront of, elsewhere, in the middle, to the left, to the right

Example:  My favorite painting is Botticelli’s Birth of Venus.  In themiddle of the painting stands Venus, the Roman goddess of love,standing on a seashell.  She floats majestically above the beautifulwater below her.  To her left a figure representing wind blows fierceclouds of wind in her direction.  To her right a figure behind herattempts to cover her with a blanket and protect her.  It is a trulybreath-taking piece of art.

Transitions for examples:
for example, for instance, as an example, like, specifically, consider as an illustration, that is, such as, similar, similarly

Example:  Oftentimes people who study from history fail to learn fromthe mistakes of the past.  For example, during WWII Hitler decided toinvade Russia just before wintertime.  This decision was the samedecision Napoleon made over a hundred years earlier, and Hitler’s armymet a similar fate.  Had he learned from his history, Hitler might haveavoided making this costly mistake and the outcome for the war mighthave been different.  For instance, if Hitler had decided to invadeEngland by sea rather than Russia by land, he might well have won thewar.

Transitions for emphasis:
chiefly, equally, indeed, even more important, in particular, mostimportant, without a doubt, indubitably, unquestionably, definitely

Example:  Without a doubt, Chinese food is one of my favoritecuisines.  Although I find Japanese and Thai food equally delicious attimes, Chinese food is definitely my favorite Asian cuisine.  Inparticular I enjoy the spicy Szechuan style of cooking commonly foundin Chinese food.

Transitions for restatement:
in short, that is, in effect, in other words

Example:  When I asked my girlfriend to marry me she said, in effect,that she wouldn’t be ready for marriage until after she completed herPhD program.  At first I was crushed, that is, I felt like she said nobecause she didn’t love me anymore.  However, after she explained herreasons to me I felt better and agreed with her.  In other words, Icame away feeling better than I had anticipated.

Transitions for comparison:
similarly, likewise, also, the same as, different than, opposite, unlike, instead

Example:  When my older brother was deciding where to go to college hespoke to my father about where he should go.  Not surprisingly he wentto the same school my father did, MIT.  When it was time for me tochoose a college I did the exact opposite.  I didn’t ask my fatherwhere I should go, and as a result, I didn’t also go to MIT like he andmy brother did.  Instead I went to UCLA.

Transitions for concession:
although, of course, admittedly, true, doubtless, granted that, no doubt, indubitably, without a doubt, definitely, certainly

Example:  Some people might be surprised to learn that the two mostsuccessful NBA teams of all-time are the Boston Celtics and the LosAngeles Lakers.  Although neither of these teams is very good rightnow, they are the two teams with the most champions in NBAhistory.  The Celtics definitely had the best streak of these twoteams; winning eight championships in a row at one point.  Admittedlythere is always the chance that some future team could break thisrecord, but this seems unlikely.  Of course no one can predict thefuture with any certainty.

Transitions for consequence:
thus, so, then, it follows, as a result, therefore, hence, consequently, accordingly, because

Example:  I’m sorry, but I can’t let you turn in your homework latebecause it wouldn’t be fair to the other students.  As a result yourgrade has dropped lower and you are now failing theclass.  Consequently you need to get 100% on the final so you can passthe class and then graduate from CAS.  Therefore, I suggest you studyvery hard so I don’t have to fail you.  Good luck!

Transitions for conclusion:
to sum up, in summary, finally, therefore, thus, in conclusion, to conclude

Example:  Finally, Beijing has a lot of nice places to shop that appealto tourists.  To sum up then, Beijing is a wonderful place to visitbecause it has beautiful parks and historical monuments, friendlypeople and lots of nice places to shop.  Thus any travelers who areplanning to come to China should definitely visit Beijing during theirstay.

Transitions for addition:
furthermore, in addition, besides, next, first, second, moreover
Example:  UCLA is a wonderful university to attend as anundergraduate.  First, it is respected academically and is well-knownfor its high standards of education.  Furthermore, UCLA has a strongnetwork of alumni who often recruit students to come work forthem.  Moreover students who do such work as undergraduates oftenreceive jobs with these same companies once they graduate.  In additionto these two benefits, UCLA also has exciting sports teams that are funto watch.  Besides, with so many good reasons to go to UCLA, why wouldyou want to go anywhere else?

It is worth emphasizing that...
it is worth pointing out that ...
A point worth emphasizing is that...

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