

hit upon 偶然发现

Instead of taking that advice, he 。。。

integrative / holistic 综合的,整体的,一体化的

expertise 专门技术,专家意见。

Learn the  ins and outs (了解) 详细情形; 左弯右弯; 里里外外; 执政党与在野党

To boost immune system and keep me cancer-free

Commonplace a. 平常的,平凡的(事)

Herb 药草/香草  herbal 草药的

Time-consuming and tricky(欺骗的)

Pay some costs out of pocket 自掏腰包付费

 Illness sickness  ailment(不安) 疾病

low-end smartphone 低端智能手机

grab the attention of the public

The goal is to learn more about social behavior in computer networksand how large computer-connected teams use their resources andconnections to compete. 表示目的是。。。。

Darpa has previously sponsored three “grand challenges” in an effort to advance the technology for autonomous vehicles. 可以用来表示目的

created a program to use data-mining technologies to identify potential terrorists. 数字挖掘技术

he was not certain/sure 表示某人不肯定

developing software applications 开发软件

to disseminate false information 散播虚假信息

headquarter 公司总部

the agency would continue to pursue a number of large and smallchallenge-style contests to foster what he described as new ways to tapinto pools of talented individuals and creative groups.

Contestants from anywhere in the world may participate in this contest, and registration will stay open until the contest begins。竞争者

a whopping 31% of clients 巨大的客户比例

according to a recent survey of more than 100,000 customers conducted by... 据..的一项调查

2% couldn't sync their iPhones with Windows 7.不能同步他们的ipones

关于美国碳排放的问题,美国特使说:“We absolutely recognize our historic role in putting emissions in theatmosphere up there that are there now,” Mr. Stern said sternly, “butthe sense of guilt or culpability(有罪) or reparations(补偿), I just categorically(明确地) reject that.” 

Mr. Stern is generally accommodating(善于适应环境), low-key(低调) and highly artful inhandling one of the most difficult diplomatic portfolios in government.

how to verify that developing countries are meeting their emissions-reductions promises.

posted @ 2009-11-16 07:19  俊杰的博客  阅读(172)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报