Jetty parameters

Abstract Jetty Web server connector. Here is the list of parameters that are supported:

Parameter nameValue typeDefault valueDescription
minThreads int 1 Minimum threads waiting to service requests.
maxThread int 255 Maximum threads that will service requests.
threadMaxIdleTimeMs int 60000 Time for an idle thread to wait for a request or read.
lowThreads int 25 Threshold of remaining threads at which the server is considered as running low on resources.
lowResourceMaxIdleTimeMs int 2500 Time in ms that connections will persist if listener is low on resources.
acceptorThreads int 1 Number of acceptor threads to set.
acceptQueueSize int 0 Size of the accept queue.
headerBufferSize int 4*1024 Size of the buffer to be used for request and response headers.
requestBufferSize int 8*1024 Size of the content buffer for receiving requests.
responseBufferSize int 32*1024 Size of the content buffer for sending responses.
ioMaxIdleTimeMs int 30000 Maximum time to wait on an idle IO operation.
soLingerTime int 1000 SO linger time (see Jetty 6 documentation).
converter String com.noelios.restlet.http.HttpServerConverter Class name of the converter of low-level HTTP calls into high level requests and responses.
useForwardedForHeader boolean false Lookup the "X-Forwarded-For" header supported by popular proxies and caches and uses it to populate the Request.getClientAddresses() method result. This information is only safe for intermediary components within your local network. Other addresses could easily be changed by setting a fake header and should not be trusted for serious security checks.
posted @ 2017-04-06 10:01  TDXR  阅读(149)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报