1 <?php 2 defined ( 'IN_KEKE' ) or exit('Access Denied'); 3 keke_lang_class::package_init("user"); 4 $do and keke_lang_class::loadlang($do); 5 $views = array('index','setting','finance','employer','witkey','trans','message','collect','payitem'); 6 !in_array($view,$views) && $view ='index'; 7 ($view || $op=='basic' )and keke_lang_class::loadlang("{$do}_{$view}"); 8 $view == 'setting' and keke_lang_class::loadlang("{$do}_{$op}"); 9 $op and keke_lang_class::loadlang("{$do}_{$view}_{$op}"); 10 $_K['is_rewrite'] = 0 ; 11 kekezu::check_login (); 12 $user_info=$kekezu->_userinfo; 13 $origin_url="index.php?do=$do&view=$view"; 14 $page_title=$_lang['user_center']; 15 $nav=array( 16 "index"=>array($_lang['manage_tpl'],"meter"), 17 "setting"=>array($_lang['person_config'],"cog"), 18 "finance"=>array($_lang['finance_manage'],"chart-line2"), 19 "employer"=>array($_lang['employer_buyer'],"buyer"), 20 "witkey"=>array($_lang['witkey_seller'],"seller"), 21 "trans"=>array($_lang['process_right'],"hand-1"), 22 "message"=>array($_lang['info_center'],"sound-high"), 23 "collect"=>array($_lang['my_collect'],"star-fav"), 24 "payitem"=>array($_lang['add_service'],"bookmark-2")); 25 $user_type = intval($user_info['user_type']); 26 $user_type==1 and $w=" auth_code!='enterprise' " or ($user_type==2 and $w=" auth_code!='realname' "); 27 $auth_item_list = keke_auth_base_class::get_auth_item ( null, null, 1 ,$w); 28 require 'user/user_'.$view.'.php';
1 <?php 2 defined ( 'IN_KEKE' ) or exit('Access Denied'); 3 $ops = array ('auth', 'toolbox','promotion','payitem_task'); 4 in_array ( $op, $ops ) or $op = "auth"; 5 $sub_nav =array( 6 array("auth"=>array(kekezu::lang("auth"),"document"), 7 "toolbox"=>array(kekezu::lang("toolbox"),"icon16 box"), 8 "promotion"=>array(kekezu::lang("prom_make_money"),"layers-1")) 9 ); 10 $auth_item_list or $op = 'toolbox'; 11 require 'user_' . $op . '.php';
1 <?php 2 defined ( 'IN_KEKE' ) or exit ( 'Access Denied' ); 3 keke_lang_class::package_init ( 'auth' ); 4 keke_lang_class::loadlang ( 'auth_add' ); 5 $keys = array_keys ( $auth_item_list ); 6 $auth_code or $auth_code = $keys [0]; 7 $auth_code or kekezu::show_msg ( $_lang['param_error'], "index.php?do=auth",3,'','warning' ); 8 if($auth_item_list[$auth_code]){ 9 $auth_class = "keke_auth_".$auth_code."_class"; 10 $auth_obj = new $auth_class ( $auth_code ); 11 $auth_item = $auth_item_list [$auth_code]; 12 $auth_dir = $auth_item ['auth_dir']; 13 $auth_info = $auth_obj->get_user_auth_info ( $uid,0,$show_id); 14 require "auth/$auth_code/control/auth_add.php"; 15 }else{ 16 kekezu::show_msg($_lang['param_unlaw_or_no_open'],"index.php",3,'','warning'); 17 }
简单瞧了瞧,代码还不是很难看懂,可到了最后一行,Oh,my GOD!还没完了啊(拍桌子,扰头中,真没勇气找下去了,但是没办法,工作需要,睡觉咱是码农呢?),耐下心来,仔细看了看是要去auth文件夹里面找$auth_code这个变量所对应的文件夹下面control夹子里面的add.php,哦,一下子就从user文件夹里跑到一个我陌生的网站根目录下面的auth文件夹里去了,前途真是未知啊,在user夹子面忙活了这么久,原来是白忙活了,auth文件夹又不熟悉,不晓得会怎么样呢?来都来了,看看吧。哎呀,这个夹子的目录页够深的啊,先找到上面$auth_code所分析出来的值realname文件夹了,打开一看果然有control夹子,再进去,哦,终于找到传说中的add.php了,真是千呼万唤始出来啊。
1 <?php 2 defined ( 'IN_KEKE' ) or exit('Access Denied'); 3 $page_title= $_lang['realname_auth']; 4 $step_arr=array("step1"=>array( $_lang['step_one'], $_lang['auth_intro']), 5 "step2"=>array( $_lang['step_two'], $_lang['fill_in_realname_auth_info']), 6 "step3"=>array( $_lang['step_three'], $_lang['waiting_for_background_check']), 7 "step4"=>array( $_lang['step_four'], $_lang['background_check_pass'])); 8 $auth_step= keke_auth_realname_class::get_auth_step($auth_step,$auth_info); 9 $verify = 0; 10 $ac_url = $origin_url . "&op=$op&auth_code=$auth_code&ver=".intval($ver); 11 switch ($auth_step){ 12 case "step1": 13 break; 14 case "step2": 15 $sbt_add and $auth_obj->add_auth($fds,'id_pic'); 16 break; 17 case "step3": 18 break; 19 case "step4": 20 break; 21 } 22 require keke_tpl_class::template ( 'auth/' . $auth_dir . '/tpl/' . $_K ['template'] . '/auth_add' );
1 <?php 2 /** 3 * auth.php 4 * auth class //所有认证的基类 5 */ 6 abstract class auth { 7 //所有认证都需要使用到的逻辑处理方法,在父类里面实现,//子类里面直接$this->方法名 8 public function all_call(){ 9 10 } 11 } 12 13 ?> 14 <?php 15 class realname extends auth { 16 public function init(){//默认的显示页面 17 $view->dispaly();//显示模板 18 } 19 public function step1(){//第一步后会发生什么,需要处理的逻辑 20 21 } 22 } 23 24 ?>
1 <?php 2 class realname extends auth { 3 public function init(){//默认的显示页面 4 $view->dispaly();//显示模板 5 } 6 public function step1(){//第一步后会发生什么,需要处理的逻辑 7 8 } 9 public function ajax(){//ajax处理 10 11 } 12 public function pass(){//通过实名认证 13 14 } 15 public function nopass(){//不通过 16 17 } 18 public function edit(){//提交编辑 19 20 } 21 public function add(){//增加 22 23 } 24 public function del(){//删除 25 } 26 public function mu_del(){//批量删除 27 28 } 29 } 30 31 ?>
其它两个问题,相信通过上面的对比一下就能看出,所有的路由文件少了,重复复制copy的代码可以用类之间继承的关系来处理,只用写一次了,控制器的增删该查,再也不是用文件分开,或者说是全部都嵌套在一起了,包括ajax,再也不会看到那么多switch case了和逻辑代码混合在一起了
1 <?php 2 defined ( 'ADMIN_KEKE' ) or exit ( 'Access Denied' ); 3 kekezu::admin_check_role (30); 4 $t_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance ( "witkey_link" ); 5 $page and $page=intval ( $page ) or $page = 1; 6 $slt_page_size and $slt_page_size=intval ( $slt_page_size ) or $slt_page_size = 10; 7 $url = "index.php?do=$do&view=$view&page=$page&slt_page_size=$slt_page_size&txt_link_id=$txt_link_id&txt_link_name=$txt_link_name&ord[]=$ord[0]&ord[]=$ord[1]"; 8 if ($ac == 'del') { //这里是删除 9 if ($link_id) { 10 $res = $t_obj->del ( "link_id", $link_id, $url ); 11 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_delete'].$link_id ); 12 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['delete_success'], $url,3,'','success' ); 13 } else { 14 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['delete_fail'], $url ,3,'','warning'); 15 } 16 } elseif (isset ( $sbt_action ) && $sbt_action == $_lang['mulit_delete']) { //这是批量删 17 empty ( $ckb ) and kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['choose_operate_item'], 'index.php?do=' . $do . '&view=' . $view ,3,'','warning'); 18 $res = $t_obj->del ( "link_id", $ckb ); 19 if ($res) { 20 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_delete'] . implode ( ",", $ckb ) ); 21 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['mulit_operate_success'], $url,3,'','success' ); 22 } else { 23 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['mulit_operate_fail'], $url,3,'','warning' ); 24 } 25 } else {//这里是查询 26 $where = ' 1 = 1 '; 27 $txt_link_id and $where .= " and link_id = ".intval($txt_link_id); 28 $txt_link_name and $where .= " and link_name like '%" .$txt_link_name. "%'"; 29 if($ord [1]){ 30 $where .= " order by $ord[0] $ord[1] "; 31 }else{ 32 $where .= " order by link_id desc"; 33 } 34 $d = $t_obj->get_grid ( $where, $url, $page, $slt_page_size,null,1,'ajax_dom'); 35 $link_arr = $d [data]; 36 $pages = $d [pages]; 37 }//最后这里是页面展示 38 require $template_obj->template ( 'control/admin/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view );
1 <?php 2 defined ( 'ADMIN_KEKE' ) or exit ( 'Access Denied' ); 3 kekezu::admin_check_role ( 30 ); 4 $link_obj = new Keke_witkey_link_class (); 5 if ($link_id) { 6 $link_info = $link_obj->setWhere ( 'link_id=' . $link_id ); 7 $link_info = $link_obj->query_keke_witkey_link (); 8 $link_info = $link_info [0]; 9 strpos($link_info['link_pic'],"data/")!==FALSE and $mode = 2 or $mode = 1; 10 } 11 if ($sbt_edit) { 12 $link_obj->setLink_type ( 1 ); 13 $link_obj->setLink_name ( $txt_link_name ); 14 if($showMode==1){ 15 $link_pic = $txt_link_pic; 16 }elseif($showMode==2){ 17 $link_pic = keke_file_class::upload_file("fle_link_pic"); 18 } 19 if(!$link_pic){ 20 $link_pic = 0; 21 } 22 $link_obj->setLink_pic ( $link_pic ); 23 $link_obj->setLink_url ( $txt_link_url ); 24 $link_obj->setLink_status ( 1 ); 25 $link_obj->setListorder ( intval ( $txt_listorder ) ); 26 $link_obj->setOn_time ( time () ); 27 if ($hdn_link_id) { 28 $link_obj->setLink_id ( $hdn_link_id ); 29 $res = $link_obj->edit_keke_witkey_link (); 30 if ($res) { 31 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_edit'] . $hdn_link_id ); 32 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['links_edit_success'], 'index.php?do=' . $do . '&view=link&page='.$page,3,'','success' ); 33 } 34 } else { 35 $res = $link_obj->create_keke_witkey_link (); 36 if ($res) { 37 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_add'] . $res ); 38 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['links_edit_success'], 'index.php?do=' . $do . '&view=link&page='.$page,3,'','success' ); 39 } 40 } 41 } 42 require $kekezu->_tpl_obj->template ( 'control/admin/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view );
1 <?php 2 class link { 3 public function index(){//列表页面 4 //do somethings; 5 $this->display();//让对应模板页面显示出来 6 } 7 public function del(){//删除单个功能 8 9 } 10 public function mu_del(){ 11 //点击批量删除需要 实现的逻辑代码 12 } 13 public function add(){ 14 //添加功能 15 } 16 public function edti(){ 17 //编辑功能 18 } 19 20 }
1 <?php 2 class link extends keke_control_class{ 3 public function __construct(){ 4 keke_lang_class::package_init("admin"); 5 keke_lang_class::loadlang("admin_tpl"); 6 keke_lang_class::loadlang("admin_tpl_link"); 7 keke_lang_class::loadlang("admin_tpl_edit_link"); 8 $this->_linkobj = keke_table_class::get_instance ( "witkey_link" ); 9 } 10 public function index(){ 11 global $_lang; 12 if($_REQUEST['sbt_action']=='批量删除'){ 13 $this->mulit_delete();die; 14 } 15 $t_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance ( "witkey_link" ); 16 $page = $_POST['page']; 17 $slt_page_size = $_POST['slt_page_size']; 18 $txt_link_id = $_POST['txt_link_id']; 19 //echo $txt_link_id;die; 20 $txt_link_name = $_POST['txt_link_name']; 21 $ord = $_POST['ord']; 22 $page and $page=intval ( $page ) or $page = 1; 23 $slt_page_size and $slt_page_size=intval ( $slt_page_size ) or $slt_page_size = 10; 24 $url = "index.php?do=$do&view=$view&page=$page&slt_page_size=$slt_page_size&txt_link_id=$txt_link_id&txt_link_name=$txt_link_name&ord[]=$ord[0]&ord[]=$ord[1]"; 25 $where = ' 1 = 1 '; 26 $txt_link_id and $where .= " and link_id = ".intval($txt_link_id); 27 $txt_link_name and $where .= " and link_name like '%" .$txt_link_name. "%'"; 28 if($ord [1]){ 29 $where .= " order by $ord[0] $ord[1] "; 30 }else{ 31 $where .= " order by link_id desc"; 32 } 33 $d = $t_obj->get_grid ( $where, $url, $page, $slt_page_size,null,1,'ajax_dom'); 34 $link_arr = $d [data]; 35 $pages = $d [pages]; 36 require keke_tpl_class::template('control/admin/tpl/admin_tpl_link'); 37 } 38 public function edit(){ 39 global $_lang; 40 $link_obj = new Keke_witkey_link_class (); 41 if ($_GET['link_id']) { 42 $link_info = $link_obj->setWhere ( 'link_id=' . $_GET['link_id'] ); 43 $link_info = $link_obj->query_keke_witkey_link (); 44 $link_info = $link_info [0]; 45 strpos($link_info['link_pic'],"data/")!==FALSE and $mode = 2 or $mode = 1; 46 } 47 if ($_REQUEST['sbt_edit']) { 48 $link_obj->setLink_type ( 1 ); 49 $link_obj->setLink_name ( $_REQUEST['txt_link_name'] ); 50 if($_REQUEST['showMode']==1){ 51 $link_pic = $_REQUEST['txt_link_pic']; 52 }elseif($_REQUEST['showMode']==2){ 53 $link_pic = keke_file_class::upload_file("fle_link_pic"); 54 } 55 if(!$link_pic){ 56 $link_pic = 0; 57 } 58 $txt_link_url = $_REQUEST['txt_link_url']; 59 $txt_listorder = $_REQUEST['txt_listorder']; 60 $hdn_link_id = $_REQUEST['hdn_link_id']; 61 $link_obj->setLink_pic ( $link_pic ); 62 $link_obj->setLink_url ( $txt_link_url ); 63 $link_obj->setLink_status ( 1 ); 64 $link_obj->setListorder ( intval ( $txt_listorder ) ); 65 $link_obj->setOn_time ( time () ); 66 if ($hdn_link_id) { 67 $link_obj->setLink_id ( $hdn_link_id ); 68 $res = $link_obj->edit_keke_witkey_link (); 69 if ($res) { 70 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_edit'] . $hdn_link_id ); 71 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['links_edit_success'], "index.php?m=admin&c=link&a=index&page={$_REQUEST['page']}",3,'','success' ); 72 } 73 } else { 74 $res = $link_obj->create_keke_witkey_link (); 75 if ($res) { 76 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_add'] . $res ); 77 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['links_edit_success'], 'index.php?m=admin&c=link&a=index',3,'','success' ); 78 } 79 } 80 } 81 require keke_tpl_class::template('control/admin/tpl/admin_tpl_edit_link'); 82 } 83 public function del(){ 84 global $_lang; 85 $t_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance ( "witkey_link" ); 86 $link_id = $_REQUEST['link_id']; 87 $url = 'index.php?m=admin&c=link&a=index'; 88 if ($link_id) { 89 $res = $t_obj->del ( "link_id", $link_id, $url ); 90 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_delete'].$link_id ); 91 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['delete_success'], $url,3,'','success' ); 92 } else { 93 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['delete_fail'], $url ,3,'','warning'); 94 } 95 } 96 public function mulit_delete(){ 97 global $_lang; 98 $ckb = $_REQUEST['ckb']; 99 $url = 'index.php?m=admin&c=link&a=index'; 100 empty ( $ckb ) and kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['choose_operate_item'], "" ,3,'','warning'); 101 $res = $this->_linkobj->del ( "link_id", $ckb ); 102 if ($res) { 103 kekezu::admin_system_log ( $_lang['links_delete'] . implode ( ",", $ckb ) ); 104 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['mulit_operate_success'], $url,3,'','success' ); 105 } else { 106 kekezu::admin_show_msg ( $_lang['mulit_operate_fail'], $url,3,'','warning' ); 107 } 108 } 109 } 110 ?>