tengine2.1.0RPM包制做 tengine-2.1.0.spec配置
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | [root@DB SPECS] # cat tengine-2.1.0.spec Name: tengine Version: 2.1 . 0 Release: 1 % {?dist} Summary: tengine rmp package production Group: Applications / Archiving License: GPLv2 URL: http: / / tengine.taobao.org Source: http: / / tengine.taobao.org / download / tengine - 2.1 . 0.tar .gz BuildRoot: % (mktemp - ud % {_tmppath} / % {name} - % {version} - % {release} - XXXXXX) BuildRequires: gcc Requires: gcc gcc - c + + autoconf automake % description Custom tengine rpm package % prep rm - rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR / tengine - 2.1 . 0 tar fx $RPM_SOURCE_DIR / tengine - 2.1 . 0.tar .gz % build cd tengine - 2.1 . 0 . / configure - - prefix = / apps / tengine - 2.1 . 0 \ - - user = www - - group = www \ - - with - pcre = / data / tengin安装包 / pcre - 8.38 \ - - with - openssl = / data / tengin安装包 / openssl - 1.0 . 2j \ - - with - jemalloc = / data / tengin安装包 / jemalloc - 3.6 . 0 \ - - with - http_realip_module \ - - with - http_concat_module \ - - with - zlib = / data / tengin安装包 / zlib - 1.2 . 8 \ - - add - module = / data / tengin安装包 / ngx_cache_purge - 2.1 make % {?_smp_mflags} % install rm - rf % {buildroot} cd tengine - 2.1 . 0 make install DESTDIR = % {buildroot} % clean rm - rf % {buildroot} % files % defattr( - ,root,root, - ) / apps / tengine - 2.1 . 0 |
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