svn Error: post-commit hook failed (exit code 127) with output

Command: Commit  
Modified: C:\Users\xsdff\Desktop\project\index.html  
Sending content: C:\Users\xsdff\Desktop\project\index.html  
Committing transaction...:   
Completed: At revision: 5  
Error: post-commit hook failed (exit code 127) with output:  
Error: /svn/project/hooks/post-commit: line 53: command not found  
[root@v01 hooks]# vi post-commit
/usr/bin/svn update --username user01 --password 123 /alidata/www/project  --no-auth-cache> /alidata/log/svn/svn.log ||exit 1 exit 0 #加上 || exit 1>   和  exit 0  (问题解决!!!)


posted @ 2016-05-11 10:45  bass  阅读(2472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报