大叔问题定位分享(40)kafka reassign卡住

kafka reassign过程详见:reassign过程


2021-07-16 10:35:41,193 INFO kafka.controller.KafkaController: [Controller id=3] 0/2 replicas have caught up with the leader for partition kafka-9 being reassigned. Replica(s) 3,2 still need to catch up


  case class PartitionReassignmentIsrChange(partition: TopicPartition) extends ControllerEvent {
    override def state: ControllerState = ControllerState.PartitionReassignment

    override def process(): Unit = {
      if (!isActive) return
      // check if this partition is still being reassigned or not
      controllerContext.partitionsBeingReassigned.get(partition).foreach { reassignedPartitionContext =>
        val reassignedReplicas = reassignedPartitionContext.newReplicas.toSet
        zkClient.getTopicPartitionStates(Seq(partition)).get(partition) match {
          case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) => // check if new replicas have joined ISR
            val leaderAndIsr = leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.leaderAndIsr
            val caughtUpReplicas = reassignedReplicas & leaderAndIsr.isr.toSet
            if (caughtUpReplicas == reassignedReplicas) {
              // resume the partition reassignment process
              info(s"${caughtUpReplicas.size}/${reassignedReplicas.size} replicas have caught up with the leader for " +
                s"partition $partition being reassigned. Resuming partition reassignment")
              onPartitionReassignment(partition, reassignedPartitionContext)
            else {
              info(s"${caughtUpReplicas.size}/${reassignedReplicas.size} replicas have caught up with the leader for " +
                s"partition $partition being reassigned. Replica(s) " +
                s"${(reassignedReplicas -- leaderAndIsr.isr.toSet).mkString(",")} still need to catch up")
          case None => error(s"Error handling reassignment of partition $partition to replicas " +
                         s"${reassignedReplicas.mkString(",")} as it was never created")



2021-07-16 10:35:41,150 WARN state.change.logger: [Broker id=3] Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller 3 with correlation id 969 epoch 44 for partition kafka-9 as the local replica for the partition is in an offline log directory


        leaderAndIsrRequest.partitionStates.asScala.foreach { case (topicPartition, stateInfo) =>
          val partition = getOrCreatePartition(topicPartition)
          val partitionLeaderEpoch = partition.getLeaderEpoch
          if (partition eq ReplicaManager.OfflinePartition) {
            stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
              s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
              s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition as the local replica for the " +
              "partition is in an offline log directory")
            responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR)



2021-07-16 00:25:17,836 INFO kafka.log.LogManager: Stopping serving logs in dir /data/kafka/data


java.io.IOException: No space left on device


可以从controller里搜索 ‘still need to catch up’ 看看有哪些broker一直在等待,然后到这些服务器上看启动之后是否有 ‘Stopping serving logs’ 日志,如果有就会卡住,解决方法就是将等待的broker重启,然后reassign就可以开始

posted @ 2021-07-17 23:14  匠人先生  阅读(848)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报