数据质量 — 使用amazon deequ作为spark etl数据质量检测
package org.shydow.deequ import com.amazon.deequ.checks.CheckStatus import com.amazon.deequ.constraints.ConstraintStatus import com.amazon.deequ.{VerificationResult, VerificationSuite} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession} /** * @author shydow * @date 2022-03-25 */ object DQService { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder() .appName("DQC") .master("local[*]") .getOrCreate() val sc: SparkContext = spark.sparkContext sc.setLogLevel("WARN") import spark.implicits._ val source: RDD[Item] = sc.parallelize(Seq( Item(1, "Thingy A", "awesome thing.", "high", 0), Item(2, "Thingy B", "available at http://thingb.com", null, 0), Item(3, null, null, "low", 5), Item(4, "Thingy D", "checkout https://thingd.ca", "low", 10), Item(5, "Thingy E", null, "high", 12))) val sourceDF: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(source) sourceDF.printSchema() // 质量检测 val result: VerificationResult = DeequCheckRules.createRule(sourceDF) if (result.status == CheckStatus.Success) { println("The data passed the test, everything is fine!") } else { println("We found errors in the data:\n") val resultsForAllConstraints = result.checkResults .flatMap { case (_, checkResult) => checkResult.constraintResults } resultsForAllConstraints .filter { _.status != ConstraintStatus.Success } .foreach { result => println(s"${result.constraint}: ${result.message.get}") } } spark.close() } }
package org.shydow.deequ import com.amazon.deequ.{VerificationResult, VerificationSuite} import com.amazon.deequ.checks.{Check, CheckLevel} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame /** * @author shydow * @date 2022-03-25 */ object DeequCheckRules { // 自定义规则1 def createRule(df: DataFrame): VerificationResult = { VerificationSuite().onData(df) .addCheck(Check(CheckLevel.Error, "this a unit test") .hasSize(_ == 5) // 判断数据量是否是5条 .isComplete("id") // 判断该列是否全部不为空 .isUnique("id") // 判断该字段是否是唯一 .isComplete("productName") // 判断该字段全部不为空 .isContainedIn("priority", Array("high", "low")) // 该字段仅仅包含这两个字段 .isNonNegative("numViews") //该字段不包含负数 .containsURL("description", _ >= 0.5) // 包含url的记录是否超过0.5 .hasApproxQuantile("numViews", 0.5, _ <= 10) ) .run() } }
def odsTableRule(df: DataFrame) = { VerificationSuite() .onData(df) .addCheck( Check(CheckLevel.Error, "base checks") .isComplete("primaryKey") // primaryKey即主要字段不能为空 .isUnique("uniqueKey") // unique即唯一主键 .isContainedIn("priority", Array("high", "low")) // 判断该字段是否只存在枚举类型 .isNonNegative("numViews") // 断言该字段非负数 .satisfies( "abs(column1 - column2) <= 0.20 * column2", "value(column1) lies between value(column2)-20% and value(column2)+20%" ) // 自定义条件,判断col1-col2绝对值在0.2 * col2间 ) .addCheck( Check(CheckLevel.Warning, "distribution checks") .containsURL("description", _ >= 0.5) // 断言有一半的值包含url .hasApproxQuantile("numViews", 0.5, _ <= 10)) // 断言有一半的值不超过10 .run() }