rails笔记 ajax

ajax web2.0

要使用ajax,先要在页面中包含 <%=javascript_include_tag "prototype"%>




<%= link_to_remote("Do the Ajax thing",
        :update => 'mydiv',
        :url => { :action => :say_hello }) %>
<div id="mydiv">This text will be changed</div>

第一个参数为link的文本第二个参数为更新的元素的的id(div,span font等都可以) 第三个参数为远程的url(url_for语法),注意这个url要把layout关闭


例子如下 <%= form_remote_tag(:update => "update_div", :url => { :action => :guess } ) %> <%= text_field_tag :guess %> <%= submit_tag "Post form with AJAX" %> <%= end_form_tag %>

参数有:update更新的元素id :url同上 更多参数查api ??? 为什么api上的参数不一样呢



<%= text_field_tag :search %>

<%= observe_field(:search,
:frequency => 0.5,
:update => :results,
:url => { :action => :search }) %>


??? 注意 这里在action端使用了使用了request.raw_post || request.query_string 似乎还不是很明白这个用法

periodic update

例子如下 <%= periodically_call_remote(:update => 'process-list', :url => { :action => :ps }, :frequency => 2 )%>


Dom接口 !!!看看javascript的文档



Pass the $( ) method a string, and it returns the DOM element with the given id. Otherwise it returns its argument. (This behavior means you can pass in either an element’s id= attribute or the element itself and get an element returned.)

$('mydiv').style.border = "1px solid red"; /* sets border on mydiv */

Element.toggle(element, ...)

Element.toggle( ) toggles whether the given element (or elements) are shown. Internally, it switches the value of the CSS display attribute between ’inline’ and ’none’.

Element.toggle('mydiv'); /* toggles mydiv */
Element.toggle('div1', 'div2', 'div3'); /* toggles div1-div3 */

Element.show(element, ...)

Element.show( ) ensures all elements it receives as parameters will be shown.

Element.show('warning'); /* shows the element with id 'warning' */

Element.hide(element, ...)

Opposite of Element.show( ).


Element.remove( ) completely removes an element from the DOM.

Element.remove('mydiv'); /* completely erase mydiv */

Insertion methods

The various insertion methods make it easy to add HTML fragments to existing elements. They are discussed in Section 18.4, Replacement Techniques, on page 389.


javascript效果需要额外include "effects"包,所以一共include 两个包

<%= javascript_include_tag "prototype", "effects" %>

调用效果一般通过Effect.xxx(element) 可以传入一个代表id的string,或者使用this表明当前对象

...下面的内容很需要熟悉javascript, 本人暂时决定不深入研究

posted @ 2006-01-24 16:56  tech.cap  阅读(155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报