1 void open( 2 const char *_Filename, 3 ios_base::openmode _Mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out, 4 int _Prot = (int)ios_base::_Openprot 5 ); 6 void open( 7 const char *_Filename, 8 ios_base::openmode _Mode 9 ); 10 void open( 11 const wchar_t *_Filename, 12 ios_base::openmode _Mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out, 13 int _Prot = (int)ios_base::_Openprot 14 ); 15 void open( 16 const wchar_t *_Filename, 17 ios_base::openmode _Mode 18 );
1 _Filename 2 The name of the file to open. 3 打开文件名 4 5 _Mode 6 One of the enumerations in ios_base::openmode. 7 文件的打开方式(在ios_base::openmode中定义) 8 9 _Prot 10 The default file opening protection. 11 默认进行文件打开时的保护
1 ios::in, to permit extraction from a stream. 2 打开文件进行读操作,即读取文件中的数据 3 4 ios::out, to permit insertion to a stream. 5 打开文件进行写操作,即输出数据到文件中 6 7 ios::app, to seek to the end of a stream before each insertion. 8 打开文件之后文件指针指向文件末尾,只能在文件末尾进行数据的写入 9 10 ios::ate, to seek to the end of a stream when its controlling object is first created. 11 打开文件之后文件指针指向文件末尾,但是可以在文件的任何地方进行数据的写入 12 13 ios::trunc, to delete contents of an existing file when its controlling object is created. 14 默认的文件打开方式,若文件已经存在,则清空文件的内容 15 16 ios::binary, to read a file as a binary stream, rather than as a text stream. 17 打开文件为二进制文件,否则为文本文件
① 文本形式输出到文件,我们完全可以在open函数的mode选项中调用
好了,上面这句话说的就是将数据依次输出。注意,这里用的是依次,原因就是我们采用了app(append)模式,此表示在文件末尾继续写入文件,这就实现了数据的挨个写入 ^_^。一个完整的程序例子如下:
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <fstream> 3 using namespace std; 4 const int num=20; 5 struct people 6 { 7 char name[num]; 8 double weight; 9 int tall; 10 int age; 11 char sex; 12 }; 13 int main() 14 { 15 people pe={"李勇",78.5,181,25,'f'}; 16 ofstream fout("people.txt",ios::out|ios::app); 17 fout<<pe.name<<" "<<pe.age<<" "<<pe.sex<<" "<<pe.tall<<" "<<pe.weight<<" "<<"\n"; 18 fout.close(); 19 ifstream fin("people.txt"); 20 char ch[255]; 21 fin.getline(ch,255-1,0); 22 cout<<ch; 23 fin.close(); 24 return 0; 25 }
② 二进制形式输出到文件 为了能够让其用二进制方式输出文件,我们只需要把上面程序的第16行和17行换做
ofstream fout("people.txt",ios::bianry);
fout.write((char*)&pe,sizeof pe);
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <fstream> 3 using namespace std; 4 const int num=20;//人员编号的最大值是20 5 6 struct people//人员结构体 7 { 8 char name[num];//人员编号 9 double weight;//人的体重 10 int tall;//人的身高 11 int age;//人的年龄 12 char sex;//人的性别 13 }; 14 int main() 15 { 16 people pe={"李勇",78.5,181,25,'f'};//定义结构体对象pe 17 ofstream fout("people.txt",ios::binary);//以二进制方式打开文件“people.txt” 18 fout.write((char*)&pe,sizeof pe);//将结构体pe的数据写入文件 19 fout.close();//关闭文件流 20 21 people pe1={"张琳",65.4,165,62,'m'};//定义结构体对象pe1 22 //下面,我们来试一下把pe1中的内容用people.txt文件中的内容替换掉 23 ifstream fin("people.txt",ios::binary);//以二进制形式打开文件,读取文件内容 24 fin.read((char*)&pe1,sizeof pe1);//把文件里的信息写入变量pe1 25 cout<<pe1.name<<" "<<pe1.age<<" "<<pe1.sex<<" "<<pe1.tall<<" " 26 << pe1.weight <<" "<<"\n";//输出变量pe1的内容 27 fin.close();//关闭文件流 28 return 0; 29 }