实验五 模板类与多态


 1 #ifndef PERSON_HPP
 2 #define PERSON_HPP
 4 #include<string>
 5 #include<iostream>
 7 using namespace std;
 9 class Person
10 {
11     public:
12         Person(string n="ole olsen",string t="13352196559",string e="none"):name{n},telephone{t},email{e} {}
13         void change_phone(string t){telephone = t;}
14         void change_email(string e){email = e;}
15         friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out,Person &p);
16         friend istream& operator>>(istream &in,Person &p);
17         friend bool operator==(Person &p1,Person &p2);
18     private:
19         string name,telephone,email;
20 };
22 ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,Person &p)
23 {
24     out << p.name << "    " << p.telephone << "    " << p.email;
25     return out;
26 }
28 istream &operator>>(istream &in,Person &p)
29 {
30     getline(in,p.name);
31     getline(in,p.telephone);
32     getline(in,p.email);
33     return in;
34 }
36 bool operator==(Person &p1,Person &p2)
37 {
38     if(p1.name==p2.name&&p1.telephone==p2.telephone&&p1.email==p2.email)
39     return true;
40     else
41     return false;
42 }
44 #endif


 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<fstream>
 3 #include<vector>
 4 #include"Person.hpp"
 6 int main()
 7 {
 8     using namespace std;
10     vector<Person>phone_book;
12     Person p;
14     while(cin>>p)
15         phone_book.push_back(p);
17     for(auto &i:phone_book)
18         cout << i << endl;
20     cout << boolalpha << (phone_book.at(0)==phone_book.at(1));
22     ofstream fout;
24     fout.open("phone_book.txt");
26     if(!fout.is_open())
27     {
28         cerr << "fail to open file phone_book.txt\n";
29         return 1; 
30     }
32     for(auto &i:phone_book)
33         fout << i << endl;
35     fout.close();
36 }







问题一回答:ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,Person &p)


out << p.name << "" << p.telephone << "" << p.email;

return out;



 1 //=======================
 2 //        swordsman.h
 3 //=======================
 5 // Derived from base class player
 6 // For the job Swordsman
 8 #include ";player.h";
 9 class swordsman : public player/Ǜ_?????????        // subclass swordsman publicly inherited from base player
10 {
11 public:
12     swordsman(int lv_in=1, string name_in=";Not Given";);    
13         // constructor with default level of 1 and name of ";Not given";
14     void isLevelUp();
15     bool attack (player &p);
16     bool specialatt(player &p);
17         /* These three are derived from the pure virtual functions of base class
18            The definition of them will be given in this subclass. */
19     void AI(player &p);                // Computer opponent
20 };
  1 //=======================
  2 //        swordsman.cpp
  3 //=======================
  5 // constructor. default values don';t need to be repeated here
  7 #include ";swordsman.h";
  8 #include <iostream>
 10 using namespace std;
 12 swordsman::swordsman(int lv_in, string name_in)
 13 {
 14     role=sw;    // enumerate type of job
 15     LV=lv_in;
 16     name=name_in;
 18     // Initialising the character';s properties, based on his level
 19     HPmax=150+8*(LV-1);        // HP increases 8 point2 per level
 20     HP=HPmax;
 21     MPmax=75+2*(LV-1);        // MP increases 2 points per level
 22     MP=MPmax;
 23     AP=25+4*(LV-1);            // AP increases 4 points per level
 24     DP=25+4*(LV-1);            // DP increases 4 points per level
 25     speed=25+2*(LV-1);        // speed increases 2 points per level
 27     playerdeath=0;
 28     EXP=LV*LV*75;
 29     bag.set(lv_in, lv_in);
 30 }
 32 void swordsman::isLevelUp()
 33 {
 34     if(EXP>=LV*LV*75)
 35     {
 36         LV++;
 37         AP+=4;
 38         DP+=4;
 39         HPmax+=8;
 40         MPmax+=2;
 41         speed+=2;
 42         cout<<name<<"; Level UP!";<<endl;
 43         cout<<";HP improved 8 points to ";<<HPmax<<endl;
 44         cout<<";MP improved 2 points to ";<<MPmax<<endl;
 45         cout<<";Speed improved 2 points to ";<<speed<<endl;
 46         cout<<";AP improved 4 points to ";<<AP<<endl;
 47         cout<<";DP improved 5 points to ";<<DP<<endl;
 48         system(";pause";);
 49         isLevelUp();    // recursively call this function, so the character can level up multiple times if got enough exp
 50     }
 51 }
 53 bool swordsman::attack(player &p)
 54 {
 55     double HPtemp=0;        // opponent';s HP decrement
 56     double EXPtemp=0;        // player obtained exp
 57     double hit=1;            // attach factor, probably give critical attack
 58     srand((unsigned)time(NULL));        // generating random seed based on system time
 60     // If speed greater than opponent, you have some possibility to do double attack
 61     if ((speed>p.speed) && (rand()%100<(speed-p.speed)))        // rand()%100 means generates a number no greater than 100
 62     {
 63         HPtemp=(int)(Ƒ.0*AP/p.DP)*AP*5/(rand()%4+10));        // opponent';s HP decrement calculated based their AP/DP, and uncertain chance
 64         cout<<name<<";';s quick strike hit ";<<p.name<<";, ";<<p.name<<";';s HP decreased ";<<HPtemp<<endl;
 65         p.HP=int(p.HP-HPtemp);
 66         EXPtemp=(int)(HPtemp*1.2);
 67     }
 69     // If speed smaller than opponent, the opponent has possibility to evade
 70     if ((speed<p.speed) && (rand()%50<1))
 71     {
 72         cout<<name<<";';s attack has been evaded by ";<<p.name<<endl;
 73         system(";pause";);
 74         return 1;
 75     }
 77     // 10% chance give critical attack
 78     if (rand()%100<=10)
 79     {
 80         hit=1.5;
 81         cout<<";Critical attack: ";;
 82     }
 84     // Normal attack
 85     HPtemp=(int)(Ƒ.0*AP/p.DP)*AP*5/(rand()%4+10));
 86     cout<<name<<"; uses bash, ";<<p.name<<";';s HP decreases ";<<HPtemp<<endl;
 87     EXPtemp=(int)(EXPtemp+HPtemp*1.2);
 88     p.HP=(int)(p.HP-HPtemp);
 89     cout<<name<<"; obtained ";<<EXPtemp<<"; experience.";<<endl;
 90     EXP=(int)(EXP+EXPtemp);
 91     system(";pause";);
 92     return 1;        // Attack success
 93 }
 95 bool swordsman::specialatt(player &p)
 96 {
 97     if(MP<40)
 98     {
 99         cout<<";You don';t have enough magic points!";<<endl;
100         system(";pause";);
101         return 0;        // Attack failed
 1 //=======================
 2 //        container.h
 3 //=======================
 5 // The so-called inventory of a player in RPG games
 6 // contains two items, heal and magic water
 8 #ifndef CONTAINER_H        // Conditional compilation
 9 #define CONTAINER_H
11 class container        // Inventory
12 {
13 protected:
14     int numOfHeal;            // number of heal
15     int numOfMW;            // number of magic water
16 public:
17     container();            // constuctor
18     void set(int heal_n, int mw_n);    // set the items numbers
19     int nOfHeal();            // get the number of heal
20     int nOfMW();            // get the number of magic water
21     void display();            // display the items;
22     bool useHeal();            // use heal
23     bool useMW();            // use magic water
24 };
26 #endif
 1 //=======================
 2 //        container.cpp
 3 //=======================
 5 // default constructor initialise the inventory as empty
 7 #include";container.h";
 8 #include<iostream>
10 using namespace std;
12 container::container()
13 {
14     setƐ,0);
15 }
17 // set the item numbers
18 void container::set(int heal_n, int mw_n)
19 {
20     numOfHeal=heal_n;
21     numOfMW=mw_n;
22 }
24 // get the number of heal
25 int container::nOfHeal()
26 {
27     return numOfHeal;
28 }
30 // get the number of magic water
31 int container::nOfMW()
32 {
33     return numOfMW;
34 }
36 // display the items;
37 void container::display()
38 {
39     cout<<";Your bag contains: ";<<endl;
40     cout<<";Heal(HP+100): ";<<numOfHeal<<endl;
41     cout<<";Magic Water (MP+80): ";<<numOfMW<<endl;
42 }
44 //use heal
45 bool container::useHeal()
46 {
47     /ǘ_????????
48     numOfHeal--;
49     return 1;        // use heal successfully
50 }
52 //use magic water
53 bool container::useMW()
54 {
55     numOfMW--;
56     return 1;        // use magic water successfully
57 }
 1 //=======================
 2 //        player.h
 3 //=======================
 5 // The base class of player
 6 // including the general properties and methods related to a character
 8 #ifndef _PLAYER
 9 #define _PLAYER
11 #include <iomanip>        // use for setting field width
12 #include <time.h>        // use for generating random factor
13 #include ";container.h";
14 #include <string>
16 using namespace std;
18 enum job {sw, ar, mg};    /* define 3 jobs by enumerate type
19                                sword man, archer, mage */
20 class player
21 {
22     friend void showinfo(player &p1, player &p2);
23     friend class swordsman;
25 protected:
26     int HP, HPmax, MP, MPmax, AP, DP, speed, EXP, LV;
27     // General properties of all characters
28     string name;    // character name
29     job role;        /* character';s job, one of swordman, archer and mage,
30                        as defined by the enumerate type */
31     container bag;    // character';s inventory
33 public:
34     virtual bool attack(player &p)=0;    // normal attack
35     virtual bool specialatt(player &p)=0;    //special attack
36     virtual void isLevelUp()=0;            // level up judgement
37     /* Attention!
38     These three methods are called ";Pure virtual functions";.
39     They have only declaration, but no definition.
40     The class with pure virtual functions are called ";Abstract class";, which can only be used to inherited, but not to constructor objects. 
41     The detailed definition of these pure virtual functions will be given in subclasses. */
43     void reFill();        // character';s HP and MP resume
44     bool death();        // report whether character is dead
45     void isDead();        // check whether character is dead
46     bool useHeal();        // consume heal, irrelevant to job
47     bool useMW();        // consume magic water, irrelevant to job
48     void transfer(player &p);    // possess opponent';s items after victory
49     void showRole();    // display character';s job
51 private:
52     bool playerdeath;            // whether character is dead, doesn';t need to be accessed or inherited
53 };
55 #endif
  1 //=======================
  2 //        player.cpp
  3 //=======================
  6 // character';s HP and MP resume
  8 #include";player.h";
  9 #include <iostream>
 11 using namespace std;
 13 void player::reFill()
 14 {
 15     HP=HPmax;        // HP and MP fully recovered
 16     MP=MPmax;
 17 }
 19 // report whether character is dead
 20 bool player::death()
 21 {
 22     return playerdeath;
 23 }
 25 // check whether character is dead
 26 void player::isDead()
 27 {
 28     if(HP<=0)        // HP less than 0, character is dead
 29     {
 30         cout<<name<<"; is Dead."; <<endl;
 31         system(";pause";);
 32         playerdeath=1;    // give the label of death value 1
 33     }
 34 }
 36 // consume heal, irrelevant to job
 37 bool player::useHeal()
 38 {
 39     if(bag.nOfHeal()>0)
 40     {
 41         HP=HP+100;
 42         if(HP>HPmax)        // HP cannot be larger than maximum value
 43             HP=HPmax;        // so assign it to HPmax, if necessary
 44         cout<<name<<"; used Heal, HP increased by 100.";<<endl;
 45         bag.useHeal();        // use heal
 46         system(";pause";);
 47         return 1;    // usage of heal succeed
 48     }
 49     else                // If no more heal in bag, cannot use
 50     {
 51         cout<<";Sorry, you don';t have heal to use.";<<endl;
 52         system(";pause";);
 53         return 0;    // usage of heal failed
 54     }
 55 }
 57 // consume magic water, irrelevant to job
 58 bool player::useMW()
 59 {
 60     if(bag.nOfMW()>0)
 61     {
 62         MP=MP+100;
 63         if(MP>MPmax)
 64             MP=MPmax;
 65         cout<<name<<"; used Magic Water, MP increased by 100.";<<endl;
 66         bag.useMW();
 67         system(";pause";);
 68         return 1;    // usage of magic water succeed
 69     }
 70     else
 71     {
 72         cout<<";Sorry, you don';t have magic water to use.";<<endl;
 73         system(";pause";);
 74         return 0;    // usage of magic water failed
 75     }
 76 }
 78 // possess opponent';s items after victory
 79 void player::transfer(player &p)
 80 {
 81     cout<<name<<"; got";<<p.bag.nOfHeal()<<"; Heal, and ";<<p.bag.nOfMW()<<"; Magic Water.";<<endl;
 82     system(";pause";);
 83     /Ǚ_???????????
 84      bag.set(bag.nOfHeal() + p.bag.nOfHeal(), bag.nOfMW() + p.bag.nOfMW());
 85     // set the character';s bag, get opponent';s items
 86 }
 88 // display character';s job
 89 void player::showRole()
 90 {
 91     switch(role)
 92     {
 93     case sw:
 94         cout<<";Swordsman";;
 95         break;
 96     case ar:
 97         cout<<";Archer";;
 98         break;
 99     case mg:
100         cout<<";Mage";;
101         break;
  1 //=======================
  2 //        main.cpp
  3 //=======================
  5 // main function for the RPG style game
  7 #include <iostream>
  8 #include <string>
  9 using namespace std;
 11 #include ";swordsman.h";
 14 int main()
 15 {
 16     string tempName;
 17     bool success=0;        //flag for storing whether operation is successful
 18     cout <<";Please input player';s name: ";;
 19     cin >>tempName;        // get player';s name from keyboard input
 20     player *human;        // use pointer of base class, convenience for polymorphism
 21     int tempJob;        // temp choice for job selection
 22     do
 23     {
 24         cout <<";Please choose a job: 1 Swordsman, 2 Archer, 3 Mage";<<endl;
 25         cin>>tempJob;
 26         system(";cls";);        // clear the screen
 27         switch(tempJob)
 28         {
 29         case 1:
 30             human=new swordsmanƑ,tempName);    // create the character with user inputted name and job
 31             success=1;        // operation succeed
 32             break;
 33         default:
 34             break;                // In this case, success=0, character creation failed
 35         }
 36     }while(success!=1);        // so the loop will ask user to re-create a character
 38     int tempCom;            // temp command inputted by user
 39     int nOpp=0;                // the Nth opponent
 40     for(int i=1;nOpp<5;i+=2)    // i is opponent';s level
 41     {
 42         nOpp++;
 43         system(";cls";);
 44         cout<<";STAGE"; <<nOpp<<endl;
 45         cout<<";Your opponent, a Level ";<<i<<"; Swordsman.";<<endl;
 46         system(";pause";);
 47         swordsman enemy(i, ";Warrior";);    // Initialise an opponent, level i, name ";Junior";
 48         human->reFill();                // get HP/MP refill before start fight
 50         while(!human->death() && !enemy.death())    // no died
 51         {
 52             success=0;
 53             while (success!=1)
 54             {
 55                 showinfo(*human,enemy);                // show fighter';s information
 56                 cout<<";Please give command: ";<<endl;
 57                 cout<<";1 Attack; 2 Special Attack; 3 Use Heal; 4 Use Magic Water; 0 Exit Game";<<endl;
 58                 cin>>tempCom;
 59                 switch(tempCom)
 60                 {
 61                 case 0:
 62                     cout<<";Are you sure to exit? Y/N";<<endl;
 63                     char temp;
 64                     cin>>temp;
 65                     if(temp==';Y';||temp==';y';)
 66                         return 0;
 67                     else
 68                         break;
 69                 case 1:
 70                     success=human->attack(enemy);
 71                     human->isLevelUp();
 72                     enemy.isDead();
 73                     break;
 74                 case 2:
 75                     success=human->specialatt(enemy);
 76                     human->isLevelUp();
 77                     enemy.isDead();
 78                     break;
 79                 case 3:
 80                     success=human->useHeal();
 81                     break;
 82                 case 4:
 83                     success=human->useMW();
 84                     break;
 85                 default:
 86                     break;
 87                 }
 88             }
 89             if(!enemy.death())        // If AI still alive
 90                 enemy.AI(*human);
 91             else                            // AI died
 92             {
 93                 cout<<";YOU WIN";<<endl;
 94                 human->transfer(enemy);        // player got all AI';s items
 95             }
 96             if (human->death())
 97             {
 98                 system(";cls";);
 99                 cout<<endl<<setw࿒)<<";GAME OVER";<<endl;
100                 /ǜ_???????????        // player is dead, program is getting to its end, what should we do here?
101                 delete human;

























posted @ 2021-12-13 19:00  悟道树  阅读(38)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报