

addcslashes以 C 语言风格使用反斜线转义字符串中的字符
apache_child_terminate在本次请求结束后终止 apache 子进程
apache_getenv获取 Apache subprocess_env 变量
apache_lookup_uri对指定的 URI 执行部分请求并返回所有有关信息
apache_note取得或设置 apache 请求记录
apache_request_headers获取全部 HTTP 请求头信息
apache_reset_timeout重置 Apache 写入计时器
apache_response_headers获得全部 HTTP 响应头信息
apache_setenv设置 Apache 子进程环境变量
apcu_addCache a new variable in the data store
apcu_cache_infoRetrieves cached information from APCu’s data store
apcu_casUpdates an old value with a new value
apcu_clear_cacheClears the APCu cache
apcu_decDecrease a stored number
apcu_deleteRemoves a stored variable from the cache
apcu_entryAtomically fetch or generate a cache entry
apcu_existsChecks if entry exists
apcu_fetchFetch a stored variable from the cache
apcu_incIncrease a stored number
apcu_sma_infoRetrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information
apcu_storeCache a variable in the data store
apc_bin_dumpGet a binary dump of the given files and user variables
apc_bin_dumpfileOutput a binary dump of cached files and user variables to a file
apc_bin_loadLoad a binary dump into the APC file/user cache
apc_bin_loadfileLoad a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache
apc_cache_infoRetrieves cached information from APC’s data store
apc_compile_fileStores a file in the bytecode cache, bypassing all filters.
apc_decDecrease a stored number
apc_define_constantsDefines a set of constants for retrieval and mass-definition
apc_delete_fileDeletes files from the opcode cache
apc_load_constantsLoads a set of constants from the cache
apc_sma_infoRetrieves APC’s Shared Memory Allocation information
apc_storeCache a variable in the data store
apd_breakpointStops the interpreter and waits on a CR from the socket
apd_callstackReturns the current call stack as an array
apd_clunkThrow a warning and a callstack
apd_continueRestarts the interpreter
apd_croakThrow an error, a callstack and then exit
apd_dump_function_tableOutputs the current function table
apd_dump_persistent_resourcesReturn all persistent resources as an array
apd_dump_regular_resourcesReturn all current regular resources as an array
apd_echoEcho to the debugging socket
apd_get_active_symbolsGet an array of the current variables names in the local scope
apd_set_pprof_traceStarts the session debugging
apd_set_sessionChanges or sets the current debugging level
apd_set_session_traceStarts the session debugging
apd_set_session_trace_socketStarts the remote session debugging
assert检查一个断言是否为 FALSE


base64_decode对使用 MIME base64 编码的数据进行解码
base64_encode使用 MIME base64 对数据进行编码
bbcode_add_elementAdds a bbcode element
bbcode_add_smileyAdds a smiley to the parser
bbcode_createCreate a BBCode Resource
bbcode_destroyClose BBCode_container resource
bbcode_parseParse a string following a given rule set
bbcode_set_arg_parserAttach another parser in order to use another rule set for argument parsing
bbcode_set_flagsSet or alter parser options
bcompiler_load从一个 bz 压缩过的文件中读取并创建类
bcompiler_load_exe从一个 bcompiler exe 文件中读取并创建类
bcompiler_write_exe_footer写入开始位置以及 exe 类型文件的结尾信号
bcompiler_write_file写入 PHP 源码文件的字节码
bcompiler_write_footer写入单个字符 \x00 用于标识编译数据的结尾
bcompiler_write_header写入 bcompiler 头
bcpowmodRaise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
bindtextdomainSets the path for a domain
bind_textdomain_codesetSpecify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned
blenc_encryptEncrypt a PHP script with BLENC.
boolvalGet the boolean value of a variable
bson_decode反序列化一个 BSON 对象为 PHP 数组
bson_encode序列化一个 PHP 变量为 BSON 字符串
bzclose关闭一个 bzip2 文件
bzcompress把一个字符串压缩成 bzip2 编码数据
bzdecompress解压经 bzip2 编码过的数据
bzerrno返回一个 bzip2 错误码
bzerror返回包含 bzip2 错误号和错误字符串的一个 array
bzerrstr返回一个 bzip2 的错误字符串
bzopen打开一个经 bzip2 压缩过的文件
bzreadbzip2 文件二进制安全地读取
bzwrite二进制安全地写入 bzip2 文件


cairo_createReturns a new CairoContext object on the requested surface.
calculhmacObtain a hmac key (needs 2 arguments)
calcul_hmacObtain a hmac key (needs 8 arguments)
cal_from_jd转换Julian Day计数到一个支持的历法。
cal_to_jd从一个支持的历法转变为Julian Day计数。
chdb_createCreates a chdb file
choprtrim 的别名
classkit_importImport new class method definitions from a file
classkit_method_addDynamically adds a new method to a given class
classkit_method_copyCopies a method from class to another
classkit_method_redefineDynamically changes the code of the given method
classkit_method_removeDynamically removes the given method
classkit_method_renameDynamically changes the name of the given method
class_usesReturn the traits used by the given class
cli_get_process_titleReturns the current process title
cli_set_process_titleSets the process title
com_create_guidGenerate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
com_event_sinkConnect events from a COM object to a PHP object
com_get_active_objectReturns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object
com_load_typelib装载一个 Typelib
com_message_pumpProcess COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds
com_print_typeinfoPrint out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface
Constants for PDO_4DConstants for PDO_4D
Context 参数Context 参数列表
convert_cyr_string将字符由一种 Cyrillic 字符转换成另一种
convert_uudecode解码一个 uuencode 编码的字符串
convert_uuencode使用 uuencode 编码一个字符串
crack_checkPerforms an obscure check with the given password
crack_closedictCloses an open CrackLib dictionary
crack_getlastmessageReturns the message from the last obscure check
crack_opendictOpens a new CrackLib dictionary
crc32计算一个字符串的 crc32 多项式
create_functionCreate an anonymous (lambda-style) function
cubrid_affected_rowsReturn the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
cubrid_bindBind variables to a prepared statement as parameters
cubrid_client_encodingReturn the current CUBRID connection charset
cubrid_closeClose CUBRID connection
cubrid_close_prepareClose the request handle
cubrid_close_requestClose the request handle
cubrid_column_namesGet the column names in result
cubrid_column_typesGet column types in result
cubrid_col_getGet contents of collection type column using OID
cubrid_col_sizeGet the number of elements in collection type column using OID
cubrid_commitCommit a transaction
cubrid_connectOpen a connection to a CUBRID Server
cubrid_connect_with_urlEstablish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
cubrid_current_oidGet OID of the current cursor location
cubrid_data_seekMove the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result
cubrid_db_nameGet db name from results of cubrid_list_dbs
cubrid_disconnectClose a database connection
cubrid_dropDelete an instance using OID
cubrid_errnoReturn the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operation
cubrid_errorGet the error message
cubrid_error_codeGet error code for the most recent function call
cubrid_error_code_facilityGet the facility code of error
cubrid_error_msgGet last error message for the most recent function call
cubrid_executeExecute a prepared SQL statement
cubrid_fetchFetch the next row from a result set
cubrid_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
cubrid_fetch_assocReturn the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row
cubrid_fetch_fieldGet column information from a result and return as an object
cubrid_fetch_lengthsReturn an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row
cubrid_fetch_objectFetche the next row and returns it as an object
cubrid_fetch_rowReturn a numerical array with the values of the current row
cubrid_field_flagsReturn a string with the flags of the given field offset
cubrid_field_lenGet the maximum length of the specified field
cubrid_field_nameReturn the name of the specified field index
cubrid_field_seekMove the result set cursor to the specified field offset
cubrid_field_tableReturn the name of the table of the specified field
cubrid_field_typeReturn the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset
cubrid_free_resultFree the memory occupied by the result data
cubrid_getGet a column using OID
cubrid_get_autocommitGet auto-commit mode of the connection
cubrid_get_charsetReturn the current CUBRID connection charset
cubrid_get_class_nameGet the class name using OID
cubrid_get_client_infoReturn the client library version
cubrid_get_db_parameterReturns the CUBRID database parameters
cubrid_get_query_timeoutGet the query timeout value of the request
cubrid_get_server_infoReturn the CUBRID server version
cubrid_insert_idReturn the ID generated for the last updated AUTO_INCREMENT column
cubrid_is_instanceCheck whether the instance pointed by OID exists
cubrid_list_dbsReturn an array with the list of all existing CUBRID databases
cubrid_load_from_gloRead data from a GLO instance and save it in a file
cubrid_lob2_bindBind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parameters.
cubrid_lob2_closeClose LOB object.
cubrid_lob2_exportExport the lob object to a file.
cubrid_lob2_importImport BLOB/CLOB data from a file.
cubrid_lob2_newCreate a lob object.
cubrid_lob2_readRead from BLOB/CLOB data.
cubrid_lob2_seekMove the cursor of a lob object.
cubrid_lob2_seek64Move the cursor of a lob object.
cubrid_lob2_sizeGet a lob object’s size.
cubrid_lob2_size64Get a lob object’s size.
cubrid_lob2_tellTell the cursor position of the LOB object.
cubrid_lob2_tell64Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
cubrid_lob2_writeWrite to a lob object.
cubrid_lob_closeClose BLOB/CLOB data
cubrid_lob_exportExport BLOB/CLOB data to file
cubrid_lob_getGet BLOB/CLOB data
cubrid_lob_sendRead BLOB/CLOB data and send straight to browser
cubrid_lob_sizeGet BLOB/CLOB data size
cubrid_lock_readSet a read lock on the given OID
cubrid_lock_writeSet a write lock on the given OID
cubrid_move_cursorMove the cursor in the result
cubrid_new_gloCreate a glo instance
cubrid_next_resultGet result of next query when executing multiple SQL statements
cubrid_num_colsReturn the number of columns in the result set
cubrid_num_fieldsReturn the number of columns in the result set
cubrid_num_rowsGet the number of rows in the result set
cubrid_pconnectOpen a persistent connection to a CUBRID server
cubrid_pconnect_with_urlOpen a persistent connection to CUBRID server
cubrid_pingPing a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection
cubrid_preparePrepare a SQL statement for execution
cubrid_putUpdate a column using OID
cubrid_querySend a CUBRID query
cubrid_real_escape_stringEscape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement
cubrid_resultReturn the value of a specific field in a specific row
cubrid_rollbackRoll back a transaction
cubrid_save_to_gloSave requested file in a GLO instance
cubrid_schemaGet the requested schema information
cubrid_send_gloRead data from glo and send it to std output
cubrid_seq_dropDelete an element from sequence type column using OID
cubrid_seq_insertInsert an element to a sequence type column using OID
cubrid_seq_putUpdate the element value of sequence type column using OID
cubrid_set_addInsert a single element to set type column using OID
cubrid_set_autocommitSet autocommit mode of the connection
cubrid_set_db_parameterSets the CUBRID database parameters
cubrid_set_dropDelete an element from set type column using OID
cubrid_set_query_timeoutSet the timeout time of query execution
cubrid_unbuffered_queryPerform a query without fetching the results into memory
cubrid_versionGet the CUBRID PHP module’s version
CURL context optionsCURL 上下文选项列表
curl_escape使用 URL 编码给定的字符串
curl_file_create创建一个 CURLFile 对象
curl_multi_exec运行当前 cURL 句柄的子连接
curl_multi_setopt为 cURL 并行处理设置一个选项
curl_multi_strerrorReturn string describing error code
curl_pausePause and unpause a connection
curl_resetReset all options of a libcurl session handle
curl_share_closeClose a cURL share handle
curl_share_initInitialize a cURL share handle
curl_share_setoptSet an option for a cURL share handle.
curl_strerrorReturn string describing the given error code
curl_unescape解码给定的 URL 编码的字符串
cyrus_authenticateAuthenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_bindBind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection
cyrus_closeClose connection to a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_connectConnect to a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_querySend a query to a Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus_unbindUnbind …


date_parseReturns associative array with detailed info about given date
date_parse_from_formatGet info about given date formatted according to the specified format
date_sun_infoReturns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
db2_autocommitReturns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
db2_bind_paramBinds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
db2_client_infoReturns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
db2_closeCloses a database connection
db2_columnsReturns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
db2_column_privilegesReturns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
db2_commitCommits a transaction
db2_connectReturns a connection to a database
db2_conn_errorReturns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
db2_conn_errormsgReturns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
db2_cursor_typeReturns the cursor type used by a statement resource
db2_escape_stringUsed to escape certain characters
db2_execExecutes an SQL statement directly
db2_executeExecutes a prepared SQL statement
db2_fetch_arrayReturns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
db2_fetch_assocReturns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
db2_fetch_bothReturns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
db2_fetch_objectReturns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
db2_fetch_rowSets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
db2_field_display_sizeReturns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
db2_field_nameReturns the name of the column in the result set
db2_field_numReturns the position of the named column in a result set
db2_field_precisionReturns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
db2_field_scaleReturns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
db2_field_typeReturns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
db2_field_widthReturns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
db2_foreign_keysReturns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
db2_free_resultFrees resources associated with a result set
db2_free_stmtFrees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
db2_get_optionRetrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
db2_last_insert_idReturns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection
db2_lob_readGets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
db2_next_resultRequests the next result set from a stored procedure
db2_num_fieldsReturns the number of fields contained in a result set
db2_num_rowsReturns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
db2_pcloseCloses a persistent database connection
db2_pconnectReturns a persistent connection to a database
db2_preparePrepares an SQL statement to be executed
db2_primary_keysReturns a result set listing primary keys for a table
db2_proceduresReturns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
db2_procedure_columnsReturns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
db2_resultReturns a single column from a row in the result set
db2_rollbackRolls back a transaction
db2_server_infoReturns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
db2_set_optionSet options for connection or statement resources
db2_special_columnsReturns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
db2_statisticsReturns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
db2_stmt_errorReturns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
db2_stmt_errormsgReturns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
db2_tablesReturns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
db2_table_privilegesReturns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
dbase_add_recordAdds a record to a database
dbase_closeCloses a database
dbase_createCreates a database
dbase_delete_recordDeletes a record from a database
dbase_get_header_infoGets the header info of a database
dbase_get_recordGets a record from a database as an indexed array
dbase_get_record_with_namesGets a record from a database as an associative array
dbase_numfieldsGets the number of fields of a database
dbase_numrecordsGets the number of records in a database
dbase_openOpens a database
dbase_packPacks a database
dbase_replace_recordReplaces a record in a database
dba_closeClose a DBA database
dba_deleteDelete DBA entry specified by key
dba_existsCheck whether key exists
dba_fetchFetch data specified by key
dba_firstkeyFetch first key
dba_handlersList all the handlers available
dba_insertInsert entry
dba_key_splitSplits a key in string representation into array representation
dba_listList all open database files
dba_nextkeyFetch next key
dba_openOpen database
dba_optimizeOptimize database
dba_popenOpen database persistently
dba_replaceReplace or insert entry
dba_syncSynchronize database
dbplus_addAdd a tuple to a relation
dbplus_aqlPerform AQL query
dbplus_chdirGet/Set database virtual current directory
dbplus_closeClose a relation
dbplus_currGet current tuple from relation
dbplus_errcodeGet error string for given errorcode or last error
dbplus_errnoGet error code for last operation
dbplus_findSet a constraint on a relation
dbplus_firstGet first tuple from relation
dbplus_flushFlush all changes made on a relation
dbplus_freealllocksFree all locks held by this client
dbplus_freelockRelease write lock on tuple
dbplus_freerlocksFree all tuple locks on given relation
dbplus_getlockGet a write lock on a tuple
dbplus_getuniqueGet an id number unique to a relation
dbplus_infoGet information about a relation
dbplus_lastGet last tuple from relation
dbplus_lockrelRequest write lock on relation
dbplus_nextGet next tuple from relation
dbplus_openOpen relation file
dbplus_prevGet previous tuple from relation
dbplus_rchpermChange relation permissions
dbplus_rcreateCreates a new DB++ relation
dbplus_rcrtexactCreates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices
dbplus_rcrtlikeCreates an empty copy of a relation with default indices
dbplus_resolveResolve host information for relation
dbplus_restoreposRestore position
dbplus_rkeysSpecify new primary key for a relation
dbplus_ropenOpen relation file local
dbplus_rqueryPerform local (raw) AQL query
dbplus_rrenameRename a relation
dbplus_rsecindexCreate a new secondary index for a relation
dbplus_runlinkRemove relation from filesystem
dbplus_rzapRemove all tuples from relation
dbplus_saveposSave position
dbplus_setindexSet index
dbplus_setindexbynumberSet index by number
dbplus_sqlPerform SQL query
dbplus_tclExecute TCL code on server side
dbplus_tremoveRemove tuple and return new current tuple
dbplus_undopreparePrepare undo
dbplus_unlockrelGive up write lock on relation
dbplus_unselectRemove a constraint from relation
dbplus_updateUpdate specified tuple in relation
dbplus_xlockrelRequest exclusive lock on relation
dbplus_xunlockrelFree exclusive lock on relation
dbx_closeClose an open connection/database
dbx_compareCompare two rows for sorting purposes
dbx_connectOpen a connection/database
dbx_errorReport the error message of the latest function call in the module
dbx_escape_stringEscape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement
dbx_fetch_rowFetches rows from a query-result that had the DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED flag set
dbx_querySend a query and fetch all results (if any)
dbx_sortSort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function
dcgettextOverrides the domain for a single lookup
dcngettextPlural version of dcgettext
debug_zval_dumpDumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
define_syslog_variablesInitializes all syslog related variables
delete参见 unlink 或 unset
dgettextOverride the current domain
die等同于 exit
dio_closeCloses the file descriptor given by fd
dio_fcntlPerforms a c library fcntl on fd
dio_openOpens a file (creating it if necessary) at a lower level than the C library input/ouput stream functions allow.
dio_readReads bytes from a file descriptor
dio_seekSeeks to pos on fd from whence
dio_statGets stat information about the file descriptor fd
dio_tcsetattrSets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
dio_truncateTruncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
dio_writeWrites data to fd with optional truncation at length
dir返回一个 Directory 类实例
diskfreespacedisk_free_space 的别名
dl运行时载入一个 PHP 扩展
dngettextPlural version of dgettext
dns_check_record别名 checkdnsrr
dns_get_mx别名 getmxrr
dom_import_simplexmlGets a DOMElement object from a SimpleXMLElement object
doublevalfloatval 的别名


eio_busyArtificially increase load. Could be useful in tests, benchmarking.
eio_cancelCancels a request
eio_chmodChange file/direcrory permissions.
eio_chownChange file/direcrory permissions.
eio_closeClose file
eio_customExecute custom request like any other eio_* call.
eio_dup2Duplicate a file descriptor
eio_event_loopPolls libeio until all requests proceeded
eio_fallocateAllows the caller to directly manipulate the allocated disk space for a file
eio_fchmodChange file permissions.
eio_fchownChange file ownership
eio_fdatasyncSynchronize a file’s in-core state with storage device.
eio_fstatGet file status
eio_fstatvfsGet file system statistics
eio_fsyncSynchronize a file’s in-core state with storage device
eio_ftruncateTruncate a file
eio_futimeChange file last access and modification times
eio_get_event_streamGet stream representing a variable used in internal communications with libeio.
eio_get_last_errorReturns string describing the last error associated with a request resource
eio_grpCreatesa request group.
eio_grp_addAdds a request to the request group.
eio_grp_cancelCancels a request group
eio_grp_limitSet group limit
eio_init(Re-)initialize Eio
eio_linkCreate a hardlink for file
eio_lstatGet file status
eio_mkdirCreate directory
eio_mknodCreate a special or ordinary file.
eio_nopDoes nothing, except go through the whole request cycle.
eio_npendingReturns number of finished, but unhandled requests
eio_nreadyReturns number of not-yet handled requests
eio_nreqsReturns number of requests to be processed
eio_nthreadsReturns number of threads currently in use
eio_openOpens a file
eio_pollCan be to be called whenever there are pending requests that need finishing.
eio_readRead from a file descriptor at given offset.
eio_readaheadPerform file readahead into page cache
eio_readdirReads through a whole directory
eio_readlinkRead value of a symbolic link.
eio_realpathGet the canonicalized absolute pathname.
eio_renameChange the name or location of a file.
eio_rmdirRemove a directory
eio_seekRepositions the offset of the open file associated with the fd argument to the argument offset according to the directive whence
eio_sendfileTransfer data between file descriptors
eio_set_max_idleSet maximum number of idle threads.
eio_set_max_parallelSet maximum parallel threads
eio_set_max_poll_reqsSet maximum number of requests processed in a poll.
eio_set_max_poll_timeSet maximum poll time
eio_set_min_parallelSet minimum parallel thread number
eio_statGet file status
eio_statvfsGet file system statistics
eio_symlinkCreate a symbolic link
eio_syncCommit buffer cache to disk
eio_syncfsCalls Linux’ syncfs syscall, if available
eio_sync_file_rangeSync a file segment with disk
eio_truncateTruncate a file
eio_unlinkDelete a name and possibly the file it refers to
eio_utimeChange file last access and modification times.
eio_writeWrite to file
enchant_broker_describeEnumerates the Enchant providers
enchant_broker_dict_existsWhether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
enchant_broker_freeFree the broker resource and its dictionnaries
enchant_broker_free_dictFree a dictionary resource
enchant_broker_get_dict_pathGet the directory path for a given backend
enchant_broker_get_errorReturns the last error of the broker
enchant_broker_initcreate a new broker object capable of requesting
enchant_broker_list_dictsReturns a list of available dictionaries
enchant_broker_request_dictcreate a new dictionary using a tag
enchant_broker_request_pwl_dictcreates a dictionary using a PWL file
enchant_broker_set_dict_pathSet the directory path for a given backend
enchant_broker_set_orderingDeclares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
enchant_dict_add_to_personaladd a word to personal word list
enchant_dict_add_to_sessionadd ‘word’ to this spell-checking session
enchant_dict_checkCheck whether a word is correctly spelled or not
enchant_dict_describeDescribes an individual dictionary
enchant_dict_get_errorReturns the last error of the current spelling-session
enchant_dict_is_in_sessionwhether or not ‘word’ exists in this spelling-session
enchant_dict_quick_checkCheck the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
enchant_dict_store_replacementAdd a correction for a word
enchant_dict_suggestWill return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
error_clear_lastClear the most recent error
error_reporting设置应该报告何种 PHP 错误
escapeshellarg把字符串转码为可以在 shell 命令里使用的参数
escapeshellcmdshell 元字符转义
event_base_freeDestroy event base
event_base_loopHandle events
event_base_loopbreakAbort event loop
event_base_loopexitExit loop after a time
event_base_newCreate and initialize new event base
event_base_priority_initSet the number of event priority levels
event_base_reinitReinitialize the event base after a fork
event_base_setAssociate event base with an event
event_buffer_base_setAssociate buffered event with an event base
event_buffer_disableDisable a buffered event
event_buffer_enableEnable a buffered event
event_buffer_fd_setChange a buffered event file descriptor
event_buffer_freeDestroy buffered event
event_buffer_newCreate new buffered event
event_buffer_priority_setAssign a priority to a buffered event
event_buffer_readRead data from a buffered event
event_buffer_set_callbackSet or reset callbacks for a buffered event
event_buffer_timeout_setSet read and write timeouts for a buffered event
event_buffer_watermark_setSet the watermarks for read and write events
event_buffer_writeWrite data to a buffered event
event_newCreate new event
event_priority_setAssign a priority to an event.
event_timer_add别名 event_add
event_timer_del别名 event_del
event_timer_new别名 event_new
event_timer_setPrepare a timer event
Examples with PDO_4DExamples PDO_4D
exif_read_data从 JPEG 或 TIFF 文件中读取 EXIF 头信息
exif_thumbnail取得嵌入在 TIFF 或 JPEG 图像中的缩略图
exp计算 e 的指数
expect_expectlWaits until the output from a process matches one of the patterns, a specified time period has passed, or an EOF is seen
expect_popenExecute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to the process
expm1返回 exp(number)
ezmlm_hash计算 EZMLM 所需的散列值


fam_cancel_monitorTerminate monitoring
fam_closeClose FAM connection
fam_monitor_collectionMonitor a collection of files in a directory for changes
fam_monitor_directoryMonitor a directory for changes
fam_monitor_fileMonitor a regular file for changes
fam_next_eventGet next pending FAM event
fam_openOpen connection to FAM daemon
fam_pendingCheck for pending FAM events
fam_resume_monitorResume suspended monitoring
fam_suspend_monitorTemporarily suspend monitoring
fann_cascadetrain_on_dataTrains on an entire dataset, for a period of time using the Cascade2 training algorithm
fann_cascadetrain_on_fileTrains on an entire dataset read from file, for a period of time using the Cascade2 training algorithm.
fann_clear_scaling_paramsClears scaling parameters
fann_copyCreates a copy of a fann structure
fann_create_from_fileConstructs a backpropagation neural network from a configuration file
fann_create_shortcutCreates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections
fann_create_shortcut_arrayCreates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections
fann_create_sparseCreates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected
fann_create_sparse_arrayCreates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected using an array of layer sizes
fann_create_standardCreates a standard fully connected backpropagation neural network
fann_create_standard_arrayCreates a standard fully connected backpropagation neural network using an array of layer sizes
fann_create_trainCreates an empty training data struct
fann_create_train_from_callbackCreates the training data struct from a user supplied function
fann_descale_inputScale data in input vector after get it from ann based on previously calculated parameters
fann_descale_outputScale data in output vector after get it from ann based on previously calculated parameters
fann_descale_trainDescale input and output data based on previously calculated parameters
fann_destroyDestroys the entire network and properly freeing all the associated memory
fann_destroy_trainDestructs the training data
fann_duplicate_train_dataReturns an exact copy of a fann train data
fann_get_activation_functionReturns the activation function
fann_get_activation_steepnessReturns the activation steepness for supplied neuron and layer number
fann_get_bias_arrayGet the number of bias in each layer in the network
fann_get_bit_failThe number of fail bits
fann_get_bit_fail_limitReturns the bit fail limit used during training
fann_get_cascade_activation_functionsReturns the cascade activation functions
fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_countReturns the number of cascade activation functions
fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnessesReturns the cascade activation steepnesses
fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_countThe number of activation steepnesses
fann_get_cascade_candidate_change_fractionReturns the cascade candidate change fraction
fann_get_cascade_candidate_limitReturn the candidate limit
fann_get_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochsReturns the number of cascade candidate stagnation epochs
fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochsReturns the maximum candidate epochs
fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochsReturns the maximum out epochs
fann_get_cascade_min_cand_epochsReturns the minimum candidate epochs
fann_get_cascade_min_out_epochsReturns the minimum out epochs
fann_get_cascade_num_candidatesReturns the number of candidates used during training
fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groupsReturns the number of candidate groups
fann_get_cascade_output_change_fractionReturns the cascade output change fraction
fann_get_cascade_output_stagnation_epochsReturns the number of cascade output stagnation epochs
fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplierReturns the weight multiplier
fann_get_connection_arrayGet connections in the network
fann_get_connection_rateGet the connection rate used when the network was created
fann_get_errnoReturns the last error number
fann_get_errstrReturns the last errstr
fann_get_layer_arrayGet the number of neurons in each layer in the network
fann_get_learning_momentumReturns the learning momentum
fann_get_learning_rateReturns the learning rate
fann_get_MSEReads the mean square error from the network
fann_get_network_typeGet the type of neural network it was created as
fann_get_num_inputGet the number of input neurons
fann_get_num_layersGet the number of layers in the neural network
fann_get_num_outputGet the number of output neurons
fann_get_quickprop_decayReturns the decay which is a factor that weights should decrease in each iteration during quickprop training
fann_get_quickprop_muReturns the mu factor
fann_get_rprop_decrease_factorReturns the increase factor used during RPROP training
fann_get_rprop_delta_maxReturns the maximum step-size
fann_get_rprop_delta_minReturns the minimum step-size
fann_get_rprop_delta_zeroReturns the initial step-size
fann_get_rprop_increase_factorReturns the increase factor used during RPROP training
fann_get_sarprop_step_error_shiftReturns the sarprop step error shift
fann_get_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factorReturns the sarprop step error threshold factor
fann_get_sarprop_temperatureReturns the sarprop temperature
fann_get_sarprop_weight_decay_shiftReturns the sarprop weight decay shift
fann_get_total_connectionsGet the total number of connections in the entire network
fann_get_total_neuronsGet the total number of neurons in the entire network
fann_get_training_algorithmReturns the training algorithm
fann_get_train_error_functionReturns the error function used during training
fann_get_train_stop_functionReturns the stop function used during training
fann_init_weightsInitialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen’s algorithm
fann_length_train_dataReturns the number of training patterns in the train data
fann_merge_train_dataMerges the train data
fann_num_input_train_dataReturns the number of inputs in each of the training patterns in the train data
fann_num_output_train_dataReturns the number of outputs in each of the training patterns in the train data
fann_print_errorPrints the error string
fann_randomize_weightsGive each connection a random weight between min_weight and max_weight
fann_read_train_from_fileReads a file that stores training data
fann_reset_errnoResets the last error number
fann_reset_errstrResets the last error string
fann_reset_MSEResets the mean square error from the network
fann_runWill run input through the neural network
fann_saveSaves the entire network to a configuration file
fann_save_trainSave the training structure to a file
fann_scale_inputScale data in input vector before feed it to ann based on previously calculated parameters
fann_scale_input_train_dataScales the inputs in the training data to the specified range
fann_scale_outputScale data in output vector before feed it to ann based on previously calculated parameters
fann_scale_output_train_dataScales the outputs in the training data to the specified range
fann_scale_trainScale input and output data based on previously calculated parameters
fann_scale_train_dataScales the inputs and outputs in the training data to the specified range
fann_set_activation_functionSets the activation function for supplied neuron and layer
fann_set_activation_function_hiddenSets the activation function for all of the hidden layers
fann_set_activation_function_layerSets the activation function for all the neurons in the supplied layer.
fann_set_activation_function_outputSets the activation function for the output layer
fann_set_activation_steepnessSets the activation steepness for supplied neuron and layer number
fann_set_activation_steepness_hiddenSets the steepness of the activation steepness for all neurons in the all hidden layers
fann_set_activation_steepness_layerSets the activation steepness for all of the neurons in the supplied layer number
fann_set_activation_steepness_outputSets the steepness of the activation steepness in the output layer
fann_set_bit_fail_limitSet the bit fail limit used during training
fann_set_callbackSets the callback function for use during training
fann_set_cascade_activation_functionsSets the array of cascade candidate activation functions
fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnessesSets the array of cascade candidate activation steepnesses
fann_set_cascade_candidate_change_fractionSets the cascade candidate change fraction
fann_set_cascade_candidate_limitSets the candidate limit
fann_set_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochsSets the number of cascade candidate stagnation epochs
fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochsSets the max candidate epochs
fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochsSets the maximum out epochs
fann_set_cascade_min_cand_epochsSets the min candidate epochs
fann_set_cascade_min_out_epochsSets the minimum out epochs
fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groupsSets the number of candidate groups
fann_set_cascade_output_change_fractionSets the cascade output change fraction
fann_set_cascade_output_stagnation_epochsSets the number of cascade output stagnation epochs
fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplierSets the weight multiplier
fann_set_error_logSets where the errors are logged to
fann_set_input_scaling_paramsCalculate input scaling parameters for future use based on training data
fann_set_learning_momentumSets the learning momentum
fann_set_learning_rateSets the learning rate
fann_set_output_scaling_paramsCalculate output scaling parameters for future use based on training data
fann_set_quickprop_decaySets the quickprop decay factor
fann_set_quickprop_muSets the quickprop mu factor
fann_set_rprop_decrease_factorSets the decrease factor used during RPROP training
fann_set_rprop_delta_maxSets the maximum step-size
fann_set_rprop_delta_minSets the minimum step-size
fann_set_rprop_delta_zeroSets the initial step-size
fann_set_rprop_increase_factorSets the increase factor used during RPROP training
fann_set_sarprop_step_error_shiftSets the sarprop step error shift
fann_set_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factorSets the sarprop step error threshold factor
fann_set_sarprop_temperatureSets the sarprop temperature
fann_set_sarprop_weight_decay_shiftSets the sarprop weight decay shift
fann_set_scaling_paramsCalculate input and output scaling parameters for future use based on training data
fann_set_training_algorithmSets the training algorithm
fann_set_train_error_functionSets the error function used during training
fann_set_train_stop_functionSets the stop function used during training
fann_set_weightSet a connection in the network
fann_set_weight_arraySet connections in the network
fann_shuffle_train_dataShuffles training data, randomizing the order
fann_subset_train_dataReturns an copy of a subset of the train data
fann_testTest with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs
fann_test_dataTest a set of training data and calculates the MSE for the training data
fann_trainTrain one iteration with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs
fann_train_epochTrain one epoch with a set of training data
fann_train_on_dataTrains on an entire dataset for a period of time
fann_train_on_fileTrains on an entire dataset, which is read from file, for a period of time
fbsql_affected_rowsGet number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation
fbsql_autocommitEnable or disable autocommit
fbsql_blob_sizeGet the size of a BLOB
fbsql_change_userChange logged in user of the active connection
fbsql_clob_sizeGet the size of a CLOB
fbsql_closeClose FrontBase connection
fbsql_commitCommits a transaction to the database
fbsql_connectOpen a connection to a FrontBase Server
fbsql_create_blobCreate a BLOB
fbsql_create_clobCreate a CLOB
fbsql_create_dbCreate a FrontBase database
fbsql_databaseGet or set the database name used with a connection
fbsql_database_passwordSets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database
fbsql_data_seekMove internal result pointer
fbsql_db_querySend a FrontBase query
fbsql_db_statusGet the status for a given database
fbsql_drop_dbDrop (delete) a FrontBase database
fbsql_errnoReturns the error number from previous operation
fbsql_errorReturns the error message from previous operation
fbsql_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
fbsql_fetch_assocFetch a result row as an associative array
fbsql_fetch_fieldGet column information from a result and return as an object
fbsql_fetch_lengthsGet the length of each output in a result
fbsql_fetch_objectFetch a result row as an object
fbsql_fetch_rowGet a result row as an enumerated array
fbsql_field_flagsGet the flags associated with the specified field in a result
fbsql_field_lenReturns the length of the specified field
fbsql_field_nameGet the name of the specified field in a result
fbsql_field_seekSet result pointer to a specified field offset
fbsql_field_tableGet name of the table the specified field is in
fbsql_field_typeGet the type of the specified field in a result
fbsql_free_resultFree result memory
fbsql_hostnameGet or set the host name used with a connection
fbsql_insert_idGet the id generated from the previous INSERT operation
fbsql_list_dbsList databases available on a FrontBase server
fbsql_list_fieldsList FrontBase result fields
fbsql_list_tablesList tables in a FrontBase database
fbsql_next_resultMove the internal result pointer to the next result
fbsql_num_fieldsGet number of fields in result
fbsql_num_rowsGet number of rows in result
fbsql_passwordGet or set the user password used with a connection
fbsql_pconnectOpen a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server
fbsql_querySend a FrontBase query
fbsql_read_blobRead a BLOB from the database
fbsql_read_clobRead a CLOB from the database
fbsql_resultGet result data
fbsql_rollbackRollback a transaction to the database
fbsql_rows_fetchedGet the number of rows affected by the last statement
fbsql_select_dbSelect a FrontBase database
fbsql_set_charactersetChange input/output character set
fbsql_set_lob_modeSet the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set
fbsql_set_passwordChange the password for a given user
fbsql_set_transactionSet the transaction locking and isolation
fbsql_start_dbStart a database on local or remote server
fbsql_stop_dbStop a database on local or remote server
fbsql_tablename别名 fbsql_table_name
fbsql_table_nameGet table name of field
fbsql_usernameGet or set the username for the connection
fbsql_warningsEnable or disable FrontBase warnings
fdf_add_doc_javascriptAdds javascript code to the FDF document
fdf_add_templateAdds a template into the FDF document
fdf_closeClose an FDF document
fdf_createCreate a new FDF document
fdf_enum_valuesCall a user defined function for each document value
fdf_errnoReturn error code for last fdf operation
fdf_errorReturn error description for FDF error code
fdf_get_apGet the appearance of a field
fdf_get_attachmentExtracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF
fdf_get_encodingGet the value of the /Encoding key
fdf_get_fileGet the value of the /F key
fdf_get_flagsGets the flags of a field
fdf_get_optGets a value from the opt array of a field
fdf_get_statusGet the value of the /STATUS key
fdf_get_valueGet the value of a field
fdf_get_versionGets version number for FDF API or file
fdf_headerSets FDF-specific output headers
fdf_next_field_nameGet the next field name
fdf_openOpen a FDF document
fdf_open_stringRead a FDF document from a string
fdf_remove_itemSets target frame for form
fdf_saveSave a FDF document
fdf_save_stringReturns the FDF document as a string
fdf_set_apSet the appearance of a field
fdf_set_encodingSets FDF character encoding
fdf_set_fileSet PDF document to display FDF data in
fdf_set_flagsSets a flag of a field
fdf_set_javascript_actionSets an javascript action of a field
fdf_set_on_import_javascriptAdds javascript code to be executed when Acrobat opens the FDF
fdf_set_optSets an option of a field
fdf_set_statusSet the value of the /STATUS key
fdf_set_submit_form_actionSets a submit form action of a field
fdf_set_target_frameSet target frame for form display
fdf_set_valueSet the value of a field
fdf_set_versionSets version number for a FDF file
fgetcsv从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段
fgetss从文件指针中读取一行并过滤掉 HTML 标记
filectime取得文件的 inode 修改时间
fileinode取得文件的 inode
fileproRead and verify the map file
filepro_fieldcountFind out how many fields are in a filePro database
filepro_fieldnameGets the name of a field
filepro_fieldtypeGets the type of a field
filepro_fieldwidthGets the width of a field
filepro_retrieveRetrieves data from a filePro database
filepro_rowcountFind out how many rows are in a filePro database
filter_has_varChecks if variable of specified type exists
finfo_close关闭 fileinfo 资源
finfo_open创建一个 fileinfo 资源
fopen打开文件或者 URL
forward_static_callCall a static method
forward_static_call_arrayCall a static method and pass the arguments as array
fputcsv将行格式化为 CSV 并写入文件指针
fputsfwrite 的别名
FrenchToJD从一个French Republican历法的日期得到Julian Day计数。
fribidi_log2visConvert a logical string to a visual one
ftokConvert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
FTP context optionsFTP context option listing
ftp_chdir在 FTP 服务器上改变当前目录
ftp_chmod设置 FTP 服务器上的文件权限
ftp_close关闭一个 FTP 连接
ftp_connect建立一个新的 FTP 连接
ftp_delete删除 FTP 服务器上的一个文件
ftp_exec请求运行一条 FTP 命令
ftp_fget从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件并保存到本地一个已经打开的文件中
ftp_fput上传一个已经打开的文件到 FTP 服务器
ftp_get从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件
ftp_get_option返回当前 FTP 连接的各种不同的选项设置
ftp_login登录 FTP 服务器
ftp_nb_fget从 FTP 服务器获取文件并写入到一个打开的文件(非阻塞)
ftp_nb_fput将文件存储到 FTP 服务器 (非阻塞)
ftp_nb_get从 FTP 服务器上获取文件并写入本地文件(non-blocking)
ftp_nb_put存储一个文件至 FTP 服务器(non-blocking)
ftp_pasv返回当前 FTP 被动模式是否打开
ftp_put上传文件到 FTP 服务器
ftp_quitftp_close 的 别名
ftp_raw向 FTP 服务器发送命令
ftp_rename更改 FTP 服务器上的文件或目录名
ftp_rmdir删除 FTP 服务器上的一个目录
ftp_set_option设置各种 FTP 运行时选项
ftp_site向服务器发送 SITE 命令
ftp_ssl_connect打开 SSL-FTP 连接
ftp_systype返回远程 FTP 服务器的操作系统类型
function_exists如果给定的函数已经被定义就返回 TRUE
func_num_argsReturns the number of arguments passed to the function


gc_mem_cachesReclaims memory used by the Zend Engine memory manager
gd_info取得当前安装的 GD 库的信息
geoip_asnum_by_nameGet the Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)
geoip_continent_code_by_nameGet the two letter continent code
geoip_country_code3_by_nameGet the three letter country code
geoip_country_code_by_nameGet the two letter country code
geoip_country_name_by_nameGet the full country name
geoip_database_infoGet GeoIP Database information
geoip_db_availDetermine if GeoIP Database is available
geoip_db_filenameReturns the filename of the corresponding GeoIP Database
geoip_db_get_all_infoReturns detailed information about all GeoIP database types
geoip_domain_by_nameGet the second level domain name
geoip_id_by_nameGet the Internet connection type
geoip_isp_by_nameGet the Internet Service Provider (ISP) name
geoip_netspeedcell_by_nameGet the Internet connection speed
geoip_org_by_nameGet the organization name
geoip_record_by_nameReturns the detailed City information found in the GeoIP Database
geoip_region_by_nameGet the country code and region
geoip_region_name_by_codeReturns the region name for some country and region code combo
geoip_setup_custom_directorySet a custom directory for the GeoIP database.
geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_regionReturns the time zone for some country and region code combo
getallheaders获取全部 HTTP 请求头信息
gethostbynameGet the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name
gethostbynamelGet a list of IPv4 addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name
gethostnameGets the host name
getmxrrGet MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name
getmygid获取当前 PHP 脚本拥有者的 GID
getmypid获取 PHP 进程的 ID
getmyuid获取 PHP 脚本所有者的 UID
getprotobynameGet protocol number associated with protocol name
getprotobynumberGet protocol name associated with protocol number
getservbynameGet port number associated with an Internet service and protocol
getservbyportGet Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol
gettextLookup a message in the current domain
get_called_class后期静态绑定(”Late Static Binding”)类的名称
get_cfg_var获取 PHP 配置选项的值
get_current_user获取当前 PHP 脚本所有者名称
get_declared_traits返回所有已定义的 traits 的数组
get_defined_functionsReturns an array of all defined functions
get_headers取得服务器响应一个 HTTP 请求所发送的所有标头
get_html_translation_table返回使用 htmlspecialchars 和 htmlentities 后的转换表
get_included_files返回被 include 和 require 文件名的 array
get_include_path获取当前的 include_path 配置选项
get_loaded_extensions返回所有编译并加载模块名的 array
get_magic_quotes_gpc获取当前 magic_quotes_gpc 的配置选项设置
get_magic_quotes_runtime获取当前 magic_quotes_runtime 配置选项的激活状态
get_meta_tags从一个文件中提取所有的 meta 标签 content 属性,返回一个数组
get_required_files别名 get_included_files
get_resourcesReturns active resources
gmdate格式化一个 GMT/UTC 日期/时间
gmmktime取得 GMT 日期的 UNIX 时间戳
gmp_absAbsolute value
gmp_addAdd numbers
gmp_andBitwise AND
gmp_clrbitClear bit
gmp_cmpCompare numbers
gmp_comCalculates one’s complement
gmp_div别名 gmp_div_q
gmp_divexactExact division of numbers
gmp_div_qDivide numbers
gmp_div_qrDivide numbers and get quotient and remainder
gmp_div_rRemainder of the division of numbers
gmp_exportExport to a binary string
gmp_gcdCalculate GCD
gmp_gcdextCalculate GCD and multipliers
gmp_hamdistHamming distance
gmp_importImport from a binary string
gmp_initCreate GMP number
gmp_intvalConvert GMP number to integer
gmp_invertInverse by modulo
gmp_jacobiJacobi symbol
gmp_legendreLegendre symbol
gmp_modModulo operation
gmp_mulMultiply numbers
gmp_negNegate number
gmp_nextprimeFind next prime number
gmp_orBitwise OR
gmp_perfect_squarePerfect square check
gmp_popcountPopulation count
gmp_powRaise number into power
gmp_powmRaise number into power with modulo
gmp_prob_primeCheck if number is “probably prime”
gmp_randomRandom number
gmp_random_bitsRandom number
gmp_random_rangeRandom number
gmp_random_seedSets the RNG seed
gmp_rootTake the integer part of nth root
gmp_rootremTake the integer part and remainder of nth root
gmp_scan0Scan for 0
gmp_scan1Scan for 1
gmp_setbitSet bit
gmp_signSign of number
gmp_sqrtCalculate square root
gmp_sqrtremSquare root with remainder
gmp_strvalConvert GMP number to string
gmp_subSubtract numbers
gmp_testbitTests if a bit is set
gmp_xorBitwise XOR
gmstrftime根据区域设置格式化 GMT/UTC 时间/日期
gnupg_adddecryptkeyAdd a key for decryption
gnupg_addencryptkeyAdd a key for encryption
gnupg_addsignkeyAdd a key for signing
gnupg_cleardecryptkeysRemoves all keys which were set for decryption before
gnupg_clearencryptkeysRemoves all keys which were set for encryption before
gnupg_clearsignkeysRemoves all keys which were set for signing before
gnupg_decryptDecrypts a given text
gnupg_decryptverifyDecrypts and verifies a given text
gnupg_encryptEncrypts a given text
gnupg_encryptsignEncrypts and signs a given text
gnupg_exportExports a key
gnupg_geterrorReturns the errortext, if a function fails
gnupg_getprotocolReturns the currently active protocol for all operations
gnupg_importImports a key
gnupg_initInitialize a connection
gnupg_keyinfoReturns an array with information about all keys that matches the given pattern
gnupg_setarmorToggle armored output
gnupg_seterrormodeSets the mode for error_reporting
gnupg_setsignmodeSets the mode for signing
gnupg_signSigns a given text
gnupg_verifyVerifies a signed text
gopher_parsedirTranslate a gopher formatted directory entry into an associative array.
grapheme_extractFunction to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8.
grapheme_striposFind position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
grapheme_stristrReturns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of case-insensitive needle to the end of haystack.
grapheme_strlenGet string length in grapheme units
grapheme_strposFind position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a string
grapheme_strriposFind position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string
grapheme_strrposFind position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a string
grapheme_strstrReturns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack.
grapheme_substrReturn part of a string
GregorianToJD转变一个Gregorian历法日期到Julian Day计数
gupnp_context_get_host_ipGet the IP address
gupnp_context_get_portGet the port
gupnp_context_get_subscription_timeoutGet the event subscription timeout
gupnp_context_host_pathStart hosting
gupnp_context_newCreate a new context
gupnp_context_set_subscription_timeoutSets the event subscription timeout
gupnp_context_timeout_addSets a function to be called at regular intervals
gupnp_context_unhost_pathStop hosting
gupnp_control_point_browse_startStart browsing
gupnp_control_point_browse_stopStop browsing
gupnp_control_point_callback_setSet control point callback
gupnp_control_point_newCreate a new control point
gupnp_device_action_callback_setSet device callback function
gupnp_device_info_getGet info of root device
gupnp_device_info_get_serviceGet the service with type
gupnp_root_device_get_availableCheck whether root device is available
gupnp_root_device_get_relative_locationGet the relative location of root device.
gupnp_root_device_newCreate a new root device
gupnp_root_device_set_availableSet whether or not root_device is available
gupnp_root_device_startStart main loop
gupnp_root_device_stopStop main loop
gupnp_service_action_getRetrieves the specified action arguments
gupnp_service_action_returnReturn successfully
gupnp_service_action_return_errorReturn error code
gupnp_service_action_setSets the specified action return values
gupnp_service_freeze_notifyFreeze new notifications
gupnp_service_info_getGet full info of service
gupnp_service_info_get_introspectionGet resource introspection of service
gupnp_service_introspection_get_state_variableReturns the state variable data
gupnp_service_notifyNotifies listening clients
gupnp_service_proxy_action_getSend action to the service and get value
gupnp_service_proxy_action_setSend action to the service and set value
gupnp_service_proxy_add_notifySets up callback for variable change notification
gupnp_service_proxy_callback_setSet service proxy callback for signal
gupnp_service_proxy_get_subscribedCheck whether subscription is valid to the service
gupnp_service_proxy_remove_notifyCancels the variable change notification
gupnp_service_proxy_send_actionSend action with multiple parameters synchronously
gupnp_service_proxy_set_subscribed(Un)subscribes to the service.
gupnp_service_thaw_notifySends out any pending notifications and stops queuing of new ones.
gzcloseClose an open gz-file pointer
gzcompressCompress a string
gzdecodeDecodes a gzip compressed string
gzdeflateDeflate a string
gzencodeCreate a gzip compressed string
gzeofTest for EOF on a gz-file pointer
gzfileRead entire gz-file into an array
gzgetcGet character from gz-file pointer
gzgetsGet line from file pointer
gzgetssGet line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
gzinflateInflate a deflated string
gzopenOpen gz-file
gzpassthruOutput all remaining data on a gz-file pointer
gzputs别名 gzwrite
gzreadBinary-safe gz-file read
gzrewindRewind the position of a gz-file pointer
gzseekSeek on a gz-file pointer
gztellTell gz-file pointer read/write position
gzuncompressUncompress a compressed string
gzwriteBinary-safe gz-file write


hash生成哈希值 (消息摘要)
hash_hmac使用 HMAC 方法生成带有密钥的哈希值
hash_hmac_file使用 HMAC 方法和给定文件的内容生成带密钥的哈希值
hash_pbkdf2生成所提供密码的 PBKDF2 密钥导出
header发送原生 HTTP 头
headers_listReturns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)
headers_sentChecks if or where headers have been sent
header_register_callbackCall a header function
header_removeRemove previously set headers
htmlentitiesConvert all applicable characters to HTML entities
htmlspecialcharsConvert special characters to HTML entities
htmlspecialchars_decode将特殊的 HTML 实体转换回普通字符
html_entity_decodeConvert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
HTTP context 选项HTTP context 的选项列表
http_build_cookieBuild cookie string
http_build_query生成 URL-encode 之后的请求字符串
http_build_url产生一个 URL
http_cache_etagCaching by ETag
http_cache_last_modifiedCaching by last modification
http_chunked_decodeDecode chunked-encoded data
http_dateCompose HTTP RFC compliant date
http_deflateDeflate data
http_getPerform GET request
http_get_request_bodyGet request body as string
http_get_request_body_streamGet request body as stream
http_get_request_headersGet request headers as array
http_headPerform HEAD request
http_inflateInflate data
http_match_etagMatch ETag
http_match_modifiedMatch last modification
http_match_request_headerMatch any header
http_negotiate_charsetNegotiate client’s preferred character set
http_negotiate_content_typeNegotiate client’s preferred content type
http_negotiate_languageNegotiate client’s preferred language
http_parse_cookieParse HTTP cookie
http_parse_headersParse HTTP headers
http_parse_messageParse HTTP messages
http_parse_paramsParse parameter list
http_persistent_handles_cleanClean up persistent handles
http_persistent_handles_countStat persistent handles
http_persistent_handles_identGet/set ident of persistent handles
http_post_dataPerform POST request with pre-encoded data
http_post_fieldsPerform POST request with data to be encoded
http_put_dataPerform PUT request with data
http_put_filePerform PUT request with file
http_put_streamPerform PUT request with stream
http_redirectIssue HTTP redirect
http_requestPerform custom request
http_request_body_encodeEncode request body
http_request_method_existsCheck whether request method exists
http_request_method_nameGet request method name
http_request_method_registerRegister request method
http_request_method_unregisterUnregister request method
http_response_codeGet or Set the HTTP response code
http_send_content_dispositionSend Content-Disposition
http_send_content_typeSend Content-Type
http_send_dataSend arbitrary data
http_send_fileSend file
http_send_last_modifiedSend Last-Modified
http_send_statusSend HTTP response status
http_send_streamSend stream
http_supportCheck built-in HTTP support
http_throttleHTTP throttling
hwapi_attribute_newCreates instance of class hw_api_attribute
hwapi_content_newCreate new instance of class hw_api_content
hwapi_hgcspReturns object of class hw_api
hwapi_object_newCreates a new instance of class hwapi_object_new


ibase_add_userAdd a user to a security database
ibase_affected_rowsReturn the number of rows that were affected by the previous query
ibase_backupInitiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately
ibase_blob_addAdd data into a newly created blob
ibase_blob_cancelCancel creating blob
ibase_blob_closeClose blob
ibase_blob_createCreate a new blob for adding data
ibase_blob_echoOutput blob contents to browser
ibase_blob_getGet len bytes data from open blob
ibase_blob_importCreate blob, copy file in it, and close it
ibase_blob_infoReturn blob length and other useful info
ibase_blob_openOpen blob for retrieving data parts
ibase_closeClose a connection to an InterBase database
ibase_commitCommit a transaction
ibase_commit_retCommit a transaction without closing it
ibase_connectOpen a connection to a database
ibase_db_infoRequest statistics about a database
ibase_delete_userDelete a user from a security database
ibase_drop_dbDrops a database
ibase_errcodeReturn an error code
ibase_errmsgReturn error messages
ibase_executeExecute a previously prepared query
ibase_fetch_assocFetch a result row from a query as an associative array
ibase_fetch_objectGet an object from a InterBase database
ibase_fetch_rowFetch a row from an InterBase database
ibase_field_infoGet information about a field
ibase_free_event_handlerCancels a registered event handler
ibase_free_queryFree memory allocated by a prepared query
ibase_free_resultFree a result set
ibase_gen_idIncrements the named generator and returns its new value
ibase_maintain_dbExecute a maintenance command on the database server
ibase_modify_userModify a user to a security database
ibase_name_resultAssigns a name to a result set
ibase_num_fieldsGet the number of fields in a result set
ibase_num_paramsReturn the number of parameters in a prepared query
ibase_param_infoReturn information about a parameter in a prepared query
ibase_pconnectOpen a persistent connection to an InterBase database
ibase_preparePrepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution
ibase_queryExecute a query on an InterBase database
ibase_restoreInitiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately
ibase_rollbackRoll back a transaction
ibase_rollback_retRoll back a transaction without closing it
ibase_server_infoRequest information about a database server
ibase_service_attachConnect to the service manager
ibase_service_detachDisconnect from the service manager
ibase_set_event_handlerRegister a callback function to be called when events are posted
ibase_transBegin a transaction
ibase_wait_eventWait for an event to be posted by the database
iconv_get_encoding获取 iconv 扩展的内部配置变量
iconv_mime_decodeDecodes a MIME header field
iconv_mime_decode_headers一次性解码多个 MIME 头字段
iconv_mime_encodeComposes a MIME header field
iconv_strposFinds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack
iconv_strrposFinds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack
id3_get_frame_long_nameGet the long name of an ID3v2 frame
id3_get_frame_short_nameGet the short name of an ID3v2 frame
id3_get_genre_idGet the id for a genre
id3_get_genre_listGet all possible genre values
id3_get_genre_nameGet the name for a genre id
id3_get_tagGet all information stored in an ID3 tag
id3_get_versionGet version of an ID3 tag
id3_remove_tagRemove an existing ID3 tag
id3_set_tagUpdate information stored in an ID3 tag
idn_to_asciiConvert domain name to IDNA ASCII form.
idn_to_unicode别名 idn_to_utf8
idn_to_utf8Convert domain name from IDNA ASCII to Unicode.
ifxus_close_slobDeletes the slob object
ifxus_create_slobCreates an slob object and opens it
ifxus_free_slobDeletes the slob object
ifxus_open_slobOpens an slob object
ifxus_read_slobReads nbytes of the slob object
ifxus_seek_slobSets the current file or seek position
ifxus_tell_slobReturns the current file or seek position
ifxus_write_slobWrites a string into the slob object
ifx_affected_rowsGet number of rows affected by a query
ifx_blobinfile_modeSet the default blob mode for all select queries
ifx_byteasvarcharSet the default byte mode
ifx_closeClose Informix connection
ifx_connectOpen Informix server connection
ifx_copy_blobDuplicates the given blob object
ifx_create_blobCreates an blob object
ifx_create_charCreates an char object
ifx_doExecute a previously prepared SQL-statement
ifx_errorReturns error code of last Informix call
ifx_errormsgReturns error message of last Informix call
ifx_fetch_rowGet row as an associative array
ifx_fieldpropertiesList of SQL fieldproperties
ifx_fieldtypesList of Informix SQL fields
ifx_free_blobDeletes the blob object
ifx_free_charDeletes the char object
ifx_free_resultReleases resources for the query
ifx_getsqlcaGet the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query
ifx_get_blobReturn the content of a blob object
ifx_get_charReturn the content of the char object
ifx_htmltbl_resultFormats all rows of a query into a HTML table
ifx_nullformatSets the default return value on a fetch row
ifx_num_fieldsReturns the number of columns in the query
ifx_num_rowsCount the rows already fetched from a query
ifx_pconnectOpen persistent Informix connection
ifx_preparePrepare an SQL-statement for execution
ifx_querySend Informix query
ifx_textasvarcharSet the default text mode
ifx_update_blobUpdates the content of the blob object
ifx_update_charUpdates the content of the char object
iis_add_serverCreates a new virtual web server
iis_get_dir_securityGets Directory Security
iis_get_script_mapGets script mapping on a virtual directory for a specific extension
iis_get_server_by_commentReturn the instance number associated with the Comment
iis_get_server_by_pathReturn the instance number associated with the Path
iis_get_server_rightsGets server rights
iis_get_service_stateReturns the state for the service defined by ServiceId
iis_remove_serverRemoves the virtual web server indicated by ServerInstance
iis_set_app_settingsCreates application scope for a virtual directory
iis_set_dir_securitySets Directory Security
iis_set_script_mapSets script mapping on a virtual directory
iis_set_server_rightsSets server rights
iis_start_serverStarts the virtual web server
iis_start_serviceStarts the service defined by ServiceId
iis_stop_serverStops the virtual web server
iis_stop_serviceStops the service defined by ServiceId
image2wbmp以 WBMP 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件
imageaffinematrixconcatConcat two matrices (as in doing many ops in one go)
imageaffinematrixgetReturn an image containing the affine tramsformed src image, using an optional clipping area
imagecolorallocatealpha为一幅图像分配颜色 + alpha
imagecolorresolvealpha取得指定颜色 + alpha 的索引值或有可能得到的最接近的替代值
imageconvolution用系数 div 和 offset 申请一个 3x3 的卷积矩阵
imagecreatefromgd从 GD 文件或 URL 新建一图像
imagecreatefromgd2从 GD2 文件或 URL 新建一图像
imagecreatefromgd2part从给定的 GD2 文件或 URL 中的部分新建一图像
imagecreatefromgif由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecreatefromjpeg由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecreatefrompng由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecreatefromwbmp由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecreatefromwebp由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecreatefromxbm由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecreatefromxpm由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
imagecropCrop an image using the given coordinates and size, x, y, width and height
imagecropautoCrop an image automatically using one of the available modes
imageflipFlips an image using a given mode
imageftbbox给出一个使用 FreeType 2 字体的文本框
imagefttext使用 FreeType 2 字体将文本写入图像
imagegammacorrect对 GD 图像应用 gamma 修正
imagegd将 GD 图像输出到浏览器或文件
imagegd2将 GD2 图像输出到浏览器或文件
imagegrabscreenCaptures the whole screen
imagegrabwindowCaptures a window
imagelayereffect设定 alpha 混色标志以使用绑定的 libgd 分层效果
imagepalettetotruecolorConverts a palette based image to true color
imagepng以 PNG 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件
imagepsbbox给出一个使用 PostScript Type1 字体的文本方框
imagepsfreefont释放一个 PostScript Type 1 字体所占用的内存
imagepsloadfont从文件中加载一个 PostScript Type 1 字体
imagepstext用 PostScript Type1 字体把文本字符串画在图像上
imagesavealpha设置标记以在保存 PNG 图像时保存完整的 alpha 通道信息(与单一透明色相反)
imagescaleScale an image using the given new width and height
imagesetinterpolationSet the interpolation method
imagettfbbox取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围
imagettftext用 TrueType 字体向图像写入文本
imagetypes返回当前 PHP 版本所支持的图像类型
imagewbmp以 WBMP 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件
imagewebp将 WebP 格式的图像输出到浏览器或文件
imagexbm将 XBM 图像输出到浏览器或文件
image_type_to_mime_type取得 getimagesize,exif_read_data,exif_thumbnail,exif_imagetype 所返回的图像类型的 MIME 类型
imap_8bitConvert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string
imap_alertsReturns all IMAP alert messages that have occurred
imap_appendAppend a string message to a specified mailbox
imap_base64Decode BASE64 encoded text
imap_binaryConvert an 8bit string to a base64 string
imap_bodyRead the message body
imap_bodystructRead the structure of a specified body section of a specific message
imap_checkCheck current mailbox
imap_clearflag_fullClears flags on messages
imap_closeClose an IMAP stream
imap_create别名 imap_createmailbox
imap_createmailboxCreate a new mailbox
imap_deleteMark a message for deletion from current mailbox
imap_deletemailboxDelete a mailbox
imap_errorsReturns all of the IMAP errors that have occurred
imap_expungeDelete all messages marked for deletion
imap_fetchbodyFetch a particular section of the body of the message
imap_fetchheaderReturns header for a message
imap_fetchmimeFetch MIME headers for a particular section of the message
imap_fetchstructureRead the structure of a particular message
imap_fetchtext别名 imap_body
imap_fetch_overviewRead an overview of the information in the headers of the given message
imap_gcClears IMAP cache
imap_getaclGets the ACL for a given mailbox
imap_getmailboxesRead the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one
imap_getsubscribedList all the subscribed mailboxes
imap_get_quotaRetrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox
imap_get_quotarootRetrieve the quota settings per user
imap_header别名 imap_headerinfo
imap_headerinfoRead the header of the message
imap_headersReturns headers for all messages in a mailbox
imap_last_errorGets the last IMAP error that occurred during this page request
imap_listRead the list of mailboxes
imap_listmailbox别名 imap_list
imap_listscanReturns the list of mailboxes that matches the given text
imap_listsubscribed别名 imap_lsub
imap_lsubList all the subscribed mailboxes
imap_mailSend an email message
imap_mailboxmsginfoGet information about the current mailbox
imap_mail_composeCreate a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections
imap_mail_copyCopy specified messages to a mailbox
imap_mail_moveMove specified messages to a mailbox
imap_mime_header_decodeDecode MIME header elements
imap_msgnoGets the message sequence number for the given UID
imap_num_msgGets the number of messages in the current mailbox
imap_num_recentGets the number of recent messages in current mailbox
imap_openOpen an IMAP stream to a mailbox
imap_pingCheck if the IMAP stream is still active
imap_qprintConvert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string
imap_rename别名 imap_renamemailbox
imap_renamemailboxRename an old mailbox to new mailbox
imap_reopenReopen IMAP stream to new mailbox
imap_rfc822_parse_adrlistParses an address string
imap_rfc822_parse_headersParse mail headers from a string
imap_rfc822_write_addressReturns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info
imap_savebodySave a specific body section to a file
imap_scan别名 imap_listscan
imap_scanmailbox别名 imap_listscan
imap_searchThis function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria
imap_setaclSets the ACL for a given mailbox
imap_setflag_fullSets flags on messages
imap_set_quotaSets a quota for a given mailbox
imap_sortGets and sort messages
imap_statusReturns status information on a mailbox
imap_subscribeSubscribe to a mailbox
imap_threadReturns a tree of threaded message
imap_timeoutSet or fetch imap timeout
imap_uidThis function returns the UID for the given message sequence number
imap_undeleteUnmark the message which is marked deleted
imap_unsubscribeUnsubscribe from a mailbox
imap_utf7_decodeDecodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string
imap_utf7_encodeConverts ISO-8859-1 string to modified UTF-7 text
imap_utf8Converts MIME-encoded text to UTF-8
import_request_variables将 GET/POST/Cookie 变量导入到全局作用域中
inclued_get_dataGet the inclued data
inet_ntopConverts a packed internet address to a human readable representation
inet_ptonConverts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation
ingres_autocommitSwitch autocommit on or off
ingres_autocommit_stateTest if the connection is using autocommit
ingres_charsetReturns the installation character set
ingres_closeClose an Ingres database connection
ingres_commitCommit a transaction
ingres_connectOpen a connection to an Ingres database
ingres_cursorGet a cursor name for a given result resource
ingres_errnoGet the last Ingres error number generated
ingres_errorGet a meaningful error message for the last error generated
ingres_errsqlstateGet the last SQLSTATE error code generated
ingres_escape_stringEscape special characters for use in a query
ingres_executeExecute a prepared query
ingres_fetch_arrayFetch a row of result into an array
ingres_fetch_assocFetch a row of result into an associative array
ingres_fetch_objectFetch a row of result into an object
ingres_fetch_proc_returnGet the return value from a procedure call
ingres_fetch_rowFetch a row of result into an enumerated array
ingres_field_lengthGet the length of a field
ingres_field_nameGet the name of a field in a query result
ingres_field_nullableTest if a field is nullable
ingres_field_precisionGet the precision of a field
ingres_field_scaleGet the scale of a field
ingres_field_typeGet the type of a field in a query result
ingres_free_resultFree the resources associated with a result identifier
ingres_next_errorGet the next Ingres error
ingres_num_fieldsGet the number of fields returned by the last query
ingres_num_rowsGet the number of rows affected or returned by a query
ingres_pconnectOpen a persistent connection to an Ingres database
ingres_preparePrepare a query for later execution
ingres_querySend an SQL query to Ingres
ingres_result_seekSet the row position before fetching data
ingres_rollbackRoll back a transaction
ingres_set_environmentSet environment features controlling output options
ingres_unbuffered_querySend an unbuffered SQL query to Ingres
ini_alter别名 ini_set
inotify_add_watchAdd a watch to an initialized inotify instance
inotify_initInitialize an inotify instance
inotify_queue_lenReturn a number upper than zero if there are pending events
inotify_readRead events from an inotify instance
inotify_rm_watchRemove an existing watch from an inotify instance
intdivInteger division
intl_error_nameGet symbolic name for a given error code
intl_get_error_codeGet the last error code
intl_get_error_messageGet description of the last error
intl_is_failureCheck whether the given error code indicates failure
iptcembed将二进制 IPTC 数据嵌入到一幅 JPEG 图像中
iptcparse将二进制 IPTC 块解析为单个标记
is_a如果对象属于该类或该类是此对象的父类则返回 TRUE
is_doubleis_float 的别名
is_integeris_int 的别名
is_longis_int 的别名
is_null检测变量是否为 NULL
is_realis_float 的别名
is_soap_faultChecks if a SOAP call has failed
is_subclass_of如果此对象是该类的子类,则返回 TRUE
is_taintedChecks whether a string is tainted
is_uploaded_file判断文件是否是通过 HTTP POST 上传的
is_writeableis_writable 的别名


JDToFrench转变一个Julian Day计数到French Republican历法的日期
JDToGregorian转变一个Julian Day计数为Gregorian历法日期
JDToJulian转变一个Julian Day计数到Julian历法的日期
jdtounix转变Julian Day计数为一个Unix时间戳
JewishToJD转变一个Jewish历法的日期为一个Julian Day计数
join别名 implode
jpeg2wbmp将 JPEG 图像文件转换为 WBMP 图像文件
json_decode对 JSON 格式的字符串进行编码
json_encode对变量进行 JSON 编码
json_last_error_msgReturns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call
judy_typeReturn the type of a Judy array
judy_versionReturn or print the current PHP Judy version
JulianToJD转变一个Julian历法的日期为Julian Day计数


kadm5_chpass_principalChanges the principal’s password
kadm5_create_principalCreates a kerberos principal with the given parameters
kadm5_delete_principalDeletes a kerberos principal
kadm5_destroyCloses the connection to the admin server and releases all related resources
kadm5_flushFlush all changes to the Kerberos database
kadm5_get_policiesGets all policies from the Kerberos database
kadm5_get_principalGets the principal’s entries from the Kerberos database
kadm5_get_principalsGets all principals from the Kerberos database
kadm5_init_with_passwordOpens a connection to the KADM5 library
kadm5_modify_principalModifies a kerberos principal with the given parameters
key_exists别名 array_key_exists


lchgrpChanges group ownership of symlink
lchownChanges user ownership of symlink
ldap_8859_to_t61Translate 8859 characters to t61 characters
ldap_addAdd entries to LDAP directory
ldap_bind绑定 LDAP 目录
ldap_close别名 ldap_unbind
ldap_compareCompare value of attribute found in entry specified with DN
ldap_connectConnect to an LDAP server
ldap_control_paged_resultSend LDAP pagination control
ldap_control_paged_result_responseRetrieve the LDAP pagination cookie
ldap_count_entriesCount the number of entries in a search
ldap_deleteDelete an entry from a directory
ldap_dn2ufnConvert DN to User Friendly Naming format
ldap_err2strConvert LDAP error number into string error message
ldap_errnoReturn the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command
ldap_errorReturn the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command
ldap_escapeEscape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN
ldap_explode_dnSplits DN into its component parts
ldap_first_attributeReturn first attribute
ldap_first_entryReturn first result id
ldap_first_referenceReturn first reference
ldap_free_resultFree result memory
ldap_get_attributesGet attributes from a search result entry
ldap_get_dnGet the DN of a result entry
ldap_get_entriesGet all result entries
ldap_get_optionGet the current value for given option
ldap_get_valuesGet all values from a result entry
ldap_get_values_lenGet all binary values from a result entry
ldap_listSingle-level search
ldap_modifyModify an LDAP entry
ldap_modify_batchBatch and execute modifications on an LDAP entry
ldap_mod_addAdd attribute values to current attributes
ldap_mod_delDelete attribute values from current attributes
ldap_mod_replaceReplace attribute values with new ones
ldap_next_attributeGet the next attribute in result
ldap_next_entryGet next result entry
ldap_next_referenceGet next reference
ldap_parse_referenceExtract information from reference entry
ldap_parse_resultExtract information from result
ldap_readRead an entry
ldap_renameModify the name of an entry
ldap_sasl_bindBind to LDAP directory using SASL
ldap_searchSearch LDAP tree
ldap_set_optionSet the value of the given option
ldap_set_rebind_procSet a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing
ldap_sortSort LDAP result entries
ldap_start_tlsStart TLS
ldap_t61_to_8859Translate t61 characters to 8859 characters
ldap_unbindUnbind from LDAP directory
libxml_clear_errorsClear libxml error buffer
libxml_disable_entity_loaderDisable the ability to load external entities
libxml_get_errorsRetrieve array of errors
libxml_get_last_errorRetrieve last error from libxml
libxml_set_external_entity_loaderChanges the default external entity loader
libxml_set_streams_contextSet the streams context for the next libxml document load or write
libxml_use_internal_errorsDisable libxml errors and allow user to fetch error information as needed
localeconvGet numeric formatting information
log1p返回 log(1 + number),甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果
log10以 10 为底的对数
long2ipConverts an long integer address into a string in (IPv4) Internet standard dotted format
lzf_compressLZF compression
lzf_decompressLZF decompression
lzf_optimized_forDetermines what LZF extension was optimized for


magic_quotes_runtime别名 set_magic_quotes_runtime
mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encodingGets the best way of encoding
mailparse_msg_createCreate a mime mail resource
mailparse_msg_extract_partExtracts/decodes a message section
mailparse_msg_extract_part_fileExtracts/decodes a message section
mailparse_msg_extract_whole_part_fileExtracts a message section including headers without decoding the transfer encoding
mailparse_msg_freeFrees a MIME resource
mailparse_msg_get_partReturns a handle on a given section in a mimemessage
mailparse_msg_get_part_dataReturns an associative array of info about the message
mailparse_msg_get_structureReturns an array of mime section names in the supplied message
mailparse_msg_parseIncrementally parse data into buffer
mailparse_msg_parse_fileParses a file
mailparse_rfc822_parse_addressesParse RFC 822 compliant addresses
mailparse_stream_encodeStreams data from source file pointer, apply encoding and write to destfp
mailparse_uudecode_allScans the data from fp and extract each embedded uuencoded file
maxdb_affected_rowsGets the number of affected rows in a previous MaxDB operation
maxdb_autocommitTurns on or off auto-commiting database modifications
maxdb_bind_param别名 maxdb_stmt_bind_param
maxdb_bind_result别名 maxdb_stmt_bind_result
maxdb_change_userChanges the user of the specified database connection
maxdb_character_set_nameReturns the default character set for the database connection
maxdb_client_encoding别名 maxdb_character_set_name
maxdb_closeCloses a previously opened database connection
maxdb_close_long_data别名 maxdb_stmt_close_long_data
maxdb_commitCommits the current transaction
maxdb_connectOpen a new connection to the MaxDB server
maxdb_connect_errnoReturns the error code from last connect call
maxdb_connect_errorReturns a string description of the last connect error
maxdb_data_seekAdjusts the result pointer to an arbitary row in the result
maxdb_debugPerforms debugging operations
maxdb_disable_reads_from_masterDisable reads from master
maxdb_disable_rpl_parseDisable RPL parse
maxdb_dump_debug_infoDump debugging information into the log
maxdb_embedded_connectOpen a connection to an embedded MaxDB server
maxdb_enable_reads_from_masterEnable reads from master
maxdb_enable_rpl_parseEnable RPL parse
maxdb_errnoReturns the error code for the most recent function call
maxdb_errorReturns a string description of the last error
maxdb_escape_string别名 maxdb_real_escape_string
maxdb_execute别名 maxdb_stmt_execute
maxdb_fetch别名 maxdb_stmt_fetch
maxdb_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both
maxdb_fetch_assocFetch a result row as an associative array
maxdb_fetch_fieldReturns the next field in the result set
maxdb_fetch_fieldsReturns an array of resources representing the fields in a result set
maxdb_fetch_field_directFetch meta-data for a single field
maxdb_fetch_lengthsReturns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set
maxdb_fetch_objectReturns the current row of a result set as an object
maxdb_fetch_rowGet a result row as an enumerated array
maxdb_field_countReturns the number of columns for the most recent query
maxdb_field_seekSet result pointer to a specified field offset
maxdb_field_tellGet current field offset of a result pointer
maxdb_free_resultFrees the memory associated with a result
maxdb_get_client_infoReturns the MaxDB client version as a string
maxdb_get_client_versionGet MaxDB client info
maxdb_get_host_infoReturns a string representing the type of connection used
maxdb_get_metadata别名 maxdb_stmt_result_metadata
maxdb_get_proto_infoReturns the version of the MaxDB protocol used
maxdb_get_server_infoReturns the version of the MaxDB server
maxdb_get_server_versionReturns the version of the MaxDB server as an integer
maxdb_infoRetrieves information about the most recently executed query
maxdb_initInitializes MaxDB and returns an resource for use with maxdb_real_connect
maxdb_insert_idReturns the auto generated id used in the last query
maxdb_killDisconnects from a MaxDB server
maxdb_master_queryEnforce execution of a query on the master in a master/slave setup
maxdb_more_resultsCheck if there any more query results from a multi query
maxdb_multi_queryPerforms a query on the database
maxdb_next_resultPrepare next result from multi_query
maxdb_num_fieldsGet the number of fields in a result
maxdb_num_rowsGets the number of rows in a result
maxdb_optionsSet options
maxdb_param_count别名 maxdb_stmt_param_count
maxdb_pingPings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down
maxdb_preparePrepare an SQL statement for execution
maxdb_queryPerforms a query on the database
maxdb_real_connectOpens a connection to a MaxDB server
maxdb_real_escape_stringEscapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection
maxdb_real_queryExecute an SQL query
maxdb_reportEnables or disables internal report functions
maxdb_rollbackRolls back current transaction
maxdb_rpl_parse_enabledCheck if RPL parse is enabled
maxdb_rpl_probeRPL probe
maxdb_rpl_query_typeReturns RPL query type
maxdb_select_dbSelects the default database for database queries
maxdb_send_long_data别名 maxdb_stmt_send_long_data
maxdb_send_querySend the query and return
maxdb_server_endShut down the embedded server
maxdb_server_initInitialize embedded server
maxdb_set_opt别名 maxdb_options
maxdb_sqlstateReturns the SQLSTATE error from previous MaxDB operation
maxdb_ssl_setUsed for establishing secure connections using SSL
maxdb_statGets the current system status
maxdb_stmt_affected_rowsReturns the total number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last executed statement
maxdb_stmt_bind_paramBinds variables to a prepared statement as parameters
maxdb_stmt_bind_resultBinds variables to a prepared statement for result storage
maxdb_stmt_closeCloses a prepared statement
maxdb_stmt_close_long_dataEnds a sequence of maxdb_stmt_send_long_data
maxdb_stmt_data_seekSeeks to an arbitray row in statement result set
maxdb_stmt_errnoReturns the error code for the most recent statement call
maxdb_stmt_errorReturns a string description for last statement error
maxdb_stmt_executeExecutes a prepared Query
maxdb_stmt_fetchFetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
maxdb_stmt_free_resultFrees stored result memory for the given statement handle
maxdb_stmt_initInitializes a statement and returns an resource for use with maxdb_stmt_prepare
maxdb_stmt_num_rowsReturn the number of rows in statements result set
maxdb_stmt_param_countReturns the number of parameter for the given statement
maxdb_stmt_preparePrepare an SQL statement for execution
maxdb_stmt_resetResets a prepared statement
maxdb_stmt_result_metadataReturns result set metadata from a prepared statement
maxdb_stmt_send_long_dataSend data in blocks
maxdb_stmt_sqlstateReturns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation
maxdb_stmt_store_resultTransfers a result set from a prepared statement
maxdb_store_resultTransfers a result set from the last query
maxdb_thread_idReturns the thread ID for the current connection
maxdb_thread_safeReturns whether thread safety is given or not
maxdb_use_resultInitiate a result set retrieval
maxdb_warning_countReturns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link
mb_convert_kanaConvert “kana” one from another (“zen-kaku”, “han-kaku” and more)
mb_decode_mimeheader解码 MIME 头字段中的字符串
mb_decode_numericentity根据 HTML 数字字符串解码成字符
mb_detect_order设置/获取 字符编码的检测顺序
mb_encode_mimeheader为 MIME 头编码字符串
mb_encode_numericentityEncode character to HTML numeric string reference
mb_encoding_aliasesGet aliases of a known encoding type
mb_eregRegular expression match with multibyte support
mb_eregiRegular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support
mb_eregi_replaceReplace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case
mb_ereg_matchRegular expression match for multibyte string
mb_ereg_replaceReplace regular expression with multibyte support
mb_ereg_replace_callbackPerform a regular expresssion seach and replace with multibyte support using a callback
mb_ereg_searchMultibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string
mb_ereg_search_getposReturns start point for next regular expression match
mb_ereg_search_getregsRetrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match
mb_ereg_search_initSetup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match
mb_ereg_search_posReturns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string
mb_ereg_search_regsReturns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression
mb_ereg_search_setposSet start point of next regular expression match
mb_get_info获取 mbstring 的内部设置
mb_http_input检测 HTTP 输入字符编码
mb_http_output设置/获取 HTTP 输出字符编码
mb_parse_str解析 GET/POST/COOKIE 数据并设置全局变量
mb_preferred_mime_name获取 MIME 字符串
mb_regex_encodingSet/Get character encoding for multibyte regex
mb_regex_set_optionsSet/Get the default options for mbregex functions
mcrypt_cbc以 CBC 模式加解密数据
mcrypt_cfb以 CFB 模式加解密数据
mcrypt_ecb已废弃:使用 ECB 模式加解密数据
mcrypt_ofb使用 OFB 模式加密/解密数据
md5计算字符串的 MD5 散列值
md5_file计算指定文件的 MD5 散列值
memory_get_peak_usage返回分配给 PHP 内存的峰值
memory_get_usage返回分配给 PHP 的内存量
metaphoneCalculate the metaphone key of a string
mhashComputes hash
mhash_countGets the highest available hash ID
mhash_get_block_sizeGets the block size of the specified hash
mhash_get_hash_nameGets the name of the specified hash
mhash_keygen_s2kGenerates a key
microtime返回当前 Unix 时间戳和微秒数
mime_content_type检测文件的 MIME 类型(已废弃)
ming_keypressReturns the action flag for keyPress(char)
ming_setcubicthresholdSet cubic threshold
ming_setscaleSet the global scaling factor.
ming_setswfcompressionSets the SWF output compression
ming_useconstantsUse constant pool
ming_useswfversionSets the SWF version
mktime取得一个日期的 Unix 时间戳
money_formatFormats a number as a currency string
MongoDB context optionsMongoDB context option listing
MongoDB\BSON\fromJSONReturns the BSON representation of a JSON value
MongoDB\BSON\fromPHPReturns the BSON representation of a PHP value
MongoDB\BSON\toJSONReturns the JSON representation of a BSON value
MongoDB\BSON\toPHPReturns the PHP representation of a BSON value
mqseries_backMQSeries MQBACK
mqseries_beginMQseries MQBEGIN
mqseries_closeMQSeries MQCLOSE
mqseries_cmitMQSeries MQCMIT
mqseries_connMQSeries MQCONN
mqseries_connxMQSeries MQCONNX
mqseries_discMQSeries MQDISC
mqseries_getMQSeries MQGET
mqseries_inqMQSeries MQINQ
mqseries_openMQSeries MQOPEN
mqseries_putMQSeries MQPUT
mqseries_put1MQSeries MQPUT1
mqseries_setMQSeries MQSET
mqseries_strerrorReturns the error message corresponding to a result code (MQRC).
msession_connectConnect to msession server
msession_countGet session count
msession_createCreate a session
msession_destroyDestroy a session
msession_disconnectClose connection to msession server
msession_findFind all sessions with name and value
msession_getGet value from session
msession_get_arrayGet array of msession variables
msession_get_dataGet data session unstructured data
msession_incIncrement value in session
msession_listList all sessions
msession_listvarList sessions with variable
msession_lockLock a session
msession_pluginCall an escape function within the msession personality plugin
msession_randstrGet random string
msession_setSet value in session
msession_set_arraySet msession variables from an array
msession_set_dataSet data session unstructured data
msession_timeoutSet/get session timeout
msession_uniqGet unique id
msession_unlockUnlock a session
msg_get_queueCreate or attach to a message queue
msg_queue_existsCheck whether a message queue exists
msg_receiveReceive a message from a message queue
msg_remove_queueDestroy a message queue
msg_sendSend a message to a message queue
msg_set_queueSet information in the message queue data structure
msg_stat_queueReturns information from the message queue data structure
msqlAlias of msql_db_query
msql_affected_rowsReturns number of affected rows
msql_closeClose mSQL connection
msql_connectOpen mSQL connection
msql_createdb别名 msql_create_db
msql_create_dbCreate mSQL database
msql_data_seekMove internal row pointer
msql_dbname别名 msql_result
msql_db_querySend mSQL query
msql_drop_dbDrop (delete) mSQL database
msql_errorReturns error message of last msql call
msql_fetch_arrayFetch row as array
msql_fetch_fieldGet field information
msql_fetch_objectFetch row as object
msql_fetch_rowGet row as enumerated array
msql_fieldflagsAlias of msql_field_flags
msql_fieldlenAlias of msql_field_len
msql_fieldnameAlias of msql_field_name
msql_fieldtableAlias of msql_field_table
msql_fieldtypeAlias of msql_field_type
msql_field_flagsGet field flags
msql_field_lenGet field length
msql_field_nameGet the name of the specified field in a result
msql_field_seekSet field offset
msql_field_tableGet table name for field
msql_field_typeGet field type
msql_free_resultFree result memory
msql_list_dbsList mSQL databases on server
msql_list_fieldsList result fields
msql_list_tablesList tables in an mSQL database
msql_numfieldsAlias of msql_num_fields
msql_numrowsAlias of msql_num_rows
msql_num_fieldsGet number of fields in result
msql_num_rowsGet number of rows in result
msql_pconnectOpen persistent mSQL connection
msql_querySend mSQL query
msql_regcaseAlias of sql_regcase
msql_resultGet result data
msql_select_dbSelect mSQL database
msql_tablenameAlias of msql_result
mssql_bindAdds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
mssql_close关闭MS SQL Server链接
mssql_connect打开MS SQL server链接
mssql_data_seekMoves internal row pointer
mssql_executeExecutes a stored procedure on a MS SQL server database
mssql_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
mssql_fetch_assocReturns an associative array of the current row in the result
mssql_fetch_batchReturns the next batch of records
mssql_fetch_fieldGet field information
mssql_fetch_objectFetch row as object
mssql_fetch_rowGet row as enumerated array
mssql_field_lengthGet the length of a field
mssql_field_nameGet the name of a field
mssql_field_seekSeeks to the specified field offset
mssql_field_typeGets the type of a field
mssql_free_resultFree result memory
mssql_free_statementFree statement memory
mssql_get_last_messageReturns the last message from the server
mssql_guid_stringConverts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string
mssql_initInitializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
mssql_min_error_severitySets the minimum error severity
mssql_min_message_severitySets the minimum message severity
mssql_next_resultMove the internal result pointer to the next result
mssql_num_fieldsGets the number of fields in result
mssql_num_rowsGets the number of rows in result
mssql_pconnectOpen persistent MS SQL connection
mssql_querySend MS SQL query
mssql_resultGet result data
mssql_rows_affectedReturns the number of records affected by the query
mssql_select_dbSelect MS SQL database
mysqli_escape_string别名 mysqli_real_escape_string
mysqli_get_client_statsReturns client per-process statistics
mysqli_get_client_versionReturns the MySQL client version as an integer
mysqli_get_links_statsReturn information about open and cached links
mysqlnd_memcache_get_configReturns information about the plugin configuration
mysqlnd_memcache_setAssociate a MySQL connection with a Memcache connection
mysqlnd_ms_dump_serversReturns a list of currently configured servers
mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_globalSwitch to global sharding server for a given table
mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_shardSwitch to shard
mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid返回最后的全局同步 ID (GTID)
mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connectionReturns an array which describes the last used connection
mysqlnd_ms_get_statsReturns query distribution and connection statistics
mysqlnd_ms_match_wildFinds whether a table name matches a wildcard pattern or not
mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select查询给定的 SQL 会发送给 master、slave 还是最后使用的 MySQL server 执行。
mysqlnd_ms_set_qosSets the quality of service needed from the cluster
mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_serverSets a callback for user-defined read/write splitting
mysqlnd_ms_xa_beginStarts a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
mysqlnd_ms_xa_commitCommits a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
mysqlnd_ms_xa_gcGarbage collects unfinished XA transactions after severe errors
mysqlnd_ms_xa_rollbackRolls back a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
mysqlnd_qc_clear_cacheFlush all cache contents
mysqlnd_qc_get_available_handlersReturns a list of available storage handler
mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_infoReturns information on the current handler, the number of cache entries and cache entries, if available
mysqlnd_qc_get_core_statsStatistics collected by the core of the query cache
mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_logReturns a normalized query trace log for each query inspected by the query cache
mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_logReturns a backtrace for each query inspected by the query cache
mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_conditionSet conditions for automatic caching
mysqlnd_qc_set_is_selectInstalls a callback which decides whether a statement is cached
mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handlerChange current storage handler
mysqlnd_qc_set_user_handlersSets the callback functions for a user-defined procedural storage handler
mysqlnd_uh_convert_to_mysqlndConverts a MySQL connection handle into a mysqlnd connection handle
mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxyInstalls a proxy for mysqlnd connections
mysqlnd_uh_set_statement_proxyInstalls a proxy for mysqlnd statements
mysql_affected_rows取得前一次 MySQL 操作所影响的记录行数
mysql_close关闭 MySQL 连接
mysql_connect打开一个到 MySQL 服务器的连接
mysql_create_db新建一个 MySQL 数据库
mysql_db_query发送一条 MySQL 查询
mysql_drop_db丢弃(删除)一个 MySQL 数据库
mysql_errno返回上一个 MySQL 操作中的错误信息的数字编码
mysql_error返回上一个 MySQL 操作产生的文本错误信息
mysql_escape_string转义一个字符串用于 mysql_query
mysql_get_client_info取得 MySQL 客户端信息
mysql_get_host_info取得 MySQL 主机信息
mysql_get_proto_info取得 MySQL 协议信息
mysql_get_server_info取得 MySQL 服务器信息
mysql_insert_id取得上一步 INSERT 操作产生的 ID
mysql_list_dbs列出 MySQL 服务器中所有的数据库
mysql_list_fields列出 MySQL 结果中的字段
mysql_list_processes列出 MySQL 进程
mysql_list_tables列出 MySQL 数据库中的表
mysql_pconnect打开一个到 MySQL 服务器的持久连接
mysql_pingPing 一个服务器连接,如果没有连接则重新连接
mysql_query发送一条 MySQL 查询
mysql_real_escape_string转义 SQL 语句中使用的字符串中的特殊字符,并考虑到连接的当前字符集
mysql_select_db选择 MySQL 数据库
mysql_thread_id返回当前线程的 ID
mysql_unbuffered_query向 MySQL 发送一条 SQL 查询,并不获取和缓存结果的行
m_checkstatusCheck to see if a transaction has completed
m_completeauthorizationsNumber of complete authorizations in queue, returning an array of their identifiers
m_connectEstablish the connection to MCVE
m_connectionerrorGet a textual representation of why a connection failed
m_deletetransDelete specified transaction from MCVE_CONN structure
m_destroyconnDestroy the connection and MCVE_CONN structure
m_destroyengineFree memory associated with IP/SSL connectivity
m_getcellGet a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column name
m_getcellbynumGet a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column number
m_getcommadelimitedGet the RAW comma delimited data returned from MCVE
m_getheaderGet the name of the column in a comma-delimited response
m_initconnCreate and initialize an MCVE_CONN structure
m_initengineReady the client for IP/SSL Communication
m_iscommadelimitedChecks to see if response is comma delimited
m_maxconntimeoutThe maximum amount of time the API will attempt a connection to MCVE
m_monitorPerform communication with MCVE (send/receive data) Non-blocking
m_numcolumnsNumber of columns returned in a comma delimited response
m_numrowsNumber of rows returned in a comma delimited response
m_parsecommadelimitedParse the comma delimited response so m_getcell, etc will work
m_responsekeysReturns array of strings which represents the keys that can be used for response parameters on this transaction
m_responseparamGet a custom response parameter
m_returnstatusCheck to see if the transaction was successful
m_setblockingSet blocking/non-blocking mode for connection
m_setdropfileSet the connection method to Drop-File
m_setipSet the connection method to IP
m_setsslSet the connection method to SSL
m_setssl_cafileSet SSL CA (Certificate Authority) file for verification of server certificate
m_setssl_filesSet certificate key files and certificates if server requires client certificate verification
m_settimeoutSet maximum transaction time (per trans)
m_sslcert_gen_hashGenerate hash for SSL client certificate verification
m_transactionssentCheck to see if outgoing buffer is clear
m_transinqueueNumber of transactions in client-queue
m_transkeyvalAdd key/value pair to a transaction. Replaces deprecated transparam()
m_transnewStart a new transaction
m_transsendFinalize and send the transaction
m_uwaitWait x microsecs
m_validateidentifierWhether or not to validate the passed identifier on any transaction it is passed to
m_verifyconnectionSet whether or not to PING upon connect to verify connection
m_verifysslcertSet whether or not to verify the server ssl certificate


ncurses_addchAdd character at current position and advance cursor
ncurses_addchnstrAdd attributed string with specified length at current position
ncurses_addchstrAdd attributed string at current position
ncurses_addnstrAdd string with specified length at current position
ncurses_addstrOutput text at current position
ncurses_assume_default_colorsDefine default colors for color 0
ncurses_attroffTurn off the given attributes
ncurses_attronTurn on the given attributes
ncurses_attrsetSet given attributes
ncurses_baudrateReturns baudrate of terminal
ncurses_beepLet the terminal beep
ncurses_bkgdSet background property for terminal screen
ncurses_bkgdsetControl screen background
ncurses_borderDraw a border around the screen using attributed characters
ncurses_bottom_panelMoves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack
ncurses_can_change_colorChecks if terminal color definitions can be changed
ncurses_cbreakSwitch off input buffering
ncurses_clearClear screen
ncurses_clrtobotClear screen from current position to bottom
ncurses_clrtoeolClear screen from current position to end of line
ncurses_color_contentRetrieves RGB components of a color
ncurses_color_setSet active foreground and background colors
ncurses_curs_setSet cursor state
ncurses_define_keyDefine a keycode
ncurses_def_prog_modeSaves terminals (program) mode
ncurses_def_shell_modeSaves terminals (shell) mode
ncurses_delay_outputDelay output on terminal using padding characters
ncurses_delchDelete character at current position, move rest of line left
ncurses_deletelnDelete line at current position, move rest of screen up
ncurses_delwinDelete a ncurses window
ncurses_del_panelRemove panel from the stack and delete it (but not the associated window)
ncurses_doupdateWrite all prepared refreshes to terminal
ncurses_echoActivate keyboard input echo
ncurses_echocharSingle character output including refresh
ncurses_endStop using ncurses, clean up the screen
ncurses_eraseErase terminal screen
ncurses_erasecharReturns current erase character
ncurses_filterSet LINES for iniscr() and newterm() to 1
ncurses_flashFlash terminal screen (visual bell)
ncurses_flushinpFlush keyboard input buffer
ncurses_getchRead a character from keyboard
ncurses_getmaxyxReturns the size of a window
ncurses_getmouseReads mouse event
ncurses_getyxReturns the current cursor position for a window
ncurses_halfdelayPut terminal into halfdelay mode
ncurses_has_colorsChecks if terminal has color capabilities
ncurses_has_icCheck for insert- and delete-capabilities
ncurses_has_ilCheck for line insert- and delete-capabilities
ncurses_has_keyCheck for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard
ncurses_hide_panelRemove panel from the stack, making it invisible
ncurses_hlineDraw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
ncurses_inchGet character and attribute at current position
ncurses_initInitialize ncurses
ncurses_init_colorDefine a terminal color
ncurses_init_pairDefine a color pair
ncurses_inschInsert character moving rest of line including character at current position
ncurses_insdellnInsert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up)
ncurses_insertlnInsert a line, move rest of screen down
ncurses_insstrInsert string at current position, moving rest of line right
ncurses_instrReads string from terminal screen
ncurses_isendwinNcurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed
ncurses_keyokEnable or disable a keycode
ncurses_keypadTurns keypad on or off
ncurses_killcharReturns current line kill character
ncurses_longnameReturns terminals description
ncurses_metaEnables/Disable 8-bit meta key information
ncurses_mouseintervalSet timeout for mouse button clicks
ncurses_mousemaskSets mouse options
ncurses_mouse_trafoTransforms coordinates
ncurses_moveMove output position
ncurses_move_panelMoves a panel so that its upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]
ncurses_mvaddchMove current position and add character
ncurses_mvaddchnstrMove position and add attributed string with specified length
ncurses_mvaddchstrMove position and add attributed string
ncurses_mvaddnstrMove position and add string with specified length
ncurses_mvaddstrMove position and add string
ncurses_mvcurMove cursor immediately
ncurses_mvdelchMove position and delete character, shift rest of line left
ncurses_mvgetchMove position and get character at new position
ncurses_mvhlineSet new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
ncurses_mvinchMove position and get attributed character at new position
ncurses_mvvlineSet new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
ncurses_mvwaddstrAdd string at new position in window
ncurses_newpadCreates a new pad (window)
ncurses_newwinCreate a new window
ncurses_new_panelCreate a new panel and associate it with window
ncurses_nlTranslate newline and carriage return / line feed
ncurses_nocbreakSwitch terminal to cooked mode
ncurses_noechoSwitch off keyboard input echo
ncurses_nonlDo not translate newline and carriage return / line feed
ncurses_noqiflushDo not flush on signal characters
ncurses_norawSwitch terminal out of raw mode
ncurses_pair_contentRetrieves foreground and background colors of a color pair
ncurses_panel_aboveReturns the panel above panel
ncurses_panel_belowReturns the panel below panel
ncurses_panel_windowReturns the window associated with panel
ncurses_pnoutrefreshCopies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
ncurses_prefreshCopies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
ncurses_putpApply padding information to the string and output it
ncurses_qiflushFlush on signal characters
ncurses_rawSwitch terminal into raw mode
ncurses_refreshRefresh screen
ncurses_replace_panelReplaces the window associated with panel
ncurses_resettyRestores saved terminal state
ncurses_reset_prog_modeResets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode
ncurses_reset_shell_modeResets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode
ncurses_savettySaves terminal state
ncurses_scrlScroll window content up or down without changing current position
ncurses_scr_dumpDump screen content to file
ncurses_scr_initInitialize screen from file dump
ncurses_scr_restoreRestore screen from file dump
ncurses_scr_setInherit screen from file dump
ncurses_show_panelPlaces an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible
ncurses_slk_attrReturns current soft label key attribute
ncurses_slk_attroffTurn off the given attributes for soft function-key labels
ncurses_slk_attronTurn on the given attributes for soft function-key labels
ncurses_slk_attrsetSet given attributes for soft function-key labels
ncurses_slk_clearClears soft labels from screen
ncurses_slk_colorSets color for soft label keys
ncurses_slk_initInitializes soft label key functions
ncurses_slk_noutrefreshCopies soft label keys to virtual screen
ncurses_slk_refreshCopies soft label keys to screen
ncurses_slk_restoreRestores soft label keys
ncurses_slk_setSets function key labels
ncurses_slk_touchForces output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed
ncurses_standendStop using ‘standout’ attribute
ncurses_standoutStart using ‘standout’ attribute
ncurses_start_colorInitializes color functionality
ncurses_termattrsReturns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal
ncurses_termnameReturns terminals (short)-name
ncurses_timeoutSet timeout for special key sequences
ncurses_top_panelMoves a visible panel to the top of the stack
ncurses_typeaheadSpecify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking
ncurses_ungetchPut a character back into the input stream
ncurses_ungetmousePushes mouse event to queue
ncurses_update_panelsRefreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack
ncurses_use_default_colorsAssign terminal default colors to color id -1
ncurses_use_envControl use of environment information about terminal size
ncurses_use_extended_namesControl use of extended names in terminfo descriptions
ncurses_vidattrDisplay the string on the terminal in the video attribute mode
ncurses_vlineDraw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
ncurses_waddchAdds character at current position in a window and advance cursor
ncurses_waddstrOutputs text at current postion in window
ncurses_wattroffTurns off attributes for a window
ncurses_wattronTurns on attributes for a window
ncurses_wattrsetSet the attributes for a window
ncurses_wborderDraws a border around the window using attributed characters
ncurses_wclearClears window
ncurses_wcolor_setSets windows color pairings
ncurses_weraseErase window contents
ncurses_wgetchReads a character from keyboard (window)
ncurses_whlineDraws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
ncurses_wmouse_trafoTransforms window/stdscr coordinates
ncurses_wmoveMoves windows output position
ncurses_wnoutrefreshCopies window to virtual screen
ncurses_wrefreshRefresh window on terminal screen
ncurses_wstandendEnd standout mode for a window
ncurses_wstandoutEnter standout mode for a window
ncurses_wvlineDraws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
newt_bellSend a beep to the terminal
newt_buttonCreate a new button
newt_button_barThis function returns a grid containing the buttons created.
newt_centered_windowOpen a centered window of the specified size
newt_checkbox_get_valueRetreives value of checkox resource
newt_checkbox_set_flagsConfigures checkbox resource
newt_checkbox_set_valueSets the value of the checkbox
newt_checkbox_tree_add_itemAdds new item to the checkbox tree
newt_checkbox_tree_find_itemFinds an item in the checkbox tree
newt_checkbox_tree_get_currentReturns checkbox tree selected item
newt_clear_key_bufferDiscards the contents of the terminal’s input buffer without waiting for additional input
newt_draw_root_textDisplays the string text at the position indicated
newt_finishedUninitializes newt interface
newt_formCreate a form
newt_form_add_componentAdds a single component to the form
newt_form_add_componentsAdd several components to the form
newt_form_destroyDestroys a form
newt_form_runRuns a form
newt_get_screen_sizeFills in the passed references with the current size of the terminal
newt_initInitialize newt
newt_open_windowOpen a window of the specified size and position
newt_pop_help_lineReplaces the current help line with the one from the stack
newt_pop_windowRemoves the top window from the display
newt_push_help_lineSaves the current help line on a stack, and displays the new line
newt_refreshUpdates modified portions of the screen
newt_resumeResume using the newt interface after calling newt_suspend
newt_run_formRuns a form
newt_set_suspend_callbackSet a callback function which gets invoked when user presses the suspend key
newt_suspendTells newt to return the terminal to its initial state
newt_wait_for_keyDoesn’t return until a key has been pressed
ngettextPlural version of gettext
nl2br在字符串所有新行之前插入 HTML 换行标记
nl_langinfoQuery language and locale information
nsapi_request_headersFetch all HTTP request headers
nsapi_response_headersFetch all HTTP response headers
nsapi_virtualPerform an NSAPI sub-request
nthmacObtain a nthmac key (needs 2 arguments)


oauth_urlencode将 URI 编码为 RFC 3986 规范
ob_deflatehandlerDeflate output handler
ob_etaghandlerETag output handler
ob_gzhandler在ob_start中使用的用来压缩输出缓冲区中内容的回调函数。ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer
ob_inflatehandlerInflate output handler
ob_tidyhandlerob_start callback function to repair the buffer
ocibindbyname别名 oci_bind_by_name
ocicancel别名 oci_cancel
ocicolumnisnull别名 oci_field_is_null
ocicolumnname别名 oci_field_name
ocicolumnprecision别名 oci_field_precision
ocicolumnscale别名 oci_field_scale
ocicolumnsize别名 oci_field_size
ocicolumntype别名 oci_field_type
ocicolumntyperaw别名 oci_field_type_raw
ocicommit别名 oci_commit
ocidefinebyname别名 oci_define_by_name
ocierror别名 oci_error
ociexecute别名 oci_execute
ocifetch别名 oci_fetch
ocifetchintoObsolete variant of oci_fetch_array, oci_fetch_object, oci_fetch_assoc and oci_fetch_row
ocifetchstatement别名 oci_fetch_all
ocifreecursor别名 oci_free_statement
ocifreestatement别名 oci_free_statement
ociinternaldebug别名 oci_internal_debug
ocilogoff别名 oci_close
ocilogon别名 oci_connect
ocinewcollection别名 oci_new_collection
ocinewcursor别名 oci_new_cursor
ocinewdescriptor别名 oci_new_descriptor
ocinlogon别名 oci_new_connect
ocinumcols别名 oci_num_fields
ociparse别名 oci_parse
ociplogon别名 oci_pconnect
ociresult别名 oci_result
ocirollback别名 oci_rollback
ocirowcount别名 oci_num_rows
ociserverversion别名 oci_server_version
ocisetprefetch别名 oci_set_prefetch
ocistatementtype别名 oci_statement_type
oci_bind_array_by_nameBinds a PHP array to an Oracle PL/SQL array parameter
oci_bind_by_name绑定一个 PHP 变量到一个 Oracle 位置标志符
oci_client_versionReturns the Oracle client library version
oci_close关闭 Oracle 连接
oci_connect建立一个到 Oracle 服务器的连接
oci_define_by_name在 SELECT 中使用 PHP 变量作为定义的步骤
oci_fetchFetches the next row into result-buffer
oci_fetch_arrayReturns the next row from a query as an associative or numeric array
oci_fetch_assocReturns the next row from a query as an associative array
oci_fetch_objectReturns the next row from a query as an object
oci_fetch_rowReturns the next row from a query as a numeric array
oci_field_is_null检查字段是否为 NULL
oci_field_type_raw返回字段的原始 Oracle 数据类型
oci_free_descriptorFrees a descriptor
oci_get_implicit_resultsetReturns the next child statement resource from a parent statement resource that has Oracle Database 12c Implicit Result Sets
oci_lob_copyCopies large object
oci_lob_is_equalCompares two LOB/FILE locators for equality
oci_new_collection分配新的 collection 对象
oci_new_connect建定一个到 Oracle 服务器的新连接
oci_new_descriptor初始化一个新的空 LOB 或 FILE 描述符
oci_parse配置 Oracle 语句预备执行
oci_password_change修改 Oracle 用户的密码
oci_pconnect使用一个持久连接连到 Oracle 数据库
oci_set_actionSets the action name
oci_set_client_identifierSets the client identifier
oci_set_client_infoSets the client information
oci_set_editionSets the database edition
oci_set_module_nameSets the module name
oci_statement_type返回 OCI 语句的类型
odbc_autocommitToggle autocommit behaviour
odbc_binmodeHandling of binary column data
odbc_closeClose an ODBC connection
odbc_close_allClose all ODBC connections
odbc_columnprivilegesLists columns and associated privileges for the given table
odbc_columnsLists the column names in specified tables
odbc_commitCommit an ODBC transaction
odbc_connectConnect to a datasource
odbc_cursorGet cursorname
odbc_data_sourceReturns information about a current connection
odbc_do别名 odbc_exec
odbc_errorGet the last error code
odbc_errormsgGet the last error message
odbc_execPrepare and execute an SQL statement
odbc_executeExecute a prepared statement
odbc_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative array
odbc_fetch_intoFetch one result row into array
odbc_fetch_objectFetch a result row as an object
odbc_fetch_rowFetch a row
odbc_field_lenGet the length (precision) of a field
odbc_field_nameGet the columnname
odbc_field_numReturn column number
odbc_field_precision别名 odbc_field_len
odbc_field_scaleGet the scale of a field
odbc_field_typeDatatype of a field
odbc_foreignkeysRetrieves a list of foreign keys
odbc_free_resultFree resources associated with a result
odbc_gettypeinfoRetrieves information about data types supported by the data source
odbc_longreadlenHandling of LONG columns
odbc_next_resultChecks if multiple results are available
odbc_num_fieldsNumber of columns in a result
odbc_num_rowsNumber of rows in a result
odbc_pconnectOpen a persistent database connection
odbc_preparePrepares a statement for execution
odbc_primarykeysGets the primary keys for a table
odbc_procedurecolumnsRetrieve information about parameters to procedures
odbc_proceduresGet the list of procedures stored in a specific data source
odbc_resultGet result data
odbc_result_allPrint result as HTML table
odbc_rollbackRollback a transaction
odbc_setoptionAdjust ODBC settings
odbc_specialcolumnsRetrieves special columns
odbc_statisticsRetrieve statistics about a table
odbc_tableprivilegesLists tables and the privileges associated with each table
odbc_tablesGet the list of table names stored in a specific data source
opcache_compile_file无需运行,即可编译并缓存 PHP 脚本
opcache_is_script_cachedTells whether a script is cached in OPCache
openal_buffer_createGenerate OpenAL buffer
openal_buffer_dataLoad a buffer with data
openal_buffer_destroyDestroys an OpenAL buffer
openal_buffer_getRetrieve an OpenAL buffer property
openal_buffer_loadwavLoad a .wav file into a buffer
openal_context_createCreate an audio processing context
openal_context_currentMake the specified context current
openal_context_destroyDestroys a context
openal_context_processProcess the specified context
openal_context_suspendSuspend the specified context
openal_device_closeClose an OpenAL device
openal_device_openInitialize the OpenAL audio layer
openal_listener_getRetrieve a listener property
openal_listener_setSet a listener property
openal_source_createGenerate a source resource
openal_source_destroyDestroy a source resource
openal_source_getRetrieve an OpenAL source property
openal_source_pausePause the source
openal_source_playStart playing the source
openal_source_rewindRewind the source
openal_source_setSet source property
openal_source_stopStop playing the source
openal_streamBegin streaming on a source
openlogOpen connection to system logger
openssl_cipher_iv_lengthGets the cipher iv length
openssl_csr_exportExports a CSR as a string
openssl_csr_export_to_fileExports a CSR to a file
openssl_csr_get_public_keyReturns the public key of a CERT
openssl_csr_get_subjectReturns the subject of a CERT
openssl_csr_newGenerates a CSR
openssl_csr_signSign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate
openssl_decryptDecrypts data
openssl_dh_compute_keyComputes shared secret for public value of remote DH key and local DH key
openssl_digestComputes a digest
openssl_encryptEncrypts data
openssl_error_stringReturn openSSL error message
openssl_free_keyFree key resource
openssl_get_cert_locationsRetrieve the available certificate locations
openssl_get_cipher_methodsGets available cipher methods
openssl_get_md_methodsGets available digest methods
openssl_get_privatekey别名 openssl_pkey_get_private
openssl_get_publickey别名 openssl_pkey_get_public
openssl_openOpen sealed data
openssl_pbkdf2Generates a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 string, defaults to SHA-1
openssl_pkcs7_decryptDecrypts an S/MIME encrypted message
openssl_pkcs7_encryptEncrypt an S/MIME message
openssl_pkcs7_signSign an S/MIME message
openssl_pkcs7_verifyVerifies the signature of an S/MIME signed message
openssl_pkcs12_exportExports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File to variable.
openssl_pkcs12_export_to_fileExports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File
openssl_pkcs12_readParse a PKCS#12 Certificate Store into an array
openssl_pkey_exportGets an exportable representation of a key into a string
openssl_pkey_export_to_fileGets an exportable representation of a key into a file
openssl_pkey_freeFrees a private key
openssl_pkey_get_detailsReturns an array with the key details
openssl_pkey_get_privateGet a private key
openssl_pkey_get_publicExtract public key from certificate and prepare it for use
openssl_pkey_newGenerates a new private key
openssl_private_decryptDecrypts data with private key
openssl_private_encryptEncrypts data with private key
openssl_public_decryptDecrypts data with public key
openssl_public_encryptEncrypts data with public key
openssl_random_pseudo_bytesGenerate a pseudo-random string of bytes
openssl_sealSeal (encrypt) data
openssl_signGenerate signature
openssl_spki_exportExports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge
openssl_spki_export_challengeExports the challenge assoicated with a signed public key and challenge
openssl_spki_newGenerate a new signed public key and challenge
openssl_spki_verifyVerifies a signed public key and challenge
openssl_verifyVerify signature
openssl_x509_checkpurposeVerifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose
openssl_x509_check_private_keyChecks if a private key corresponds to a certificate
openssl_x509_exportExports a certificate as a string
openssl_x509_export_to_fileExports a certificate to file
openssl_x509_fingerprintCalculates the fingerprint, or digest, of a given X.509 certificate
openssl_x509_freeFree certificate resource
openssl_x509_parseParse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array
openssl_x509_readParse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it
ord返回字符的 ASCII 码值
output_add_rewrite_var添加URL重写器的值(Add URL rewriter values)
output_reset_rewrite_vars重设URL重写器的值(Reset URL rewriter values)
override_functionOverrides built-in functions


packPack data into binary string
parsekit_compile_fileCompile a PHP file and return the resulting op array
parsekit_compile_stringCompile a string of PHP code and return the resulting op array
parsekit_func_arginfoReturn information regarding function argument(s)
parse_ini_stringParse a configuration string
parse_url解析 URL,返回其组成部分
password_get_infoReturns information about the given hash
password_hashCreates a password hash
password_needs_rehashChecks if the given hash matches the given options
password_verifyVerifies that a password matches a hash
pcntl_errno别名 pcntl_strerror
pcntl_fork在当前进程当前位置产生分支(子进程)。译注:fork是创建了一个子进程,父进程和子进程 都从fork的位置开始向下继续执行,不同的是父进程执行过程中,得到的fork返回值为子进程 号,而子进程得到的是0。
pcntl_get_last_errorRetrieve the error number set by the last pcntl function which failed
pcntl_strerrorRetrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
PDF_activate_itemActivate structure element or other content item
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PDF_add_noteSet annotation for current page [deprecated]
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PDF_add_textflowCreate Textflow or add text to existing Textflow
PDF_add_thumbnailAdd thumbnail for current page
PDF_add_weblinkAdd weblink for current page [deprecated]
PDF_arcDraw a counterclockwise circular arc segment
PDF_arcnDraw a clockwise circular arc segment
PDF_attach_fileAdd file attachment for current page [deprecated]
PDF_begin_documentCreate new PDF file
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PDF_begin_itemOpen structure element or other content item
PDF_begin_layerStart layer
PDF_begin_pageStart new page [deprecated]
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PDF_begin_patternStart pattern definition
PDF_begin_templateStart template definition [deprecated]
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PDF_circleDraw a circle
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PDF_closeClose pdf resource [deprecated]
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PDF_closepath_fill_strokeClose, fill and stroke current path
PDF_closepath_strokeClose and stroke path
PDF_close_imageClose image
PDF_close_pdiClose the input PDF document [deprecated]
PDF_close_pdi_pageClose the page handle
PDF_concatConcatenate a matrix to the CTM
PDF_continue_textOutput text in next line
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PDF_create_actionCreate action for objects or events
PDF_create_annotationCreate rectangular annotation
PDF_create_bookmarkCreate bookmark
PDF_create_fieldCreate form field
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PDF_curvetoDraw Bezier curve
PDF_define_layerCreate layer definition
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PDF_end_itemClose structure element or other content item
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PDF_end_pageFinish page
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PDF_fillFill current path
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PDF_fill_strokeFill and stroke path
PDF_fill_textblockFill text block with variable data
PDF_findfontPrepare font for later use [deprecated]
PDF_fit_imagePlace image or template
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PDF_fit_tablePlace table on page
PDF_fit_textflowFormat textflow in rectangular area
PDF_fit_textlinePlace single line of text
PDF_get_apinameGet name of unsuccessfull API function
PDF_get_bufferGet PDF output buffer
PDF_get_errmsgGet error text
PDF_get_errnumGet error number
PDF_get_fontGet font [deprecated]
PDF_get_fontnameGet font name [deprecated]
PDF_get_fontsizeFont handling [deprecated]
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PDF_get_image_widthGet image width [deprecated]
PDF_get_majorversionGet major version number [deprecated]
PDF_get_minorversionGet minor version number [deprecated]
PDF_get_parameterGet string parameter
PDF_get_pdi_parameterGet PDI string parameter [deprecated]
PDF_get_pdi_valueGet PDI numerical parameter [deprecated]
PDF_get_valueGet numerical parameter
PDF_info_fontQuery detailed information about a loaded font
PDF_info_matchboxQuery matchbox information
PDF_info_tableRetrieve table information
PDF_info_textflowQuery textflow state
PDF_info_textlinePerform textline formatting and query metrics
PDF_initgraphicsReset graphic state
PDF_linetoDraw a line
PDF_load_3ddataLoad 3D model
PDF_load_fontSearch and prepare font
PDF_load_iccprofileSearch and prepare ICC profile
PDF_load_imageOpen image file
PDF_makespotcolorMake spot color
PDF_movetoSet current point
PDF_newCreate PDFlib object
PDF_open_ccittOpen raw CCITT image [deprecated]
PDF_open_fileCreate PDF file [deprecated]
PDF_open_gifOpen GIF image [deprecated]
PDF_open_imageUse image data [deprecated]
PDF_open_image_fileRead image from file [deprecated]
PDF_open_jpegOpen JPEG image [deprecated]
PDF_open_memory_imageOpen image created with PHP’s image functions [not supported]
PDF_open_pdiOpen PDF file [deprecated]
PDF_open_pdi_documentPrepare a pdi document
PDF_open_pdi_pagePrepare a page
PDF_open_tiffOpen TIFF image [deprecated]
PDF_pcos_get_numberGet value of pCOS path with type number or boolean
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PDF_pcos_get_stringGet value of pCOS path with type name, string, or boolean
PDF_place_imagePlace image on the page [deprecated]
PDF_place_pdi_pagePlace PDF page [deprecated]
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PDF_resume_pageResume page
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PDF_show_xyOutput text at given position
PDF_skewSkew the coordinate system
PDF_stringwidthReturn width of text
PDF_strokeStroke path
PDF_suspend_pageSuspend page
PDF_translateSet origin of coordinate system
PDF_utf8_to_utf16Convert string from UTF-8 to UTF-16
PDF_utf16_to_utf8Convert string from UTF-16 to UTF-8
PDF_utf32_to_utf16Convert string from UTF-32 to UTF-16
PDO_4D DSNConnecting to 4D SQL server
PDO_CUBRID DSNConnecting to CUBRID databases
PDO_DBLIB DSNConnecting to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
PDO_FIREBIRD DSNConnecting to Firebird databases
PDO_IBM DSNConnecting to IBM databases
PDO_INFORMIX DSNConnecting to Informix databases
PDO_MYSQL DSNConnecting to MySQL databases
PDO_OCI DSNConnecting to Oracle databases
PDO_ODBC DSNConnecting to ODBC or DB2 databases
PDO_PGSQL DSNConnecting to PostgreSQL databases
PDO_SQLITE DSNConnecting to SQLite databases
PDO_SQLSRV DSNConnecting to MS SQL Server and SQL Azure databases
pg_close关闭一个 PostgreSQL 连接
pg_connect打开一个 PostgreSQL 连接
pg_connect_pollPoll the status of an in-progress asynchronous PostgreSQL connection attempt.
pg_consume_inputReads input on the connection
pg_convert将关联的数组值转换为适合 SQL 语句的格式。
pg_end_copy与 PostgreSQL 后端同步
pg_escape_bytea转义 bytea 类型的二进制数据
pg_escape_identifierEscape a identifier for insertion into a text field
pg_escape_literalEscape a literal for insertion into a text field
pg_escape_string转义 text/char 类型的字符串
pg_executeSends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, and waits for the result.
pg_fetch_all_columnsFetches all rows in a particular result column as an array
pg_field_is_null测试字段是否为 NULL
pg_field_tableReturns the name or oid of the tables field
pg_field_type_oidReturns the type ID (OID) for the corresponding field number
pg_flushFlush outbound query data on the connection
pg_get_notifyPing 数据库连接
pg_get_pidPing 数据库连接
pg_last_notice返回 PostgreSQL 服务器最新一条公告信息
pg_last_oid返回上一个对象的 oid
pg_lo_truncateTruncates a large object
pg_parameter_statusLooks up a current parameter setting of the server.
pg_pconnect打开一个持久的 PostgreSQL 连接
pg_pingPing 数据库连接
pg_prepareSubmits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, and waits for completion.
pg_put_line向 PostgreSQL 后端发送以 NULL 结尾的字符串
pg_query_paramsSubmits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text.
pg_result_error_fieldReturns an individual field of an error report.
pg_send_executeSends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, without waiting for the result(s).
pg_send_prepareSends a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, without waiting for completion.
pg_send_query_paramsSubmits a command and separate parameters to the server without waiting for the result(s).
pg_set_error_verbosityDetermines the verbosity of messages returned by pg_last_error and pg_result_error.
pg_socketGet a read only handle to the socket underlying a PostgreSQL connection
pg_trace启动一个 PostgreSQL 连接的追踪功能
pg_transaction_statusReturns the current in-transaction status of the server.
pg_tty返回该连接的 tty 号
pg_unescape_bytea取消 bytea 类型中的字符串转义
pg_untrace关闭 PostgreSQL 连接的追踪功能
pg_versionReturns an array with client, protocol and server version (when available)
PharExceptionThe PharException class provides a phar-specific exception class for try/catch blocks.
Phar 上下文(context)选项Phar 上下文(context)选项列表
phpcredits打印 PHP 贡献者名单
phpinfo输出关于 PHP 配置的信息
php_ini_loaded_file取得已加载的 php.ini 文件的路径
php_ini_scanned_files返回从额外 ini 目录里解析的 .ini 文件列表
php_logo_guid获取 logo 的 guid
php_sapi_name返回 web 服务器和 PHP 之间的接口类型
php_uname返回运行 PHP 的系统的有关信息
png2wbmp将 PNG 图像文件转换为 WBMP 图像文件
poscurrent 的别名
posix_accessDetermine accessibility of a file
posix_ctermidGet path name of controlling terminal
posix_errno别名 posix_get_last_error
posix_getcwdPathname of current directory
posix_getegidReturn the effective group ID of the current process
posix_geteuidReturn the effective user ID of the current process
posix_getgidReturn the real group ID of the current process
posix_getgrgidReturn info about a group by group id
posix_getgrnamReturn info about a group by name
posix_getgroupsReturn the group set of the current process
posix_getloginReturn login name
posix_getpgidGet process group id for job control
posix_getpgrpReturn the current process group identifier
posix_getpid返回当前进程 id
posix_getppidReturn the parent process identifier
posix_getpwnamReturn info about a user by username
posix_getpwuidReturn info about a user by user id
posix_getrlimitReturn info about system resource limits
posix_getsidGet the current sid of the process
posix_getuidReturn the real user ID of the current process
posix_get_last_errorRetrieve the error number set by the last posix function that failed
posix_initgroupsCalculate the group access list
posix_isattyDetermine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal
posix_killSend a signal to a process
posix_mkfifoCreate a fifo special file (a named pipe)
posix_mknodCreate a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1)
posix_setegidSet the effective GID of the current process
posix_seteuidSet the effective UID of the current process
posix_setgidSet the GID of the current process
posix_setpgidSet process group id for job control
posix_setrlimitSet system resource limits
posix_setsidMake the current process a session leader
posix_setuidSet the UID of the current process
posix_strerrorRetrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
posix_timesGet process times
posix_ttynameDetermine terminal device name
posix_unameGet system name
preg_replace_callback_arrayPerform a regular expression search and replace using callbacks
proc_close关闭由 proc_open 打开的进程并且返回进程退出码
proc_get_status获取由 proc_open 函数打开的进程的信息
proc_terminate杀除由 proc_open 打开的进程
pspell_add_to_personalAdd the word to a personal wordlist
pspell_add_to_sessionAdd the word to the wordlist in the current session
pspell_checkCheck a word
pspell_clear_sessionClear the current session
pspell_config_createCreate a config used to open a dictionary
pspell_config_data_dirlocation of language data files
pspell_config_dict_dirLocation of the main word list
pspell_config_ignoreIgnore words less than N characters long
pspell_config_modeChange the mode number of suggestions returned
pspell_config_personalSet a file that contains personal wordlist
pspell_config_replSet a file that contains replacement pairs
pspell_config_runtogetherConsider run-together words as valid compounds
pspell_config_save_replDetermine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist
pspell_newLoad a new dictionary
pspell_new_configLoad a new dictionary with settings based on a given config
pspell_new_personalLoad a new dictionary with personal wordlist
pspell_save_wordlistSave the personal wordlist to a file
pspell_store_replacementStore a replacement pair for a word
pspell_suggestSuggest spellings of a word
ps_add_bookmarkAdd bookmark to current page
ps_add_launchlinkAdds link which launches file
ps_add_locallinkAdds link to a page in the same document
ps_add_noteAdds note to current page
ps_add_pdflinkAdds link to a page in a second pdf document
ps_add_weblinkAdds link to a web location
ps_arcDraws an arc counterclockwise
ps_arcnDraws an arc clockwise
ps_begin_pageStart a new page
ps_begin_patternStart a new pattern
ps_begin_templateStart a new template
ps_circleDraws a circle
ps_clipClips drawing to current path
ps_closeCloses a PostScript document
ps_closepathCloses path
ps_closepath_strokeCloses and strokes path
ps_close_imageCloses image and frees memory
ps_continue_textContinue text in next line
ps_curvetoDraws a curve
ps_deleteDeletes all resources of a PostScript document
ps_end_pageEnd a page
ps_end_patternEnd a pattern
ps_end_templateEnd a template
ps_fillFills the current path
ps_fill_strokeFills and strokes the current path
ps_findfontLoads a font
ps_get_bufferFetches the full buffer containig the generated PS data
ps_get_parameterGets certain parameters
ps_get_valueGets certain values
ps_hyphenateHyphenates a word
ps_include_fileReads an external file with raw PostScript code
ps_linetoDraws a line
ps_makespotcolorCreate spot color
ps_movetoSets current point
ps_newCreates a new PostScript document object
ps_open_fileOpens a file for output
ps_open_imageReads an image for later placement
ps_open_image_fileOpens image from file
ps_open_memory_imageTakes an GD image and returns an image for placement in a PS document
ps_place_imagePlaces image on the page
ps_rectDraws a rectangle
ps_restoreRestore previously save context
ps_rotateSets rotation factor
ps_saveSave current context
ps_scaleSets scaling factor
ps_setcolorSets current color
ps_setdashSets appearance of a dashed line
ps_setflatSets flatness
ps_setfontSets font to use for following output
ps_setgraySets gray value
ps_setlinecapSets appearance of line ends
ps_setlinejoinSets how contected lines are joined
ps_setlinewidthSets width of a line
ps_setmiterlimitSets the miter limit
ps_setoverprintmodeSets overprint mode
ps_setpolydashSets appearance of a dashed line
ps_set_border_colorSets color of border for annotations
ps_set_border_dashSets length of dashes for border of annotations
ps_set_border_styleSets border style of annotations
ps_set_infoSets information fields of document
ps_set_parameterSets certain parameters
ps_set_text_posSets position for text output
ps_set_valueSets certain values
ps_shadingCreates a shading for later use
ps_shading_patternCreates a pattern based on a shading
ps_shfillFills an area with a shading
ps_showOutput text
ps_show2Output a text at current position
ps_show_boxedOutput text in a box
ps_show_xyOutput text at given position
ps_show_xy2Output text at position
ps_stringwidthGets width of a string
ps_string_geometryGets geometry of a string
ps_strokeDraws the current path
ps_symbolOutput a glyph
ps_symbol_nameGets name of a glyph
ps_symbol_widthGets width of a glyph
ps_translateSets translation
px_closeCloses a paradox database
px_create_fpCreate a new paradox database
px_date2stringConverts a date into a string.
px_deleteDeletes resource of paradox database
px_delete_recordDeletes record from paradox database
px_get_fieldReturns the specification of a single field
px_get_infoReturn lots of information about a paradox file
px_get_parameterGets a parameter
px_get_recordReturns record of paradox database
px_get_schemaReturns the database schema
px_get_valueGets a value
px_insert_recordInserts record into paradox database
px_newCreate a new paradox object
px_numfieldsReturns number of fields in a database
px_numrecordsReturns number of records in a database
px_open_fpOpen paradox database
px_put_recordStores record into paradox database
px_retrieve_recordReturns record of paradox database
px_set_blob_fileSets the file where blobs are read from
px_set_parameterSets a parameter
px_set_tablenameSets the name of a table (deprecated)
px_set_targetencodingSets the encoding for character fields (deprecated)
px_set_valueSets a value
px_timestamp2stringConverts the timestamp into a string.
px_update_recordUpdates record in paradox database


quoted_printable_decode将 quoted-printable 字符串转换为 8-bit 字符串
quoted_printable_encode将 8-bit 字符串转换成 quoted-printable 字符串


radius_acct_openCreates a Radius handle for accounting
radius_add_serverAdds a server
radius_auth_openCreates a Radius handle for authentication
radius_closeFrees all ressources
radius_configCauses the library to read the given configuration file
radius_create_requestCreate accounting or authentication request
radius_cvt_addrConverts raw data to IP-Address
radius_cvt_intConverts raw data to integer
radius_cvt_stringConverts raw data to string
radius_demangleDemangles data
radius_demangle_mppe_keyDerives mppe-keys from mangled data
radius_get_attrExtracts an attribute
radius_get_tagged_attr_dataExtracts the data from a tagged attribute
radius_get_tagged_attr_tagExtracts the tag from a tagged attribute
radius_get_vendor_attrExtracts a vendor specific attribute
radius_put_addrAttaches an IP address attribute
radius_put_attrAttaches a binary attribute
radius_put_intAttaches an integer attribute
radius_put_stringAttaches a string attribute
radius_put_vendor_addrAttaches a vendor specific IP address attribute
radius_put_vendor_attrAttaches a vendor specific binary attribute
radius_put_vendor_intAttaches a vendor specific integer attribute
radius_put_vendor_stringAttaches a vendor specific string attribute
radius_request_authenticatorReturns the request authenticator
radius_salt_encrypt_attrSalt-encrypts a value
radius_send_requestSends the request and waites for a reply
radius_server_secretReturns the shared secret
radius_strerrorReturns an error message
random_bytesGenerates cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes
random_intGenerates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers
rar_wrapper_cache_statsCache hits and misses for the URL wrapper
rawurldecode对已编码的 URL 字符串进行解码
rawurlencode按照 RFC 3986 对 URL 进行编码
readgzfileOutput a gz-file
readline_callback_handler_install初始化一个 readline 回调接口,然后终端输出提示信息并立即返回
readline_callback_read_char当一个行被接收时读取一个字符并且通知 readline 调用回调函数
read_exif_data别名 exif_read_data
realpath_cache_getGet realpath cache entries
realpath_cache_sizeGet realpath cache size
recode别名 recode_string
recode_fileRecode from file to file according to recode request
recode_stringRecode a string according to a recode request
register_shutdown_functionRegister a function for execution on shutdown
register_tick_functionRegister a function for execution on each tick
rename_functionRenames orig_name to new_name in the global function table
restore_include_path还原 include_path 配置选项的值
rpm_closeCloses an RPM file
rpm_get_tagRetrieves a header tag from an RPM file
rpm_is_validTests a filename for validity as an RPM file
rpm_openOpens an RPM file
rpm_versionReturns a string representing the current version of the rpmreader extension
rrdc_disconnectClose any outstanding connection to rrd caching daemon
rrd_createCreates rrd database file
rrd_errorGets latest error message.
rrd_fetchFetch the data for graph as array.
rrd_firstGets the timestamp of the first sample from rrd file.
rrd_graphCreates image from a data.
rrd_infoGets information about rrd file
rrd_lastGets unix timestamp of the last sample.
rrd_lastupdateGets information about last updated data.
rrd_restoreRestores the RRD file from XML dump.
rrd_tuneTunes some RRD database file header options.
rrd_updateUpdates the RRD database.
rrd_versionGets information about underlying rrdtool library
rrd_xportExports the information about RRD database.
runkit_class_adoptConvert a base class to an inherited class, add ancestral methods when appropriate
runkit_class_emancipateConvert an inherited class to a base class, removes any method whose scope is ancestral
runkit_constant_addSimilar to define(), but allows defining in class definitions as well
runkit_constant_redefineRedefine an already defined constant
runkit_constant_removeRemove/Delete an already defined constant
runkit_function_addAdd a new function, similar to create_function
runkit_function_copyCopy a function to a new function name
runkit_function_redefineReplace a function definition with a new implementation
runkit_function_removeRemove a function definition
runkit_function_renameChange a function’s name
runkit_importProcess a PHP file importing function and class definitions, overwriting where appropriate
runkit_lintCheck the PHP syntax of the specified php code
runkit_lint_fileCheck the PHP syntax of the specified file
runkit_method_addDynamically adds a new method to a given class
runkit_method_copyCopies a method from class to another
runkit_method_redefineDynamically changes the code of the given method
runkit_method_removeDynamically removes the given method
runkit_method_renameDynamically changes the name of the given method
runkit_return_value_usedDetermines if the current functions return value will be used
Runkit_SandboxRunkit Sandbox Class – PHP Virtual Machine
runkit_sandbox_output_handlerSpecify a function to capture and/or process output from a runkit sandbox
Runkit_Sandbox_ParentRunkit Anti-Sandbox Class
runkit_superglobalsReturn numerically indexed array of registered superglobals


sem_acquireAcquire a semaphore
sem_getGet a semaphore id
sem_releaseRelease a semaphore
sem_removeRemove a semaphore
session_abortDiscard session array changes and finish session
session_commitsession_write_close 的别名
session_get_cookie_params获取会话 cookie 参数
session_id获取/设置当前会话 ID
session_pgsql_add_errorIncrements error counts and sets last error message
session_pgsql_get_errorReturns number of errors and last error message
session_pgsql_get_fieldGet custom field value
session_pgsql_resetReset connection to session database servers
session_pgsql_set_fieldSet custom field value
session_pgsql_statusGet current save handler status
session_regenerate_id使用新生成的会话 ID 更新现有会话 ID
session_registerRegister one or more global variables with the current session
session_resetRe-initialize session array with original values
session_set_cookie_params设置会话 cookie 参数
session_statusReturns the current session status
session_unregisterUnregister a global variable from the current session
session_unsetFree all session variables
session_write_closeWrite session data and end session
setcookieSend a cookie
setproctitleSet the process title
setrawcookieSend a cookie without urlencoding the cookie value
setthreadtitleSet the thread title
set_file_bufferstream_set_write_buffer 的别名
set_include_path设置 include_path 配置选项
set_magic_quotes_runtime设置当前 magic_quotes_runtime 配置选项的激活状态
set_socket_blocking别名 stream_set_blocking
sha1计算字符串的 sha1 散列值
sha1_file计算文件的 sha1 散列值
shell_exec通过 shell 环境执行命令,并且将完整的输出以字符串的方式返回。
shmop_closeClose shared memory block
shmop_deleteDelete shared memory block
shmop_openCreate or open shared memory block
shmop_readRead data from shared memory block
shmop_sizeGet size of shared memory block
shmop_writeWrite data into shared memory block
shm_attachCreates or open a shared memory segment
shm_detachDisconnects from shared memory segment
shm_get_varReturns a variable from shared memory
shm_has_varCheck whether a specific entry exists
shm_put_varInserts or updates a variable in shared memory
shm_removeRemoves shared memory from Unix systems
shm_remove_varRemoves a variable from shared memory
show_source别名 highlight_file
signeurlpaiementObtain the payment url (needs 2 arguments)
simplexml_import_domGet a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node.
simplexml_load_fileInterprets an XML file into an object
simplexml_load_stringInterprets a string of XML into an object
sizeofcount 的别名
snmp2_getFetch an SNMP object
snmp2_getnextFetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
snmp2_real_walkReturn all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
snmp2_setSet the value of an SNMP object
snmp2_walkFetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
snmp3_getFetch an SNMP object
snmp3_getnextFetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
snmp3_real_walkReturn all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
snmp3_setSet the value of an SNMP object
snmp3_walkFetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
snmpget获取一个 SNMP 对象
snmpgetnextFetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
snmprealwalk返回指定的所有对象,包括它们各自的对象 ID
snmpset设置一个 SNMP 对象
snmpwalk从代理返回所有的 SNMP 对象
snmp_get_quick_print返回 UCD 库中 quick_print 设置的当前值
snmp_get_valueretrievalReturn the method how the SNMP values will be returned
snmp_read_mibReads and parses a MIB file into the active MIB tree
snmp_set_enum_printReturn all values that are enums with their enum value instead of the raw integer
snmp_set_oid_numeric_printSet the OID output format
snmp_set_oid_output_formatSet the OID output format
snmp_set_quick_print设置 UCD SNMP 库中 quick_print 的值
snmp_set_valueretrievalSpecify the method how the SNMP values will be returned
socket_acceptAccepts a connection on a socket
socket_cmsg_spaceCalculate message buffer size
socket_create_listenOpens a socket on port to accept connections
socket_create_pairCreates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in an array
socket_getpeernameQueries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type
socket_getsocknameQueries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type
socket_get_optionGets socket options for the socket
socket_get_status别名 stream_get_meta_data
socket_import_streamImport a stream
socket_last_errorReturns the last error on the socket
socket_listenListens for a connection on a socket
socket_readReads a maximum of length bytes from a socket
socket_recvReceives data from a connected socket
socket_recvfromReceives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented
socket_recvmsgRead a message
socket_selectRuns the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout
socket_sendSends data to a connected socket
socket_sendmsgSend a message
socket_sendtoSends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
socket_set_blockSets blocking mode on a socket resource
socket_set_blocking别名 stream_set_blocking
socket_set_nonblockSets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd
socket_set_optionSets socket options for the socket
socket_set_timeout别名 stream_set_timeout
socket_shutdownShuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both
socket_strerrorReturn a string describing a socket error
socket_writeWrite to a socket
soundexCalculate the soundex key of a string
spl_autoload_register注册给定的函数作为 __autoload 的实现
spl_object_hash返回指定对象的hash id
sprintfReturn a formatted string
SQL acceptable by 4DPDO and SQL 4D
sqlite_array_queryExecute a query against a given database and returns an array
sqlite_busy_timeoutSet busy timeout duration, or disable busy handlers
sqlite_changesReturns the number of rows that were changed by the most recent SQL statement
sqlite_closeCloses an open SQLite database
sqlite_columnFetches a column from the current row of a result set
sqlite_create_aggregateRegister an aggregating UDF for use in SQL statements
sqlite_create_functionRegisters a “regular” User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
sqlite_currentFetches the current row from a result set as an array
sqlite_error_stringReturns the textual description of an error code
sqlite_escape_stringEscapes a string for use as a query parameter
sqlite_execExecutes a result-less query against a given database
sqlite_factoryOpens an SQLite database and returns an SQLiteDatabase object
sqlite_fetch_allFetches all rows from a result set as an array of arrays
sqlite_fetch_arrayFetches the next row from a result set as an array
sqlite_fetch_column_typesReturn an array of column types from a particular table
sqlite_fetch_objectFetches the next row from a result set as an object
sqlite_fetch_singleFetches the first column of a result set as a string
sqlite_fetch_string别名 sqlite_fetch_single
sqlite_field_nameReturns the name of a particular field
sqlite_has_moreFinds whether or not more rows are available
sqlite_has_prevReturns whether or not a previous row is available
sqlite_keyReturns the current row index
sqlite_last_errorReturns the error code of the last error for a database
sqlite_last_insert_rowidReturns the rowid of the most recently inserted row
sqlite_libencodingReturns the encoding of the linked SQLite library
sqlite_libversionReturns the version of the linked SQLite library
sqlite_nextSeek to the next row number
sqlite_num_fieldsReturns the number of fields in a result set
sqlite_num_rowsReturns the number of rows in a buffered result set
sqlite_openOpens an SQLite database and create the database if it does not exist
sqlite_popenOpens a persistent handle to an SQLite database and create the database if it does not exist
sqlite_prevSeek to the previous row number of a result set
sqlite_queryExecutes a query against a given database and returns a result handle
sqlite_rewindSeek to the first row number
sqlite_seekSeek to a particular row number of a buffered result set
sqlite_single_queryExecutes a query and returns either an array for one single column or the value of the first row
sqlite_udf_decode_binaryDecode binary data passed as parameters to an UDF
sqlite_udf_encode_binaryEncode binary data before returning it from an UDF
sqlite_unbuffered_queryExecute a query that does not prefetch and buffer all data
sqlite_validReturns whether more rows are available
sqlsrv_begin_transactionBegins a database transaction
sqlsrv_cancelCancels a statement
sqlsrv_client_infoReturns information about the client and specified connection
sqlsrv_closeCloses an open connection and releases resourses associated with the connection
sqlsrv_commitCommits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction
sqlsrv_configureChanges the driver error handling and logging configurations
sqlsrv_connectOpens a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database
sqlsrv_errorsReturns error and warning information about the last SQLSRV operation performed
sqlsrv_executeExecutes a statement prepared with sqlsrv_prepare
sqlsrv_fetchMakes the next row in a result set available for reading
sqlsrv_fetch_arrayReturns a row as an array
sqlsrv_fetch_objectRetrieves the next row of data in a result set as an object
sqlsrv_field_metadataRetrieves metadata for the fields of a statement prepared by sqlsrv_prepare or sqlsrv_query
sqlsrv_free_stmtFrees all resources for the specified statement
sqlsrv_get_configReturns the value of the specified configuration setting
sqlsrv_get_fieldGets field data from the currently selected row
sqlsrv_has_rowsIndicates whether the specified statement has rows
sqlsrv_next_resultMakes the next result of the specified statement active
sqlsrv_num_fieldsRetrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement
sqlsrv_num_rowsRetrieves the number of rows in a result set
sqlsrv_preparePrepares a query for execution
sqlsrv_queryPrepares and executes a query.
sqlsrv_rollbackRolls back a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction
sqlsrv_rows_affectedReturns the number of rows modified by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query executed
sqlsrv_send_stream_dataSends data from parameter streams to the server
sqlsrv_server_infoReturns information about the server
SQL types with PDO_4D and PHPSQL types with PDO_4D and PHP
ssdeep_fuzzy_compareCalculates the match score between two fuzzy hash signatures
ssdeep_fuzzy_hashCreate a fuzzy hash from a string
ssdeep_fuzzy_hash_filenameCreate a fuzzy hash from a file
ssh2_auth_agentAuthenticate over SSH using the ssh agent
ssh2_auth_hostbased_fileAuthenticate using a public hostkey
ssh2_auth_noneAuthenticate as “none”
ssh2_auth_passwordAuthenticate over SSH using a plain password
ssh2_auth_pubkey_fileAuthenticate using a public key
ssh2_connectConnect to an SSH server
ssh2_execExecute a command on a remote server
ssh2_fetch_streamFetch an extended data stream
ssh2_fingerprintRetrieve fingerprint of remote server
ssh2_methods_negotiatedReturn list of negotiated methods
ssh2_publickey_addAdd an authorized publickey
ssh2_publickey_initInitialize Publickey subsystem
ssh2_publickey_listList currently authorized publickeys
ssh2_publickey_removeRemove an authorized publickey
ssh2_scp_recvRequest a file via SCP
ssh2_scp_sendSend a file via SCP
ssh2_sftpInitialize SFTP subsystem
ssh2_sftp_chmodChanges file mode
ssh2_sftp_lstatStat a symbolic link
ssh2_sftp_mkdirCreate a directory
ssh2_sftp_readlinkReturn the target of a symbolic link
ssh2_sftp_realpathResolve the realpath of a provided path string
ssh2_sftp_renameRename a remote file
ssh2_sftp_rmdirRemove a directory
ssh2_sftp_statStat a file on a remote filesystem
ssh2_sftp_symlinkCreate a symlink
ssh2_sftp_unlinkDelete a file
ssh2_shellRequest an interactive shell
ssh2_tunnelOpen a tunnel through a remote server
SSL 上下文选项SSL 上下文选项清单
stats_absolute_deviationReturns the absolute deviation of an array of values
stats_cdf_betaCDF function for BETA Distribution. Calculates any one parameter of the beta distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_binomialCalculates any one parameter of the binomial distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_cauchyNot documented
stats_cdf_chisquareCalculates any one parameter of the chi-square distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_exponentialNot documented
stats_cdf_fCalculates any one parameter of the F distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_gammaCalculates any one parameter of the gamma distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_laplaceNot documented
stats_cdf_logisticNot documented
stats_cdf_negative_binomialCalculates any one parameter of the negative binomial distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_noncentral_chisquareCalculates any one parameter of the non-central chi-square distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_noncentral_fCalculates any one parameter of the Non-central F distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_poissonCalculates any one parameter of the Poisson distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_tCalculates any one parameter of the T distribution given values for the others.
stats_cdf_uniformNot documented
stats_cdf_weibullNot documented
stats_covarianceComputes the covariance of two data sets
stats_dens_betaNot documented
stats_dens_cauchyNot documented
stats_dens_chisquareNot documented
stats_dens_exponentialNot documented
stats_dens_gammaNot documented
stats_dens_laplaceNot documented
stats_dens_logisticNot documented
stats_dens_negative_binomialNot documented
stats_dens_normalNot documented
stats_dens_pmf_binomialNot documented
stats_dens_pmf_poissonNot documented
stats_dens_tNot documented
stats_dens_weibullNot documented
stats_den_uniformNot documented
stats_harmonic_meanReturns the harmonic mean of an array of values
stats_kurtosisComputes the kurtosis of the data in the array
stats_rand_gen_betaGenerates beta random deviate
stats_rand_gen_chisquareGenerates random deviate from the distribution of a chisquare with “df” degrees of freedom random variable.
stats_rand_gen_exponentialGenerates a single random deviate from an exponential distribution with mean “av”
stats_rand_gen_fGenerates a random deviate
stats_rand_gen_funiformGenerates uniform float between low (exclusive) and high (exclusive)
stats_rand_gen_gammaGenerates random deviates from a gamma distribution
stats_rand_gen_ibinomialGenerates a single random deviate from a binomial distribution whose number of trials is “n” (n >= 0) and whose probability of an event in each trial is “pp” ([0;1]). Method : algorithm BTPE
stats_rand_gen_ibinomial_negativeGenerates a single random deviate from a negative binomial distribution. Arguments : n
stats_rand_gen_intGenerates random integer between 1 and 2147483562
stats_rand_gen_ipoissonGenerates a single random deviate from a Poisson distribution with mean “mu” (mu >= 0.0).
stats_rand_gen_iuniformGenerates integer uniformly distributed between LOW (inclusive) and HIGH (inclusive)
stats_rand_gen_noncenral_chisquareGenerates random deviate from the distribution of a noncentral chisquare with “df” degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter “xnonc”. d must be >= 1.0, xnonc must >= 0.0
stats_rand_gen_noncentral_fGenerates a random deviate from the noncentral F (variance ratio) distribution with “dfn” degrees of freedom in the numerator, and “dfd” degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter “xnonc”. Method : directly generates ratio of noncentral numerator chisquare variate to central denominator chisquare variate.
stats_rand_gen_noncentral_tGenerates a single random deviate from a noncentral T distribution
stats_rand_gen_normalGenerates a single random deviate from a normal distribution with mean, av, and standard deviation, sd (sd >= 0). Method : Renames SNORM from TOMS as slightly modified by BWB to use RANF instead of SUNIF.
stats_rand_gen_tGenerates a single random deviate from a T distribution
stats_rand_get_seedsNot documented
stats_rand_phrase_to_seedsgenerate two seeds for the RGN random number generator
stats_rand_ranfReturns a random floating point number from a uniform distribution over 0
stats_rand_setallNot documented
stats_skewComputes the skewness of the data in the array
stats_standard_deviationReturns the standard deviation
stats_stat_binomial_coefNot documented
stats_stat_correlationNot documented
stats_stat_gennchNot documented
stats_stat_independent_tNot documented
stats_stat_noncentral_tCalculates any one parameter of the noncentral t distribution give values for the others.
stats_stat_paired_tNot documented
stats_stat_percentileNot documented
stats_stat_powersumNot documented
stats_varianceReturns the population variance
stomp_connect_errorReturns a string description of the last connect error
stomp_versionGets the current stomp extension version
strchr别名 strstr
stream_bucket_appendAppend bucket to brigade
stream_bucket_make_writeableReturn a bucket object from the brigade for operating on
stream_bucket_newCreate a new bucket for use on the current stream
stream_bucket_prependPrepend bucket to brigade
stream_context_get_defaultRetrieve the default stream context
stream_context_get_paramsRetrieves parameters from a context
stream_context_set_defaultSet the default stream context
stream_context_set_paramsSet parameters for a stream/wrapper/context
stream_copy_to_streamCopies data from one stream to another
stream_filter_appendAttach a filter to a stream
stream_filter_prependAttach a filter to a stream
stream_filter_registerRegister a user defined stream filter
stream_is_localChecks if a stream is a local stream
stream_notification_callbackA callback function for the notification context parameter
stream_register_wrapper注册一个用 PHP 类实现的 URL 封装协议
stream_resolve_include_pathResolve filename against the include path
stream_selectRuns the equivalent of the select() system call on the given arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec
stream_set_read_bufferSet read file buffering on the given stream
stream_set_timeoutSet timeout period on a stream
stream_set_write_bufferSets write file buffering on the given stream
stream_socket_accept接受由 stream_socket_server 创建的套接字连接
stream_socket_clientOpen Internet or Unix domain socket connection
stream_socket_enable_cryptoTurns encryption on/off on an already connected socket
stream_socket_recvfromReceives data from a socket, connected or not
stream_socket_sendtoSends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
stream_socket_serverCreate an Internet or Unix domain server socket
stream_socket_shutdownShutdown a full-duplex connection
stream_supports_lockTells whether the stream supports locking.
stream_wrapper_restoreRestores a previously unregistered built-in wrapper
stream_wrapper_unregisterUnregister a URL wrapper
stripcslashes反引用一个使用 addcslashes 转义的字符串
strip_tags从字符串中去除 HTML 和 PHP 标记
stristrstrstr 函数的忽略大小写版本
strptime解析由 strftime 生成的日期/时间
strtotime将任何英文文本的日期时间描述解析为 Unix 时间戳
str_getcsv解析 CSV 字符串为一个数组
str_ireplacestr_replace 的忽略大小写版本
str_rot13对字符串执行 ROT13 转换
svn_auth_get_parameterRetrieves authentication parameter
svn_auth_set_parameterSets an authentication parameter
svn_blameGet the SVN blame for a file
svn_catReturns the contents of a file in a repository
svn_checkoutChecks out a working copy from the repository
svn_cleanupRecursively cleanup a working copy directory, finishing incomplete operations and removing locks
svn_client_versionReturns the version of the SVN client libraries
svn_commitSends changes from the local working copy to the repository
svn_deleteDelete items from a working copy or repository.
svn_diffRecursively diffs two paths
svn_exportExport the contents of a SVN directory
svn_fs_abort_txnAbort a transaction, returns true if everything is okay, false otherwise
svn_fs_apply_textCreates and returns a stream that will be used to replace
svn_fs_begin_txn2Create a new transaction
svn_fs_change_node_propReturn true if everything is ok, false otherwise
svn_fs_check_pathDetermines what kind of item lives at path in a given repository fsroot
svn_fs_contents_changedReturn true if content is different, false otherwise
svn_fs_copyCopies a file or a directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
svn_fs_deleteDeletes a file or a directory, return true if all is ok, false otherwise
svn_fs_dir_entriesEnumerates the directory entries under path; returns a hash of dir names to file type
svn_fs_file_contentsReturns a stream to access the contents of a file from a given version of the fs
svn_fs_file_lengthReturns the length of a file from a given version of the fs
svn_fs_is_dirReturn true if the path points to a directory, false otherwise
svn_fs_is_fileReturn true if the path points to a file, false otherwise
svn_fs_make_dirCreates a new empty directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
svn_fs_make_fileCreates a new empty file, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
svn_fs_node_created_revReturns the revision in which path under fsroot was created
svn_fs_node_propReturns the value of a property for a node
svn_fs_props_changedReturn true if props are different, false otherwise
svn_fs_revision_propFetches the value of a named property
svn_fs_revision_rootGet a handle on a specific version of the repository root
svn_fs_txn_rootCreates and returns a transaction root
svn_fs_youngest_revReturns the number of the youngest revision in the filesystem
svn_importImports an unversioned path into a repository
svn_logReturns the commit log messages of a repository URL
svn_lsReturns list of directory contents in repository URL, optionally at revision number
svn_mkdirCreates a directory in a working copy or repository
svn_repos_createCreate a new subversion repository at path
svn_repos_fsGets a handle on the filesystem for a repository
svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commitCreate a new transaction
svn_repos_fs_commit_txnCommits a transaction and returns the new revision
svn_repos_hotcopyMake a hot-copy of the repos at repospath; copy it to destpath
svn_repos_openOpen a shared lock on a repository.
svn_repos_recoverRun recovery procedures on the repository located at path.
svn_revertRevert changes to the working copy
svn_statusReturns the status of working copy files and directories
svn_updateUpdate working copy
sybase_affected_rowsGets number of affected rows in last query
sybase_closeCloses a Sybase connection
sybase_connectOpens a Sybase server connection
sybase_data_seekMoves internal row pointer
sybase_deadlock_retry_countSets the deadlock retry count
sybase_fetch_arrayFetch row as array
sybase_fetch_assocFetch a result row as an associative array
sybase_fetch_fieldGet field information from a result
sybase_fetch_objectFetch a row as an object
sybase_fetch_rowGet a result row as an enumerated array
sybase_field_seekSets field offset
sybase_free_resultFrees result memory
sybase_get_last_messageReturns the last message from the server
sybase_min_client_severitySets minimum client severity
sybase_min_error_severitySets minimum error severity
sybase_min_message_severitySets minimum message severity
sybase_min_server_severitySets minimum server severity
sybase_num_fieldsGets the number of fields in a result set
sybase_num_rowsGet number of rows in a result set
sybase_pconnectOpen persistent Sybase connection
sybase_querySends a Sybase query
sybase_resultGet result data
sybase_select_dbSelects a Sybase database
sybase_set_message_handlerSets the handler called when a server message is raised
sybase_unbuffered_querySend a Sybase query and do not block
syslogGenerate a system log message
sys_getloadavg获取系统的负载(load average)


taintTaint a string
tcpwrap_checkPerforms a tcpwrap check
textdomainSets the default domain
tidy_access_countReturns the Number of Tidy accessibility warnings encountered for specified document
tidy_config_countReturns the Number of Tidy configuration errors encountered for specified document
tidy_error_countReturns the Number of Tidy errors encountered for specified document
tidy_get_outputReturn a string representing the parsed tidy markup
tidy_load_configLoad an ASCII Tidy configuration file with the specified encoding
tidy_reset_configRestore Tidy configuration to default values
tidy_save_configSave current settings to named file
tidy_setoptUpdates the configuration settings for the specified tidy document
tidy_set_encodingSet the input/output character encoding for parsing markup
tidy_warning_countReturns the Number of Tidy warnings encountered for specified document
time返回当前的 Unix 时间戳
timezone_name_from_abbrReturns the timezone name from abbreviation
timezone_version_getGets the version of the timezonedb
token_get_all将提供的源码按 PHP 标记进行分割
token_name获取提供的 PHP 解析器代号的符号名称
trader_acosVector Trigonometric ACos
trader_adChaikin A/D Line
trader_addVector Arithmetic Add
trader_adoscChaikin A/D Oscillator
trader_adxAverage Directional Movement Index
trader_adxrAverage Directional Movement Index Rating
trader_apoAbsolute Price Oscillator
trader_aroonoscAroon Oscillator
trader_asinVector Trigonometric ASin
trader_atanVector Trigonometric ATan
trader_atrAverage True Range
trader_avgpriceAverage Price
trader_bbandsBollinger Bands
trader_bopBalance Of Power
trader_cciCommodity Channel Index
trader_cdl2crowsTwo Crows
trader_cdl3blackcrowsThree Black Crows
trader_cdl3insideThree Inside Up/Down
trader_cdl3linestrikeThree-Line Strike
trader_cdl3outsideThree Outside Up/Down
trader_cdl3starsinsouthThree Stars In The South
trader_cdl3whitesoldiersThree Advancing White Soldiers
trader_cdlabandonedbabyAbandoned Baby
trader_cdladvanceblockAdvance Block
trader_cdlclosingmarubozuClosing Marubozu
trader_cdlconcealbabyswallConcealing Baby Swallow
trader_cdldarkcloudcoverDark Cloud Cover
trader_cdldojistarDoji Star
trader_cdldragonflydojiDragonfly Doji
trader_cdlengulfingEngulfing Pattern
trader_cdleveningdojistarEvening Doji Star
trader_cdleveningstarEvening Star
trader_cdlgapsidesidewhiteUp/Down-gap side-by-side white lines
trader_cdlgravestonedojiGravestone Doji
trader_cdlhangingmanHanging Man
trader_cdlharamiHarami Pattern
trader_cdlharamicrossHarami Cross Pattern
trader_cdlhighwaveHigh-Wave Candle
trader_cdlhikkakeHikkake Pattern
trader_cdlhikkakemodModified Hikkake Pattern
trader_cdlhomingpigeonHoming Pigeon
trader_cdlidentical3crowsIdentical Three Crows
trader_cdlinneckIn-Neck Pattern
trader_cdlinvertedhammerInverted Hammer
trader_cdlladderbottomLadder Bottom
trader_cdllongleggeddojiLong Legged Doji
trader_cdllonglineLong Line Candle
trader_cdlmatchinglowMatching Low
trader_cdlmatholdMat Hold
trader_cdlmorningdojistarMorning Doji Star
trader_cdlmorningstarMorning Star
trader_cdlonneckOn-Neck Pattern
trader_cdlpiercingPiercing Pattern
trader_cdlrickshawmanRickshaw Man
trader_cdlrisefall3methodsRising/Falling Three Methods
trader_cdlseparatinglinesSeparating Lines
trader_cdlshootingstarShooting Star
trader_cdlshortlineShort Line Candle
trader_cdlspinningtopSpinning Top
trader_cdlstalledpatternStalled Pattern
trader_cdlsticksandwichStick Sandwich
trader_cdltakuriTakuri (Dragonfly Doji with very long lower shadow)
trader_cdltasukigapTasuki Gap
trader_cdlthrustingThrusting Pattern
trader_cdltristarTristar Pattern
trader_cdlunique3riverUnique 3 River
trader_cdlupsidegap2crowsUpside Gap Two Crows
trader_cdlxsidegap3methodsUpside/Downside Gap Three Methods
trader_ceilVector Ceil
trader_cmoChande Momentum Oscillator
trader_correlPearson’s Correlation Coefficient (r)
trader_cosVector Trigonometric Cos
trader_coshVector Trigonometric Cosh
trader_demaDouble Exponential Moving Average
trader_divVector Arithmetic Div
trader_dxDirectional Movement Index
trader_emaExponential Moving Average
trader_errnoGet error code
trader_expVector Arithmetic Exp
trader_floorVector Floor
trader_get_compatGet compatibility mode
trader_get_unstable_periodGet unstable period
trader_ht_dcperiodHilbert Transform
trader_ht_dcphaseHilbert Transform
trader_ht_phasorHilbert Transform
trader_ht_sineHilbert Transform
trader_ht_trendlineHilbert Transform
trader_ht_trendmodeHilbert Transform
trader_kamaKaufman Adaptive Moving Average
trader_linearregLinear Regression
trader_linearreg_angleLinear Regression Angle
trader_linearreg_interceptLinear Regression Intercept
trader_linearreg_slopeLinear Regression Slope
trader_lnVector Log Natural
trader_log10Vector Log10
trader_maMoving average
trader_macdMoving Average Convergence/Divergence
trader_macdextMACD with controllable MA type
trader_macdfixMoving Average Convergence/Divergence Fix 12/26
trader_mamaMESA Adaptive Moving Average
trader_mavpMoving average with variable period
trader_maxHighest value over a specified period
trader_maxindexIndex of highest value over a specified period
trader_medpriceMedian Price
trader_mfiMoney Flow Index
trader_midpointMidPoint over period
trader_midpriceMidpoint Price over period
trader_minLowest value over a specified period
trader_minindexIndex of lowest value over a specified period
trader_minmaxLowest and highest values over a specified period
trader_minmaxindexIndexes of lowest and highest values over a specified period
trader_minus_diMinus Directional Indicator
trader_minus_dmMinus Directional Movement
trader_multVector Arithmetic Mult
trader_natrNormalized Average True Range
trader_obvOn Balance Volume
trader_plus_diPlus Directional Indicator
trader_plus_dmPlus Directional Movement
trader_ppoPercentage Price Oscillator
trader_rocRate of change : ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100
trader_rocpRate of change Percentage: (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice
trader_rocrRate of change ratio: (price/prevPrice)
trader_rocr100Rate of change ratio 100 scale: (price/prevPrice)*100
trader_rsiRelative Strength Index
trader_sarParabolic SAR
trader_sarextParabolic SAR
trader_set_compatSet compatibility mode
trader_set_unstable_periodSet unstable period
trader_sinVector Trigonometric Sin
trader_sinhVector Trigonometric Sinh
trader_smaSimple Moving Average
trader_sqrtVector Square Root
trader_stddevStandard Deviation
trader_stochfStochastic Fast
trader_stochrsiStochastic Relative Strength Index
trader_subVector Arithmetic Subtraction
trader_t3Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3)
trader_tanVector Trigonometric Tan
trader_tanhVector Trigonometric Tanh
trader_temaTriple Exponential Moving Average
trader_trangeTrue Range
trader_trimaTriangular Moving Average
trader_trix1-day Rate-Of-Change (ROC) of a Triple Smooth EMA
trader_tsfTime Series Forecast
trader_typpriceTypical Price
trader_ultoscUltimate Oscillator
trader_wclpriceWeighted Close Price
trader_willrWilliams’ %R
trader_wmaWeighted Moving Average
trait_exists检查指定的 trait 是否存在
trigger_error产生一个用户级别的 error/warning/notice 信息


udm_add_search_limitAdd various search limits
udm_alloc_agentAllocate mnoGoSearch session
udm_alloc_agent_arrayAllocate mnoGoSearch session
udm_api_versionGet mnoGoSearch API version
udm_cat_listGet all the categories on the same level with the current one
udm_cat_pathGet the path to the current category
udm_check_charsetCheck if the given charset is known to mnogosearch
udm_clear_search_limitsClear all mnoGoSearch search restrictions
udm_crc32Return CRC32 checksum of given string
udm_errnoGet mnoGoSearch error number
udm_errorGet mnoGoSearch error message
udm_findPerform search
udm_free_agentFree mnoGoSearch session
udm_free_ispell_dataFree memory allocated for ispell data
udm_free_resFree mnoGoSearch result
udm_get_doc_countGet total number of documents in database
udm_get_res_fieldFetch a result field
udm_get_res_paramGet mnoGoSearch result parameters
udm_hash32Return Hash32 checksum of given string
udm_load_ispell_dataLoad ispell data
udm_set_agent_paramSet mnoGoSearch agent session parameters
umask改变当前的 umask
unixtojd转变Unix时间戳为Julian Day计数
unpackUnpack data from binary string
unregister_tick_functionDe-register a function for execution on each tick
unserialize从已存储的表示中创建 PHP 的值
untaintUntaint strings
uopz_backupBackup a function
uopz_composeCompose a class
uopz_copyCopy a function
uopz_deleteDelete a function
uopz_extendExtend a class at runtime
uopz_flagsGet or set flags on function or class
uopz_functionCreates a function at runtime
uopz_implementImplements an interface at runtime
uopz_overloadOverload a VM opcode
uopz_redefineRedefine a constant
uopz_renameRename a function at runtime
uopz_restoreRestore a previously backed up function
uopz_undefineUndefine a constant
urldecode解码已编码的 URL 字符串
urlencode编码 URL 字符串
user_errortrigger_error 的别名
use_soap_error_handlerSet whether to use the SOAP error handler
utf8_decode将用 UTF-8 方式编码的 ISO-8859-1 字符串转换成单字节的 ISO-8859-1 字符串。
utf8_encode将 ISO-8859-1 编码的字符串转换为 UTF-8 编码


variant_absReturns the absolute value of a variant
variant_add“Adds” two variant values together and returns the result
variant_andPerforms a bitwise AND operation between two variants
variant_castConvert a variant into a new variant object of another type
variant_catconcatenates two variant values together and returns the result
variant_cmpCompares two variants
variant_date_from_timestampReturns a variant date representation of a Unix timestamp
variant_date_to_timestampConverts a variant date/time value to Unix timestamp
variant_divReturns the result from dividing two variants
variant_eqvPerforms a bitwise equivalence on two variants
variant_fixReturns the integer portion of a variant
variant_get_typeReturns the type of a variant object
variant_idivConverts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them
variant_impPerforms a bitwise implication on two variants
variant_intReturns the integer portion of a variant
variant_modDivides two variants and returns only the remainder
variant_mulMultiplies the values of the two variants
variant_negPerforms logical negation on a variant
variant_notPerforms bitwise not negation on a variant
variant_orPerforms a logical disjunction on two variants
variant_powReturns the result of performing the power function with two variants
variant_roundRounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places
variant_setAssigns a new value for a variant object
variant_set_typeConvert a variant into another type “in-place”
variant_subSubtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value
variant_xorPerforms a logical exclusion on two variants
version_compare对比两个「PHP 规范化」的版本数字字符串
virtual执行 Apache 子请求
vpopmail_add_alias_domainAdd an alias for a virtual domain
vpopmail_add_alias_domain_exAdd alias to an existing virtual domain
vpopmail_add_domainAdd a new virtual domain
vpopmail_add_domain_exAdd a new virtual domain
vpopmail_add_userAdd a new user to the specified virtual domain
vpopmail_alias_addInsert a virtual alias
vpopmail_alias_delDeletes all virtual aliases of a user
vpopmail_alias_del_domainDeletes all virtual aliases of a domain
vpopmail_alias_getGet all lines of an alias for a domain
vpopmail_alias_get_allGet all lines of an alias for a domain
vpopmail_auth_userAttempt to validate a username/domain/password
vpopmail_del_domainDelete a virtual domain
vpopmail_del_domain_exDelete a virtual domain
vpopmail_del_userDelete a user from a virtual domain
vpopmail_errorGet text message for last vpopmail error
vpopmail_passwdChange a virtual user’s password
vpopmail_set_user_quotaSets a virtual user’s quota


wddx_add_varsAdd variables to a WDDX packet with the specified ID
wddx_deserializeUnserializes a WDDX packet
wddx_packet_endEnds a WDDX packet with the specified ID
wddx_packet_startStarts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it
wddx_serialize_valueSerialize a single value into a WDDX packet
wddx_serialize_varsSerialize variables into a WDDX packet
win32_continue_serviceResumes a paused service
win32_create_serviceCreates a new service entry in the SCM database
win32_delete_serviceDeletes a service entry from the SCM database
win32_get_last_control_messageReturns the last control message that was sent to this service
win32_pause_servicePauses a service
win32_ps_list_procsList running processes
win32_ps_stat_memStat memory utilization
win32_ps_stat_procStat process
win32_query_service_statusQueries the status of a service
win32_set_service_statusUpdate the service status
win32_start_serviceStarts a service
win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcherRegisters the script with the SCM, so that it can act as the service with the given name
win32_stop_serviceStops a service
wincache_fcache_fileinfoRetrieves information about files cached in the file cache
wincache_fcache_meminfoRetrieves information about file cache memory usage
wincache_lockAcquires an exclusive lock on a given key
wincache_ocache_fileinfoRetrieves information about files cached in the opcode cache
wincache_ocache_meminfoRetrieves information about opcode cache memory usage
wincache_refresh_if_changedRefreshes the cache entries for the cached files
wincache_rplist_fileinfoRetrieves information about resolve file path cache
wincache_rplist_meminfoRetrieves information about memory usage by the resolve file path cache
wincache_scache_infoRetrieves information about files cached in the session cache
wincache_scache_meminfoRetrieves information about session cache memory usage
wincache_ucache_addAdds a variable in user cache only if variable does not already exist in the cache
wincache_ucache_casCompares the variable with old value and assigns new value to it
wincache_ucache_clearDeletes entire content of the user cache
wincache_ucache_decDecrements the value associated with the key
wincache_ucache_deleteDeletes variables from the user cache
wincache_ucache_existsChecks if a variable exists in the user cache
wincache_ucache_getGets a variable stored in the user cache
wincache_ucache_incIncrements the value associated with the key
wincache_ucache_infoRetrieves information about data stored in the user cache
wincache_ucache_meminfoRetrieves information about user cache memory usage
wincache_ucache_setAdds a variable in user cache and overwrites a variable if it already exists in the cache
wincache_unlockReleases an exclusive lock on a given key


xattr_getGet an extended attribute
xattr_listGet a list of extended attributes
xattr_removeRemove an extended attribute
xattr_setSet an extended attribute
xattr_supportedCheck if filesystem supports extended attributes
xdiff_file_bdiffMake binary diff of two files
xdiff_file_bdiff_sizeRead a size of file created by applying a binary diff
xdiff_file_bpatchPatch a file with a binary diff
xdiff_file_diffMake unified diff of two files
xdiff_file_diff_binaryAlias of xdiff_file_bdiff
xdiff_file_merge3Merge 3 files into one
xdiff_file_patchPatch a file with an unified diff
xdiff_file_patch_binaryAlias of xdiff_file_bpatch
xdiff_file_rabdiffMake binary diff of two files using the Rabin’s polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
xdiff_string_bdiffMake binary diff of two strings
xdiff_string_bdiff_sizeRead a size of file created by applying a binary diff
xdiff_string_bpatchPatch a string with a binary diff
xdiff_string_diffMake unified diff of two strings
xdiff_string_diff_binaryAlias of xdiff_string_bdiff
xdiff_string_merge3Merge 3 strings into one
xdiff_string_patchPatch a string with an unified diff
xdiff_string_patch_binaryAlias of xdiff_string_bpatch
xdiff_string_rabdiffMake binary diff of two strings using the Rabin’s polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
xhprof_disable停止 xhprof 分析器
xhprof_enable启动 xhprof 性能分析器
xhprof_sample_disable停止 xhprof 性能采样分析器
xhprof_sample_enable以采样模式启动 XHProf 性能分析
xmlrpc_decode将 XML 译码为 PHP 本身的类型
xmlrpc_decode_request将 XML 译码为 PHP 本身的类型
xmlrpc_encode为 PHP 的值生成 XML
xmlrpc_encode_request为 PHP 的值生成 XML
xmlrpc_get_type为 PHP 的值获取 xmlrpc 的类型
xmlrpc_is_faultDetermines if an array value represents an XMLRPC fault
xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions将 XML 译码成方法描述的列表
xmlrpc_server_call_method解析 XML 请求同时调用方法
xmlrpc_server_create创建一个 xmlrpc 服务端
xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback注册一个 PHP 函数用于生成文档
xmlrpc_server_register_method注册一个 PHP 函数用于匹配 xmlrpc 方法名
xmlrpc_set_type为一个 PHP 字符串值设置 xmlrpc 的类型、base64 或日期时间
xml_error_string获取 XML 解析器的错误字符串
xml_get_current_byte_index获取 XML 解析器的当前字节索引
xml_get_current_column_number获取 XML 解析器的当前列号
xml_get_current_line_number获取 XML 解析器的当前行号
xml_get_error_code获取 XML 解析器错误代码
xml_parse开始解析一个 XML 文档
xml_parser_create建立一个 XML 解析器
xml_parser_create_ns生成一个支持命名空间的 XML 解析器
xml_parser_free释放指定的 XML 解析器
xml_parser_get_option从 XML 解析器获取选项设置信息
xml_parser_set_option为指定 XML 解析进行选项设置
xml_parse_into_struct将 XML 数据解析到数组中
xml_set_object在对象中使用 XML 解析器


yaml_emitReturns the YAML representation of a value
yaml_emit_fileSend the YAML representation of a value to a file
yaml_parseParse a YAML stream
yaml_parse_fileParse a YAML stream from a file
yaml_parse_urlParse a Yaml stream from a URL
yaz_addinfoReturns additional error information
yaz_ccl_confConfigure CCL parser
yaz_ccl_parseInvoke CCL Parser
yaz_closeClose YAZ connection
yaz_connectPrepares for a connection to a Z39.50 server
yaz_databaseSpecifies the databases within a session
yaz_elementSpecifies Element-Set Name for retrieval
yaz_errnoReturns error number
yaz_errorReturns error description
yaz_esPrepares for an Extended Service Request
yaz_es_resultInspects Extended Services Result
yaz_get_optionReturns value of option for connection
yaz_hitsReturns number of hits for last search
yaz_itemorderPrepares for Z39.50 Item Order with an ILL-Request package
yaz_presentPrepares for retrieval (Z39.50 present)
yaz_rangeSpecifies a range of records to retrieve
yaz_recordReturns a record
yaz_scanPrepares for a scan
yaz_scan_resultReturns Scan Response result
yaz_schemaSpecifies schema for retrieval
yaz_searchPrepares for a search
yaz_set_optionSets one or more options for connection
yaz_sortSets sorting criteria
yaz_syntaxSpecifies the preferred record syntax for retrieval
yaz_waitWait for Z39.50 requests to complete
yp_allTraverse the map and call a function on each entry
yp_catReturn an array containing the entire map
yp_errnoReturns the error code of the previous operation
yp_err_stringReturns the error string associated with the given error code
yp_firstReturns the first key-value pair from the named map
yp_get_default_domainFetches the machine’s default NIS domain
yp_masterReturns the machine name of the master NIS server for a map
yp_matchReturns the matched line
yp_nextReturns the next key-value pair in the named map
yp_orderReturns the order number for a map


zend_logo_guid获取 Zend guid
zend_version获取当前 Zend 引擎的版本
zlib_decodeUncompress any raw/gzip/zlib encoded data
zlib_encodeCompress data with the specified encoding
zlib_get_coding_typeReturns the coding type used for output compression
posted @ 2019-05-22 10:06  嘎子哥~  阅读(1183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报