Q:有没有一种 Java 硬编码方式可以在战斗中获得对任何飞船的控制权?效果就像开发模式中的 Ctrl + LMB。
A:CombatEngineAPI.setPlayerShipExternal(ShipAPI ship) should do it, I think?
Q:使用 CombatEngineAPI.addPlugin 方法为战斗添加多个 BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin 子类时,所有 advance() 的执行是单线程还是多线程?如何确定所有 advance() 的执行顺序?还是无法确定 advancce() 的执行顺序?
如果我有一个 TestPlugin 对象(BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin 的子类),并在战斗的第 n 帧调用 addPlugin(TestPlugin),那么 TestPlugin 的 advance() 是在第 n 帧开始执行,还是在第 n + 1 帧开始执行?如果我在战斗的第 m 帧删除插件(TestPlugin),TestPlugin 的 advance() 是否仍会在第 m 帧执行?
A:It's all single-threaded.
The order of the advance() calls will generally be in the order the the plugins were added, but your code should probably not rely on that.
It depends on when you call addPlugin(). If you call it from advance(), it'll start executing on the next frame. If you remove the plugin from another plugin's advance() method, it may still execute during the current frame, iirc.
Q:这是否意味着,如果我想严格按照一定顺序执行代码,就必须将代码放在相同的 advance() 中?
A:That seems broadly correct.
例如,本帧 addPlugin(TestPlugin) 将 TestPlugin.advance() 添加到动态流水线,在下一帧开始之前,它会读取流水线并创建其副本,它要执行的任务包括 TestPlugin.advance()。反之,removePlugin(TestPlugin) 将删除管道中的 TestPlugin.advance()。显然,在下一帧开始前读取管道时,会创建一个副本,它将执行的任务中不会包含 TestPlugin.progress()。
我为什么会做出这样的假设?因为当我在同一帧中对同一个 ShipAPI 对象调用 giveCommand(ShipCommand.SELECT_GROUP, null, index),然后调用 getSelectedGroupAPI() 时,我发现得到的 WeaponGroupAPI 并不是索引武器组。获得索引武器组的唯一方法是在下一帧中调用 getSelectedGroupAPI()。因此我假设 giveCommand(ShipCommand.SELECT_GROUP, null, index) 改变的是动态管道的状态,而不是本帧的状态。getSelectedGroupAPI() 所获取的 WeaponGroupAPI 并不是动态流水线的全局状态,而是本帧开始前确定的 WeaponGroupAPI 的深度副本。
A:No, that's not how it works. For plugins, the iteration where their .advance() method is called happens over a copy of the list of plugins, but that's not a copy of the entire state. This is done fairly often to enable deletion from the list that's being iterated over. (There are also other ways to do this, of course.)
For ship commands, a command given to the ship will be carried out in the ship's advance() method, so until that runs, you wouldn't see the effect of the command, but the command is queued up immediately.
Edit: it's worth noting that a ship's AI runs before the ship's advance() method, so any commands the AI gives will be executed on the same frame. But plugins run after all the entities have run their advance().
Q:当我调用 addPlugin 添加一个 TestPlugin 对象,然后调用 removePlugin 时,removePlugin 的参数是否需要是同一个 TestPlugin 对象,还是需要创建一个 TestPlugin 对象?
换一种说法,CombatEngineAPI 是否允许存在多个同类插件对象,或者 addPlugin 和 removePlugin 是否类似于单例(可能使用 instanceof 来确保只有一个同类插件对象)?
A:yeah, multiple plugins of the same type can be attached to the combat engine; removePlugin takes the specific plugin object that you want to remove as its param
1. 接收玩家下达的命令
2. 接收 AIPlugin 下达的命令
3. 玩家的飞船在 advance() 处理来自 step 1 的命令
4. 所有实体在各自的 advance() 中处理来自 step 2 和 step 5 的命令
5. 接收 BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin 的子类下达的命令
可以在当前帧看到 setp 1 和 step 2 命令的效果,不能在当前帧立刻看到插件给出的命令的效果,但命令会立刻排队等候
A:This sounds right, though I have to be honest, I did not dig into it and it's not something that's permanently at the top of my mind - usually it's not something I need to think about because things "just work", if that makes sense.
One thing that throws a wrench into this is fast-time - when non-player ships have their time sped up (e.g. phase cloak), steps 2 and 4 will happen multiple times per frame for those ships.
Q:与时间流速相关的系统:Phase Cloak 和 Temporal Shell,它们的工作原理是一样的吗?
A:Phase Cloak and Temporal Shell work the same way.
I don't remember all the details for how it works with the player ship. You can test a lot of this fairly easily by providing an AI plugin implementation for the player's autopilot.
One thing to keep in mind is that you can only get one set of inputs per frame from the player, so those commands persist through all of the fast-time frames, except for a few which are toggles (and which would undo each other if repeated multiple times, such as raising shields or turning the cloak on and off).
Q:在 step 3 / step 4,当游戏检测到暂停(isPause() 返回 true),是不是只接收指令,但不执行(丢弃每帧接收的指令),直到 isPause() 返回 false。
A:It'll process some commands like toggling autofire while paused, which is something you could test. Other commands, IIRC just won't get queued up at all while the game is paused. I'm curious, what are you doing that all this stuff actually matters?
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