



> library(DAAG)
> data(cuckoos)
> attach(cuckoos)
The following object(s) are masked from 'cuckoos (position 4)':

    breadth, id, length, species
> cuckoos
    length breadth       species  id
1     21.7    16.1  meadow.pipit  21
2     22.6    17.0  meadow.pipit  22
46    22.7    16.3    tree.pipit  66
47    23.3    16.6    tree.pipit  67
61    22.0    17.0 hedge.sparrow  82
62    23.9    16.9 hedge.sparrow  83
75    21.8    16.0         robin  96
76    23.0    15.9         robin  97
91    23.0    16.3  pied.wagtail 198
92    23.4    16.7  pied.wagtail 199
106   19.8    15.0          wren 224
107   22.1    16.0          wren 225


>coplot(length ~ breadth | species)



> library(DAAG)
> data(cuckoos)
> attach(cuckoos)
The following object(s) are masked from 'cuckoos (position 6)':

    breadth, id, length, species
> len.mp <- length[species == 'meadow.pipit']
> len.tp <- length[species == 'tree.pipit']
> len.hs <- length[species == 'hedge.sparrow']
> len.r  <- length[species == 'robin']
> len.pw <- length[species == 'pied.wagtail']
> len.w  <- length[species == 'wren']
> par(mfrow = c(3,2))
> hist(len.mp,
+       breaks = 6,
+       probability = T,
+       xlim = c(19,25),
+       ylim = c(0,1),
+       main = "",
+       col = 6)
> hist(len.tp,
+       breaks = 6,
+       probability = T,
+       xlim = c(19,25),
+       ylim = c(0,1),
+       main = "",
+       col = 6)
> hist(len.hs,
+       breaks = 6,
+       probability = T,
+       xlim = c(19,25),
+       ylim = c(0,1),
+       main = "",
+       col = 6)
> hist(len.r,
+       breaks = 6,
+       probability = T,
+       xlim = c(19,25),
+       ylim = c(0,1),
+       main = "",
+       col = 6)
> hist(len.pw,
+       breaks = 6,
+       probability = T,
+       xlim = c(19,25),
+       ylim = c(0,1),
+       main = "",
+       col = 6)
> hist(len.w,
+       breaks = 6,
+       probability = T,
+       xlim = c(19,25),
+       ylim = c(0,1),
+       main = "",
+       col = 6)
> par(mfrow=c(1,1))



hists <- function ( x, y ){
      y <- factor(y)
      n <- length(levels(y))
      op <- par(mfcol=c(n,1),mar=c(2,4,1,1))
      b <- hist(x, plot = F)$breaks
      for ( l in levels(y) ){
          hist( x[y==l],
                breaks = b,
                probability = T,
                ylim = c(0,1.0),
                main = "",
                ylab = l,
                col = 'lightblue',
                xlab = ""
                 lwd = 3,
                 col = 'red'

hists(cuckoos$length, cuckoos$species)


> histogram(~length|species, data = cuckoos)


> boxplot(length ~ species, data = cuckoos,  xlab = 'length of egg',  horizontal = TRUE)


> stripchart(cuckoos$length ~ cuckoos$species, method='jitter')



> densityplot( ~length | species, data = cuckoos)



【1】1-D Scatter Plots


stripchart produces one dimensional scatter plots (or dot plots) of the given data. These plots are a good alternative to boxplots when sample sizes are small.


stripchart(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
stripchart(x, data = NULL, dlab = NULL, ...,
           subset, na.action = NULL)

## Default S3 method:
stripchart(x, method = "overplot", jitter = 0.1, offset = 1/3,
           vertical = FALSE, group.names, add = FALSE,
           at = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
           ylab=NULL, xlab=NULL, dlab="", glab="",
           log = "", pch = 0, col = par("fg"), cex = par("cex"), 
           axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, ...)



the data from which the plots are to be produced. In the default method the data can be specified as a single numeric vector, or as list of numeric vectors, each corresponding to a component plot. In the formula method, a symbolic specification of the form y ~ g can be given, indicating the observations in the vector y are to be grouped according to the levels of the factor g. NAs are allowed in the data.


a data.frame (or list) from which the variables in x should be taken.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used for plotting.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is to ignore missing values in either the response or the group.


additional parameters passed to the default method, or by it to plot, points, axis and title to control the appearance of the plot.


the method to be used to separate coincident points. The default method "overplot" causes such points to be overplotted, but it is also possible to specify "jitter" to jitter the points, or "stack" have coincident points stacked. The last method only makes sense for very granular data.


when method="jitter" is used, jitter gives the amount of jittering applied.


when stacking is used, points are stacked this many line-heights (symbol widths) apart.


when vertical is TRUE the plots are drawn vertically rather than the default horizontal.


group labels which will be printed alongside (or underneath) each plot.


logical, if true add the chart to the current plot.


numeric vector giving the locations where the charts should be drawn, particularly when add = TRUE; defaults to 1:n where n is the number of boxes.

ylab, xlab

labels: see title.

dlab, glab

alternate way to specify axis labels: see ‘Details’.

xlim, ylim

plot limits: see plot.window.


on which axes to use a log scale: see plot.default

pch, col, cex

Graphical parameters: see par.

axes, frame.plot

Axis control: see plot.default


【2】Conditioning Plots


This function produces two variants of the conditioning plots discussed in the reference below.


coplot(formula, data, given.values, panel = points, rows, columns,
       show.given = TRUE, col = par("fg"), pch = par("pch"), 
       bar.bg = c(num = gray(0.8), fac = gray(0.95)),
       xlab = c(x.name, paste("Given :", a.name)),
       ylab = c(y.name, paste("Given :", b.name)),
       subscripts = FALSE,
       axlabels = function(f) abbreviate(levels(f)),
       number = 6, overlap = 0.5, xlim, ylim, ...) 
co.intervals(x, number = 6, overlap = 0.5)



a formula describing the form of conditioning plot. A formula of the form y ~ x | a indicates that plots of y versus x should be produced conditional on the variable a. A formula of the form y ~ x| a * b indicates that plots of y versus x should be produced conditional on the two variables a and b.

All three or four variables may be either numeric or factors. When x or y are factors, the result is almost as if as.numeric() was applied, whereas for factor a or b, the conditioning (and its graphics if show.given is true) are adapted.


a data frame containing values for any variables in the formula. By default the environment where coplot was called from is used.


a value or list of two values which determine how the conditioning on a and b is to take place.

When there is no b (i.e., conditioning only on a), usually this is a matrix with two columns each row of which gives an interval, to be conditioned on, but is can also be a single vector of numbers or a set of factor levels (if the variable being conditioned on is a factor). In this case (no b), the result of co.intervals can be used directly as given.values argument.


a function(x, y, col, pch, ...) which gives the action to be carried out in each panel of the display. The default is points.


the panels of the plot are laid out in a rows by columns array. rows gives the number of rows in the array.


the number of columns in the panel layout array.


logical (possibly of length 2 for 2 conditioning variables): should conditioning plots be shown for the corresponding conditioning variables (default TRUE).


a vector of colors to be used to plot the points. If too short, the values are recycled.


a vector of plotting symbols or characters. If too short, the values are recycled.


a named vector with components "num" and "fac" giving the background colors for the (shingle) bars, for numeric and factor conditioning variables respectively.


character; labels to use for the x axis and the first conditioning variable. If only one label is given, it is used for the x axis and the default label is used for the conditioning variable.


character; labels to use for the y axis and any second conditioning variable.


logical: if true the panel function is given an additional (third) argument subscripts giving the subscripts of the data passed to that panel.


function for creating axis (tick) labels when x or y are factors.


integer; the number of conditioning intervals, for a and b, possibly of length 2. It is only used if the corresponding conditioning variable is not a factor.


numeric < 1; the fraction of overlap of the conditioning variables, possibly of length 2 for x and y direction. When overlap < 0, there will be gaps between the data slices.


the range for the x axis.


the range for the y axis.


additional arguments to the panel function.


a numeric vector.

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