Unity 3d 使用通用SQLite

1) Down load that code and open it in Unity 3.3 (will upgrade the project)
2) Change the bundle identifier and set the SDK to iOS latest
3) Delete the file Mono.Data.SqliteClient in the Assets/Plugins folder
4) Drag into Assets/Plugins folder a copy of Mono.Data.Sqlite from the Unity.app . Right click on your Unity.app in the Unity folder (show package contents) select Contents/Frameworks/Mono/lib/mono/unity/Mono.Data.Sqlite
5) Edit SQLiteTest.cs
6) Change the using Mono.Data.SqliteClient referenence to using Mono.Data.Sqlite
7) Line 18 - change Application.dataPath to Application.dataPath.Replace("/Data","")
8) Do a build
9) Open the Xcode project and do a Command -Option-A to add a reference to the SQLiteTestDB.db file
10) Note you do *not* need to add libsqlite3.0.dylib to this project. That is only required if you have Objective-C or C++ code that accesses sqlite from a plugin.

11) Do a build and run and check the console output - you will see the actors names printed from the database




IOS中使用注意 Mono.Data.Sqlite版本问题

posted @ 2012-07-19 15:45  Ethan_村长  阅读(2985)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报