方法一:给Cube添加rigidbody,然后代码rigidbody.AddTorque (10, 0, 0);将使Cube沿X轴翻滚
方法二:Cube没有 添加rigidbody,利用以下代码计算翻滚
// Reposting this non-working answer because it was unreadable when posted as a comment to the previous answer
var cubeSize : float = 1;
var cubeSpeed : float = 80;
private var totalRotation : float = 0; // determines if we're past the 90 degrees
private var startHeight : float = 0; // for correcting height errors
// next two vars are for determining the corner
// to rotate over
private var fwdWeight : float = 0.5;
private var upWeight : float = -0.5;
// Use this for initialization
function Start () {
startHeight = transform.position.y;
// Update is called once per frame
function Update () {
function DoRoll (delay: float) {
var spinAmount : float = Time.deltaTime * cubeSpeed;
var t : float;
var pos : Vector3;
// we rotate around one of the edges of the cube (the stationary one of course)
transform.RotateAround(transform.position + (fwdWeight * transform.forward + upWeight * transform.up) * cubeSize, Vector3.right, spinAmount);
// add to amount of spin in this update the total rotation
totalRotation += spinAmount;
// check if we have to move to the next edge
if (totalRotation >= 90) {
// we move to next corner as pivot point
totalRotation -= 90;
t = fwdWeight;
fwdWeight = -upWeight;
upWeight = t;
// make sure height stays correct
pos = transform.position;
pos.y = startHeight;
transform.position = pos;
print ("At rotation " + totalRotation);
yield WaitForSeconds(delay);
var cubeSize : float = 1;
var cubeSpeed : float = 80;
private var totalRotation : float = 0; // determines if we're past the 90 degrees
private var startHeight : float = 0; // for correcting height errors
// next two vars are for determining the corner
// to rotate over
private var fwdWeight : float = 0.5;
private var upWeight : float = -0.5;
// Use this for initialization
function Start () {
startHeight = transform.position.y;
// Update is called once per frame
function Update () {
function DoRoll (delay: float) {
var spinAmount : float = Time.deltaTime * cubeSpeed;
var t : float;
var pos : Vector3;
// we rotate around one of the edges of the cube (the stationary one of course)
transform.RotateAround(transform.position + (fwdWeight * transform.forward + upWeight * transform.up) * cubeSize, Vector3.right, spinAmount);
// add to amount of spin in this update the total rotation
totalRotation += spinAmount;
// check if we have to move to the next edge
if (totalRotation >= 90) {
// we move to next corner as pivot point
totalRotation -= 90;
t = fwdWeight;
fwdWeight = -upWeight;
upWeight = t;
// make sure height stays correct
pos = transform.position;
pos.y = startHeight;
transform.position = pos;
print ("At rotation " + totalRotation);
yield WaitForSeconds(delay);
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