hardware events:CPU performance monitoring counters
software events: 基于kernel counters的低水平事件,比如cpu迁移、minor faults、major faults等等
kernel tracepoint events:编码嵌入在内核中的内核级别静态测试点
User statically-defined tracing(USDT): 用户级别的静态测试点
Dynamic Traceing:动态软件测试点,可以在任何地方创建。内核态使用kprobes框架,用户态使用uprobes工具
Timed Profiling:perf-record -F Hz可以按照指定的频率进行监测,这个常被用于监测CPU使用率以及创建定时的中断事件
Hardware [Cache] Events:
CPU周期、指令重试,内存间隔周期、L2CACHE miss等
These instrument low-level processor activity based on CPU performance counters.
For example, CPU cycles, instructions retired, memory stall cycles, level 2 cache misses, etc.
Some will be listed as Hardware Cache Events.
Software Events:
These are low level events based on kernel counters.
For example, CPU migrations, minor faults, major faults, etc.
Tracepoint Events:
This are kernel-level events based on the ftrace framework. These tracepoints are placed in interesting and logical locations of the kernel, so that higher-level behavior can be easily traced.
For example, system calls, TCP events, file system I/O, disk I/O, etc.
These are grouped into libraries of tracepoints;
eg, "sock:" for socket events, "sched:" for CPU scheduler events.
Dynamic Tracing:
Software can be dynamically instrumented, creating events in any location.
For kernel software, this uses the kprobes framework.
For user-level software, uprobes.
Timed Profiling:
采样频度,按指定频率采样,被用于perf record。
Snapshots can be collected at an arbitrary frequency, using perf record -FHz.
This is commonly used for CPU usage profiling, and works by creating custom timed interrupt events.
Most processors nowadays have special, on‐chip hardware that monitors micro architectural events like elapsed cycles, cache hits, cache miss etc.It is a subsystem which helps in analyzing how an application or operating systems are performing on the processor.
The Performance Monitoring Events can be broadly categorized in two types
• Hardware
Ex: CPU‐Cycles, Instructions, Cache References
• Software
Ex: Page Fault, Context Switch, etc
page fault
Linux 内核给每个进程都提供了一个独立的虚拟地址空间,并且这个地址空间是连续的。这样,进程就可以很方便地访问内存,更确切地说是访问虚拟内存。虚拟地址空间的内部又被分为内核空间和用户空间两部分。并不是所有的虚拟内存都会分配物理内存,只有那些实际使用的虚拟内存才分配物理内存,并且分配后的物理内存,是通过内存映射来管理的。
内存映射,其实就是将虚拟内存地址映射到物理内存地址。为了完成内存映射,内核为每个进程都维护了一张页表,记录虚拟地址与物理地址的映射关系。页表实际上存储在 CPU 的内存管理单元 MMU 中。而当进程访问的虚拟地址在页表中查不到时,系统会产生一个缺页异常,进入内核空间分配物理内存、更新进程页表,最后再返回用户空间,恢复进程的运行,这是一个次缺页异常(minor page fault)。minor page fault 也称为 soft page fault, 指需要访问的内存不在虚拟地址空间,但是在物理内存中,只需要MMU建立物理内存和虚拟地址空间的映射关系即可。
major page fault指需要访问的内存不在虚拟地址空间,也不在物理内存中,进入内核空间分配物理内存,更新进程页表,还需要swap从磁盘中读取数据换入物理内存中。
当进程访问它的虚拟地址空间中的PAGE时,如果这个PAGE目前还不在物理内存中,此时CPU是不能干活的,Linux会产生一个hard page fault中断。系统需要从慢速设备(如磁盘)将对应的数据PAGE读入物理内存,并建立物理内存地址与虚拟地址空间PAGE的映射关系。然后进程才能访问这部分虚拟地址空间的内存。
page fault 又分为几种,major page fault、 minor page fault、 invalid(segment fault)。
major page fault 也称为 hard page fault, 指需要访问的内存不在虚拟地址空间,也不在物理内存中,需要从慢速设备载入。从swap 回到物理内存也是 hard page fault。
minor page fault 也称为 soft page fault, 指需要访问的内存不在虚拟地址空间,但是在物理内存中,只需要MMU建立物理内存和虚拟地址空间的映射关系即可。
- 当一个进程在调用 malloc 获取虚拟空间地址后,首次访问该地址会发生一次soft page fault。
- 通常是多个进程访问同一个共享内存中的数据,可能某些进程还没有建立起映射关系,所以访问时会出现soft page fault
invalid fault 也称为 segment fault,指进程需要访问的内存地址不在它的虚拟地址空间范围内,属于越界访问,内核会报 segment fault错误。
zImage是ARM Linux常用的一种压缩映像文件,不超过512KB。
big zImage,和zImage一样都是gzip压缩的。
可引导、压缩的内核。“vm”代表“virtual memory”。Linux支持虚拟内存。vmlinuz是可执行的linux内核。
initrd是initial ramdisk的缩写,initrd一般被用来临时的引导硬件到实际内核vmlinuz能够接管并继续引导的状态
1. 简介
2. 命令行
root@ubuntu:~# perf -h
usage: perf [--version] [--help] [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
The most commonly used perf commands are:
annotate Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display annotated code
archive Create archive with object files with build-ids found in perf.data file
bench General framework for benchmark suites
buildid-cache Manage build-id cache.
buildid-list List the buildids in a perf.data file
c2c Shared Data C2C/HITM Analyzer.
config Get and set variables in a configuration file.
data Data file related processing
diff Read perf.data files and display the differential profile
evlist List the event names in a perf.data file
ftrace simple wrapper for kernel's ftrace functionality
inject Filter to augment the events stream with additional information
kallsyms Searches running kernel for symbols
kmem Tool to trace/measure kernel memory properties
kvm Tool to trace/measure kvm guest os
list List all symbolic event types
lock Analyze lock events
mem Profile memory accesses
record Run a command and record its profile into perf.data
report Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display the profile
sched Tool to trace/measure scheduler properties (latencies)
script Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display trace output
stat Run a command and gather performance counter statistics
test Runs sanity tests.
timechart Tool to visualize total system behavior during a workload
top System profiling tool.
version display the version of perf binary
probe Define new dynamic tracepoints
trace strace inspired tool
See 'perf help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
annotate | perf annotate用于解析由perf record记录的数据文件perf.data并将代码注解显示。如果源代码开启了debug符号,则源码和汇编一起解析。如果源码未开启debug,则解析汇编代码 |
archive | 根据数据文件记录的build-id,将所有被采样到的elf文件打包。利用此压缩包,可以再任何机器上分析数据文件中记录的采样数据。 |
bench | perf中内置的benchmark。子系统:调度器和IPC机制、内存管理、NUMA调度、futex压力基准、epoll压力基准等 |
buildid-cache | 管理perf的buildid缓存,每个elf文件都有一个独一无二的buildid。buildid被perf用来关联性能数据与elf文件。 |
buildid-list | 列出perf.data文件中的buildid |
c2c | 用于调试cache to cache的false sharing问题,用于Shared Data C2C/HITM分析,可以追踪cacheline竞争问题 |
config | perf config用于读取和配置 .perfconfig配置文件 |
diff | 对比两个数据文件的差异。能够给出每个符号(函数)在热点分析上的具体差异。 |
evlist | 列出数据文件perf.data中所有性能事件 |
ftrace | 是内核ftrace功能的简化封装,可以跟踪指定进程的内核函数调用栈 |
inject | 该工具读取perf record工具记录的事件流,并将其定向到标准输出 |
kallsyms | 查找运行中的内核符号 |
kmem | 针对内核内存(slab)子系统进行追踪测量的工具 |
kvm | 用于测试kvm客户机的性能参数 |
list | 列出event事件 |
lock | 分析内核锁统计信息 |
mem | 测试内存存取性能数据 |
record | 运行一个命令,并将其数据保存到perf.data中。随后,可以使用perf report进行分析 |
report | 显示perf数据 |
sched | 分析调度器性能 |
script | 执行测试脚本 |
stat | perf stat能完整统计应用整个生命周期的信息 |
test | 用于sanity test |
timechart | 生成图标 |
top | 类似linux的top命令,查看整体性能 |
version | 查看版本信息 |
probe | 动态监测点 |
trace | 跟踪系统调用 |
vi. 注释;给…作注释或评注
vt. 注释;作注解
perf annotate用于解析由perf record记录的数据文件perf.data并将代码注解显示。如果源代码开启了debug符号,则源码和汇编一起解析。如果源码未开启debug,则解析汇编代码。
Usage: perf annotate [<options>]
-C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to profile
-d, --dsos <dso[,dso...]>
only consider symbols in these dsos
-D, --dump-raw-trace dump raw trace in ASCII
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-k, --vmlinux <file> vmlinux pathname
-l, --print-line print matching source lines (may be slow)
-M, --disassembler-style <disassembler style>
Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)
-m, --modules load module symbols - WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel
-n, --show-nr-samples
Show a column with the number of samples
-P, --full-paths Don't shorten the displayed pathnames
-q, --quiet do now show any message
-s, --symbol <symbol>
symbol to annotate
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
--asm-raw Display raw encoding of assembly instructions (default)
--group Show event group information together
--group Show event group information together
--gtk Use the GTK interface
--ignore-vmlinux don't load vmlinux even if found
--objdump <path> objdump binary to use for disassembly and annotations
--percent-type <local-period>
Set percent type local/global-period/hits
Show a column with the sum of periods
--skip-missing Skip symbols that cannot be annotated
--source Interleave source code with assembly code (default)
--stdio Use the stdio interface
--stdio-color <mode>
'always' (default), 'never' or 'auto' only applicable to --stdio mode
--stdio2 Use the stdio interface
--symfs <directory>
Look for files with symbols relative to this directory
--tui Use the TUI interface
实验perf annotate -i perf.data -C0
该命令需要perf buildid-list --with-hits配合使用。
perf archive [file]
root@ubuntu:test# make
gcc -g -Wl,--build-id -fno-omit-frame-pointer -o t1 test.c
root@ubuntu:test# perf record -e cpu-clock ./t1
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.017 MB perf.data (207 samples) ]
root@ubuntu:test# perf buildid-list -i perf.data
8b5069415e14c65b746661feb0b23246a1d44ea7 [kernel.kallsyms]
e22e5fae1bd7e9508834fdfce490ba5b12f6bcf6 /root/test/t1
cbbbd6f042b731b98a8df7ecc2de408198cf3506 [vdso]
root@ubuntu:test# perf archive perf.data
perf: 'archive' is not a perf-command. See 'perf --help'.
root@ubuntu:test# perf archive
perf: 'archive' is not a perf-command. See 'perf --help'.
root@ubuntu:test# perf buildid-list -i perf.data -H
8b5069415e14c65b746661feb0b23246a1d44ea7 /proc/kcore
e22e5fae1bd7e9508834fdfce490ba5b12f6bcf6 /root/test/t1
除了调度器之外,很多时候人们都需要衡量自己的工作对系统性能的影响。benchmark 是衡量性能的标准方法,对于同一个目标,如果能够有一个大家都承认的 benchmark,将非常有助于”提高内核性能”这项工作
root@ubuntu:~# perf bench -h
# benchmark:基准
Usage: perf bench [<common options>] <collection> <benchmark> [<options>]
-f, --format <default|simple>
Specify the output formatting style
-r, --repeat <n> Specify amount of times to repeat the run
# perf bench [<common options>] <subsystem> <suite> [<options>]
# subsystem子系统包括有sched、mem、numa、futex、epoll以及all选项;
子系统 | 说明 |
sched | 测试调度器和IPC机制 |
mem | 测试内存性能 |
numa | NUMA内存和调度 |
futex | futex压力测试 |
epoll | epoll压力测试 |
all | 所有benchmark子系统 |
sched message 是从经典的测试程序 hackbench 移植而来,用来衡量调度器的性能,overhead 以及可扩展性。该 benchmark 启动 N 个 reader/sender 进程或线程对,通过 IPC(socket 或者 pipe) 进行并发的读写。一般人们将 N 不断加大来衡量调度器的可扩展性。Sched message 的用法及用途和 hackbench 一样
sched pipe 从 Ingo Molnar 的 pipe-test-1m.c 移植而来。当初 Ingo 的原始程序是为了测试不同的调度器的性能和公平性的。其工作原理很简单,两个进程互相通过 pipe 拼命地发 1000000 个整数,进程 A 发给 B,同时 B 发给 A。。。因为 A 和 B 互相依赖,因此假如调度器不公平,对 A 比 B 好,那么 A 和 B 整体所需要的时间就会更长。
这个是 perf bench 的作者 Hitoshi Mitake 自己写的一个执行 memcpy 的 benchmark。该测试衡量一个拷贝 1M 数据的 memcpy() 函数所花费的时间。我尚不明白该 benchmark 的使用场景。。。或许是一个例子,告诉人们如何利用 perf bench 框架开发更多的 benchmark 吧。
NUMA(Non Uniform Memory Access)即非一致内存访问架构,市面上主要有X86_64(JASPER)和MIPS64(XLP)体系。
perf bench numa mem
1. SMP vs AMP
- SMP(Symmetric Multiprocessing), 即对称多处理器架构,是目前最常见的多处理器计算机架构。
- AMP(Asymmetric Multiprocessing), 即非对称多处理器架构,则是与SMP相对的概念。
那么两者之间的主要区别是什么呢? 总结下来有这么几点,
- SMP的多个处理器都是同构的,使用相同架构的CPU;而AMP的多个处理器则可能是异构的。
- SMP的多个处理器共享同一内存地址空间;而AMP的每个处理器则拥有自己独立的地址空间。
- SMP的多个处理器操通常共享一个操作系统的实例;而AMP的每个处理器可以有或者没有运行操作系统, 运行操作系统的CPU也是在运行多个独立的实例。
- SMP的多处理器之间可以通过共享内存来协同通信;而AMP则需要提供一种处理器间的通信机制。
现今主流的x86多处理器服务器都是SMP架构的, 而很多嵌入式系统则是AMP架构的
2. NUMA vs UMA
NUMA(Non-Uniform Memory Access) 非均匀内存访问架构是指多处理器系统中,内存的访问时间是依赖于处理器和内存之间的相对位置的。 这种设计里存在和处理器相对近的内存,通常被称作本地内存;还有和处理器相对远的内存, 通常被称为非本地内存。
UMA(Uniform Memory Access) 均匀内存访问架构则是与NUMA相反,所以处理器对共享内存的访问距离和时间是相同的。
阅读文档时,也常常能看到ccNUMA(Cache Coherent NUMA),即缓存一致性NUMA架构。 这种架构主要是在NUMA架构之上保证了多处理器之间的缓存一致性。降低了系统程序的编写难度。
x86多处理器发展历史上,早期的多核和多处理器系统都是UMA架构的。这种架构下, 多个CPU通过同一个北桥(North Bridge)芯片与内存链接。北桥芯片里集成了内存控制器(Memory Controller),
Futex 是Fast Userspace muTexes的缩写。
Futex按英文翻译过来就是快速用户空间互斥体。其设计思想其实 不难理解,在传统的Unix系统中,System V IPC(inter process communication),如 semaphores, msgqueues, sockets还有文件锁机制(flock())等进程间同步机制都是对一个内核对象操作来完成的,这个内核对象对要同步的进程都是可见的,其提供了共享 的状态信息和原子操作。当进程间要同步的时候必须要通过系统调用(如semop())在内核中完成。可是经研究发现,很多同步是无竞争的,即某个进程进入 互斥区,到再从某个互斥区出来这段时间,常常是没有进程也要进这个互斥区或者请求同一同步变量的。但是在这种情况下,这个进程也要陷入内核去看看有没有人 和它竞争,退出的时侯还要陷入内核去看看有没有进程等待在同一同步变量上。这些不必要的系统调用(或者说内核陷入)造成了大量的性能开销。为了解决这个问 题,Futex就应运而生,Futex是一种用户态和内核态混合的同步机制。首先,同步的进程间通过mmap共享一段内存,futex变量就位于这段共享 的内存中且操作是原子的,当进程尝试进入互斥区或者退出互斥区的时候,先去查看共享内存中的futex变量,如果没有竞争发生,则只修改futex,而不 用再执行系统调用了。当通过访问futex变量告诉进程有竞争发生,则还是得执行系统调用去完成相应的处理(wait 或者 wake up)。简单的说,futex就是通过在用户态的检查,(motivation)如果了解到没有竞争就不用陷入内核了,大大提高了low-contention时候的效率。 Linux从2.5.7开始支持Futex。
当进程尝试持有锁或者要进入互斥区的时候,对futex执行"down"操作,即原子性的给futex同步变量减1。如果同步变量变为0,则没有竞争发生, 进程照常执行。
当进程释放锁或 者要离开互斥区的时候,对futex进行"up"操作,即原子性的给futex同步变量加1。如果同步变量由0变成1,则没有竞争发生,进程照常执行。
hash | 评估哈希表性能 |
wake | Suite for evaluating wake calls |
wake-parallel | Suite for evaluating parallel wake calls |
requeue | Suite for evaluating requeue calls |
lock-pi | Suite for evaluating futex lock_pi calls |
wait | Suite for evaluating concurrent epoll_wait calls |
ctl | Suite for evaluating multiple epoll_ctl calls |
[root@localhost jrg]# perf buildid-cache -h
Usage: perf buildid-cache [<options>]
-a, --add <file list>
file(s) to add
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-k, --kcore <file> kcore file to add
-l, --list list all cached files
-M, --missing <file> to find missing build ids in the cache
-p, --purge <file list>
file(s) to remove (remove old caches too)
-P, --purge-all purge all cached files
-r, --remove <file list>
file(s) to remove
-u, --update <file list>
file(s) to update
-v, --verbose be more verbose
--target-ns <n> target pid for namespace context
[root@localhost jrg]# perf buildid-list -h
Usage: perf buildid-list [<options>]
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-H, --with-hits Show only DSOs with hits
-i, --input <file> input file name
-k, --kernel Show current kernel build id
-v, --verbose be more verbose
root@ubuntu:~# perf buildid-list -i perf.data
8b5069415e14c65b746661feb0b23246a1d44ea7 [kernel.kallsyms]
cbbbd6f042b731b98a8df7ecc2de408198cf3506 [vdso]
705933c4b146d0227e659a71b02f8fc187f20029 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.6400.3
何为build id?
The build ID is a 160-bit SHA1 string computed over the elf header bits and section contents in the file. It is bundled in the elf file as an entry in the notes section.
| namesz | 32-bit, size of "name" field
| descsz | 32-bit, size of "desc" field
| type | 32-bit, vendor specific "type"
| name | "namesz" bytes, null-terminated string
| desc | "descsz" bytes, binary data
In GCC, you can enable build IDs with the -Wl,--build-id
which passes the --build-id
flag to the linker. You can then read it back by dumping the notes section of the resulting elf file with readelf -n
build id有何用?
- 当调试设备时,给出了一堆debug符号信息时,可以用于定位指定build id的二进制文件符号信息
- 用于区别二进制文件
build id举例:
root@ubuntu:test# make clean
root@ubuntu:test# make
gcc -g -Wl,--build-id -o t1 test.c
root@ubuntu:test# ls
Makefile perf.data t1 test.c
root@ubuntu:test# readelf -n t1
Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.property
Owner Data size Description
Properties: x86 feature: IBT, SHSTK
Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id
Owner Data size Description
GNU 0x00000014 NT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)
Build ID: 104006ed448e657d6a4160f3718a72231df54b06
Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag
Owner Data size Description
GNU 0x00000010 NT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)
OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0
root@ubuntu:test# rm perf.data
root@ubuntu:test# perf record -e cpu-clock ./t1
now into main
now foo1 over
now foo2 over
now main over
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.018 MB perf.data (222 samples) ]
root@ubuntu:test# perf report
root@ubuntu:test# perf archive
perf: 'archive' is not a perf-command. See 'perf --help'.
root@ubuntu:test# perf buildid-list -i perf.data
8b5069415e14c65b746661feb0b23246a1d44ea7 [kernel.kallsyms]
104006ed448e657d6a4160f3718a72231df54b06 /root/test/t1
cbbbd6f042b731b98a8df7ecc2de408198cf3506 [vdso]
perf c2c的使用主要参考博客:https://joemario.github.io/blog/2016/09/01/c2c-blog/
shared data c2c/HITM分析。
cache to cache:
缓存的命中率,是 CPU 性能的一个关键性能指标。我们知道,CPU 里面有好几级缓存(Cache),每一级缓存都比后面一级缓存访问速度快。最后一级缓存叫 LLC(Last Level Cache);LLC 的后面就是内存。
当 CPU 需要访问一块数据或者指令时,它会首先查看最靠近的一级缓存(L1);如果数据存在,那么就是缓存命中(Cache Hit),否则就是不命中(Cache Miss),需要继续查询下一级缓存。
c2c用来检测cache共享命中失败,一个处理器修改了某个cache line中的数据,另一个处理器访问该cache line数据时需要refresh该cache line, perf c2c命令就用来调试这里问题。
At a high level, “perf c2c” will show you:
* The cachelines where false sharing was detected.
* The readers and writers to those cachelines, and the offsets where those accesses occurred.
* The pid, tid, instruction addr, function name, binary object name for those readers and writers.
* The source file and line number for each reader and writer.
* The average load latency for the loads to those cachelines.
* Which numa nodes the samples a cacheline came from and which cpus were involved
Notice the term “HITM”, which stands for a load that hit in a modified cacheline.这就是false sharing产生的地方。
Remote HITMs:
meaning across numa nodes, are the most expensive - especially when there are lots of readers and writers.
perf c2c report输出含义:
1 =================================================
2 Trace Event Information
3 =================================================
4 Total records : 329219 << Total loads and stores sampled.
5 Locked Load/Store Operations : 14654
6 Load Operations : 69679 << Total loads
7 Loads - uncacheable : 0
8 Loads - IO : 0
9 Loads - Miss : 3972
10 Loads - no mapping : 0
11 Load Fill Buffer Hit : 11958
12 Load L1D hit : 17235 << loads that hit in the L1 cache.
13 Load L2D hit : 21
14 Load LLC hit : 14219 << loads that hit in the last level cache (LLC).
15 Load Local HITM : 3402 << loads that hit in a modified cache on the same numa node (local HITM).
16 Load Remote HITM : 12757 << loads that hit in a modified cache on a remote numa node (remote HITM).
17 Load Remote HIT : 5295
18 Load Local DRAM : 976 << loads that hit in the local node's main memory.
19 Load Remote DRAM : 3246 << loads that hit in a remote node's main memory.
20 Load MESI State Exclusive : 4222
21 Load MESI State Shared : 0
22 Load LLC Misses : 22274 << loads not found in any local node caches.
23 LLC Misses to Local DRAM : 4.4% << % hitting in local node's main memory.
24 LLC Misses to Remote DRAM : 14.6% << % hitting in a remote node's main memory.
25 LLC Misses to Remote cache (HIT) : 23.8% << % hitting in a clean cache in a remote node.
26 LLC Misses to Remote cache (HITM) : 57.3% << % hitting in remote modified cache. (most expensive - false sharing)
27 Store Operations : 259539 << store instruction sample count
28 Store - uncacheable : 0
29 Store - no mapping : 11
30 Store L1D Hit : 256696 << stores that got L1 cache when requested.
31 Store L1D Miss : 2832 << stores that couldn't get the L1 cache when requested (L1 miss).
32 No Page Map Rejects : 2376
33 Unable to parse data source : 1
shared data cache line table表格显示了fasle sharing发生的地方,它列表是按照拥有的HITMs数量从高到低排列显示的,
Shared Cache Line Distribution Pareto是最重要的表,它展示了每个冲突竞争的cacheline的详细信息。
- test.c
#include <omp.h>
#define N 100000000
#define THRAED_NUM 8
int values[N];
int main(void)
int sum[THRAED_NUM];
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < THRAED_NUM; i++)
//int local_sum;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
//local_sum += values[j] >> i;
sum[i] += values[j] >> i;
//sum[i] = local_sum;
return 0;
gcc -fopenmp -g test.c -o test
[root@localhost test]# gcc -fopenmp -g test.c -o test
[root@localhost test]# perf c2c record ./test
[ perf record: Woken up 139 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 36.329 MB perf.data (424292 samples) ]
[root@localhost test]# perf c2c report -i perf.data --stdio
Trace Event Information
Total records : 424292
Locked Load/Store Operations : 129
Load Operations : 182641
Loads - uncacheable : 5
Loads - IO : 0
Loads - Miss : 2
Loads - no mapping : 0
Load Fill Buffer Hit : 153672
Load L1D hit : 26947
Load L2D hit : 278
Load LLC hit : 1263
Load Local HITM : 78
Load Remote HITM : 456
Load Remote HIT : 6
Load Local DRAM : 10
Load Remote DRAM : 464
Load MESI State Exclusive : 468
Load MESI State Shared : 6
Load LLC Misses : 936
LLC Misses to Local DRAM : 1.1%
LLC Misses to Remote DRAM : 49.6%
LLC Misses to Remote cache (HIT) : 0.6%
LLC Misses to Remote cache (HITM) : 48.7%
Store Operations : 241651
Store - uncacheable : 0
Store - no mapping : 32
Store L1D Hit : 212012
Store L1D Miss : 29607
No Page Map Rejects : 5684
Unable to parse data source : 0
Global Shared Cache Line Event Information
Total Shared Cache Lines : 35
Load HITs on shared lines : 180894
Fill Buffer Hits on shared lines : 153200
L1D hits on shared lines : 26135
L2D hits on shared lines : 240
LLC hits on shared lines : 859
Locked Access on shared lines : 4
Store HITs on shared lines : 219944
Store L1D hits on shared lines : 194838
Total Merged records : 220478
- test.c
#include <omp.h>
#define N 100000000
#define THRAED_NUM 8
int values[N];
int main(void)
int sum[THRAED_NUM];
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < THRAED_NUM; i++)
int local_sum;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
local_sum += values[j] >> i;
//sum[i] += values[j] >> i;
sum[i] = local_sum;
return 0;
[root@localhost test]# perf c2c record ./test
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 1.741 MB perf.data (20209 samples) ]
Trace Event Information
Total records : 20052
Locked Load/Store Operations : 28
Load Operations : 9740
Loads - uncacheable : 0
Loads - IO : 0
Loads - Miss : 0
Loads - no mapping : 1
Load Fill Buffer Hit : 102
Load L1D hit : 9517
Load L2D hit : 14
Load LLC hit : 99
Load Local HITM : 4
Load Remote HITM : 3
Load Remote HIT : 0
Load Local DRAM : 2
Load Remote DRAM : 5
Load MESI State Exclusive : 7
Load MESI State Shared : 0
Load LLC Misses : 10
LLC Misses to Local DRAM : 20.0%
LLC Misses to Remote DRAM : 50.0%
LLC Misses to Remote cache (HIT) : 0.0%
LLC Misses to Remote cache (HITM) : 30.0%
Store Operations : 10312
Store - uncacheable : 0
Store - no mapping : 26
Store L1D Hit : 10107
Store L1D Miss : 179
No Page Map Rejects : 397
Unable to parse data source : 0
Global Shared Cache Line Event Information
Total Shared Cache Lines : 7
Load HITs on shared lines : 8
Fill Buffer Hits on shared lines : 1
L1D hits on shared lines : 0
L2D hits on shared lines : 0
LLC hits on shared lines : 4
Locked Access on shared lines : 0
Store HITs on shared lines : 0
Store L1D hits on shared lines : 0
Total Merged records : 7
c2c details
Events : cpu/mem-loads,ldlat=30/P
: cpu/mem-stores/P
Cachelines sort on : Total HITMs
Cacheline data grouping : offset,iaddr
cache to cache这部分还是不理解,需要找计算机的专业书籍来看看;
perf config用于读取和配置 .perfconfig配置文件, name = value 格式;
Usage: perf config [<file-option>] [options] [section.name[=value] ...]
-l, --list show current config variables
--system use system config file
--user use user config file
perf data可以将perf数据文件格式转换为其他格式(目前只支持ctf格式);
Usage: perf data [<common options>] <command> [<options>]
root@ubuntu:~# perf data convert --to-ctf
No conversion support compiled in. perf should be compiled with environment variables LIBBABELTRACE=1 and LIBBABELTRACE_DIR=/path/to/libbabeltrace/
This command displays the performance difference amongst two or more perf.data files captured via perf record.
Usage: perf diff [<options>] [old_file] [new_file]
-b, --baseline-only Show only items with match in baseline
-C, --comms <comm[,comm...]>
only consider symbols in these comms
-c, --compute <delta,delta-abs,ratio,wdiff:w1,w2 (default delta-abs),cycles>
Entries differential computation selection
-d, --dsos <dso[,dso...]>
only consider symbols in these dsos
-D, --dump-raw-trace dump raw trace in ASCII
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-F, --formula Show formula.
-m, --modules load module symbols - WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel
-o, --order <n> Specify compute sorting.
-p, --period Show period values.
-q, --quiet Do not show any message
-s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent, cpu, srcline, ... Please refer the man page for the complete list.
-S, --symbols <symbol[,symbol...]>
only consider these symbols
-t, --field-separator <separator>
separator for columns, no spaces will be added between columns '.' is reserved.
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
--cpu <cpu> list of cpus to profile
--kallsyms <file>
kallsyms pathname
--percentage <relative|absolute>
How to display percentage of filtered entries
--pid <pid[,pid...]>
only consider symbols in these pids
--symfs <directory>
Look for files with symbols relative to this directory
--tid <tid[,tid...]>
only consider symbols in these tids
--time <str> Time span (time percent or absolute timestamp)
[root@localhost test]# ls
perf.data perf.data.old test test.c
[root@localhost test]# perf diff perf.data.old perf.data --cpu 0
# Event 'cpu/mem-loads,ldlat=30/P'
# Baseline Delta Abs Shared Object Symbol
# ........ ......... ................. ............................
77.78% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] find_busiest_group
11.11% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __update_load_avg_cfs_rq
11.11% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] account_user_time
# Event 'cpu/mem-stores/P'
# Baseline Delta Abs Shared Object Symbol
# ........ ......... ................. ..........................
54.13% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] tick_sched_timer
37.15% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] repeat_nmi
4.59% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __native_set_fixmap
3.36% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] finish_task_switch
0.39% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] perf_event_nmi_handler
0.29% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] nmi_handle
0.09% [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_apic_mem_write
Usage: perf evlist [<options>]
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-F, --freq Show the sample frequency
-g, --group Show event group information
-i, --input <file> Input file name
-v, --verbose Show all event attr details
--trace-fields Show tracepoint fields
[root@localhost test]# perf evlist -i perf.data
是内核ftrace功能的简化封装,可以跟踪指定进程的内核函数调用栈。目前perf ftrace只支持单线程跟踪,仅仅是从ftrace管道中读取数据输出到标准输出。
Usage: perf ftrace [<options>] [<command>]
or: perf ftrace [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]
-a, --all-cpus system-wide collection from all CPUs
-C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to monitor
-D, --graph-depth <n>
Max depth for function graph tracer
-G, --graph-funcs <func>
Set graph filter on given functions
-g, --nograph-funcs <func>
Set nograph filter on given functions
-N, --notrace-funcs <func>
do not trace given functions
-p, --pid <pid> trace on existing process id
-T, --trace-funcs <func>
trace given functions only
-t, --tracer <tracer>
tracer to use: function_graph(default) or function
-v, --verbose be more verbose
[root@localhost jrg]# perf ftrace -g -p 120058
2) | switch_mm_irqs_off() {
2) 0.327 us | load_new_mm_cr3();
2) 2.808 us | }
2) <idle>-0 => <...>-122943
2) | finish_task_switch() {
2) ==========> |
2) | smp_irq_work_interrupt() {
2) | irq_enter() {
2) 0.052 us | rcu_irq_enter();
2) 0.096 us | irqtime_account_irq();
2) 1.029 us | }
2) | __wake_up() {
2) | __wake_up_common_lock() {
2) 0.128 us | _raw_spin_lock_irqsave();
2) 0.057 us | __wake_up_common();
2) 0.048 us | _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore();
2) 1.842 us | }
2) 2.550 us | }
2) | irq_exit() {
2) 0.080 us | irqtime_account_irq();
2) 0.037 us | idle_cpu();
2) 0.035 us | rcu_irq_exit();
2) 1.136 us | }
2) 6.958 us | }
2) <========== |
2) 8.031 us | }
2) 0.047 us | finish_wait();
2) | mutex_lock() {
2) | _cond_resched() {
2) 0.033 us | rcu_all_qs();
2) 0.361 us | }
2) 0.766 us | }
2) 0.031 us | generic_pipe_buf_confirm();
2) | _cond_resched() {
2) 0.032 us | rcu_all_qs();
2) 0.360 us | }
2) 0.034 us | anon_pipe_buf_release();
2) 0.049 us | mutex_unlock();
2) | __wake_up_sync_key() {
2) | __wake_up_common_lock() {
2) 0.035 us | _raw_spin_lock_irqsave();
2) 0.036 us | __wake_up_common();
2) 0.045 us | _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore();
2) 1.069 us | }
2) 1.397 us | }
2) 0.042 us | kill_fasync();
2) | touch_atime() {
2) | atime_needs_update() {
2) | current_time() {
2) 0.034 us | ktime_get_coarse_real_ts64();
2) 0.042 us | timespec64_trunc();
2) 0.740 us | }
2) 1.277 us | }
2) 0.163 us | __sb_start_write();
2) 0.116 us | __mnt_want_write();
该工具读取perf record工具记录的事件流,并将其定向到标准输出。在被分析代码中的任何一点,都可以向事件流中注入其它事件。
Usage: perf inject [<options>]
-b, --build-ids Inject build-ids into the output stream
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-j, --jit merge jitdump files into perf.data file
-o, --output <file> output file name
-s, --sched-stat Merge sched-stat and sched-switch for getting events where and how long tasks slept
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show build ids, etc)
Instruction Tracing options
i: synthesize instructions events
b: synthesize branches events
c: synthesize branches events (calls only)
r: synthesize branches events (returns only)
x: synthesize transactions events
w: synthesize ptwrite events
p: synthesize power events
e: synthesize error events
d: create a debug log
g[len]: synthesize a call chain (use with i or x)
l[len]: synthesize last branch entries (use with i or x)
sNUMBER: skip initial number of events
PERIOD[ns|us|ms|i|t]: specify period to sample stream
concatenate multiple options. Default is ibxwpe or cewp
--kallsyms <file>
kallsyms pathname
--strip strip non-synthesized events (use with --itrace)
[root@localhost test]# ls
perf.data perf.data.old test test.c
[root@localhost test]# perf inject -i perf.data --jit -o perf.data.jitted
[root@localhost test]# ls
perf.data perf.data.jitted perf.data.old test test.c
root@ubuntu:python# perf kallsyms -h
Usage: perf kallsyms [<options>] symbol_name
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)
root@ubuntu:python# perf kallsyms -v vmw_cmdbuf_header_submit
vmw_cmdbuf_header_submit: [vmwgfx] /lib/modules/5.4.0-56-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx.ko 0xffffffffc040c300-0xffffffffc040c3a7 (0x1b380-0x1b427)
perf kmem和perf lock实际上都是perf tracepoint的子类,等同于perf record -e kmem:和perf record -e lock:。
perf kmem record:抓取命令的内核slab分配器事件
perf kmem stat:生成内核slab分配器统计信息
Usage: perf kmem [<options>] {
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-l, --line <num> show n lines
-s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
sort by keys: ptr, callsite, bytes, hit, pingpong, frag, page, order, migtype, gfp
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
--alloc show per-allocation statistics
--caller show per-callsite statistics
--live Show live page stat
--page Analyze page allocator
--raw-ip show raw ip instead of symbol
--slab Analyze slab allocator
--time <str> Time span of interest (start,stop)
Usage: perf kvm [<options>] {
-i, --input <file> Input file name
-o, --output <file> Output file name
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)
--guest Collect guest os data
--guestkallsyms <file>
file saving guest os /proc/kallsyms
--guestmodules <file>
file saving guest os /proc/modules
--guestmount <directory>
guest mount directory under which every guest os instance has a subdir
--guestvmlinux <file>
file saving guest os vmlinux
--host Collect host os data
perf kvm --host record
perf kvm --host report
Samples: 41K of event 'cycles', Event count (approx.): 8303321915
Overhead Command Shared Object Symbol
21.84% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] vmx_vmexit
18.92% swapper [kernel.kallsyms] [k] intel_idle
3.23% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] do_syscall_64
2.15% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_write_msr
1.49% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] syscall_return_via_sysret
1.39% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run
1.25% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] entry_SYSCALL_64
0.96% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kvm_put_guest_fpu
0.90% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kvm_on_user_return
0.86% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] vcpu_enter_guest
0.79% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_write_msr_safe
0.78% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] vmx_vcpu_run.part.75
0.75% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_set_debugreg
0.71% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __fget
0.60% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __x86_indirect_thunk_rax
0.55% qemu-system-x86 qemu-system-x86_64 [.] object_dynamic_cast_assert
0.55% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] native_load_gdt
0.52% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] kvm_vcpu_ioctl
0.51% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __audit_syscall_exit
0.49% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] vmx_prepare_switch_to_guest
0.47% qemu-system-x86 [kernel.kallsyms] [k] __srcu_read_lock
在 2.6.35 版本的内核中,该列表已经相当的长,但无论有多少,我们可以将它们划分为三类:
Hardware Event 是由 PMU 硬件产生的事件,比如 cache 命中,当您需要了解程序对硬件特性的使用情况时,便需要对这些事件进行采样;
Software Event 是内核软件产生的事件,比如进程切换,tick 数等 ;
Tracepoint event 是内核中的静态 tracepoint 所触发的事件,这些 tracepoint 用来判断程序运行期间内核的行为细节,比如 slab 分配器的分配次数等。
[root@localhost jrg]# perf list
List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e):
branch-instructions OR branches [Hardware event]
branch-misses [Hardware event]
bus-cycles [Hardware event]
cache-misses [Hardware event]
cache-references [Hardware event]
cpu-cycles OR cycles [Hardware event]
instructions [Hardware event]
ref-cycles [Hardware event]
alignment-faults [Software event]
bpf-output [Software event]
context-switches OR cs [Software event]
cpu-clock [Software event]
cpu-migrations OR migrations [Software event]
dummy [Software event]
emulation-faults [Software event]
major-faults [Software event]
minor-faults [Software event]
page-faults OR faults [Software event]
task-clock [Software event]
duration_time [Tool event]
L1-dcache-load-misses [Hardware cache event]
L1-dcache-loads [Hardware cache event]
L1-dcache-stores [Hardware cache event]
L1-icache-load-misses [Hardware cache event]
LLC-load-misses [Hardware cache event]
LLC-loads [Hardware cache event]
LLC-store-misses [Hardware cache event]
Usage: perf lock [<options>] {
-D, --dump-raw-trace dump raw trace in ASCII
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
Usage: perf mem [<options>] {
-C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to profile
-D, --dump-raw-samples
dump raw samples in ASCII
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-p, --phys-data Record/Report sample physical addresses
-t, --type <type> memory operations(load,store) Default load,store
-U, --hide-unresolved
Only display entries resolved to a symbol
-x, --field-separator <separator>
separator for columns, no spaces will be added between columns '.' is reserved.
运行一个命令,并将其数据保存到perf.data中。随后,可以使用perf report进行分析。
perf record和perf report可以更精确的分析一个应用,perf record可以精确到函数级别。并且在函数里面混合显示汇编语言和代码。
perf record [-e <EVENT> | --event=EVENT] [-a] <command>
perf record [-e <EVENT> | --event=EVENT] [-a] — <command> [<options>]
实际上收集并存储堆栈内存本身的一部分,并通过后处理对其进行展开。这可能非常消耗资源,并且堆栈深度可能有限。默认堆栈内存块为8 kiB,但可以配置。lbr
代表最后一个分支记录。这是Intel CPU支持的硬件机制。这可能会以可移植性为代价提供最佳性能。 lbr
读取perf record创建的数据文件,并给出热点分析结果。
-i 导入的数据文件名称,如果没有则默认为perf.data
-g 生成函数调用关系图,**此时内核要打开CONFIG_KALLSYMS;用户空间库或者执行文件需要带符号信息(not stripped),编译选项需要加上-g。**
--sort 从更高层面显示分类统计信息,比如: pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent, cpu,socket, srcline, weight, local_weight.
调度器的好坏直接影响一个系统的整体运行效率。在这个领域,内核黑客们常会发生争执,一个重要原因是对于不同的调度器,每个人给出的评测报告都各不相同,甚至常常有相反的结论。因此一个权威的统一的评测工具将对结束这种争论有益。Perf sched 便是这种尝试。
replay: 仿真perf.data数据,可重复仿真运行测试性能
script:同perf script功能
Usage: perf sched [<options>] {
-D, --dump-raw-trace dump raw trace in ASCII
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
用户一般使用’ perf sched record ’收集调度相关的数据,然后就可以用’ perf sched latency ’查看诸如调度延迟等和调度器相关的统计数据。
其他几个命令也同样读取 record 收集到的数据并从其他不同的角度来展示这些数据
[root@localhost jrg]# perf sched record sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 8.557 MB perf.data (49023 samples) ]
perf sched latency:
Task | Runtime ms | Switches | Average delay ms | Maximum delay ms | Maximum delay at |
ksoftirqd/14:96 | 0.451 ms | 3 | avg: 2.315 ms | max: 3.981 ms | max at: 280823.049244 s
kworker/53:0-mm:1635514 | 0.008 ms | 1 | avg: 0.293 ms | max: 0.293 ms | max at: 280823.408523 s
kworker/49:3-mm:1693592 | 0.008 ms | 1 | avg: 0.188 ms | max: 0.188 ms | max at: 280823.134432 s
kworker/31:0-mm:1181706 | 0.023 ms | 2 | avg: 0.065 ms | max: 0.105 ms | max at: 280823.183359 s
kworker/41:0-ev:1674483 | 0.007 ms | 1 | avg: 0.062 ms | max: 0.062 ms | max at: 280823.256325 s
tail:1881449 | 1.235 ms | 1 | avg: 0.061 ms | max: 0.061 ms | max at: 280823.136554 s
kworker/40:2-ev:933115 | 0.027 ms | 2 | avg: 0.059 ms | max: 0.106 ms | max at: 280823.881309 s
kworker/38:3-ev:1698336 | 0.019 ms | 3 | avg: 0.053 ms | max: 0.141 ms | max at: 280823.600360 s
kworker/32:0-mm:1784542 | 0.007 ms | 1 | avg: 0.051 ms | max: 0.051 ms | max at: 280823.366285 s
kworker/48:1-ev:1877889 | 0.052 ms | 4 | avg: 0.041 ms | max: 0.110 ms | max at: 280823.744327 s
QuorumPeer[myid:76988 | 0.084 ms | 1 | avg: 0.034 ms | max: 0.034 ms | max at: 280823.441806 s
who:1881451 | 1.315 ms | 1 | avg: 0.031 ms | max: 0.031 ms | max at: 280823.139770 s
kworker/4:2-mm_:1866327 | 0.007 ms | 1 | avg: 0.031 ms | max: 0.031 ms | max at: 280823.281280 s
kworker/29:2-mm:1823927 | 0.013 ms | 1 | avg: 0.030 ms | max: 0.030 ms | max at: 280823.263316 s
SPICE Worker:(5) | 7.424 ms | 172 | avg: 0.026 ms | max: 0.048 ms | max at: 280823.087379 s
gvfsd-fuse:(2) | 0.075 ms | 2 | avg: 0.025 ms | max: 0.045 ms | max at: 280823.139171 s
bash:(2) | 1.604 ms | 9 | avg: 0.023 ms | max: 0.036 ms | max at: 280823.254885 s
kworker/u113:2-:1880846 | 0.115 ms | 6 | avg: 0.022 ms | max: 0.036 ms | max at: 280823.254836 s
kworker/35:0-mm:1862481 | 0.017 ms | 2 | avg: 0.022 ms | max: 0.038 ms | max at: 280823.263328 s
rngd:1631 | 0.165 ms | 14 | avg: 0.022 ms | max: 0.045 ms | max at: 280823.805026 s
上面latency结果中各个 column 的含义如下:
Task: 进程的名字和 pid
Runtime: 实际运行时间
Switches: 进程切换的次数
Average delay: 平均的调度延迟
Maximum delay: 最大延迟
这里最值得人们关注的是 Maximum delay,一般从这里可以看到对交互性影响最大的特性:调度延迟,如果调度延迟比较大,那么用户就会感受到视频或者音频断断续续的。
perf sched map
星号表示调度事件发生所在的 CPU。
点号表示该 CPU 正在 IDLE。
Map 的好处在于提供了一个的总的视图,将成百上千的调度事件进行总结,显示了系统任务在 CPU 之间的分布,假如有不好的调度迁移,比如一个任务没有被及时迁移到 idle 的 CPU 却被迁移到其他忙碌的 CPU,类似这种调度器的问题可以从 map 的报告中一眼看出来。
perf sched replay
Perf replay 这个工具更是专门为调度器开发人员所设计,它试图重放 perf.data 文件中所记录的调度场景。很多情况下,一般用户假如发现调度器的奇怪行为,他们也无法准确说明发生该情形的场景,或者一些测试场景不容易再次重现,或者仅仅是出于“偷懒”的目的,使用 perf replay,perf 将模拟 perf.data 中的场景,无需开发人员花费很多的时间去重现过去,这尤其利于调试过程,因为需要一而再,再而三地重复新的修改是否能改善原始的调度场景所发现的问题。
[root@localhost jrg]# perf sched replay
run measurement overhead: 61 nsecs
sleep measurement overhead: 52656 nsecs
the run test took 1000030 nsecs
the sleep test took 1053803 nsecs
nr_run_events: 24218
nr_sleep_events: 26210
nr_wakeup_events: 12036
target-less wakeups: 16
multi-target wakeups: 53
task 0 ( swapper: 0), nr_events: 34269
task 1 ( swapper: 1), nr_events: 1
task 2 ( :2: 2), nr_events: 1
task 3 ( :10: 10), nr_events: 1
task 4 ( :100: 100), nr_events: 1
task 5 ( :9687: 9687), nr_events: 1
task 6 ( :10004: 10004), nr_events: 1
task 7 ( gsd-power: 10049), nr_events: 1
task 8 ( gsd-power: 10053), nr_events: 1
task 9 ( gsd-power: 10085), nr_events: 1
task 10 ( :10006: 10006), nr_events: 1
task 11 ( gsd-print-notif: 10019), nr_events: 1
task 12 ( gsd-print-notif: 10023), nr_events: 1
[root@localhost jrg]# perf script -l
List of available trace scripts:
event_analyzing_sample analyze all perf samples
compaction-times [-h] [-u] [-p|-pv] [-t | [-m] [-fs] [-ms]] [pid|pid-range|comm-regex] display time taken by mm compaction
mem-phys-addr resolve physical address samples
stackcollapse produce callgraphs in short form for scripting use
netdev-times [tx] [rx] [dev=] [debug] display a process of packet and processing time
net_dropmonitor display a table of dropped frames
syscall-counts [comm] system-wide syscall counts
sched-migration sched migration overview
export-to-sqlite [database name] [columns] [calls] export perf data to a sqlite3 database
export-to-postgresql [database name] [columns] [calls] export perf data to a postgresql database
sctop [comm] [interval] syscall top
syscall-counts-by-pid [comm] system-wide syscall counts, by pid
failed-syscalls-by-pid [comm] system-wide failed syscalls, by pid
futex-contention futext contention measurement
intel-pt-events print Intel PT Power Events and PTWRITE
rw-by-file <comm> r/w activity for a program, by file
failed-syscalls [comm] system-wide failed syscalls
rwtop [interval] system-wide r/w top
wakeup-latency system-wide min/max/avg wakeup latency
rw-by-pid system-wide r/w activity
perf script record <script> <command>
用于记录,对应的perf script report <script> <command>
perf script <script> <required-script-args> <command>
[root@localhost jrg]# perf script report event_analyzing_sample
In trace_begin:
comm=bytearray(b'perf\x00)\x00\x000\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') common_callchain=[] common_comm=:1848848 common_cpu=7 common_ns=128968792 common_pid=1848848 common_s=277782 pid=1848855 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=11
comm=bytearray(b'kworker/u113:2\x00\x00') common_callchain=[] common_comm=ls common_cpu=11 common_ns=131027987 common_pid=1848855 common_s=277782 pid=1845831 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=36
In trace_end:
There is 680264 records in gen_events table
Statistics about the general events grouped by thread/symbol/dso:
comm number histogram
swapper 380530 ###################
qemu-system-x86 191107 ##################
perf 94123 #################
perf stat用于运行指令,并分析其统计结果。虽然perf top也可以指定pid,但是必须先启动应用才能查看信息。
perf stat能完整统计应用整个生命周期的信息。
Usage: perf stat [<options>] [<command>]
-a, --all-cpus system-wide collection from all CPUs
-A, --no-aggr disable CPU count aggregation
-B, --big-num print large numbers with thousands' separators
-C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to monitor in system-wide
-D, --delay <n> ms to wait before starting measurement after program start
-d, --detailed detailed run - start a lot of events
-e, --event <event> event selector. use 'perf list' to list available events
-G, --cgroup <name> monitor event in cgroup name only
-g, --group put the counters into a counter group
-I, --interval-print <n>
print counts at regular interval in ms (overhead is possible for values <= 100ms)
-i, --no-inherit child tasks do not inherit counters
-M, --metrics <metric/metric group list>
monitor specified metrics or metric groups (separated by ,)
-n, --null null run - dont start any counters
-o, --output <file> output file name
-p, --pid <pid> stat events on existing process id //指定进程pid
-r, --repeat <n> repeat command and print average + stddev (max: 100, forever: 0)
-S, --sync call sync() before starting a run
-t, --tid <tid> stat events on existing thread id
-T, --transaction hardware transaction statistics
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)
-x, --field-separator <separator>
print counts with custom separator
--append append to the output file
--filter <filter>
event filter
--interval-clear clear screen in between new interval
--interval-count <n>
print counts for fixed number of times
--log-fd <n> log output to fd, instead of stderr
--metric-only Only print computed metrics. No raw values
--no-merge Do not merge identical named events
--per-core aggregate counts per physical processor core
--per-die aggregate counts per processor die
--per-socket aggregate counts per processor socket
--per-thread aggregate counts per thread
--post <command> command to run after to the measured command
--pre <command> command to run prior to the measured command
--scale Use --no-scale to disable counter scaling for multiplexing
--smi-cost measure SMI cost
--table display details about each run (only with -r option)
--timeout <n> stop workload and print counts after a timeout period in ms (>= 10ms)
--topdown measure topdown level 1 statistics
[root@localhost jrg]# perf stat ls
Performance counter stats for 'ls':
0.98 msec task-clock # 0.726 CPUs utilized
0 context-switches # 0.000 K/sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
96 page-faults # 0.098 M/sec
2,427,546 cycles # 2.486 GHz
1,963,341 instructions # 0.81 insn per cycle
391,211 branches # 400.601 M/sec
14,916 branch-misses # 3.81% of all branches
0.001345674 seconds time elapsed
0.000683000 seconds user
0.000683000 seconds sys
[root@localhost jrg]# perf stat
Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
58,817.62 msec cpu-clock # 55.475 CPUs utilized
32,551 context-switches # 0.553 K/sec
62 cpu-migrations # 0.001 K/sec
749 page-faults # 0.013 K/sec
2,901,510,136 cycles # 0.049 GHz
1,016,253,852 instructions # 0.35 insn per cycle
202,174,764 branches # 3.437 M/sec
11,997,035 branch-misses # 5.93% of all branches
1.060261691 seconds time elapsed
cpu-clock:任务真正占用的处理器时间,单位为ms。CPUs utilized = task-clock / time elapsed,CPU的占用率。
cycles:消耗的处理器周期数。如果把被ls使用的cpu cycles看成是一个处理器的,那么它的主频为2.486GHz。可以用cycles / task-clock算出。
instructions:执行了多少条指令。IPC为平均每个cpu cycle执行了多少条指令。
[root@localhost jrg]# perf stat -e task-clock,context-switches,cpu-migrations,page-faults,cycles,instructions,branches,branch-misses,L1-dcache-loads,L1-dcache-load-misses,LLC-loads,LLC-load-misses,dTLB-loads,dTLB-load-misses
Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
70,320.23 msec task-clock # 55.846 CPUs utilized
39,186 context-switches # 0.557 K/sec
87 cpu-migrations # 0.001 K/sec
741 page-faults # 0.011 K/sec
5,744,216,840 cycles # 0.082 GHz (21.45%)
1,460,300,936 instructions # 0.25 insn per cycle (30.52%)
276,595,324 branches # 3.933 M/sec (35.96%)
20,787,859 branch-misses # 7.52% of all branches (40.15%)
429,103,243 L1-dcache-loads # 6.102 M/sec (23.70%)
46,528,058 L1-dcache-load-misses # 10.84% of all L1-dcache hits (20.50%)
23,797,515 LLC-loads # 0.338 M/sec (19.81%)
398,316 LLC-load-misses # 1.67% of all LL-cache hits (24.26%)
442,296,850 dTLB-loads # 6.290 M/sec (19.25%)
5,169,611 dTLB-load-misses # 1.17% of all dTLB cache hits (18.79%)
1.259180585 seconds time elapsed
用于sanity test。perf自带了不少测试用例,可用于测试。
root@ubuntu:~# perf test -h
Usage: perf test [<options>] [{
list <test-name-fragment>|[<test-name-fragments>|<test-numbers>]}]
-F, --dont-fork Do not fork for testcase
-s, --skip <tests> tests to skip
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)
perf list查看有哪些测试用例
root@ubuntu:~# perf test list
1: vmlinux symtab matches kallsyms
2: Detect openat syscall event
3: Detect openat syscall event on all cpus
4: Read samples using the mmap interface
5: Test data source output
6: Parse event definition strings
7: Simple expression parser
8: PERF_RECORD_* events & perf_sample fields
9: Parse perf pmu format
10: DSO data read
11: DSO data cache
12: DSO data reopen
以test 51为例
root@ubuntu:~# perf test list 51
51: Print cpu map
root@ubuntu:~# perf test 51
51: Print cpu map : Ok
root@ubuntu:~# perf test Print
51: Print cpu map : Ok
53: is_printable_array : Ok
54: Print bitmap : Ok
57: unit_number__scnprintf : Ok
root@ubuntu:~# perf test -F -v Print
51: Print cpu map :
--- start ---
---- end ----
Print cpu map: Ok
53: is_printable_array :
--- start ---
---- end ----
is_printable_array: Ok
54: Print bitmap :
--- start ---
bitmap: 1
bitmap: 1,5
bitmap: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21-40
bitmap: 2-5
bitmap: 1,3-6,8-10,24,35-37
bitmap: 1,3-6,8-10,24,35-37
bitmap: 1-10,12-20,22-30,32-40
---- end ----
Print bitmap: Ok
57: unit_number__scnprintf :
--- start ---
n 1, str '1B', buf '1B'
n 10240, str '10K', buf '10K'
n 20971520, str '20M', buf '20M'
n 32212254720, str '30G', buf '30G'
n 0, str '0B', buf '0B'
---- end ----
unit_number__scnprintf: Ok
perf timechart record <command>
perf timechart
-P 只记录power相关events
-T 只记录task相关events
-I 只记录IO相关events
-g 记录调用关系
[root@localhost test]# perf timechart record -h
Usage: perf timechart record [<options>]
-g, --callchain record callchain
-I, --io-only record only IO data
[root@localhost test]# perf timechart -h
Usage: perf timechart [<options>] {
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-i, --input <file> input file name
-n, --proc-num <n> min. number of tasks to print
-o, --output <file> output file name
-p, --process <process>
process selector. Pass a pid or process name.
-t, --topology sort CPUs according to topology
-w, --width <n> page width //调整输出图宽度
--highlight <duration or task name>
highlight tasks. Pass duration in ns or process name.
--io-merge-dist <time>
merge events that are merge-dist us apart
--io-min-time <time>
all IO faster than min-time will visually appear longer
--io-skip-eagain skip EAGAIN errors
--symfs <directory>
Look for files with symbols relative to this directory
命令perf timechart record git pull
amples: 2K of event 'cpu-clock:pppH', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 414561842 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0
Overhead Shared Object Symbol
37.18% [kernel] [k] __lock_text_start
12.92% [kernel] [k] vmw_cmdbuf_header_submit
12.03% [kernel] [k] clear_page_orig
1.93% [kernel] [k] finish_task_switch
0.61% libc-2.31.so [.] __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms
0.58% [kernel] [k] do_syscall_64
0.55% [kernel] [k] exit_to_usermode_loop
0.50% [kernel] [k] mpt_put_msg_frame
0.46% [kernel] [k] rmqueue
0.46% [kernel] [k] number
0.43% [kernel] [k] kallsyms_expand_symbol.constprop.0
0.43% perf [.] rb_next
0.42% libslang.so.2.3.2 [.] SLsmg_write_chars
0.38% [kernel] [k] arch_local_irq_enable
0.33% libc-2.31.so [.] malloc
0.33% [kernel] [k] vsnprintf
0.31% [kernel] [k] memcg_kmem_get_cache
0.29% [kernel] [k] memset_orig
0.28% libc-2.31.so [.] read
0.28% perf [.] __symbols__insert.constprop.0
0.26% libpixman-1.so.0.38.4 [.] 0x000000000006e0ff
0.26% [kernel] [k] native_write_msr
0.24% [kernel] [k] __fget
0.23% libpixman-1.so.0.38.4 [.] 0x000000000008cac5
0.23% libpixman-1.so.0.38.4 [.] 0x000000000008cadb
0.23% perf [.] rust_demangle_callback
第二列:符号所在的DSO(Dynamic Shared Object),可以是应用程序、内核、动态链接库、模块。
Usage: perf top [<options>]
-a, --all-cpus system-wide collection from all CPUs
-b, --branch-any sample any taken branches
-c, --count <n> event period to sample
-C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to monitor
-d, --delay <n> number of seconds to delay between refreshes
-D, --dump-symtab dump the symbol table used for profiling
-E, --entries <n> display this many functions
-e, --event <event> event selector. use 'perf list' to list available events //指定event
-f, --count-filter <n>
only display functions with more events than this
-F, --freq <freq or 'max'>
profile at this frequency
-g enables call-graph recording and display //得到函数调用关系图
-i, --no-inherit child tasks do not inherit counters
-j, --branch-filter <branch filter mask>
branch stack filter modes
-K, --hide_kernel_symbols
hide kernel symbols
-k, --vmlinux <file> vmlinux pathname
-M, --disassembler-style <disassembler style>
Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)
-m, --mmap-pages <pages>
number of mmap data pages
-n, --show-nr-samples
Show a column with the number of samples
-p, --pid <pid> profile events on existing process id
-r, --realtime <n> collect data with this RT SCHED_FIFO priority
-s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent, cpu, srcline, ... Please refer the man page for the complete list.
-t, --tid <tid> profile events on existing thread id
-U, --hide_user_symbols
hide user symbols
-u, --uid <user> user to profile
-v, --verbose be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc)
-w, --column-widths <width[,width...]>
don't try to adjust column width, use these fixed values
-z, --zero zero history across updates
--asm-raw Display raw encoding of assembly instructions (default)
--call-graph <record_mode[,record_size],print_type,threshold[,print_limit],order,sort_key[,branch]>
setup and enables call-graph (stack chain/backtrace):
record_mode: call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
record_size: if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
default: 8192 (bytes)
print_type: call graph printing style (graph|flat|fractal|folded|none)
threshold: minimum call graph inclusion threshold (<percent>)
print_limit: maximum number of call graph entry (<number>)
order: call graph order (caller|callee)
sort_key: call graph sort key (function|address)
branch: include last branch info to call graph (branch)
value: call graph value (percent|period|count)
Default: fp,graph,0.5,caller,function
--children Accumulate callchains of children and show total overhead as well
--comms <comm[,comm...]>
only consider symbols in these comms
Enable kernel symbol demangling
--dsos <dso[,dso...]>
only consider symbols in these dsos
--fields <key[,keys...]>
output field(s): overhead, period, sample plus all of sort keys
--force don't complain, do it
--group put the counters into a counter group
--hierarchy Show entries in a hierarchy
--ignore-callees <regex>
ignore callees of these functions in call graphs
--ignore-vmlinux don't load vmlinux even if found
--kallsyms <file>
kallsyms pathname
--max-stack <n> Set the maximum stack depth when parsing the callchain. Default: kernel.perf_event_max_stack or 127
--namespaces Record namespaces events
--no-bpf-event do not record bpf events
--num-thread-synthesize <n>
number of thread to run event synthesize
--objdump <path> objdump binary to use for disassembly and annotations
--overwrite Use a backward ring buffer, default: no
--percent-limit <percent>
Don't show entries under that percent
--percentage <relative|absolute>
How to display percentage of filtered entries
--proc-map-timeout <n>
per thread proc mmap processing timeout in ms
--raw-trace Show raw trace event output (do not use print fmt or plugins)
Show a column with the sum of periods
--source Interleave source code with assembly code (default)
--stdio Use the stdio interface
--sym-annotate <symbol name>
symbol to annotate
--symbols <symbol[,symbol...]>
only consider these symbols
--tui Use the TUI interface
写一个死循环函数t1,perf top查看性能;
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
void longa()
int i,j;
for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
j=i; //am I silly or crazy? I feel boring and desperate.
void foo2()
int i;
for(i=0 ; i < 10; i++)
void foo1()
int i;
for(i = 0; i< 100; i++)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i = 0;
return 0;
amples: 80K of event 'cpu-clock:pppH', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 7881621045 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0
Overhead Shared Object Symbol
96.05% t1 [.] main
0.56% [kernel] [k] __softirqentry_text_start
0.55% [kernel] [k] clear_page_orig
0.17% [kernel] [k] vmw_cmdbuf_header_submit
0.16% [kernel] [k] __lock_text_start
0.06% ld-2.31.so [.] do_lookup_x
0.04% [kernel] [k] mpt_put_msg_frame
0.04% [kernel] [k] exit_to_usermode_loop
0.04% [kernel] [k] do_syscall_64
perf top --call-graph graph
Samples: 25K of event 'cpu-clock:pppH', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 6058000000 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0
Children Self Shared Object Symbol
- 94.37% 94.25% t1 [.] longa
94.25% __libc_start_mai
- main
- 85.62% foo1
- 8.63% foo2
- 59.45% 0.00% libc-2.31.so [.] __libc_start_main
- main
- 54.05% foo1
- 5.40% foo2
- 59.45% 0.00% t1 [.] main
- main
- 54.05% foo1
- 5.40% foo2
- 54.05% 0.00% t1 [.] foo1
- 5.40% 0.00% t1 [.] foo2
+ 1.82% 0.07% [kernel] [k] do_syscall_64
root@pi:~# perf version
perf version 5.4.73
Usage: perf trace [<options>] [<command>]
or: perf trace [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]
or: perf trace record [<options>] [<command>]
or: perf trace record [<options>] -- <command> [<options>]
-a, --all-cpus system-wide collection from all CPUs
-C, --cpu <cpu> list of cpus to monitor
-D, --delay <n> ms to wait before starting measurement after program start
-e, --event <event> event/syscall selector. use 'perf list' to list available events
-f, --force don't complain, do it
-F, --pf <all|maj|min>
Trace pagefaults
-G, --cgroup <name> monitor event in cgroup name only
-i, --input <file> Analyze events in file
-m, --mmap-pages <pages>
number of mmap data pages
-o, --output <file> output file name
-p, --pid <pid> trace events on existing process id
-s, --summary Show only syscall summary with statistics
-S, --with-summary Show all syscalls and summary with statistics
-t, --tid <tid> trace events on existing thread id
-T, --time Show full timestamp, not time relative to first start
-u, --uid <user> user to profile
-v, --verbose be more verbose
--call-graph <record_mode[,record_size]>
setup and enables call-graph (stack chain/backtrace):
record_mode: call graph recording mode (fp|dwarf|lbr)
record_size: if record_mode is 'dwarf', max size of stack recording (<bytes>)
default: 8192 (bytes)
Default: fp
--comm show the thread COMM next to its id
--duration <float>
show only events with duration > N.M ms
--expr <expr> list of syscalls/events to trace
--failure Show only syscalls that failed
--filter-pids <CSV list of pids>
pids to filter (by the kernel)
Show the kernel callchains on the syscall exit path
--map-dump <BPF map>
BPF map to periodically dump
--max-events <n> Set the maximum number of events to print, exit after that is reached.
--max-stack <n> Set the maximum stack depth when parsing the callchain, anything beyond the specified depth will be ignored. Default: kernel.perf_event_max_stack or 127
--min-stack <n> Set the minimum stack depth when parsing the callchain, anything below the specified depth will be ignored.
--no-inherit child tasks do not inherit counters
--print-sample print the PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE PERF_SAMPLE_ info, for debugging
--proc-map-timeout <n>
per thread proc mmap processing timeout in ms
--sched show blocking scheduler events
--sort-events Sort batch of events before processing, use if getting out of order events
--syscalls Trace syscalls
--tool_stats show tool stats
[root@localhost jrg]# perf trace
0.000 ( 1.008 ms): qemu-system-x8/2231208 futex(uaddr: 0x55d15469b5a8, op: WAIT_BITSET|PRIVATE_FLAG|CLOCK_REALTIME, utime: 0x7fb6395fd630, val3: MATCH_ANY) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
1.013 ( 1.006 ms): qemu-system-x8/2231208 futex(uaddr: 0x55d15469b5a8, op: WAIT_BITSET|PRIVATE_FLAG|CLOCK_REALTIME, utime: 0x7fb6395fd630, val3: MATCH_ANY) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
2.024 ( ): qemu-system-x8/2231208 futex(uaddr: 0x55d15469b5a8, op: WAIT_BITSET|PRIVATE_FLAG|CLOCK_REALTIME, utime: 0x7fb6395fd630, val3: MATCH_ANY) ...
18446744073709.520 ( 1.020 ms): qemu-system-x8/2342046 futex(uaddr: 0x55f9bd192208, op: WAIT_BITSET|PRIVATE_FLAG|CLOCK_REALTIME, utime: 0x7f69d65fd630, val3: MATCH_ANY) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
1.004 ( 0.995 ms): qemu-system-x8/2342046 futex(uaddr: 0x55f9bd192208, op: WAIT_BITSET|PRIVATE_FLAG|CLOCK_REALTIME, utime: 0x7f69d65fd630, val3: MATCH_ANY) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
2.004 ( ): qemu-system-x8/2342046 futex(uaddr: 0x55f9bd192208, op: WAIT_BITSET|PRIVATE_FLAG|CLOCK_REALTIME, utime: 0x7f69d65fd630, val3: MATCH_ANY) ...
0.920 ( ): qemu-system-x8/2364252 ppoll(ufds: 0x562288f9fa70, nfds: 27, tsp: 0x7ffe1f525420, sigsetsize: 8) ...
0.942 ( 0.988 ms): qemu-system-x8/2364252 ppoll(ufds: 0x562288f9fa70, nfds: 27, tsp: 0x7ffe1f525420, sigsetsize: 8) = 0 (Timeout)
1.951 ( 0.006 ms): qemu-system-x8/2364252 ppoll(ufds: 0x562288f9fa70, nfds: 27, tsp: 0x7ffe1f525420, sigsetsize: 8) = 0 (Timeout)
1.971 ( ): qemu-system-x8/2364252 ppoll(ufds: 0x562288f9fa70, nfds: 27, tsp: 0x7ffe1f525420, sigsetsize: 8) ...
0.525 ( ): qemu-system-x8/11141 ioctl(fd: 17<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:1>, cmd: KVM_RUN) ...
0.539 ( 0.997 ms): qemu-system-x8/11141 ioctl(fd: 17<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:1>, cmd: KVM_RUN) = 0
1.543 ( 0.023 ms): qemu-system-x8/11141 ioctl(fd: 17<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:1>, cmd: KVM_RUN) = 0
1.569 ( 0.955 ms): qemu-system-x8/11141 ioctl(fd: 17<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:1>, cmd: KVM_RUN) = 0
2.533 ( 0.010 ms): qemu-system-x8/11141 ioctl(fd: 17<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:1>, cmd: KVM_RUN) = 0
2.545 ( ): qemu-system-x8/11141 ioctl(fd: 17<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:1>, cmd: KVM_RUN) ...
0.385 ( ): qemu-system-x8/11140 ioctl(fd: 16<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:0>, cmd: KVM_RUN) ...
0.397 ( ): qemu-system-x8/11140 ioctl(fd: 16<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:0>, cmd: KVM_RUN) ...
0.405 ( ): qemu-system-x8/11140 ioctl(fd: 16<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:0>, cmd: KVM_RUN) ...
0.413 ( ): qemu-system-x8/11140 ioctl(fd: 16<anon_inode:kvm-vcpu:0>, cmd: KVM_RUN) ...
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