1. Write a SQL statement to retrieve all customer names (cust_name) from the Customers table, and display the results sorted from Z to A.
SELECT cust_name FROM Customers ORDER BY cust_name DESC;
2. Write a SQL statement to retrieve customer ID (cust_id) and order number (order_num) from the Orders table, and sort the results friendly by customer ID and then by order date (order_date) in reverse chronological order.
SELECT cust_id, order_num FROM Orders ORDER BY cust_id, order_date DESC;
3.Our fictions store obviously prefers to sell more expensive items, and lots of them. Write a SQL statement to display the quantity and price (item_price) from the OrderItems table, stored with the highest quantity and highest price first.
SELECT quantity, item_price FROM OrderItems ORDER BY quantity DESC, item_price DESC;
4. What is wrong with the following SQL statement? (Try to figure it out without running it):
SELECT vend_name, -- ‘,’ is not necessary
FROM Vendors
ORDER BY vend_name DESC; -- add ‘BY’ here