1. 词汇filter conditionsearch criteria2. 专有名词 Term - Page 8RowRow is a record in table, and technically the correct term. 3. 概念 NULL - Page 39Rows with NULL will not be returned when filter selects all ... 阅读全文
1. Write a SQL statement to retrieve the product id (prod_id) and name (prod_name) from the Products table, returning only products with a price (prod_price) of 9.49.SELECT prod_id, prod_name FROM Pro... 阅读全文
1. Write a SQL statement to retrieve all customer names (cust_name) from the Customers table, and display the results sorted from Z to A.SELECT cust_name FROM Customers ORDER BY cust_name DESC;2. Writ... 阅读全文
1. Write a SQL statement to retrieve all customer IDs (cust_id) from the Customers table.SELECT cust_id FROM Customers;2. The OrderItems table contains every item ordered (and some were ordered multip... 阅读全文
I tried the installation last weekend. Whole process is smooth and no issues. Here’s the log:This is what I have. Version is 16.4.3528.331 and Language is English (US). This is my Windows 10 Home. R... 阅读全文
不知道为什么,http://openlivewriter.org/ 打不开了Open Live Wirter 下载,安装发现只有英文版本找到了最终的离线安装的 Windows Essentials 2012,还是简体中文的,干吗不用呢安装有一点小挫折,但 Windows Live Writer 确实香是的,我回来了 阅读全文