100-days: thirty-three

Title: Chinese family reportedly paid $6.5 million(4300万) for spot at Stanford(斯坦福)

  reportedly adv.据说,据传闻,据报道  report v.报道

  pay  A for B  为 B 支付…(多少金额)

  spot n.名额;地点,位置  spot at Stanford 斯坦福的入学名额


From the day in March(三月) that prosecutors announced(宣布) charges against 50 people in a sweeping college admissions(大学招生) fraud investigation, they have held out(隐瞒,不公开) a tantalizing mystery(谜团): an unnamed family that they said had paid the college consultant(大学中介) at the center of the scheme $6.5 million — far more than any of the parents named in the case — to get their child into college.

  from the day in March 从三月开始

  prosecutor n.检察官;公诉人

    prosecute v.起诉,检举  The thief will be prosecuted.

  charge n.指控  charge against … 指控(某人)……

  sweeping adj.影响广泛的,规模宏大的

    sweep v.打扫;迅速蔓延  The flu was sweeping the city.

  college admissions  在指大学招生的时候,以复数形式出现时,指入学的资格

  fraud n.诈骗  credit card fraud y信用卡诈骗

  investigation  n.(正式的) 调查,侦查; 科学研究; 学术研究;

  hold out 隐瞒,不公开

  tantalizing adj.吸引人的,撩人的  tantalize v.撩拨,逗弄

  mystery  n.神秘的事物; 不可理解之事; 奥秘; 神秘的人(或事物); 陌生而有趣的人(或事物); 神秘; 不可思议;

  named 被点名的  unnamed 没有透露姓名的

  consultant  n.顾问;高级顾问医师; 会诊医师;

   scheme n.阴谋,诡计;计划,方案  a pension scheme  养老金计划


The student is Yusi Zhao, who was admitted to Stanford in 2017, according to a person with direct knowledge of the investigation.

  be admitted to… 被…录取

  direct knowledge 直接的认识,第一手资料


At a court hearing in March, the lead prosecutor(首席检察官) in the admissions case, Eric S. Rosen, said that college consultant William Singer had tried to get(促使) Zhao — whom Rosen did not identify(指认) by name — recruited to the Stanford sailing team and created a false profile of her supposed sailing(帆船) achievements(成就,成绩).

  hearing n.听觉;听证会  court hearing 庭审

  try to do sth 设法做…,试图做…

  recruit v.招收,招募  recruit sb. to an organization

  supposed adj.误以为的; 误信的; 所谓的;  v.(根据所知) 认为,推断,料想; 假定; 假设; 设想; (婉转表达) 我看,要我说,要不


She was ultimately(最终地) not recruited, but Rosen said that she was admitted to Stanford partly on the basis of those false credentials and that, after her admission, Singer made a $500, 000 donation to the Stanford sailing program.

  on the basis of…  以…为基础,(事情的原因)

  credentials n.资历,资格证明(复数名词,基本不会以单数的形式出现)  academic credentials 学历

  donation n.捐赠物; 捐赠; 赠送


Zhao appears to(似乎,好像) have participated(参加,参与) in a recent conference hosted(v.主办) by the Princeton U.S.-China Coalition(普林斯顿中美联盟). Her biography on the group’s website said(说明,显示) she was planning to major in Psychology(心理学) and East Asian Studies(东亚研究) and was interested in education policy(政策) in China.

  coalition  n.联盟

  conference n.(通常持续几天的大型正式) 会议,研讨会; (正式) 讨论会,商讨会; 体育协会(或联合会)

   biography n.传记;个人简介    近义词 => profile  

  major in…  主修某一个专业

  study  n.学习,研究  studies 复数形式,经常用在学科的名字里面



posted on 2019-05-10 19:41  bala001  阅读(267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
