100-days: thirty-two

Title: What happens to our data when we die? Elaine Kasket(伊莱恩·卡斯凯特) on a digital dilemma

  sb on sth 某人就某事发表看法【写标题时】

  digital adj.数字信息系统的; 数码的; 数字式的; 数字显示的;

  dilemma n.(进退两难的)困境,窘境  the dilemma of adolescence 青春期的困境


Elaine Kasket is a counselling psychologist(心理咨询师) based in London. Her first book, All the Ghosts in the Machine: Illusions(幻觉) of Immortality in the Digital Age《计算机里的”幽灵“:数据时代中,长生不死的假象》, examines the ethical and technical issues surrounding our data when we die.

  counselling n.(职业性的辅导,咨询)

  based in…   强调某人工作的地方

  immortality n.不朽,永生    反义词 => mortality n.死亡;死亡率

    mortal adj.可朽的; n.凡人

    All men are mortal (adj.)  

    immortality,  eternity,  infinity 释义:

      immortality强调生命的不朽, eternity 强调时间意义上的永恒, 而 infinity 通常指数量上、空间上或者可能性的无穷无尽。

  ethical adj.(有关) 道德的; 伦理的; 合乎道德的;


At some point(时刻) there will be more dead Facebook accounts than live ones.

  at some point 到了某个时候


The Oxford Internet Institute(牛津互联网学院) recently predicted there could be 2bn(20亿) dead Facebook accounts by the end of the century.

  predict v.预言,预告,预报


That’s a lot of data…


Although we’re doubling(v.加倍,增加一倍) what we can store every couple of years, it’s not, like(口语表达,大概,可能) infinite — and our devices(指计算机) capture(采集) more and more stuff(填满; 装满; 塞满) by default(默认状态,预设状态). That surplus(过剩的,多余的) data, either with the aid(援助,帮助) of artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能) or human decision making will be jettisoned, and big tech(科技公司) will be making those decisions(决策).

  what we can store 宾语从句。我们能存储的数据 / 东西

  every + 数量 + 名词  每隔一段时间…    every couple of years  每隔几年

  infinite adj.极大的; 无法衡量的; 无限的; 无穷尽的;  n.限的事物; 无穷尽的事物; 上帝;

  by default 默认   

  jettison v.放弃;丢弃 【经常被用在被动语句中】  释义:to get rid of sth.

    近义词 => discard  

  either A or  B   要么是 A  , 要么是 B

  will be doing 【将来进行时】经常在口语中出现,用来强调预计发生或势必发生的动作


Meanwhile, people have to act like hackers(黑客) to gain access(访问权限) to their relatives’(亲戚,亲属) accounts…

  meanwhile 与此同时

  gain access to 获得访问权


They are forced(被迫) to break the law. They are impersonating people, using other people’s passwords… I’m not sure if I’m happy to leave someone a set of my passwords; they might find things that were important, but they would have access to everything else. Even if one isn’t harbouring(v.心存不好的想法) toxic secrets, that’s still quite(前置) a thing.

  break the law 违反法律

  impersonate v.冒充,假扮  to pretend to be sb.

    impersonate a police officer 冒充警察

  have assess to  有权接触到…

  toxic adj.恶毒的,造成阴影的  toxic enemies 恶毒的敌人

    toxic secrets 恶毒的私心

    even if one isn's harbouring toxic secrets 即使已故之人并没有怀揣恶毒的私心

  quite 前置,放在名词的前面,指不同寻常的

    GuangZhou is a quire city  广州是一座了不起的城市


What’s the bare(最少的,最低限度的) minimum(最少) you’d advise(建议) people to do?

  bare minimum  强调很少, 指最低最低限度


It’s a good idea to clean your digital house(数据存储空间) frequently. If nothing else(不说别的), you don’t want relatives(亲人) buried(埋没) under a hundredweight of undifferentiated data with no sense of what is important to you. The default(默认的情况) is to become a digital extreme hoarder, with data up to the rafters(椽). The things which are really important to you, the artefacts(作品) you want to pass on to future generations(一代人), put(让某事处于特定的状态) them in a physical form(物理的方式). You cannot trust corporations(大公司) to safeguard(保护) your data.

  frequently adv.频繁地,经常

  if nothing else  非常地道的口语表达。强调的是在特定的情况下,最要紧,最正确的是

  bury v.埋葬; 安葬; 丧失(某人); 把(某物)掩藏在地下; 埋藏;

   want sb. + 过去分词  希望某人被如何如何

  under 在…之下

  hundredweight 一百磅重

    hundredweight  of  data 指数据量庞大, 成吨的数据

  undifferentiated adj.无法区分的,一体的   different adj.不同的

    differentiate v.区别,分辨    undifferentiate v.不区别

  hoarder n.囤户,贮藏者  hoard v.贮藏,囤积

    hoard food  囤积食物

  rafter n.椽。房屋结构中支撑屋顶的木头

  physical  adj. 身体的; 肉体的; 躯体的; 客观存在的; 现实的; 物质的; 有形的; 根据自然规律的; 符合自然法则的;

  artefact n.手工艺品,人工制品  同义词 => arfifact



posted on 2019-05-09 20:08  bala001  阅读(673)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
