100-days: thirty

Title: The Happiness Recession

  happiness 幸福感   -ness 构成名词  sadness 悲伤

  recession n.(经济)衰退期,萧条期  /rɪˈseʃn/

    the Great Recession

    The economy is in deep recession 经济处于严重的萧条期


In 2018, happiness among young adults in America fell to(下降到) a record low. The share of adults aged 18 to 34 reporting that they were "very happy" in life fell to 25 percent——the lowest level(最低水平) that the General Social Survey has ever(曾经,以往的任何时候) recorded for that population.

  a record low 最低记录

  record /ˈrekərd/ adj.创记录的,空前的  n.记录  v.  /rɪˈkɔːrd/  做记录

  share  /ʃer/ n.(某事物的)份额,一部分  v.分享  the share of adults 成年人的份额,成年人所占的比重

  the General Social Survey  综合社会调查


  population 人口,某个范围的人群


The research tells us that the ebb and flow of happiness in America is clearly linked to the quality(质量) and character(特征) of our social ties——including our friendships, community ties(团体间的联系), and marriage. It's also linked, specifically, to the frequency(频率) with which we have sex.

  A is linked to B   A 和 B 有关联

  the ebb and flow (有规律的)涨落,起伏  

    ebb n.退潮   flow n.涨潮

    eg. You have to accept the ebb and flow of love in a relationship. 你需要接受爱情中起起伏伏

  tie n.领带;关系,纽带

    family / economic / emotional ties  家庭关系 / 经济关系 / 情感的纽带  

  It's also linked to…  还和…有关

  specifically adv.明确地,具体地;更确切地(对前文做补充)

    I specifically asked you not to be late. 我明确地要求过你不要迟到


An analysis revealed that the decline in sexual frequency can account for about one-third(三分之一) of the decline(减少,下降) in happiness since 2012. Declines in marriage and religiosity(婚姻和宗教信仰相关指标的下降) have also played some role, but the effects are much smaller——with(原因) each factor(因素,要素) only accounting for about a  tenth(十分之一) of the decline in happiness. But for the rise in regular friend contact over the past few years, young men and women would be even less happy.

  reveal v.揭露,揭示  reveal secrets 泄密

  account for sth.  是…的原因,对…作出解释

    A account for B  A 是 B 的原因

  religiosity  n.对宗教的虔诚,笃信宗教  religion n.宗教

    the Jewish religion 犹太教

  play a role 扮演角色,发挥作用

  but for 如果不是,倘若没有

    He would play but for the knee injury. 如果不是他的膝盖受伤了,他就上场了。


Indeed, it may be that rising social time spent with friends in recent years could be buffering young adults from the declines in institutions such as marriage or religion, as(引导状语从句) friends stand(位于某处) in place of(代替,取代) other relationships or forms of community(团体).

  indeed adv.(用于补充信息)其实,实际上

  it may be that 强调一种可能的情况  it 形式主语,没有实际的意思

  buffer v.减少,减缓(伤害)  n.起缓冲作用的人或物品

    eg. I dance regularly to buffer the effects of stress on my health. (v.)

  buffer sb. from sth.  保护某人不受到某物的伤害

     be bufferring 指研究很新,直到现在仍然在使用

  institution n.机构;(由来已久的)风俗习惯或者制度  

    the institution os marriage 婚姻制度

  A stand in place of B   A 替代了 B 的位置


Thus(因此), while(虽然,尽管) most of the decline in happiness is about declining sex, that's not the end of the story. Declining sex is at least partly about family and religious changes that make it harder for people to achieve(达到) stable(稳定的), coupled(有伴侣的) life at a young age.

  A is about  B   A  和 B 有关

  end of the story 情况就是这样    口语表达: end of story 

    eg. I tripped and hurt my arm. That's it——end of story. 情况就是这样,我摔了一跤

  at least 至少

  partly 在一定程度上

  make harder 变得更难

  couple v.连接,结合  n.夫妻,情侣


posted on 2019-05-05 19:14  bala001  阅读(184)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
