100-days: eleven

Title: Facebook's live streaming(网络直播) is criticized(批评) after mosque(清真寺) shooting(枪击).

  live adj.现场直播的,实况转播的

  streaming 在线收听/收看


The speed at which a video of the New Zealand(新西兰) mosque shooting spread across social media platforms(平台) has demonstrated yet again(再次) that tech companies(科技公司) such as Facebook Inc. are still struggling(体现了内容管控的艰难) to control content, especially from popular services(业务,平台) that offer(提供) live streaming of events.

  spread across 跨领域 / 平台传播

  Inc 股份有限公司  是 Incorporated 的缩写

  platform n.平台;站台;纲领  v.把…放在台上,为…设(平)台,(在台上)演讲

  demonstrate vt.论证;证明,证实;显示,展示;演示,说明 vi.示威游行

  struggling adj.奋斗的,努力的,苦斗的


While(起到对比作用) platforms including Twitter(推特) Inc. and YouTube said they moved fast(迅速) to scrub(删除) any content related to the incident from their sites, people(网民们,用户们) reported it was still widely available(随处可见) hours after(在什么之后的好几个小时内) being first uploaded to the alleged shooter's(疑是枪手嫌疑人) Facebook account(账户).

  scrub v(尤指用硬刷、肥皂和水)擦洗,刷洗  scrub the floor  刷洗地板    scrub youself 搓澡

  alleged adj.(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控的    allege v.    


Facebook Chief Executive Officer(CEO 首席执行官) Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged(承认) the difficulty of policing content from the 2.7 billion users that power Facebook's wildly profitable advertising(广告) engine. The company's business model(商业模式) depends on showing people posts they're most apt to have an emotional reaction(情绪反应) to, which often has the side effect of amplifying fake(假的) news and extremism.

  sb. has acknowledged sth  某人承认了某事

  police v.控制,监督   n.警察

  power engine  驱动,引擎

  profitable adj.有利可图的,有益的;可赚钱的,合算的

  depend on  依赖,相信,信赖,随…而定

  be apt to  易于做…的;常做…的  be apt to be forgtful 健忘

  emotional adj.表现强烈情感的,令人动情的,易动感情的;感情脆弱的

  side effect  n.副作用;连带后果

  amplify v.扩大,增强  释义:  to increase sth    to amplify a signal 增强信号

  extremism n.极端主义,偏激的观点


Indeed(的确), the livestream(直播) of the murders highlights(凸显) how technology helped the alleged shooter connect with like-minded people online. Even after the major(主流) tech companies acted to take down the video, commenters(评论者们) continued to praise the murders online.

  highlight v.强调,突出,把…照亮;标示记号;为…中最突出的事物

  like-minded adj.意见相同的,想法一致的,兴趣相投的

  take down 撤下,拆除  to take down a tent 拆掉帐篷

  praise n.赞扬,称赞,崇拜,赞词  v.歌颂;赞扬,赞美;崇拜


Facebook has 15,000 employees(公司雇员) and contractors sifting through posts(贴文) to take down offensive content. Zuckerberg has said artificial intelligence(AI) algorithms(AI算法), which the company already uses to identify nudity and terrorist content, will eventually handle most of this sorting. But at the moment(当时,此时,目前,现在), even the most sophisticated AI software struggles in categories where context matters(重要).

  contractor n.承包商,承包方;合同制员工

  have sb doing sth 

  sift through 详细筛查    sift v.筛,过滤   sift the flour into a  large bowl  把面粉筛进大碗里

  post n. 岗位;邮政;邮件;柱,桩,杆  vt.张贴;邮寄;宣布;设岗  vi.快速行进

  offensive adj.冒犯的;令人不适的,厌恶的

  algorithm n.(尤指计算机使用的)算法,计算程序

  identify vt.确定,识别,认出;使…参与;把…看成一样  vi.确定,认同

  terrorist n.恐怖主义者,恐怖分子  adj.恐怖主义的

  sort v.把…分类,整理,筛选 n.类别    sort through the mail 整理邮件

  nudity n.赤裸,裸体

    nudity, nude 辨析

      nudity 和 nude 都可以表示赤裸的状态,但二者略有区别。nudity常指影视剧的裸体画面,而 nude 则表示绘画、摄影、雕塑这些艺术领域的裸体人像。

  sophisticated adj.精密的,复杂的,尖端的  highly sophisticated computer systems 高度精密的计算机系统


"Hate speech is one of those areas, " said Monika Bickert, Facebook's  head of global policy(政策) management.

  hate speech (表达仇恨或煽动使用暴力以宗教、种族、性别性取向等为理由攻击他人的)仇恨演讲,仇恨言论

  head of global policy management 全球政策管理主管



posted on 2019-03-22 13:43  bala001  阅读(204)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
