100-days: ten

Title: Emma Watson(艾玛·沃森), Keira Knightley(凯拉·奈特莉) among stars(众多明星之一)  urging(竭力主张,呼吁某事) better protection of women

  protection n.保护


Emma Watson, Keira Knightley, and Dame Emma Thompson(艾玛·汤普森) are among 76 actors, writers, business leaders and campaigners calling on governments to increase support and protection of women fighting for their rights(权利) around the world.

  Dame (女爵士)

    在英国荣誉制度中,Dame 相等于“爵士” 的头衔。有别于 “爵士” ,女爵士的夫婿不可凭妻子获得任何敬称,但 “爵士” 之妻子则可称为 “爵士夫人”。

  campaigner n.活动家  campaign  n.


The letter, published in the Guardian to mark(庆祝,纪念) International Women's Day on Friday, says women risk "backlash, censorship and violence"  whenever(引导状语从句) they defend their rights or speak out(公开表明意见) over injustice.

  injustice n.不公正   反义词 => justice

  backlash n.(社会或政治方面的)强烈抵制    

    eg. a public backlash against racism 公众对于种族的抵制

  censorship n.审查,审查制度(尤指对新闻和文化作品的审查)   censor v.

  violence n.暴力,强暴,暴虐,猛烈,激烈;歪曲(事实),曲解(意义);冒渎,不敬

  defend vt.保卫,辩护,(足球、曲棍球等) 防守; 进行辩护


"We call on governments to recognise and trust the expertise of women's rights organisations(组织) and women's movements(运动,活动), in particular those representing(v.代表,提出异议,象征,表现) marginalised women; to counter the silencing of women's rights activists(活动家); and to fulfil commitments to protect women human rights defenders(捍卫者) by bringing to justice those that perpetrate violence, and strengthening(加固,加强,巩固) the law in line with international human rights frameworks(框架)."

  recognise vt.认可,认出,识别出某人[某物],承认…有效[属实]; 承认[认清](某事物)

  expertise n.专门技能(知识),专长   scientific expertise 科学专业知识   technical expertise 技术专业技能

  particular  adj.特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的   n.特色,特点;(可分类,列举的)项目;详细情节,细情,细目;某一事项

  marginalise v.使边缘化,忽视    margin n.   marginal adj  非主流的,边缘的

  counter v.反驳,对抗  counter- 相反,相对的   counter-argument 相反的论点   counter-attack 反击

  silence v.阻止(某人)表达意见,压制批评 n.安静

  fulfil commitment (固)  履行承诺

  bring (sb.) to justice 将…绳之以法

  perpetrate v.犯(罪);施(暴);做(坏事)  to perpetrate a crime 犯罪   to perpetrate to fraud   犯诈骗罪

  in line with 与…相似,与…处于同等水平   近义词 => in accord with


The UN(联合国) adopted(通过) a resolution(经过某个机构表决的正式的决定,决议) to protect female human rights defenders in 2013, recognising(现代分词做状语) that women are targeted(被攻击) not only for their activism(激进行为) but because of their gender(性别). But last month, the UN special rapporteur(联合国特别报告员) on human rights defenders, said women were facing increased repression and violence.

  adopt  vt.收养,采用,采取,采纳;正式接受,批准,通过

  recognise 正式承认

  not only…but 不仅而且

  activism n.激进主义,激进行为  -ism 主义

  rapporteur n.报告员   -eur 人

  repression n.(尤指通过武力进行的)镇压,压制;克制情感    repress v.


The murders(谋杀案) of Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres and Brazilian politician Marielle Franco are among recent high-profile cases of women killed for their activism.

  be among sb sth  

  high-profile adj.引人注目的,备受关注的    profile 公众注意

  Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres and Brazilian politician Marielle Franco  洪都拉斯环保斗士贝尔塔·卡塞雷斯 和 巴西政治家马里耶勒·佛朗哥


The signatories of the letter said the time was ripe(成熟) for action. "As momentum behind the #MeToo movement continues to grow, we are witnessing unprecedented acknowledgement of the challenges(挑战) women face(面临). Now more than ever(时间状语,强调当下的这个时间点,比任何时候都要关键), we have an opportunity to overcome(战胜,克服) the systemic oppression(根本性的压迫) that denies women their rights. It's time to move on from conversations(语言) to action."

  signatory n.签约者;缔约国  the signatories of/to sth. 某样东西的签署方

  ripe for sth. 时机成熟的,适宜的

    eg. The problem is ripe for settlement. 解决这个问题的时机已经成熟

  momentum n.动量,冲量;推动力,势头

    to lose momentnum  势头减弱

    to gather/gain momentum  势头增强

  witness v.作证,表示,摆证据) …就是证据; 是…的迹象

  unprecedented  adj.史无前例的,空前的   precedent n.先例

    to set/create a precedent  

  acknowledgement  n.承认,确认; 致谢,鸣谢; 收条; [法] 承认书

   systemic adj.(药物、疾病或毒药)影响全身系统的,作用于全身的;根本性的,全局的

    a systemic disease 全身性的疾病   a systemic change  根本性的变化

    systemic, systematic 辨析

      这两个词都是 system 的形容词形式。systemic 可以表示 “影响全身系统的” ,也可以表示 “根本性的,全局的”;而 systematic 更多是指 “有条理的,有计划的”

  oppression n.压迫,压制,欺压

    oppression ,  repression辨析

      这两个词中文都有“压制,压迫”的意思,但意义有差别。比如奴隶主对于奴隶的压榨、压迫,就叫做 oppression;而如果奴隶们起义了,此时奴隶主去镇压,就叫做 repression

  deny sb sth 剥夺了某人某样东西

  move on + 推进的事情  继续前进,继续推进    


posted on 2019-03-21 11:43  bala001  阅读(322)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
