Distributed Management Task Force----分布式管理任务组


分布式管理任务组(Distributed Management Task Force,DMTF),目标是联合整个IT行业协同起来开发、验证和推广系统管理标准,帮助全世界范围内简化管理,降低IT管理成本,目前主机操作系统及和硬件级的管理接口规范都来自DMTF标准,DMTF所制定的标准有WBEM,CIM,DMI,DEN以及ARM,所以该组织是极具影响力的团体。
DMTF最近提出了Open Virtualization Format(OVF) 1.0,规定虚拟化镜像的部署和封装标准,另外从2010年7月该组织下的云计算工作组CMWG(Cloud Management Working Group)还在起草开放云标准孵化器(Open Cloud Standard Incubator),开发云资源管理协议,封包格式和安全管理协议,发布了云互操作性和管理云架构的白皮书。DMTF组织到2010年8月底为止共有来自43个国家的160个公司和组织成员,4000个积极参加者,董事会成员有Dell、HP、IBM、Cisco、Intel、AMD、Oracle、Microsoft、EMC、CA、Citrix、VMware、Hitachi、Fujitsu、Broadcom十五家公司。
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)
分布式管理任务组(DMTF),成立于1995年,其前称即Desktop Management Task Force。
分布式管理任务组(DMTF)是一个国际标准组织,DMTF工作组致力于分布式IT系统的有效管理,通过聚合众多IT厂商一起来进行管理系统的开发、效用及改进等标准化工作。DMTF工作组成拥有160多个公司或组织成员,43个国家、超过4000名参与者。DMTF工作组由15个创新的、领导者企业发起,包括Advanced Micro Devices (AMD),Broadcom,CA,Cisco,Citrix Systems,Dell,EMC,Fujitsu,HP,Hitachi,IBM,Intel ,Microsoft,Oracle,VMware。DMTF标准使得跨厂商系统、工具及企业解决方案的互操作成为可能。

Distributed Management Task Force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Distributed Management
Task Force
DMTF logo.png
Abbreviation DMTF
Formation 1992
Type Standards Development Organization

Developing management standards & promoting

interoperability for enterprise & Internet environments
Region served Worldwide
Membership AMDBroadcomCA, Inc.,CiscoCitrixEMC,FujitsuHPHuaweiIBM,IntelMicrosoftNetApp,OracleRed HatSunGard,VMware, etc.
Website www.dmtf.org

Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF, formerly "Desktop Management Task Force") is an industry organization that develops, maintains and promotes standards for systems management in enterprise IT environments. These standards allow for building systems management infrastructure components in a platform-independent and technology-neutral way. By creating the open industry standards, DMTF helps enable systems management interoperability between IT products from different manufacturers or companies.


DMTF was founded in 1992. It is a Standards Development Organisation where companies, other organisations and single persons can become members. In 2012, DMTF had more than 4000 active participants out of more than 200 organisations and companies (such as AMDBroadcomCA, Inc.CiscoCitrixEMCFujitsuHPHuaweiIBMIntelMicrosoftNetApp,OracleRed HatSunGard and VMware). The DMTF is organized in working groups where the participants jointly develop and maintain the standards. DMTF has alliances with a number of other organisations and with academia.


DMTF standards include:

  • Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI) - CIMI is a self-service interface for infrastructure clouds, allowing users to dynamically provision, configure and administer their cloud usage with a high-level interface that greatly simplifies cloud systems management. The specification standardizes interactions between cloud environments to achieve interoperable cloud infrastructure management between service providers and their consumers and developers, enabling users to manage their cloud infrastructure use easily and without complexity.
  • Common Information Model (CIM) – The CIM schema is a conceptual schema that defines how the managed elements in an IT environment (for instancecomputers or storage area networks) are represented as a common set of objects and relationships between them. CIM is extensible in order to allow product specific extensions to the common definition of these managed elements. CIM uses a model based upon UML to define the CIM Schema. CIM is the basis for most of the other DMTF standards.
  • Common Diagnostic Model (CDM) – The CDM schema is a part of the CIM schema that defines how system diagnostics should be incorporated into the management infrastructure.
  • Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) – defines protocols for the interaction between systems management infrastructure components implementing CIM, a concept of DMTF management profiles, that allows defining the behavior of the elements defined in the CIM schema, the CIM Query Language (CQL) and other specifications needed for the interoperability of CIM infrastructure.
  • Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH) – is a DMTF Management Initiative that include management profiles for server hardware management. SMASH 2.0 allows for either WS-Management or SM-CLP (a command line protocol for interacting with CIM infrastructure). SM-CLP was adopted as an International Standard in August 2011 by the Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) [1].
  • System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) – defines how the BIOS interface of x86 architecture systems is represented in CIM (and DMI).
  • Alert Standard Format (ASF) – defines remote control and alerting interfaces for OS-absent environments (for instance a system board controller of aPC).
  • Directory Enabled Network (DEN) – defines how LDAP directories can be used to provide access to CIM managed elements and defines CIM to LDAP mappings for a part of the CIM schema.
  • Desktop Management Interface (DMI) – DMI was the first desktop management standard. Due to the rapid advancement of DMTF technologies, such as CIM, the DMTF defined an "end of life" process for DMI, which ended March 31, 2005.
  • Desktop and mobile Architecture for System Hardware (DASH) – a management standard based on DMTF Web Services for Management (WS-Management), for desktop and mobile client systems. WS-Management was adopted as an international standard by ISO/IEC in 2013 [2].
  • Configuration Management Database Federation (CMDBf) - CMDBf facilitates the sharing of information between configuration management databases (CMDBs) and other management data repositories (MDRs). The CMDBf standard enables organizations to federate and access information from complex, multi-vendor infrastructures, simplifying the process of managing related configuration data stored in multiple CMDBs and MDRs.
  • Platform Management Components Intercommunication (PMCI) - A suite of specifications defining a common architecture for intercommunication among management subsystem components. This suite includes MCTP, PLDM and NC-SI specifications. The Platform Management standard was adopted as a national standard by ANSI in 2013. [3].
  • Virtualization Management Initiative (VMAN) – A suite of specifications based on DMTF’s CIM that helps IT managers: Deploy virtual computer systems, Discover/inventory virtual computer systems, Manage lifecycle of virtual computer systems, Create/modify/delete virtual resources and Monitor virtual systems for health and performance. VMAN was adopted as a National Standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) [4] in June 2012.

Within the VMAN initiative, there are several specifications and profiles:

CIM related standards are also developed outside of the DMTF. Some examples are:

CIM and WBEM are supported by a large number of products and open source projects. A small list is provided here:

  • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) – Implementation of CIM and WBEM in Microsoft Windows
  • WBEM Solutions - WS provides WBEM Infrastructure and tools
  • SBLIM – Open source project providing an implementation of CIM and WBEM for Linux as well as other CIM and WBEM related components and tools
  • OpenPegasus – Open source project providing a CIM Object Manager written in C++ (the central infrastructure component for CIM and WBEM)
  • WBEM Services – Open source project providing a CIM Object Manager written in Java
  • OpenWBEM – Open source project providing another CIM Object Manager written in C++

Incubators and work groups[edit]


External links[edit]

posted @ 2013-11-05 22:08  baihuahua  阅读(1085)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报