这两天写了些VB的代码,突然想起以前有个用vbs直接说"I Love you"的脚本,查了下发现这个发音引擎正好解决了这个问题,不过,是英文的。但对于我这种善于安慰自己的人,很快把这个缺点变成了优点:
' This is a simple and funny vb script to practise your:
' 1. English listening of numbers
' 2. Swift calculation of 2 numbers
' You can adjust parameters to change difficulty, as default it only includes + and - operators
' for numbers between 0 - 100
' Author: Baiyan Huang
' Date: 10/20/2010
Dim bContinue
bContinue = True
While bContinue
' Generate expression and read aloud!
Dim op1, op2, op
op1 = GetOperand()
op2 = GetOperand()
op = GetOperator()
Dim strExp
strExp = op1 & op & op2 & "="
CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak strExp
' Calculate the final result
Dim result
If op = "plus" then
result = op1 + op2
Elseif op = "minus" then
result = op1 - op2
Elseif op = "multiply" then
result = op1 * op2
Elseif op = "divided by" then
result = op1 / op2
End If
' Print the expression and result in a clearer manner
strExp = Replace(strExp, "plus", "+")
strExp = Replace(strExp, "minus", "-")
strExp = Replace(strExp, "multiply", "*")
strExp = Replace(strExp, "divided by", "/")
bContinue = MsgBox(strExp & result & vbCrLf & "Click Ok to continue!", vbOKCancel) <> vbCancel
'================Utility Functions=======================
Function GetRandomNum(lowerbound, upperbound)
call Randomize()
GetRandomNum = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
End Function
Function GetOperand()
GetOperand = GetRandomNum(1, 100) ' 0 - 100
End Function
Function GetOperator()
Dim operators(3)
operators(0) = "plus"
operators(1) = "minus"
operators(2) = "multiply"
operators(3) = "divided by"
Dim Index
Index = GetRandomNum(0, 1) ' Only include + and - for now
GetOperator = operators(Index)
End Function
' This is a simple and funny vb script to practise your:
' 1. English listening of numbers
' 2. Swift calculation of 2 numbers
' You can adjust parameters to change difficulty, as default it only includes + and - operators
' for numbers between 0 - 100
' Author: Baiyan Huang
' Date: 10/20/2010
Dim bContinue
bContinue = True
While bContinue
' Generate expression and read aloud!
Dim op1, op2, op
op1 = GetOperand()
op2 = GetOperand()
op = GetOperator()
Dim strExp
strExp = op1 & op & op2 & "="
CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak strExp
' Calculate the final result
Dim result
If op = "plus" then
result = op1 + op2
Elseif op = "minus" then
result = op1 - op2
Elseif op = "multiply" then
result = op1 * op2
Elseif op = "divided by" then
result = op1 / op2
End If
' Print the expression and result in a clearer manner
strExp = Replace(strExp, "plus", "+")
strExp = Replace(strExp, "minus", "-")
strExp = Replace(strExp, "multiply", "*")
strExp = Replace(strExp, "divided by", "/")
bContinue = MsgBox(strExp & result & vbCrLf & "Click Ok to continue!", vbOKCancel) <> vbCancel
'================Utility Functions=======================
Function GetRandomNum(lowerbound, upperbound)
call Randomize()
GetRandomNum = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
End Function
Function GetOperand()
GetOperand = GetRandomNum(1, 100) ' 0 - 100
End Function
Function GetOperator()
Dim operators(3)
operators(0) = "plus"
operators(1) = "minus"
operators(2) = "multiply"
operators(3) = "divided by"
Dim Index
Index = GetRandomNum(0, 1) ' Only include + and - for now
GetOperator = operators(Index)
End Function