EX 10
—— 巴菲特
Problem A: 让动物们叫起来吧!
int main() { int cases; string name; char type; Animal *animal; cin>>cases; for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++) { cin>>name>>type; switch(type) { case 'A': animal = new Duck(name); break; case 'B': animal = new Turkey(name); break; case 'C': animal = new Cock(name); break; } animal->sound(); } return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Animal { friend class Cock; friend class Turkey; friend class Duck; string name; public: Animal(string _name):name(_name){} virtual void sound()=0; }; class Cock :public Animal { public: Cock(string name):Animal(name){} void sound() { cout << name ; cout << " is a cock, and it can crow." << endl; } }; class Turkey :public Animal { public: Turkey(string name):Animal(name){} void sound() { cout << name ; cout << " is a turkey, and it can gobble." << endl; } }; class Duck :public Animal { public: Duck(string name):Animal(name){} void sound() { cout << name ; cout << " is a duck, and it can quack." << endl; } };
Problem B: 点之间的距离
int main() { Point p, p1(10, 10), p2(20, 20); PointArray pArr; double x, y; while(cin>>x>>y) { p.set(x, y); pArr.append(p); } cout<<p2 - p1<<endl; cout<<pArr.getMaxDis()<<endl; return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Point { double x,y; public: Point():x(0),y(0){} Point(double _x,double _y):x(_x),y(_y){} double operator -(Point &b) { return sqrt((x-b.x)*(x-b.x)+(y-b.y)*(y-b.y)); } void set(double x1,double y1) { x =x1; y = y1; } }; class PointArray { vector<Point> vec; public: void append(const Point&b) { vec.push_back(b); } double getMaxDis() { double d = -1; int len = vec.size(); for(int i = 0;i<len;i++) { for(int j = i+1;j<len;j++) { if(vec[i]-vec[j]>d) d = vec[i]-vec[j]; } } return d; } };
Problem C: 求图形的面积和体积
int main() { Graphic *gp[100]; int cases; cin>>cases; for(int i = 0; i < cases; ++i) { string types; double value; cin>>types>>value; if(types == "square") gp[i] = new Square(value); if(types == "cube") gp[i] = new Cube(value); if(types == "ball") gp[i] = new Ball(value); if(types == "circle") gp[i] = new Circle(value); } for(int i = 0; i < cases; ++i) { gp[i]->show(); delete gp[i]; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const double PI = 3.14; class Graphic { friend class Square; friend class Cube; friend class Ball; friend class Circle; double v; public: Graphic(double _x):v(_x){} virtual void show()=0; }; class Square:public Graphic { public : Square(double _v):Graphic(_v){} void show() { cout << "Square, side:" << v << ", area:" << v*v << ".\n"; } }; class Cube:public Graphic { public : Cube(double _v):Graphic(_v){} void show() { cout << "Cube, side:" << v << ", area:" << 6*v*v << ", volume:" << v*v*v << ".\n"; } }; class Ball:public Graphic { public : Ball(double _v):Graphic(_v){} void show() { cout << "Ball, radius:" << v << ", area:" << 4*PI*v*v << ", volume:" << 4/3*PI*v*v*v << ".\n"; } }; class Circle:public Graphic { public : Circle(double _v):Graphic(_v){} void show() { cout << "Circle, radius:" << v << ", area:" << PI*v*v << ".\n"; } };
吐糟一下:球类的体积公式居然不需要处理精度,QAQ WA1发。
Problem D: 薪酬计算
int main() { Person *person; string name, job; int cases; cin >> cases; for(int i = 1; i <= cases; ++i) { cin >> job >> name; if(job == "Manager") person = new Manager(name); if(job == "Employee") person = new Employee(name); if(job == "HourlyWorker") person = new HourlyWorker(name); if(job == "CommWorker") person = new CommWorker(name); person->input(); person->show(); cout << " Annual Salary is " << person->pay() << "." << endl; } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Person { public: string name; virtual void input()=0; Person(string _name):name(_name){} virtual void show()=0; virtual int pay()=0; }; class Manager:public Person { int m; public: Manager(string _s):Person(_s){} void input() { cin >> m; } void show() { cout << name ; cout << " (Manager)"; //cout << m << endl; } int pay() { return m*1000; } }; class Employee:public Person { int m,s; public: Employee(string _s):Person(_s){} void input() { cin >> m >> s; } void show() { cout << name ; cout << " (Employee)"; //cout << 12*m+s*m << endl; } int pay() { return (12+s)*m*1000; } }; class HourlyWorker:public Person { int m,h; public: HourlyWorker(string _s):Person(_s){} void input() { cin >> m >> h; } void show() { cout << name ; cout << " (HourlyWorker)"; } int pay() { return m*h; } }; class CommWorker:public Person { int m,h; public: CommWorker(string _s):Person(_s){} void input() { cin >> m>> h; } void show() { cout << name ; cout << " (CommWorker)"; //cout << m*2+0.2*h << endl; } int pay() { return (m*12+0.02*h)*1000; } };
过往不恋 未来不迎 当下不负