1 设计思路
A)本地服务 = OSGi.NET插件框架 + 服务契约插件 + 服务实现插件 + 服务调用插件;服务实现和服务调用在同一个OSGi.NET插件框架内,在同一个进程。
B)远程服务实现 = OSGi.NET插件框架 + 服务契约插件 + 服务实现插件 + 远程服务宿主插件,远程服务调用 = OSGi.NET插件框架 + 服务契约插件 + 远程服务客户端插件;服务实现和服务调用可以在不同的OSGi.NET插件框架,在不同进程内。
C)负载均衡器 = OSGi.NET插件框架 + 远程服务负载均衡插件,负载均衡远程服务实现 = OSGi.NET插件框架 + 服务契约插件 + 服务实现插件 + 远程服务宿主插件 + 负载均衡客户端插件,远程服务调用 = OSGi.NET插件框架 + 服务契约插件 + 远程服务客户端插件; 负载均衡器、远程服务、服务调用均可以在不同OSGi.NET插件框架和不同进程,远程服务可以在多台机器中,注册到负载均衡器。
2 设计目标
2.1 远程服务示例
2.1.1 远程服务注册及实现
2.1.2 远程服务调用
1 使用远程服务客户端插件的IRemoteServiceProxyService来获取远程服务;
2 直接调用远程服务的方法。
2.2 负载均衡远程服务示例
2.2.1 负载均衡器
2.2.2 负载均衡远程服务
2.2.3 负载均衡远程服务调用
3 设计实现
3.1 远程服务的实现
3.1.1 远程服务宿主插件实现
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Threading; 6 using System.Reflection; 7 using System.Threading.Tasks; 8 using fastJSON; 9 using Fasterflect; 10 using UIShell.OSGi.Utility; 11 12 namespace UIShell.RemoteServiceHostPlugin 13 { 14 public class RemoteServiceInvoker : IRemoteServiceInvoker 15 { 16 public static ReaderWriterLock Locker = new ReaderWriterLock(); 17 public static Dictionary<string, System.Tuple<MethodInfo, Type[], MethodInvoker>> InvokerCache = new Dictionary<string, System.Tuple<MethodInfo, Type[], MethodInvoker>> (); 18 19 public string InvokeService(RemoteServiceInvocation invocation) 20 { 21 AssertUtility.NotNull(invocation); 22 AssertUtility.ArgumentHasText(invocation.ContractName, "service contract name"); 23 AssertUtility.ArgumentHasText(invocation.MethodName, "service method name"); 24 25 var service = Activator.Context.GetFirstOrDefaultService(invocation.ContractName); 26 string msg = string.Empty; 27 if(service == null) 28 { 29 msg = string.Format ("Remote Service '{0}' not found.", invocation.ContractName); 30 FileLogUtility.Warn (msg); 31 throw new Exception(msg); 32 } 33 34 System.Tuple<MethodInfo, Type[], MethodInvoker> invokerTuple; 35 using (var locker = ReaderWriterLockHelper.CreateReaderLock (Locker)) 36 { 37 InvokerCache.TryGetValue (invocation.Key, out invokerTuple); 38 } 39 40 if (invokerTuple == null) 41 { 42 Type serviceType = service.GetType (); 43 44 var serviceMethodInfo = serviceType.GetMethod (invocation.MethodName); 45 if (serviceMethodInfo == null) 46 { 47 msg = string.Format ("The method '{1}' of the remote service '{0}' not found.", invocation.ContractName, invocation.MethodName); 48 FileLogUtility.Warn (msg); 49 throw new Exception (msg); 50 } 51 52 if (invocation.JsonSerializedParameters == null) { 53 invocation.JsonSerializedParameters = new List<string> (); 54 } 55 56 var parameterInfos = serviceMethodInfo.GetParameters (); 57 if (invocation.JsonSerializedParameters.Count != parameterInfos.Length) 58 { 59 msg = string.Format ("The parameters count is not match with the method '{0}' of service '{1}'. The expected count is {2}, the actual count is {3}.", invocation.MethodName, invocation.ContractName, parameterInfos.Length, invocation.JsonSerializedParameters.Count); 60 FileLogUtility.Warn (msg); 61 throw new Exception (msg); 62 } 63 64 var parameterTypes = new Type[parameterInfos.Length]; 65 for (int i = 0; i < parameterInfos.Length; i++) 66 { 67 parameterTypes [i] = parameterInfos [i].ParameterType; 68 } 69 70 try 71 { 72 var methodInvoker = serviceType.DelegateForCallMethod (invocation.MethodName, parameterTypes); 73 74 invokerTuple = new System.Tuple<MethodInfo, Type[], MethodInvoker> (serviceMethodInfo, parameterTypes, methodInvoker); 75 76 using (var locker = ReaderWriterLockHelper.CreateWriterLock (Locker)) 77 { 78 if (!InvokerCache.ContainsKey (invocation.Key)) 79 { 80 InvokerCache [invocation.Key] = invokerTuple; 81 } 82 } 83 } 84 catch(Exception ex) 85 { 86 msg = string.Format ("Failed to create delegate method for the method '{0}' of service '{1}'.", invocation.MethodName, invocation.ContractName); 87 FileLogUtility.Warn (msg); 88 FileLogUtility.Warn (ex); 89 throw new Exception (msg, ex); 90 } 91 } 92 93 var paramters = new object[invokerTuple.Item2.Length]; 94 95 for(int i = 0; i < invokerTuple.Item2.Length; i++) 96 { 97 try 98 { 99 paramters[i] = JSON.ToObject(invocation.JsonSerializedParameters[i], invokerTuple.Item2[i]); 100 } 101 catch(Exception ex) 102 { 103 msg = string.Format ("Failed to unserialize the '{0}'th parameter for the method '{1}' of service '{2}'.", i + 1, invocation.MethodName, invocation.ContractName); 104 FileLogUtility.Warn (msg); 105 FileLogUtility.Warn (ex); 106 throw new Exception (msg, ex); 107 } 108 } 109 110 try 111 { 112 return JSON.ToJSON(invokerTuple.Item3(service, paramters)); 113 } 114 catch(Exception ex) 115 { 116 msg = string.Format("Failed to invoke the method '{0}' of service '{1}'.", invocation.MethodName, invocation.ContractName); 117 FileLogUtility.Warn (msg); 118 FileLogUtility.Warn (ex); 119 throw new Exception (msg, ex); 120 } 121 } 122 } 123 }
3.1.2 远程服务客户端插件的实现
1 class RemoteServiceProxyInterceptor : IInterceptor, IDisposable 2 { 3 private RemoteServiceContext _remoteServiceContext; 4 private RemoteServiceClient _remoteServiceClient; 5 public RemoteServiceProxyInterceptor(RemoteServiceContext context) 6 { 7 _remoteServiceContext = context; 8 _remoteServiceClient = new RemoteServiceClient(_remoteServiceContext.IPAddress, _remoteServiceContext.Port); 9 _remoteServiceClient.Start(); 10 } 11 public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) 12 { 13 try 14 { 15 var jsonParameters = new List<string>(); 16 foreach (var param in invocation.Arguments) 17 { 18 jsonParameters.Add(JSON.ToJSON(param)); 19 } 20 21 var resultJson = _remoteServiceClient.Invoke(invocation.Method.DeclaringType.FullName, invocation.Method.Name, jsonParameters); 22 23 if (!invocation.Method.ReturnType.FullName.Equals("System.Void")) 24 { 25 invocation.ReturnValue = JSON.ToObject(resultJson, invocation.Method.ReturnType); 26 } 27 else 28 { 29 invocation.ReturnValue = null; 30 } 31 } 32 catch(Exception ex) 33 { 34 FileLogUtility.Error (string.Format("Failed to invoke the remote service 'Remote Service: {0}, Method: {1}.'", 35 invocation.Method.DeclaringType.FullName, invocation.Method.Name)); 36 throw; 37 } 38 } 39 40 public void Dispose() 41 { 42 if (_remoteServiceClient != null) 43 { 44 _remoteServiceClient.Stop(); 45 _remoteServiceClient = null; 46 } 47 } 48 }
3.2 负载均衡远程服务的实现
3.2.1 负载均衡器实现
3.2.2 负载均衡客户端的实现
3.2.3 负载均衡远程服务调用
1 class RemoteServiceLoadBalancerProxyInterceptor : IInterceptor, IDisposable 2 { 3 private string LoadBalancerHost 4 { 5 get 6 { 7 return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LoadBalancerHost"]; 8 } 9 } 10 11 private string LoadBalancerPort 12 { 13 get 14 { 15 return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LoadBalancerPort"]; 16 } 17 } 18 19 private LoadBalancerContext _remoteServiceLoadBalancerContext; 20 private RemoteServiceClient _remoteServiceClient; 21 private RemoteServiceLoadBalancerAccessClient _remoteServiceLoadBalancerAccessClient; 22 private bool _initialized; 23 24 public RemoteServiceLoadBalancerProxyInterceptor(LoadBalancerContext context) 25 { 26 _remoteServiceLoadBalancerContext = context; 27 28 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoadBalancerHost)) 29 { 30 throw new Exception("You need to specified the load balancer host (HostName or IP Address) by app setting 'LoadBalancerHost'."); 31 } 32 33 int loadBalancerPortInt; 34 if (!int.TryParse(LoadBalancerPort, out loadBalancerPortInt)) 35 { 36 throw new Exception("You need to specified the load balancer port by app setting 'LoadBalancerPort'."); 37 } 38 39 try 40 { 41 _remoteServiceLoadBalancerAccessClient = new RemoteServiceLoadBalancerAccessClient (LoadBalancerHost, loadBalancerPortInt); 42 _remoteServiceLoadBalancerAccessClient.Start (); 43 } 44 catch(Exception ex) 45 { 46 FileLogUtility.Error (string.Format("Faild to connect to load balancer '{0}'.", _remoteServiceLoadBalancerContext)); 47 FileLogUtility.Error (ex); 48 throw; 49 } 50 } 51 52 private bool Initialize(string serviceContractName) 53 { 54 if(_remoteServiceClient != null) 55 { 56 _remoteServiceClient.Stop(); 57 } 58 59 RemoteServiceHost remoteHost = null; 60 try 61 { 62 remoteHost = _remoteServiceLoadBalancerAccessClient.Balance(serviceContractName); 63 FileLogUtility.Inform(string.Format("Get the remote service host '{0}' by load balancer '{1}'.", remoteHost, _remoteServiceLoadBalancerContext)); 64 } 65 catch(Exception ex) 66 { 67 FileLogUtility.Error (string.Format("Faild to get a remote service host by load balancer '{0}'.", _remoteServiceLoadBalancerContext)); 68 FileLogUtility.Error (ex); 69 return false; 70 } 71 if (remoteHost != null) 72 { 73 _remoteServiceClient = new RemoteServiceClient (remoteHost.IPAddress, remoteHost.Port); 74 try 75 { 76 _remoteServiceClient.Start (); 77 return true; 78 } 79 catch(Exception ex) 80 { 81 FileLogUtility.Error (string.Format("Failed to connect to the remote service host '{0}' by using load balancer '{1}'.", remoteHost, _remoteServiceLoadBalancerContext)); 82 } 83 } 84 85 return false; 86 } 87 88 public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) 89 { 90 var serviceContractName = invocation.Method.DeclaringType.FullName; 91 if (!_initialized) 92 { 93 _initialized = Initialize (serviceContractName); 94 if (!_initialized) 95 { 96 invocation.ReturnValue = null; 97 return; 98 } 99 } 100 101 var jsonParameters = new List<string>(); 102 foreach (var param in invocation.Arguments) 103 { 104 jsonParameters.Add(JSON.ToJSON(param)); 105 } 106 107 int tryTimes = 1; 108 109 for (int i = 0; i < tryTimes; i ++ ) 110 { 111 try 112 { 113 var resultJson = _remoteServiceClient.Invoke(serviceContractName, invocation.Method.Name, jsonParameters); 114 115 if (!invocation.Method.ReturnType.FullName.Equals("System.Void")) 116 { 117 invocation.ReturnValue = JSON.ToObject(resultJson, invocation.Method.ReturnType); 118 } 119 else 120 { 121 invocation.ReturnValue = null; 122 } 123 return; 124 } 125 catch(Exception ex) 126 { 127 FileLogUtility.Error (string.Format("Failed to invoke the remote service 'Remote Service: {0}, Method: {1}.'", 128 serviceContractName, invocation.Method.Name)); 129 FileLogUtility.Error (ex); 130 if (i == tryTimes) 131 { 132 throw; 133 } 134 if (!((_initialized = Initialize (serviceContractName)) == true)) // 重新Balance 135 { 136 throw; 137 } 138 } 139 } 140 } 141 142 public void Dispose() 143 { 144 if (_remoteServiceClient != null) 145 { 146 _remoteServiceClient.Stop(); 147 _remoteServiceClient = null; 148 } 149 } 150 }
4 小结
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