
TED:Technology, Entertainment, Design # 技术、娱乐、设计
- ANYONE Can Learn a Second Language in 6 MONTHS
- The history of Human Progress is all about Expanding Limits

- 5 Principles & 7 Actions
- The 2 Things that Really Don't Matter
    - Talent
    - Immersion per se
5 Principles of Rapid Language Acquisition

- Meaning/Relevance/Attention/Memory

- principle #1:

    Focus on language content that is relevant to you
    # 注意那些与你息息相关的语言内容上

- principle #2:

    Use your New Language as a Tool to communicate...From Day 1
    # 从第一天开始,用你的语言作为一种工具来沟通

- principle #3:

    When you first UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE you will unconsciously ACQUIRE the Language!!
    # 当你已经理解沟通的信息含义,接下来你讲不知不觉下意识的获得该语言

- principle #4:

    Language learning is NOT ABOUT KNOWLEGE... BUT Physiological Trainning
    # 语言本事不仅仅是获得大量的知识,在很多方面,更多的是生理的训练
    # Talking takes muscle...
- principle #5:

    Psycho-physiological STATE Matters!
    # 心理生理的状态  
    # You Must Learn to Tolerate Ambiguity

7 Actions for Rapid Language Acquisttion

- Action #1

    Listion A LOT!
    # 多听

- Action #2

    Focus on getting the meaning FIRST (before the word)
    # 在获取单词之前先获取它的意思
    # Use Patterns You Already Know Vietnamese
- Action #3

    Start Mixing!
    # 开始混合
    # ger cteative start mixing!

- Action #4

    Focus on the Core
    - Week 1 - The Tool Box
    # What is this?
    # How do you say?
    # I don't understand..
    All in the TARGET LANGUAGE
    - Weeks 2-3
    Pronouns,Common Verbs,Adjectives
    - Weak 4 - Glue Words
    # 胶水词

- Action #5
    Get a Language Parent
    # 找个语言家长,对你感兴趣的一个人,可以跟你沟通
    Language Parent 'Rules"
    # Works to understand what you are saying
    # Dose not correct mistakes
    # Confirms understanding by using correct language
    # Uses Words the learner knows
- Action #6

    Copy the Face

- Action #7

    "Direct Connect" to Mental Images
    # “直接联系”
    # Same Box-Different Path
    # 同一个盒子,不同的路(殊途同归)

posted @ 2019-10-28 18:07  badweather  阅读(593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报