【English 】20190319

 BOKO鼻子['boʊkoʊ] pores毛孔['pɔ:z] cute漂亮可爱[kjut]

DEKO-BOKO pores don't make a girl cute!

ideal最理想的[aɪˈdiəl, aɪˈdil]  skin [皮肤skɪn]

The ideal is to have skin like egg whites! Let's start washing from today!

baking烘焙[ˈbekɪŋ]  soda苏打[ˈsoʊdə]  face foam泡沫[foʊm]

baking soda face foam

 binary string value二进制字符[ˈbaɪnəri]   sequence of characters  字符序列[ˈsi:kwəns]['kærɪktɚz]  encoded编码的 [ɪn'kɒdɪd]

the binary string value, that is, the sequence of characters to be encoded

decimal representation十进制 [ˌrɛprɪzɛnˈteʃən] 

ASCII returns the decimal representation in the character set of the input argument. 

A numeric argument数字参数 [nu:'merɪk] [ˈɑ:rgjumənt] 


posted @ 2019-03-19 07:28  李子恒  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报