FedEx Package Rate Integration with NetSuite direct integrate by WebServices


Reality: UPS only support WebServices integration(or window platform exe application: FedEx Ship Manager® Lite), friendly for JAVA, PHP or C#.

We need to calling UPS SOAP services in NetSuite directly, so there is JSON -> XML for input expected XML parameters and parse API return result XML -> JSON action. 

Different from UPS, There is high request for xml's element order/sequence for FedEx API.

This's a re-usable framework for intergration with WebServices platform/application.

Registration for the Developer Keys

We will need registration on webside got

Developer Test Key:   PFPtfQE9ME1N****
Required for FedEx Web Services for Intra Country Shipping in US and Global 

and the Email Box:

Title: Your Developer Test Key Registration is complete

Test Account Information
Test URL:
Test Password: H6F4kyFrYIQxALXOTbH53**** 

FedEx Web Services Testing Information:
 	FedEx Shipping Account Number: **0088000 
 	FedEx Meter Number: ***2012**


On NetSuite Side we are targeting to achieve xml files like the sample:

Example 1:Rate Request

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-
ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">

      <StreetLines>SN2000 Test Meter 8</StreetLines>
      <StreetLines>10 Fedex Parkway</StreetLines>
      <PersonName>Recipient Contact</PersonName>
      <StreetLines>Recipient Address Line 1</StreetLines>
      <StreetLines>Recipient Address Line 2</StreetLines>

And all above xml element is dynamically transfered from NetSuite Sales Order data(and also data from location, currency, custom record types, settings), We got those data(in expected order), using the Google Project's X2JS to convert from JSON to XML.


Next resolve the across domain ajax call by using NetSuite 2.0 API

var response ={
            url: '',
            body: new X2JS().json2xml_str(PostDataObj),
            headers: {
                "Accept": "image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, text/plain, text/html, */*",
                "Content-Type": "text/xml",
                "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": '*',

Need to thanks this thread for useful notes:  


FedEx Webservices Errors 

  • Response Code 400 or 500
    • Accross domain Error
    • Schema Error 
  • <cause>UnrecoverableClientError</cause>
    <desc>validation failure for RateRequest Error:cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element

    • Check the XML object sent to FedEx, the order of the element MUST match to the WDSL schema
    • Check the XML object elements if there is addtional property
  • FedEx 404 Unrecoverable ClientError
    • Double check the target server url address
    • test url:
    • production url:


Share tools used between XML and JSON

  • Testing/xmlTOjson/jsonTOxml:
  • Source Code:
    • Useful Javascript framework for convention between XML and JSON
  • Format XML:
  • Format JSON:
  • XML compare/diff
    • Be careful, the result of the xml diff is not in element order, the diff not acurate for FedEx test
  • Comparing XML files:
  • POSTMAN simulate and compare the input and output
    • Powerful and Easy to use
  • XML Formatter
    • Make XML clean and clear
  • JSON Reviewer/Formatter 
    • Clean and clear
  • JSON to XML


Estimate Rate

  • UPS
  • FedEx


Integrate with existing UPS integration

While end-use switching shipping carries, we need to clean up the backend package list data and rebuild for current shipping carrier, since UPS and FedEx are using DIFFERENT formating and propertys.


posted @ 2021-03-11 21:29  CarlZeng  阅读(330)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报