NetSuite SearchFilter Transaction Internal Status List SS 2.0
2023年4月 版本
SELECT * from TransactionStatus
1 | Expense Report : In Progress | In Progress | A | ExpRept |
2 | Expense Report : Pending Supervisor Approval | Pending Supervisor Approval | B | ExpRept |
3 | Expense Report : Pending Accounting Approval | Pending Accounting Approval | C | ExpRept |
4 | Expense Report : Rejected by Supervisor | Rejected by Supervisor | D | ExpRept |
5 | Expense Report : Rejected by Accounting | Rejected by Accounting | E | ExpRept |
6 | Expense Report : Approved by Accounting | Approved by Accounting | F | ExpRept |
7 | Expense Report : Approved (Overridden) by Accounting | Approved (Overridden) by Accounting | G | ExpRept |
8 | Expense Report : Rejected (Overridden) by Accounting | Rejected (Overridden) by Accounting | H | ExpRept |
9 | Expense Report : Paid In Full | Paid In Full | I | ExpRept |
10 | Expense Report : Undefined | Undefined | Y | ExpRept |
11 | Expense Report : Payment In Transit | Payment In Transit | J | ExpRept |
12 | Expense Report : Voided | Voided | V | ExpRept |
13 | Sales Order : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | SalesOrd |
14 | Sales Order : Pending Fulfillment | Pending Fulfillment | B | SalesOrd |
15 | Sales Order : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | SalesOrd |
16 | Sales Order : Partially Fulfilled | Partially Fulfilled | D | SalesOrd |
17 | Sales Order : Pending Billing/Partially Fulfilled | Pending Billing/Partially Fulfilled | E | SalesOrd |
18 | Sales Order : Pending Billing | Pending Billing | F | SalesOrd |
19 | Sales Order : Billed | Billed | G | SalesOrd |
20 | Sales Order : Closed | Closed | H | SalesOrd |
21 | Sales Order : Undefined | Undefined | Y | SalesOrd |
22 | Work Order : Planned | Planned | A | WorkOrd |
23 | Work Order : Released | Released | B | WorkOrd |
24 | Work Order : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | WorkOrd |
25 | Work Order : In Process | In Process | D | WorkOrd |
26 | Work Order : Built | Built | G | WorkOrd |
27 | Work Order : Closed | Closed | H | WorkOrd |
28 | Work Order : Undefined | Undefined | Y | WorkOrd |
29 | Transfer Order : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | TrnfrOrd |
30 | Transfer Order : Pending Fulfillment | Pending Fulfillment | B | TrnfrOrd |
31 | Transfer Order : Rejected | Rejected | C | TrnfrOrd |
32 | Transfer Order : Partially Fulfilled | Partially Fulfilled | D | TrnfrOrd |
33 | Transfer Order : Pending Receipt/Partially Fulfilled | Pending Receipt/Partially Fulfilled | E | TrnfrOrd |
34 | Transfer Order : Pending Receipt | Pending Receipt | F | TrnfrOrd |
35 | Transfer Order : Received | Received | G | TrnfrOrd |
36 | Transfer Order : Closed | Closed | H | TrnfrOrd |
37 | Transfer Order : Undefined | Undefined | Y | TrnfrOrd |
38 | Return Authorization : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | RtnAuth |
39 | Return Authorization : Pending Receipt | Pending Receipt | B | RtnAuth |
40 | Return Authorization : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | RtnAuth |
41 | Return Authorization : Partially Received | Partially Received | D | RtnAuth |
42 | Return Authorization : Pending Refund/Partially Received | Pending Refund/Partially Received | E | RtnAuth |
43 | Return Authorization : Pending Refund | Pending Refund | F | RtnAuth |
44 | Return Authorization : Refunded | Refunded | G | RtnAuth |
45 | Return Authorization : Closed | Closed | H | RtnAuth |
46 | Return Authorization : Undefined | Undefined | Y | RtnAuth |
47 | Vendor Return Authorization : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | VendAuth |
48 | Vendor Return Authorization : Pending Return | Pending Return | B | VendAuth |
49 | Vendor Return Authorization : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | VendAuth |
50 | Vendor Return Authorization : Partially Returned | Partially Returned | D | VendAuth |
51 | Vendor Return Authorization : Pending Credit/Partially Returned | Pending Credit/Partially Returned | E | VendAuth |
52 | Vendor Return Authorization : Pending Credit | Pending Credit | F | VendAuth |
53 | Vendor Return Authorization : Credited | Credited | G | VendAuth |
54 | Vendor Return Authorization : Closed | Closed | H | VendAuth |
55 | Vendor Return Authorization : Undefined | Undefined | Y | VendAuth |
56 | Purchase Order : Pending Supervisor Approval | Pending Supervisor Approval | A | PurchOrd |
57 | Purchase Order : Pending Receipt | Pending Receipt | B | PurchOrd |
58 | Purchase Order : Rejected by Supervisor | Rejected by Supervisor | C | PurchOrd |
59 | Purchase Order : Partially Received | Partially Received | D | PurchOrd |
60 | Purchase Order : Pending Billing/Partially Received | Pending Billing/Partially Received | E | PurchOrd |
61 | Purchase Order : Pending Bill | Pending Bill | F | PurchOrd |
62 | Purchase Order : Fully Billed | Fully Billed | G | PurchOrd |
63 | Purchase Order : Closed | Closed | H | PurchOrd |
64 | Purchase Order : Undefined | Undefined | Y | PurchOrd |
65 | Check : Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Z | Check |
66 | Check : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Check |
67 | Check : Voided | Voided | V | Check |
68 | Bill Payment : Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Z | VendPymt |
69 | Sales Tax Payment : Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Z | TaxPymt |
70 | Journal : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | Journal |
71 | Journal : Approved for Posting | Approved for Posting | B | Journal |
72 | Journal : Rejected | Rejected | R | Journal |
73 | Journal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Journal |
74 | Transfer : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Transfer |
75 | Deposit : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Deposit |
76 | Cash Sale : Unapproved Payment | Unapproved Payment | A | CashSale |
77 | Cash Sale : Not Deposited | Not Deposited | B | CashSale |
78 | Cash Sale : Deposited | Deposited | C | CashSale |
79 | Cash Sale : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CashSale |
80 | Payment : Unapproved Payment | Unapproved Payment | A | CustPymt |
81 | Payment : Not Deposited | Not Deposited | B | CustPymt |
82 | Payment : Deposited | Deposited | C | CustPymt |
83 | Payment : Cancelled | Cancelled | R | CustPymt |
84 | Payment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CustPymt |
85 | Quote : Open | Open | A | Estimate |
86 | Quote : Processed | Processed | B | Estimate |
87 | Quote : Closed | Closed | C | Estimate |
88 | Quote : Voided | Voided | V | Estimate |
89 | Quote : Expired | Expired | X | Estimate |
90 | Quote : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Estimate |
91 | Invoice : Open | Open | A | CustInvc |
92 | Invoice : Paid In Full | Paid In Full | B | CustInvc |
93 | Invoice : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CustInvc |
94 | Invoice : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | D | CustInvc |
95 | Invoice : Rejected | Rejected | E | CustInvc |
96 | Statement Charge : Open | Open | A | CustChrg |
97 | Statement Charge : Paid In Full | Paid In Full | B | CustChrg |
98 | Statement Charge : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CustChrg |
99 | Bill : Open | Open | A | VendBill |
100 | Bill : Paid In Full | Paid In Full | B | VendBill |
101 | Bill : Undefined | Undefined | Y | VendBill |
102 | Bill : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | VendBill |
103 | Bill : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | D | VendBill |
104 | Bill : Rejected | Rejected | E | VendBill |
105 | Bill : Payment In-Transit | Payment In-Transit | F | VendBill |
106 | Credit Memo : Open | Open | A | CustCred |
107 | Credit Memo : Fully Applied | Fully Applied | B | CustCred |
108 | Credit Memo : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CustCred |
109 | Inventory Adjustment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InvAdjst |
110 | Inventory Worksheet : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InvWksht |
111 | Bin Putaway Worksheet : Undefined | Undefined | Y | BinWksht |
112 | Bin Transfer : Undefined | Undefined | Y | BinTrnfr |
113 | Inventory Transfer : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InvTrnfr |
114 | Inventory Distribution : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InvDistr |
115 | Item Receipt : Undefined | Undefined | Y | ItemRcpt |
116 | Inventory Status Change : Undefined | Undefined | Y | StatChng |
117 | Bill Credit : Undefined | Undefined | Y | VendCred |
118 | Credit Card : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CardChrg |
119 | CCard Refund : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CardRfnd |
120 | Paycheck : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Paycheck |
121 | YTD Adjustment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | YtdAdjst |
122 | Liability Adjustment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | LiaAdjst |
123 | Cash Refund : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CashRfnd |
124 | Deposit Application : Undefined | Undefined | Y | DepAppl |
125 | Customer Deposit : Not Deposited | Not Deposited | A | CustDep |
126 | Customer Deposit : Cancelled | Cancelled | R | CustDep |
127 | Customer Deposit : Deposited | Deposited | B | CustDep |
128 | Customer Deposit : Fully Applied | Fully Applied | C | CustDep |
129 | Customer Deposit : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CustDep |
130 | Customer Refund : Undefined | Undefined | Y | CustRfnd |
131 | Customer Refund : Cancelled | Cancelled | R | CustRfnd |
132 | Customer Refund : Voided | Voided | V | CustRfnd |
133 | Bill Payment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | VendPymt |
134 | Bill Payment : Voided | Voided | V | VendPymt |
135 | Bill Payment : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | VendPymt |
136 | Bill Payment : In-Transit | In-Transit | B | VendPymt |
137 | Bill Payment : Confirmed | Confirmed | C | VendPymt |
138 | Bill Payment : Rejected | Rejected | D | VendPymt |
139 | Bill Payment : Declined | Declined | E | VendPymt |
140 | Bill Payment : Approved | Approved | F | VendPymt |
141 | Sales Tax Payment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | TaxPymt |
142 | Sales Tax Payment : Voided | Voided | V | TaxPymt |
143 | Payroll Liability Check : Undefined | Undefined | Y | LiabPymt |
144 | Payroll Liability Check : Voided | Voided | V | LiabPymt |
145 | Tax Liability Cheque : Undefined | Undefined | Y | TaxLiab |
146 | Tax Liability Cheque : Voided | Voided | V | TaxLiab |
147 | Item Fulfillment : Picked | Picked | A | ItemShip |
148 | Item Fulfillment : In Process | In Process | B | ItemShip |
149 | Item Fulfillment : Shipped | Shipped | C | ItemShip |
150 | Assembly Build : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Build |
151 | Assembly Unbuild : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Unbuild |
152 | Currency Revaluation : Undefined | Undefined | Y | FxReval |
153 | Opportunity : In Progress | In Progress | A | Opprtnty |
154 | Opportunity : Issued Quote | Issued Quote | B | Opprtnty |
155 | Opportunity : Closed - Won | Closed - Won | C | Opprtnty |
156 | Opportunity : Closed - Lost | Closed - Lost | D | Opprtnty |
157 | Commission : Pending Accounting Approval | Pending Accounting Approval | P | Commissn |
158 | Commission : Pending Payment | Pending Payment | A | Commissn |
159 | Commission : Paid in Full | Paid in Full | X | Commissn |
160 | Commission : Overpaid | Overpaid | O | Commissn |
161 | Commission : Rejected by Accounting | Rejected by Accounting | R | Commissn |
162 | Commission : Undefined | Undefined | Y | Commissn |
163 | Paycheck : Reversed | Reversed | R | Paycheck |
164 | Paycheck : Pending Tax Calculation | Pending Tax Calculation | C | Paycheck |
165 | Paycheck : Pending Commitment | Pending Commitment | D | Paycheck |
166 | Paycheck : Preview | Preview | P | Paycheck |
167 | Paycheck : Committed | Committed | F | Paycheck |
168 | Paycheck : Created | Created | A | Paycheck |
169 | Paycheck : Error | Error | X | Paycheck |
170 | Revenue Commitment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | RevComm |
171 | Revenue Commitment Reversal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | RevComRv |
172 | Tegata Receivables : Holding | Holding | H | TegRcvbl |
173 | Tegata Receivables : Collected | Collected | C | TegRcvbl |
174 | Tegata Receivables : Discounted | Discounted | D | TegRcvbl |
175 | Tegata Receivables : Endorsed | Endorsed | E | TegRcvbl |
176 | Tegata Payable : Issued | Issued | I | TegPybl |
177 | Tegata Payable : Endorsed | Endorsed | E | TegPybl |
178 | Tegata Payable : Paid | Paid | P | TegPybl |
179 | Inventory Cost Revaluation : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InvReval |
180 | Work Order Issue : Undefined | Undefined | Y | WOIssue |
181 | Work Order Completion : Undefined | Undefined | Y | WOCompl |
182 | Work Order Close : Undefined | Undefined | Y | WOClose |
183 | Paycheck Journal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | PChkJrnl |
184 | Inventory Count : Open | Open | A | InvCount |
185 | Inventory Count : Started | Started | B | InvCount |
186 | Inventory Count : Completed/Pending Approval | Completed/Pending Approval | C | InvCount |
187 | Inventory Count : Approved | Approved | D | InvCount |
188 | Inventory Count : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InvCount |
189 | Revenue Contract : Undefined | Undefined | Y | RevContr |
190 | Requisition : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | PurchReq |
191 | Requisition : Pending Order | Pending Order | B | PurchReq |
192 | Requisition : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | PurchReq |
193 | Requisition : Partially Ordered | Partially Ordered | D | PurchReq |
194 | Requisition : Fully Ordered | Fully Ordered | E | PurchReq |
195 | Requisition : Partially Received | Partially Received | F | PurchReq |
196 | Requisition : Fully Received | Fully Received | G | PurchReq |
197 | Requisition : Closed | Closed | H | PurchReq |
198 | Requisition : Rejected | Rejected | R | PurchReq |
199 | Purchase Contract : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | PurchCon |
200 | Purchase Contract : Approved | Approved | B | PurchCon |
201 | Purchase Contract : Closed | Closed | H | PurchCon |
202 | Purchase Contract : Rejected | Rejected | R | PurchCon |
203 | Blanket Purchase Order : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | BlankOrd |
204 | Blanket Purchase Order : Approved | Approved | B | BlankOrd |
205 | Blanket Purchase Order : Closed | Closed | H | BlankOrd |
206 | Blanket Purchase Order : Rejected | Rejected | R | BlankOrd |
207 | Request For Quote : Pending Bid Open | Pending Bid Open | A | Rfq |
208 | Request For Quote : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | Rfq |
209 | Request For Quote : Bid Open | Bid Open | D | Rfq |
210 | Request For Quote : Bid Closed | Bid Closed | E | Rfq |
211 | Request For Quote : Partially Awarded | Partially Awarded | F | Rfq |
212 | Request For Quote : Fully Awarded | Fully Awarded | G | Rfq |
213 | Request For Quote : Closed | Closed | H | Rfq |
214 | Request For Quote : Pending | Pending | B | Rfq |
215 | Vendor Request For Quote : Pending Bid Open | Pending Bid Open | A | VendRfq |
216 | Vendor Request For Quote : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | VendRfq |
217 | Vendor Request For Quote : Bid Open | Bid Open | D | VendRfq |
218 | Vendor Request For Quote : Bid Closed | Bid Closed | E | VendRfq |
219 | Vendor Request For Quote : Partially Awarded | Partially Awarded | F | VendRfq |
220 | Vendor Request For Quote : Fully Awarded | Fully Awarded | G | VendRfq |
221 | Vendor Request For Quote : Closed | Closed | H | VendRfq |
222 | Vendor Request For Quote : Pending | Pending | B | VendRfq |
223 | Tegata Receivables : Voided | Voided | V | TegRcvbl |
224 | Store Pickup Fulfillment : Picked | Picked | A | StPickUp |
225 | Store Pickup Fulfillment : Picked Up | Picked Up | B | StPickUp |
226 | Store Pickup Fulfillment : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | StPickUp |
227 | Revenue Arrangement : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | RevArrng |
228 | Revenue Arrangement : Approved | Approved | B | RevArrng |
229 | Revenue Arrangement : Closed | Closed | H | RevArrng |
230 | Revenue Arrangement : Rejected | Rejected | R | RevArrng |
231 | Revenue Arrangement : Undefined | Undefined | Y | RevArrng |
232 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status A | Status A | A | DeprCust |
233 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status B | Status B | B | DeprCust |
234 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status C | Status C | C | DeprCust |
235 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status D | Status D | D | DeprCust |
236 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status E | Status E | E | DeprCust |
237 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status F | Status F | F | DeprCust |
238 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status G | Status G | G | DeprCust |
239 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status H | Status H | H | DeprCust |
240 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status I | Status I | I | DeprCust |
241 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status J | Status J | J | DeprCust |
242 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status K | Status K | K | DeprCust |
243 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status L | Status L | L | DeprCust |
244 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status M | Status M | M | DeprCust |
245 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status N | Status N | N | DeprCust |
246 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status O | Status O | O | DeprCust |
247 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status P | Status P | P | DeprCust |
248 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status Q | Status Q | Q | DeprCust |
249 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status R | Status R | R | DeprCust |
250 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status S | Status S | S | DeprCust |
251 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status T | Status T | T | DeprCust |
252 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status U | Status U | U | DeprCust |
253 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Voided | Voided | V | DeprCust |
254 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status W | Status W | W | DeprCust |
255 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status X | Status X | X | DeprCust |
256 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Undefined | Undefined | Y | DeprCust |
257 | Deprecated Custom Transaction : Status Z | Status Z | Z | DeprCust |
258 | Fulfillment Request : New | New | A | FftReq |
259 | Fulfillment Request : In Progress | In Progress | B | FftReq |
260 | Fulfillment Request : Cancelled | Cancelled | C | FftReq |
261 | Fulfillment Request : Picked | Picked | D | FftReq |
262 | Fulfillment Request : In Process | In Process | I | FftReq |
263 | Fulfillment Request : Partially Fulfilled | Partially Fulfilled | E | FftReq |
264 | Fulfillment Request : Fulfilled | Fulfilled | F | FftReq |
265 | Fulfillment Request : Fulfilled With Exceptions | Fulfilled With Exceptions | G | FftReq |
266 | Fulfillment Request : Rejected | Rejected | R | FftReq |
267 | Customer Payment Authorization : Pending Processing | Pending Processing | A | CustAuth |
268 | Customer Payment Authorization : Pending Authorization Confirmation | Pending Authorization Confirmation | B | CustAuth |
269 | Customer Payment Authorization : Declined | Declined | C | CustAuth |
270 | Customer Payment Authorization : Potential Fraud | Potential Fraud | D | CustAuth |
271 | Customer Payment Authorization : Authorized | Authorized | E | CustAuth |
272 | Customer Payment Authorization : Aged | Aged | F | CustAuth |
273 | Customer Payment Authorization : Partially Captured | Partially Captured | G | CustAuth |
274 | Customer Payment Authorization : Pending Capture Confirmation | Pending Capture Confirmation | H | CustAuth |
275 | Customer Payment Authorization : Pending Void Confirmation | Pending Void Confirmation | I | CustAuth |
276 | Customer Payment Authorization : Invalid | Invalid | J | CustAuth |
277 | Customer Payment Authorization : Captured | Captured | K | CustAuth |
278 | Customer Payment Authorization : Voided | Voided | L | CustAuth |
279 | Customer Payment Authorization : Expired | Expired | M | CustAuth |
280 | Customer Payment Authorization : Rejected | Rejected | N | CustAuth |
281 | Invoice : Voided | Voided | V | CustInvc |
282 | Credit Memo : Voided | Voided | V | CustCred |
283 | GL Impact Adjustment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | GLAdj |
284 | Cross Charge Journal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | XChgJrnl |
285 | Inbound Shipment : Undefined | Undefined | Y | InbShip |
286 | Ownership Transfer : Undefined | Undefined | Y | OwnTrnsf |
287 | Customer Deposit : Unapproved Payment | Unapproved Payment | D | CustDep |
288 | Period End Journal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | PEJrnl |
289 | Period End Journal : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | PEJrnl |
290 | Period End Journal : Approved for Posting | Approved for Posting | B | PEJrnl |
291 | Period End Journal : Rejected | Rejected | R | PEJrnl |
292 | System Journal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | SysJrnl |
293 | Netting Settlement : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | NettStlm |
294 | Netting Settlement : Approved | Approved | B | NettStlm |
295 | Balancing Journal : Undefined | Undefined | Y | BalJrnal |
296 | Balancing Journal : Approved for Posting Balance Transactions by Segments | Approved for Posting Balance Transactions by Segments | B | BalJrnal |
Wave : Pending Release | Pending Release | A | Wave | |
Wave : Released | Released | B | Wave | |
Wave : In Progress | In Progress | C | Wave | |
Wave : Complete | Complete | D | Wave | |
Vendor Prepayment : Paid | Paid | B | VPrep | |
Vendor Prepayment : Partially Applied | Partially Applied | E | VPrep | |
Vendor Prepayment : Fully Applied | Fully Applied | F | VPrep | |
Vendor Prepayment : Voided | Voided | V | VPrep | |
Vendor Prepayment : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | VPrep | |
Vendor Prepayment : Rejected | Rejected | R | VPrep | |
Vendor Prepayment Application : Undefined | Undefined | Y | VPrepApp | |
Purchase Order : Planned | Planned | P | PurchOrd | |
Order Reservation : Pending Approval | Pending Approval | A | OrdResv | |
Order Reservation : Approved | Approved | B | OrdResv | |
Order Reservation : Rejected | Rejected | C | OrdResv | |
Order Reservation : Closed | Closed | H | OrdResv |
Status | SearchFilter |
Cash Sale:Unapproved Payment | CashSale:A |
Cash Sale:Not Deposited | CashSale:B |
Cash Sale:Deposited | CashSale:C |
Check:Voided | Check:V |
Check:Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | Check:Z |
Commission:Pending Payment | Commissn:A |
Commission:Overpaid | Commissn:O |
Commission:Pending Accounting Approval | Commissn:P |
Commission:Rejected by Accounting | Commissn:R |
Commission:Paid in Full | Commissn:X |
Statement Charge:Open | CustChrg:A |
Statement Charge:Paid In Full | CustChrg:B |
Credit Memo:Open | CustCred:A |
Credit Memo:Fully Applied | CustCred:B |
Customer Deposit:Not Deposited | CustDep:A |
Customer Deposit:Deposited | CustDep:B |
Customer Deposit:Fully Applied | CustDep:C |
Invoice:Open | CustInvc:A |
Invoice:Paid In Full | CustInvc:B |
Payment:Unapproved Payment | CustPymt:A |
Payment:Not Deposited | CustPymt:B |
Payment:Deposited | CustPymt:C |
Customer Refund:Voided | CustRfnd:V |
Quote:Open | Estimate:A |
Quote:Processed | Estimate:B |
Quote:Closed | Estimate:C |
Quote:Voided | Estimate:V |
Quote:Expired | Estimate:X |
Expense Report:In Progress | ExpRept:A |
Expense Report:Pending Supervisor Approval | ExpRept:B |
Expense Report:Pending Accounting Approval | ExpRept:C |
Expense Report:Rejected by Supervisor | ExpRept:D |
Expense Report:Rejected by Accounting | ExpRept:E |
Expense Report:Approved by Accounting | ExpRept:F |
Expense Report:Approved (Overridden) by Accounting | ExpRept:G |
Expense Report:Rejected (Overridden) by Accounting | ExpRept:H |
Expense Report:Paid In Full | ExpRept:I |
Inventory Count:Open | InvCount:A |
Inventory Count:Started | InvCount:B |
Inventory Count:Completed/Pending Approval | InvCount:C |
Inventory Count:Approved | InvCount:D |
Item Fulfillment:Picked | ItemShip:A |
Item Fulfillment:Packed | ItemShip:B |
Item Fulfillment:Shipped | ItemShip:C |
Journal:Pending Approval | Journal:A |
Journal:Approved for Posting | Journal:B |
Payroll Liability Check:Voided | LiabPymt:V |
Opportunity:In Progress | Opprtnty:A |
Opportunity:Issued Estimate | Opprtnty:B |
Opportunity:Closed – Won | Opprtnty:C |
Opportunity:Closed – Lost | Opprtnty:D |
Paycheck:Undefined | Paycheck:A |
Paycheck:Pending Tax Calculation | Paycheck:C |
Paycheck:Pending Commitment | Paycheck:D |
Paycheck:Committed | Paycheck:F |
Paycheck:Preview | Paycheck:P |
Paycheck:Reversed | Paycheck:R |
Purchase Order:Pending Supervisor Approval | PurchOrd:A |
Purchase Order:Pending Receipt | PurchOrd:B |
Purchase Order:Rejected by Supervisor | PurchOrd:C |
Purchase Order:Partially Received | PurchOrd:D |
Purchase Order:Pending Billing/Partially Received | PurchOrd:E |
Purchase Order:Pending Bill | PurchOrd:F |
Purchase Order:Fully Billed | PurchOrd:G |
Purchase Order:Closed | PurchOrd:H |
Return Authorization:Pending Approval | RtnAuth:A |
Return Authorization:Pending Receipt | RtnAuth:B |
Return Authorization:Cancelled | RtnAuth:C |
Return Authorization:Partially Received | RtnAuth:D |
Return Authorization:Pending Refund/Partially Received | RtnAuth:E |
Return Authorization:Pending Refund | RtnAuth:F |
Return Authorization:Refunded | RtnAuth:G |
Return Authorization:Closed | RtnAuth:H |
Sales Order:Pending Approval | SalesOrd:A |
Sales Order:Pending Fulfillment | SalesOrd:B |
Sales Order:Cancelled | SalesOrd:C |
Sales Order:Partially Fulfilled | SalesOrd:D |
Sales Order:Pending Billing/Partially Fulfilled | SalesOrd:E |
Sales Order:Pending Billing | SalesOrd:F |
Sales Order:Billed | SalesOrd:G |
Sales Order:Closed | SalesOrd:H |
Tax Liability Cheque:Voided | TaxLiab:V |
Sales Tax Payment:Voided | TaxPymt:V |
Sales Tax Payment:Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | TaxPymt:Z |
Tegata Payable:Endorsed | TegPybl:E |
Tegata Payable:Issued | TegPybl:I |
Tegata Payable:Paid | TegPybl:P |
Tegata Receivables:Collected | TegRcvbl:C |
Tegata Receivables:Discounted | TegRcvbl:D |
Tegata Receivables:Endorsed | TegRcvbl:E |
Tegata Receivables:Holding | TegRcvbl:H |
Transfer Order:Pending Approval | TrnfrOrd:A |
Transfer Order:Pending Fulfillment | TrnfrOrd:B |
Transfer Order:Rejected | TrnfrOrd:C |
Transfer Order:Partially Fulfilled | TrnfrOrd:D |
Transfer Order:Pending Receipt/Partially Fulfilled | TrnfrOrd:E |
Transfer Order:Pending Receipt | TrnfrOrd:F |
Transfer Order:Received | TrnfrOrd:G |
Transfer Order:Closed | TrnfrOrd:H |
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Approval | VendAuth:A |
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Return | VendAuth:B |
Vendor Return Authorization:Cancelled | VendAuth:C |
Vendor Return Authorization:Partially Returned | VendAuth:D |
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Credit/Partially Returned | VendAuth:E |
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Credit | VendAuth:F |
Vendor Return Authorization:Credited | VendAuth:G |
Vendor Return Authorization:Closed | VendAuth:H |
Bill:Open | VendBill:A |
Bill:Paid In Full | VendBill:B |
Bill:Cancelled | VendBill:C |
Bill:Pending Approval | VendBill:D |
Bill:Rejected | VendBill:E |
Cash Payment:Voided | VendPymt:V |
Cash Payment:Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval | VendPymt:Z |
Work Order:Pending Build | WorkOrd:B |
Work Order:Cancelled | WorkOrd:C |
Work Order:In Process | WorkOrd:D |
Work Order:Built | WorkOrd:G |
Work Order:Closed | WorkOrd:H |
New status:
Credit Memo:Open | CustCred: V |
Invoice:Void | CustInvc:V |
in the UI, search criteria page:Checking way:
1. Select the status in UI
2. Run nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('filters', 'filtervals')
3. Got result: "CustCred:V"
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