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SuiteScript > RecordType internalID采集步骤与结果

当你碰到一个有很多sub Fields的id需要map到js文件的时候,是不是想到一个个复制到js文件中?建立成Object,library起来,方便不同的module中共享。





1。Go to record type definition page, copy all the context under Fields subtab.

  - Now you have all the html in your clipboard

2。Create a new Notepad/TextEdit, Paste the clipboard to it.

  - Now you got all the information in plain text, in notepad.

3。Select All in Notepad/TextEdit, Copy it again.

  - Got plain text in clipboard

4。Open the excel file, paste in the plain text, you can get result in 'Step2-GotLastID' > Column F.  Details steps inside:  (In Attachment)

  - =MID('Step1-CopyRecordTypeFieldList'!C1,22,100)

  - =UPPER(A2)


5。Result, I.e.

APLY : 'custrecord_pkgspc_ply',

APKGXLCM : 'custrecord_pkgspc_pkgxlcm'




posted @ 2014-10-17 17:22  CarlZeng  阅读(496)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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