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Install/upgrade NetSuite SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in

SuiteCloud IDE plug-in

SuiteCloud IDE plug-in for WebStorm is an integrated development environment for NetSuite platform development. It provides a user interface for SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), which is a development framework and deployment mechanism.


当Record Type下的Custom Field字段在系统UI界面中被inactive后,SDF更新Record Type是无法刷新inactive字段的;也就是说Custom Field字段的inactive属性在SDF和SuiteQuery是无法访问的。详见:NetSuite: Get specific Custom Record Types and related sub Custom Fields

Install IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.1 to Mac

Update IntelliJ IDEA

Since the latest SuiteCloud Plugin http://system.netsuite.com/download/suitecloud-sdk/ideplugin/webstorm/24.1/com.netsuite.ide.webstorm.app-2024.1.0.zip is not compatible.


  1. 从官方网站下载最新版

  2. 插件 com.netsuite.ide.webstorm.app-2024.1.0.zip

2024-6 Notes

  1. 下载最新的IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.1
  2. Buy the tool (下载 [IDEA-jetbra.zip](https://down-load.lanrar.com/
    https://i-330.wwentua.com:446/05071000175661363bb/2024/04/18/b2ea76c9ed6758613906e242df128761.zip?st=ofG-47yo3fkpxAC3CiQdLQ&e=1715049422&b=AjoJbAZyA2RVcgUyBHoHeQg0Cyc_c&fi=175661363&pid=221-218-93-50&up=2&mp=0&co=0) 存放在特定目录后, 替换原先的jetbra目录其中含ja-netfilter.jar,运行uninstall.sh,然后 sh install.sh)
  3. 重启启动Mac
  4. 填写注册码

Adding SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in 2024.1.0 to IDEA

  1. 下载https://system.netsuite.com/download/suitecloud-sdk/ideplugin/webstorm/latest/updatePlugins.xml,获取最新插件的下载地址,然后下载文件名比如:com.netsuite.ide.webstorm.app-2024.1.0.zip
  2. IntelliJ IDEA 》偏好设置 〉 插件 》 从磁盘安装插件
  3. 选择下载下来的的SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in by NetSuite进行安装
  4. 安装完成:SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in 2024.1.0

Install WebStorm 2020.1 to Mac

2021-11 Notes

  1. The latest version of SuiteCloud IDE plugin from NetSuite is incompatible with WebStorm 2021 or Intellij IDEA; the key to resolve this is: using the old version's plugin. copy the plugin file(com.netsuite.ide.webstorm) to editor's plugins folder. Steps:
  2. unzip file com.netsuite.ide.webstorm.app-2020.2.0.zip, got a file call: com.netsuite.ide.webstorm
  3. Copy this com.netsuite.ide.webstorm to plugins folder on Mac: /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/WebStorm2020.1/plugins
    1. There are all other versions of WebStorm under JetBrains folder. I.e. IntelliJIdea2020.1, WebStorm2020.1 etc...
    2. Make sure copy the plugin file com.netsuite.ide.webstorm to the plugins folder, restart your IDE, the NetSuite menu and feature is available.
  4. Please note: these are only for research, don't use for other purpose.

1. Download the old version 2020.1 in https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download

2. Purchase the license or Download https://www.macfz.com/a/Jetbrainscrack.html or https://www.lanzoux.com/iGI7kfzyy6j

  • Sample:
  • Finally got a jetbrains-agent.zip


    2. https://www.macfz.com/a/agent.html

    3. 开始激活

    1. 以下以 「IDEAIntelliJ IDEA」为例,JetBrains 系列安装激活方法都是一样的。
    2. 运行你的 IDE,进行基本的配置后会弹出激活窗口,选择Evaluate for free,然后点击Evaluate按钮。(如果试用过期请点击「OK」或者「Enter Key」)
    3. 点击后会关闭试用窗口并出现「项目创建管理窗口」(也就是「Welcome to IDEAIntelliJ IDEA」窗口),先不要动。(如果你之前创建过项目可能会直接进入项目,把项目关掉就会出现啦)
    4. 将安装包内的「破解补丁」文件夹下面的 jetbrains-agent.zip 拖拽到你喜欢的位置(此文件你拖到你喜欢的位置后未来不能删除!)
    5. 将 jetbrains-agent.zip 拖拽到「项目创建管理窗口」中,然后点击 Restart 按钮重新启动。
    6. 重新启动后出现「JetbrainsAgent 配置助手」窗口,在安装参数处复制粘贴下面的安装参数,然后点击为 IDEAIntelliJ IDEA 安装,最后点击 是,会重新启动。
    7. 重新启动后点击菜单栏的「IDEAIntelliJ IDEA」,再点击「Preferences…」打开软件的偏好设置,左上角的搜索框处输入「update」,取消勾选右侧的「Automatically check updates」,然后点击「OK」(为了不必要的麻烦,请务必操作!)




    此方法来自于:zhile.io 小麦在这里要感谢大佬们的辛苦开发。


Install NetSuite SuiteCloud plug-in to WebStorm

3. Download SuiteCloud IDE http://system.netsuite.com/download/suitecloud-sdk/ideplugin/webstorm/20.2/com.netsuite.ide.webstorm.app-2020.2.0.zip

  1. This link is not available anymore, I can provide this version's file persently, for research only.

4. Open WebStorm and create(or open) a project. Drag and Drop com.netsuite.ide.webstorm.app-2020.2.0.zip to WebStorm to manual install the plug-in.

posted @ 2024-05-10 16:04  CarlZeng  阅读(267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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