

汉字转化编码为utf-8 :google用的是utf-8;baidu用的是gb2312

因为js上如果不用vb script 很难把一个汉字转化为utf-8的。html post是需要这个编码提交的。


JScript typeof 和 instanceof的对比。

typeof - 判断类型

The typeof operator returns type information as a string. There are six possible values that typeof returns: "number," "string," "boolean," "object," "function," and "undefined."

if( typeof(ST) == 'string' )


instanceof - 是否是这个实例

The instanceof operator returns true if object is an instance of class. It returns false if object is not an instance of the specified class, or if object is null.

function objTest(obj){
var i, t, s = ""; // Create variables.
t = new Array(); // Create an array.
t["Date"] = Date; // Populate the array.
t["Object"] = Object;
t["Array"] = Array;
for (i in t)
if (obj instanceof t[i]) // Check class of obj.
s += "obj is an instance of " + i + "\n";
s += "obj is not an instance of " + i + "\n";
return(s); // Return string.



posted @ 2009-01-21 15:05  CarlZeng  阅读(1687)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报