netsuite 库存同步机制

nlapiServerCall('/app/accounting/transactions/inventory/', 'getValidationScript', [params], eval);

* @param url URL of request handler    
* @param methodName method name on remote object to call    
* @param methodParams an array of parameters to the method    
* @param asyncCallback a callback if this is to be an async request. Callback signature should be: callback(result, error)    
function nlapiServerCall(url, methodName, methodParams, asyncCallback)    
return nsServerCall(url, methodName, methodParams, asyncCallback);    
function nlapiLocalCall(func, timeoutinmillis)    
nsapiAssertTrue(timeoutinmillis != null && !isNaN(parseInt(timeoutinmillis)), 'SSS_INVALID_ARGUMENT', 'timeoutinmillis: '+timeoutinmillis)    
var obj = new Object()    
obj.trigger = nsapiQueryScript("trigger")    
obj.scriptid = nsapiQueryScript("scriptid")    
if ( timeoutinmillis == -1 )    
return nsapiCallScript(obj.trigger, obj.scriptid, func)    
return setTimeout( function() { nsapiCallScript(obj.trigger, obj.scriptid, func); }, timeoutinmillis );    
* @param url URL of request handler
* @param methodName method name on remote object to call
* @param methodParams an array of parameters to the method
* @param asyncCallback a callback if this is to be an async request. Callback signature should be: callback(result, error)
function nsServerCall(url, methodName, methodParams, asyncCallback)
var client = new NLJsonRpcClient(url);
return client.sendRequest(methodName, methodParams, asyncCallback);

NLJsonRpcClient = function (serverURL)
if (serverURL.indexOf("?") > 0)
serverURL = serverURL + "&jrpc=T";
serverURL = serverURL + "?jrpc=T";
this.serverURL = serverURL;
this.responseCallbackMap = {};
NLJsonRpcClient.requestId = 0;
NLJsonRpcClient.prototype =
sendRequest : function (methodName, args, callback)
var jsonRpcReq = {
id : NLJsonRpcClient.requestId++,
method : "remoteObject." + methodName,
params : args || []
if (callback != null)
this.responseCallbackMap[] = callback;
var request = new NLXMLHttpRequest();
if (callback != null)
var response = request.requestURL(this.serverURL, toJSON(jsonRpcReq), null, callback != null ? true : false);
if (callback == null)
var jsonRpcResp = this.getJsonRpcResponse(response);
if (jsonRpcResp.error)
throw new NLXMLResponseError(jsonRpcResp.error.code, jsonRpcResp.error.trace, jsonRpcResp.error.msg);
response = jsonRpcResp.result;
return response;

getJsonRpcResponse : function (nlXMLResponseObj)
var jsonRpcResp = nlXMLResponseObj.getBody();
if (jsonRpcResp != null)
jsonRpcResp = jsonRpcResp.replace(/^\s*<!--[\s\S]*?-->\s*$/gm, '');
eval("jsonRpcResp = " + jsonRpcResp + ";");
return jsonRpcResp;

handleResponseAsync : function (nlXMLResponseObj)
var jsonRpcResp = this.getJsonRpcResponse(nlXMLResponseObj);
var callback = this.responseCallbackMap[];
this.responseCallbackMap[] = null;
callback(jsonRpcResp.result, jsonRpcResp.error);

function toJSON(o)
if (o == null)
return "null";
else if(o.constructor == String || == "String")
return escapeJSONString(o);
else if(o.constructor == Number || == "Number")
return o.toString();
else if(o.constructor == Boolean || == "Boolean")
return o.toString();
else if(o.constructor == Date || == "Date")
return '{javaClass: "java.util.Date", time: ' + o.valueOf() +'}';
else if((o.constructor == Array || == "Array"))
var v = [];
for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) v.push(toJSON(o[i]));
return "[" + v.join(", ") + "]";
var v = [];
for(attr in o)
if(o[attr] == null) v.push("\"" + attr + "\": null");
else if(typeof o[attr] == "function"); /* skip */
else v.push(escapeJSONString(attr) + ": " + toJSON(o[attr]));
return "{" + v.join(", ") + "}";
posted @ 2009-08-23 18:43  CarlZeng  阅读(574)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报