
开发环境:AIX5.3、Oralce10g、BOE XI R2











webiLAUNCH='"/u01/boe/bobje/enterprise115/generic/" -protect "/u01/boe/bobje/enterprise115/aix_rs6000/WIReportServer" -name bladeA07.Web_IntelligenceReportServer -ns bladeA07 -JTCss 1024 -loggingPath "/u01/boe/bobje/logging" -pidFile "/u01/boe/bobje/serverpids/" -restart -fg -trace'




[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: [EXIT]  C3_dacs:tbCnxSrvrDatabase__GetJobCS: 0.001
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 assert failure: (TraceLog.cpp:1646). (false : TraceLog: **ERROR:C3_dacs:CS::Error : (CS) "Invalid native charset : AL32UTF8" . [kc3cdbtbdacs.cpp;876]).
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: [ENTER] C3_dacs:C3_CSAddCSErrorInTLS
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: ct_cdz_error_context:[Cdztools Error Trace:BEGIN]
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: ct_cdz_error_context:PREFIX:ERR
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: ct_cdz_error_context:COMPONENT:WIS
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: ct_cdz_error_context:ERRORCODE:0
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: ct_cdz_error_context:ERRORTYPE:SUPERVISOR
[Tue Aug 12 08:39:57 2008] 458808 4700 trace message: TraceLog: ct_cdz_error_context:MESSAGE:(CS) :Invalid native charset : AL32UTF8







重新登入,然后 -restart all 即可。


thanks to Jennie .


附:之前在网上搜索此错误的时候,还是有很多其他的问题。BOE Webi 30270。以下为相关的解决方法或建议。其他平台等可参考。


Yes, you'll want to make sure that your tnsnames.ora file includes information for all of the databases you might hit with a Webi query (including the BO repository).
Try the following , Clear all the history files in IE and the restart all the BO Services in CCM.
Have you made sure the oracle client is on the webi server that you are connecting to? If it has, make sure the tns names file is also present there.

Make sure it is an oracle 9i database yiu are connecting to.

Make sure you are licensed to use oracle connections.
The problem is something related to your Oracle Connection itself.

If your oracle client is installed on Unix;

Just check your LD_Library_path for Oracle connection.

It should be pointing to lib32 directory if you are having lib32 directory in /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client/ folder.

1. check the universe connection parameters, make sure the following option is checked "Keep the connection active during whole session"
2. re-start webi services.


I am not sure if this would apply to your issue. We received an error for some of our webi reports, "An internal process occurred while calling the ‘processDPCommands’ API. (error: WIS 30270) (Error: INF). "

This occurred for some reports, but not all using the same universe after a Universe update (or Universe Data Structure Refresh).

1. Ensure (verify) that the "Preferences" for WebIntelligence report viewing is set as "Interactive" mode
2. Open the Web Intelligence Document and choose: Document --> Properties
3. De-select the "Auto-Merge Dimensions" check box
4. Refresh the report
5. If that resolves the issue, save the report
6. Than choose: Document --> Properties and select the "Auto-Merge Dimensions" check box

I got the resolution.

I have changed LD_LIBRARY_PATH value from lib to lib32 in my .profile and it started working fine.

I still don't know the reason. If anyone has any idea, please enlighten me.

Hi to all.
I found a way to solve the problem (with the Bo help support):

Dont't install on MySql repository, but to into an Oracle Repository.

On third (yes third!!!) attempt, the Bo XI SP2 runs only with this configuration:

1. Install both repository and auditor option

2. Install on an oracle DB in the same host where Bo XI Sp2 resides (not on MySql)

3. Install the Auditor in the SAME  oracle DB where you installed the repository, with same credentials (obviously)

Enjoy. For me it runs after about 7 months. I don't know how it's possible, but it runs. I don't know how to do with MySql, but I confidentially think it's the same way.



I am getting the openDocumentMDP version of WIS 30270. I started getting this error after restoring reports from a biar file.

What I have found and done to resolve:

1. Open the CMC, go to Objects, find and click the report you are having trouble with.

2. Make note of the filename.

3. Open explorer on your server and go to the FileStore\Input directory.

4. Search for the filename from step 2.

5. Copy the file found to the directory listed in step 1.

6. Open the report.

Note, when I looked at these reports in the CMC I found that there was "no universe associated" with the report. That may give you a clue that this fix may work in your case.

Hey all,

Try these steps and check if it works for any of you. It worked for me though.

1. Go to Designer<<Tools<<Connections...<<Edit Connection<<Create a New Connection with same database .
2. Save it.
3. Test if Server is responding.
4. Close the Wizard .
5. Now go to File<<Parameter<<Change the Universe Name<<Assign the new connection<<
6. Save it and Export it to Repository.
7. Now open the Web Intelligence document and try to run the query.

In case it runs successfully, you can then again go back to the previous connection and Universe and try running the query again.

By this process we generate a new report id or Universe id in the Repository database where the information is stored as the previous one may have got corrupted because of number of reasons.


posted @ 2008-08-12 19:11  阿泰  阅读(2011)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报