begin DECLARE @shenfenzheng VARCHAR(20) declare @file_path varchar(200);--导出EXCEl文件的路径; declare @file_name varchar(200);--导出EXCEl的文件名; declare @exec_sql varchar(8000);--SQL语句; declare @exec_sql2 varchar(8000);--SQL语句; set @file_path = 'C:\123\' DECLARE order_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT cardnum FROM mdjhz.dbo.dealngUser OPEN order_cursor fetch next from order_cursor into @shenfenzheng while @@fetch_status<>-1 IF ISNULL(@shenfenzheng,'')<>'' begin set @file_name = @shenfenzheng+'.xls' set @exec_sql = 'select CONVERT(varchar(10),V.Vouchdate,120) ''日期'',D.dealuserName ''客户'',''''''''+D.cardnum ''身份证号'',D.address,D.jyxm,(select username from mdzjhz.dbo.tbuser2 u2 where u2.userlogo2=v.dealingcharacterid) ''组织机构'',(select VouchTypename from mdzjhz.dbo.VouchType where VouchTypeID=V.VouchTypeID) as ''单证类型'',(select operationname from mdzjhz.dbo.operationtype where operationlogo=v.operationid) ''业务明细'' ,V.principal ''金额'',(select statename from mdzjhz.dbo.Vouchstate where state=V.state) as ''状态'' , V.creditVouchID ''单证编号'',V.creditoperationID ''业务编码'',''''''''+V.bankAccount ''卡号'' from mdzjhz.dbo.creditVouch V,mdzjhz.dbo.dealingUser D where V.dealinglogo=D.dealuserlogo and V.state <>0 and ((V.VouchDate >='''' or ''''='''') and (V.VouchDate <'''' or ''''='''')) and V.creditVouchID like ''%%'' and V.creditoperationID LIKE ''%%'' and ((select statename from mdzjhz.dbo.Vouchstate where state=V.state) = ''--显示全部--'' or ''--显示全部--''=''--显示全部--'') and ((select VouchTypename from mdzjhz.dbo.VouchType where VouchTypeID=V.VouchTypeID) = ''--显示全部--'' or ''--显示全部--''=''--显示全部--'') and ((select operationname from mdzjhz.dbo.operationtype where operationlogo=v.operationid)= ''--显示全部--'' or ''--显示全部--''=''--显示全部--'') and (D.cardnum like '''+@shenfenzheng+''') and ((select officename from mdzjhz.dbo.office where officelogo=V.officelogo)=''--显示全部--'' or ''--显示全部--''=''--显示全部--'') and isnull((select username from mdzjhz.dbo.tbuser2 u2 where u2.userlogo2=v.dealingcharacterid),'''') like ''%%'' order by V.VouchDate' set @exec_sql2 = ' bcp "'+@exec_sql+'" queryout "'+@file_path+''+@file_name+'" -c -T -S "PC-2020030906\DDD" -U "sa" -P "123456"'; exec master..xp_cmdshell @exec_sql2 ---waitfor time '0:0:1' fetch next from order_cursor into @shenfenzheng ---waitfor delay '0:0:0.5' end else begin fetch next from order_cursor into @shenfenzheng end close order_cursor deallocate order_cursor end go