delphi 嵌入网页中的相关操作
应用程序通过内嵌浏览器的方式,利用js的window.external可以达到控制窗体行为的效果,如控制窗体宽高大小,透明度,网页截屏,网页读写文件,网页控制桌面行为等,最近利用DELPHI就实现了这一点,一般软件可以是很小巧,2,3百K的样子,如果大家有谁需要的,我将无偿提供这方面的源代码,因为这方面的应用目前还不是很广(QQ Zone用的这样的技术),所以我就不在这里给出代码了。我扩展的window.external函数如下:
- unit CusExternal;
- interface
- uses
- Windows,ComObj, ActiveX, tlink_TLB, StdVcl,CoolTrayIcon,forms,SysUtils,Dialogs;
- type
- TTBrowserToDelphi = class(TAutoObject, ITBrowserToDelphi)
- protected
- procedure setWndTitle(title: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure modifyWndSize(w, h: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure flashIcon; safecall;
- procedure popHint(str, title: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure closeWnd; safecall;
- procedure setIconTitle(title: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure setSb(i: Integer; title: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure setSbWidth(i, w: Integer); safecall;
- procedure popHintAdv(str, title: OleVariant; style, secs: Integer);
- safecall;
- procedure formTitleControl(flag: Integer); safecall;
- function showMessage(flag: Integer; hit: OleVariant;
- iconflag: Integer): OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure minTotray; safecall;
- procedure moveBtnPos(sleft, stop, swidth, sheight, isVisible: Integer);
- safecall;
- function getMinStatus: OleVariant; safecall;
- function cameraScreen(flag: Integer): OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure speak(str: OleVariant); safecall;
- function uploadToFtp(remoteAddr, localPath: OleVariant): OleVariant;
- safecall;
- end;
- implementation
- uses ComServ,login;
- var
- iflag:boolean=true;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.setWndTitle(title: OleVariant);
- begin
- mainForm.Caption:=title;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.modifyWndSize(w, h: OleVariant);
- begin
- mainForm.Width:=w;
- mainForm.Height:=h;
- mainForm.Position:=poScreenCenter;
- mainForm.Update;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.flashIcon;
- begin
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.IconList := mainForm.ImageList1;
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.CycleInterval := 400;
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.CycleIcons := True;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.popHint(str, title: OleVariant);
- begin
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(title,
- str,
- bitInfo, 10);
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.closeWnd;
- begin
- //mainForm.Close;
- Application.Terminate;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.setIconTitle(title: OleVariant);
- begin
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.Hint:=title;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.setSb(i: Integer; title: OleVariant);
- begin
- if(i>1) then i:=1;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.setSbWidth(i, w: Integer);
- begin
- if(i>1) then i:=1;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.popHintAdv(str, title: OleVariant; style,
- secs: Integer);
- begin
- if secs<1 then secs:=1
- else if secs>100 then secs:=100
- else ;
- mainForm.Timer1.Interval:= secs*1000;
- mainForm.Timer1.Enabled:=true;
- if style = 1 then
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(title,
- str,
- bitError, secs)
- else if style = 2 then
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(title,
- str,
- bitWarning, secs)
- else if style=3 then
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(title,
- str,
- bitNone, secs)
- else
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.ShowBalloonHint(title,
- str,
- bitInfo, secs);
- //mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.HideBalloonHint;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.formTitleControl(flag: Integer);
- begin
- if(flag=0) then
- begin
- with mainform do
- begin
- SetWindowLong(Handle, // 当前窗体句柄
- GWL_STYLE, // 表示当前是要设置新的窗体(普通)样式
- // 得到指定窗体信息
- GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE)
- and (not WS_CAPTION)); // 去掉样式(s)中的“标题”样式
- Height := ClientHeight;
- Width := ClientWidth;
- end;
- end
- else if(flag=2) then
- mainForm.BorderStyle:=bsDialog
- else if(flag=3) then
- mainForm.BorderStyle:=bsSingle
- else if(flag=4) then //窗口获得焦点
- begin
- if(not mainForm.IsMinimized) then
- begin
- SetForegroundWindow(mainForm.Handle);
- end
- else
- begin
- with mainForm do
- begin
- FloatRectangles(False, True);
- CoolTrayIcon1.ShowMainForm;
- IsMinimized := False;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if(flag=5) then //停止闪烁
- begin
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.Icon:=Application.Icon;
- mainForm.CoolTrayIcon1.CycleIcons:=false
- end
- else if(flag=6) then //任务栏闪烁
- mainForm.FlashMe
- else
- ;
- end;
- function TTBrowserToDelphi.showMessage(flag: Integer; hit: OleVariant;
- iconflag: Integer): OleVariant;
- begin
- if(not iflag) then exit;
- iflag:=false;//锁定函数
- if(flag=0) then //无返回值提醒
- begin
- if iconflag=1 then
- messagedlg(hit,mterror,[mbok],0)
- else if iconflag=2 then
- messagedlg(hit,mtwarning,[mbok],0)
- else
- messagedlg(hit,mtinformation,[mbok],0);
- result:=0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if(iconflag=1) then //yes+no+cancel
- result:=messagedlg(hit,mtConfirmation,[mbyes,mbno,mbcancel],0)
- else if(iconflag=2) then //ok+cancel
- result:=messagedlg(hit,mtConfirmation,[mbok,mbcancel],0)
- else if(iconflag=3) then //ignore+retry+cancel
- result:=messagedlg(hit,mtConfirmation,[mbIgnore,mbRetry,mbcancel],0)
- else
- result:=messagedlg(hit,mtConfirmation,[mbyes,mbno],0);
- end;
- iflag:=true;//释放锁定
- //result:=1;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.minTotray;
- begin
- with mainform do
- begin
- FloatRectangles(True, True);
- CoolTrayIcon1.HideMainForm;
- IsMinimized:=true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.moveBtnPos(sleft, stop, swidth, sheight,
- isVisible: Integer);
- begin
- with mainform do
- begin
- bitbtn1.Width:=swidth;
- bitbtn1.Height:=sheight;
- bitbtn1.Left:=sleft;
- bitbtn1.Top:=stop;
- if(isVisible=1) then
- bitbtn1.Visible:=true
- else
- bitbtn1.visible:=false;
- end;
- end;
- function TTBrowserToDelphi.getMinStatus: OleVariant;
- begin
- result:=mainform.IsMinimized;
- end;
- function TTBrowserToDelphi.cameraScreen(flag: Integer): OleVariant;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TTBrowserToDelphi.speak(str: OleVariant);
- begin
- mainForm.Speak(str);
- end;
- function TTBrowserToDelphi.uploadToFtp(remoteAddr,
- localPath: OleVariant): OleVariant;
- var
- str1,str2:string;
- begin
- str1:= remoteAddr;
- str2:= localPath;
- result:=mainForm.uploadToFtp2(pchar(str1),pchar(str2));
- end;
- initialization
- TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TTBrowserToDelphi, Class_TBrowserToDelphi,
- ciMultiInstance, tmApartment);
- end.
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=gb2312">
- <title> New Document </title>
- <meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus">
- <meta name="Author" content="Neil Chen(木野狐)">
- <meta name="keywords" content="">
- <meta name="description" content="">
- <script>
- function pop(arg)
- {
- //返回值说明:6:点击yes 7:点击no 2:点击cancel 1:点击ok 4:点击retry 5:点击ignore
- var ret=window.external.showMessage(1,'询问1',arg);
- alert(ret);
- var str="pop('"+arg+"')";
- setTimeout(str,3000);
- }
- function isMin()
- {
- var ismin=window.external.getMinStatus();
- alert(ismin);
- setTimeout("isMin()",3000);
- }
- function winFocus()
- {
- setTimeout("aa()",3000);
- }
- function aa()
- {
- window.external.formTitleControl(4);
- }
- function jp(flag)
- {
- var ii=window.external.cameraScreen(flag);
- var str;
- if(ii!="")
- {
- str=window.external.uploadToFtp('/uploadfiles/jt/',ii);
- alert(str);
- //'sendpic.html');
- }
- else
- alert("用户取消操作");
- }
- </script>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.modifyWndSize(800,600)">调整大小600*400</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.modifyWndSize(300,200)">调整大小300*200</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.setWndTitle('我是标题')">标题</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.flashIcon()">图标闪烁</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.popHint('我是内容','我是标题')">POP提示</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.popHintAdv('我是内容','我是标题',0,3)">信息图标POP提示3秒</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.popHintAdv('我是内容','我是标题',1,4)">错误图标POP提示4秒</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.popHintAdv('我是内容','我是标题',2,6)">警告图标POP提示6秒</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.popHintAdv('我是内容','我是标题',3,20)">无图标POP提示20秒</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.closeWnd()">关闭程序</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.setIconTitle('我是图标标题哦')">图标标题</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.setSb(0,'提示信息')">状态栏文字信息1</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.setSb(1,'设置第一个状态栏文字2222')">状态栏文字信息2</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.setSbWidth(0,200)">设置状态栏宽度</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.formTitleControl(0)">窗口无标题栏型</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.formTitleControl(3)">窗口普通型</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.formTitleControl(2)">窗口对话框型</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.showMessage(0,'提示1',2)">无返回值提示对话框警告图标</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.showMessage(0,'提示2',1)">无返回值提示对话框错误图标</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.showMessage(0,'提示3',0)">无返回值提示对话框信息图标</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="pop(0)">yes+no询问对话框</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="pop(1)">yes+no+cancel询问对话框</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="pop(2)">ok+cancel询问对话框</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="pop(3)">ignore+retry+cancel询问对话框</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.minTotray()">窗口最小化到托盘</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="isMin()">获取最小化状态</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="winFocus()">窗口获取焦点</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.formTitleControl(5)">托盘图标停止闪烁</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.formTitleControl(6)">任务栏闪烁</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="jp(0)">普通截屏</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="jp(1)">屏幕截屏</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="jp(2)">软件截屏</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.speak('Welcome to you!')">我要说话(英文提示语)</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.speak('欢迎您使用!')">我要说话(中文提示语)</BUTTON>
- <BUTTON ONCLICK="window.external.speak('欢迎您使用!')">我要说话(中文提示语)</BUTTON>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>