win7 ins 30131 oracle 12c


Cause - Failed to access the temporary location.

Action - Ensure that the current user has required permissions to access the temporary location.

Additional Information:
 - Framework setup check failed on all the nodes
 - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
 - Action: User Action Not Available
Summary of the failed nodes
 - Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "prcsgi1167l"
 - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
 - Action: User Action Not Available

                  2、控制面板>所有控制面板项>管理工具>服务>SERVER 启动

I have been googling and found a lot of suggestions on how to solve it: 

1. Set the TEMP and TMP variables to C:\TEMP, where I gave it Full control to all the users.

2. Enable the Administrative share: net use \\localhost\c$

3. Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\SystemDWORD value LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to 1

Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\ParametersDWORD value AutoShareWks to 1

4. Getting rid of the OracleRemExecServiceV2 service.

5. Deleting everything from the temp directory/directories and restarting OUI

6.check if  RemoteExecService.exe *32 is running from your temp location,

   for example C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice. 

   If it does, then kill the process and delete the 
  oraremservice folder. rerun your installation


I have tried all this and no luck - I'm still stuck with this error. Kindly advise on how to resolve it!


Finally, i took below command to ignore it:

setup.exe -ignorePrereq -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"


posted @ 2016-12-30 10:25  Ayumie  阅读(752)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报