USACO-The Castle
struct node{ bool dd[4]; int room; node() { for (int i=0;i<4;i++) dd[i]=false; room=0; } }a[55][55];
“Choose the optimal wall to remove from the set of optimal walls by choosing the module farthest to the west (and then, if still tied, farthest to the south). If still tied, choose 'N' before 'E'. Name that wall by naming the module that borders it on either the west or south, along with a direction of N or E giving the location of the wall with respect to the module.“
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; struct node{ bool dd[4]; //存储4个方向的可行性,0-4表示S,E,N,W int room; node() { for (int i=0;i<4;i++) dd[i]=false; room=0; } }a[55][55]; const int dx[4]={1,0,-1,0},dy[4]={0,1,0,-1}; //坐标的移动,顺序和dd数组的顺序一样 int qx[5000],qy[5000]; void bfs(int x,int y,int nn,int &sum) //nn是当前的房间号,sum是房间的大小 { sum=1; int l=0,r=1; qx[1]=x; qy[1]=y; a[x][y].room=nn; int xx,yy; while (l<r) { l++; xx=qx[l]; yy=qy[l]; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) if (!a[xx][yy].dd[i] && !a[xx+dx[i]][yy+dy[i]].room) { sum++; a[xx+dx[i]][yy+dy[i]].room=nn; r++; qx[r]=xx+dx[i]; qy[r]=yy+dy[i]; } } } int rr[5000]={0}; int main() { freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("castle.out","w",stdout); int n,m; cin>>m>>n; int temp; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) //输入的处理 for (int j=1;j<=m;j++) { scanf("%d",&temp); if (temp>=8) { a[i][j].dd[0]=true; temp-=8; } if (temp>=4) { a[i][j].dd[1]=true; temp-=4; } if (temp>=2) { a[i][j].dd[2]=true; temp-=2; } if (temp>=1) a[i][j].dd[3]=true; } int sumRoom=0,maxRoom=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) for (int j=1;j<=m;j++) if (!a[i][j].room) { sumRoom++; bfs(i,j,sumRoom,temp); rr[sumRoom]=temp; //记录每个房间的大小 if (temp>maxRoom) maxRoom=temp; } cout<<sumRoom<<endl<<maxRoom<<endl; int maxRoom1=maxRoom,r_x=0,r_y=0; //r_x,r_y是要拆的墙的位置 char type; //墙的方向 for (int j=1;j<=m;j++) //从左下角开始,一列一列往右做 for (int i=n;i>0;i--) { if (a[i][j].dd[2] && a[i-1][j].room!=a[i][j].room && rr[a[i][j].room]+rr[a[i-1][j].room]>maxRoom1) { maxRoom1=rr[a[i][j].room]+rr[a[i-1][j].room]; r_x=i; r_y=j; type='N'; } if (a[i][j].dd[1] && a[i][j+1].room!=a[i][j].room && rr[a[i][j].room]+rr[a[i][j+1].room]>maxRoom1) { maxRoom1=rr[a[i][j].room]+rr[a[i][j+1].room]; r_x=i; r_y=j; type='E'; } } cout<<maxRoom1<<endl; cout<<r_x<<' '<<r_y<<' '<<type<<endl; return 0; }